Daniel A. Bernath; phony CPO

| December 11, 2013

Editor’s Note: Daniel A. Bernath passed away on January 21, 2018

Daniel Bernath

Scotty sent this to us over the weekend and I was holding on to it for a drought, but our own Ex-PH2 was excited that Daniel A. Bernath was a PH2, too. Just by looking at the rank on his sleeve, you can tell he’s a phony since, instead of laying out the bucks for new rank, he had a stripe embroidered on the sleeve. He has service stripes for twenty years of service, but his FOIA tells a different story;

3 years and change in active service, and a couple of years in the Reserves. Now let’s do some math – you’ll need most of your fingers, he’s wearing seven awards in the picture and the FOIA says that he has five. Well, finally we got a Navy phony who is not a SEAL.

Bernath portlandia medals

DSCF0759.jpg~original Bernath Caddy

Bernath portlandia medals close up

Bernath crash

ADDED: Look familiar? Courtesy of Sparks to whom I bow for his superior Google-foo belt.

John SheppardDaniel Bernath

From MCPO;

Bernath photos 3

Category: Phony soldiers

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@1602 TC you’re a leranin’! PHALLIC HEDGE SCULPTURE Love it.

A Proud Infidel

WELCOME ABOARD, T Coastie! I see you’re already having a ball here, ENJOY!

A Proud Infidel

Hey Sparks, Congrats on hitting 1600, I didn’t know where to send you the lollipop, so I ate it myself!

Toasty Coastie

@1606 and @1607

Thank you both…:) These 2 butt plugs really have sent me over the edge…If I get to over the top, please shove me overboard..

Toasty Coastie

Here Danny Boi…all for you

comment image


Don’t want Daniel A. Bernath to think you are forgotten about today.

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Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath

Have a great evening Daniel A. Bernath. See ya in the funny papers! 😀


Don’t want Daniel A. Bernath to think you are forgotten about today. It’s Monday.

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Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath Daniel A. Bernath

Have a great evening Daniel A. Bernath. See ya in the funny papers!


As a member of the proud MCC Chief’s Mess (formerly PH, JO, LI and DM) and knowing several members of the NANP board, I can say Mr. Bernath is full of it. The NANP never made him an honorary CPO, nor do they have the authority to do so. While it is possible he was nominated by someone in the organization, and some former COs might have thought it was a great idea, it never actually happened. The cut and paste photo with the photoshopped CPO crow obviously shows him as a poser and valor stealer. Even if he thought he received the honor, that photo alone shows him to be a fraud. His own words, “I took my head from pic and put it over both the pic of the other Chief and another barrister. I get a real kick out of people saying that the uniform is fake, the crow is fake, fake fake fake!” prove he is a liar. The photo he used isn’t even of a CPO, it is of a first class. We all need to alert the fold in Oregon about this guy. I know I’ll be sending this exchange and the links to the local newspapers where he lives.

Chief Daniel A. Bernath (Hon)

Says Chief Dan (Hon)
The owner of this website will soon receive a subpoena and he will obey it or go to jail. I will obtain all your names and addresses if you defame me. Can’t hide behind little-weeny names.

Anonymous Yelp Users Face Identity Disclosure

(CN) – Yelp must identify seven anonymous reviewers who left negative reviews for a carpet-cleaning business, a Virginia appeals court ruled.
With approximately 102 million unique visitors every month, the Yelp website allows users to post and read reviews of local businesses. Anyone who posts a review is required to have actually been a customer of the business in question, pursuant to Yelp’s Terms of Service.
To review a business on Yelp, a user must register and provide Yelp with a valid email address. While Yelp does not require users to register with their real name, it records the IP address of every user who posts.
In July 2012, Yelp displayed 75 reviews of Hadeed Carpet Cleaning in Alexandria, Va., a number of which were negative.
After finding no record that the reviewers were actual Hadeed customers from a review of its customer database, Hadeed claimed that the negative reviews were false and defamatory.
The business sued the John Doe authors of seven critical reviews and subpoenaed Yelp to learn the identities of the anonymous reviewers. Yelp repeatedly refused to respond to it, however, leading the trial court to hold Yelp in contempt.
On Tuesday, the Virginia Court of Appeals agreed, 2-1, that Yelp must identify the users accused of defamation.
While “an internet user does not shed his free speech rights at the log-in screen,” the right to speak with anonymity is not absolute, Judge William Petty said for the majority.


Say, how’s that there libelslander lawering coming along there, bernutsless?
Any subpoenas issued out your way?
Haven’t seen anything yet from your corner of the room.
Or have your forgot – we are all your betters?


Bernath … take this issue up with the US Supreme Court!

You say lies … we counter it with the truth.

You are not a very skilled lawyer!


Well would you look at that. Hmmmm.

Pineywoods NCO

With all respect, last time I checked, this is not Yelp…and caution is strongly advised…the team here has done their homework, found what they are looking for, and have plenty of resources to discredit and squash anything used to reverse the exposure of the truth.

Just ask all the others they have brought back down to earth.



Looks like we dot another square on the POSER BINGO CARD.


/I-26 as in, ” I’m gonna sue all of you and shut down this blog.”


Oh, here we go.

dandan the bernastypantsman, I took an informal survey of various individuals who are stationed at Great Lakes, and who are actual chief petty officers, and they all agreed on the answer to my informal question: is dan bernath an asshole? Thye all said, unequivocally, “yes”.

Mind you, it was just an informal survey and after they got done laughing at you so hard that some of them completely cleaned the cobs out of their lungs, they wanted to know if you were ever actually in the Navy. When I said, ‘Unfortunately, yes’, they responded with ‘in what universe?’

So it’s confirmed: bernutsless, you’re an asshole.


Here we go again, Spin up the Halibuton Threat Machine. We are at ThreatCon Papa Oscar Sierra Echo Romeo. So God’s sake take cover, it has not been confirmed if danny-boi is flying or on the ground.


“I will obtain all your names and addresses if you defame me.” Hey Cap’n Crunch Bernath – it appears that you have already defamed yourself – you don’t need our help. I also look forward to hearing from you since you are going to “obtain my name and address” – however, Valentine’s Day is already passed so if you were going to send chocolates you’re too late.

the Al

@1614- you want this to go away? either post proof of your claims, or admit the truth


@1614: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Like we haven’t heard that one before.


Oh, for the record, using pen names, and/or pseudonyms, is not an indication of anonymity. It is, in fact, a time-honored and common-usage means of identifying authorship of creative work.

Therefore, a complaint – no, make that a whine that describes screen names as ‘anonymous’ is non sequitur and without merit.



Really, let’s see you claimed honors that were not yours, you photo shopped your head on others body’s to steal honor and you are stupid enough to make threats because you got exposed and are but hurt.

I welcome the opportunity . You have spent the last weeks trying to scrub the internet of your foulness or trying to set up a satire defense. And what state are you a member of the bar in? Who is your attorney?

It’s not hard to figure out who I am. Bring it on. Hell I will make it easy wesley_wilson@me.com holla at me


So I ask the general question….why do the stages of Poserdom resemble the 7 stages of Grief but they never get to the last stage? (Well rarely..)

Typically, the seven (7) stages of grief are described as:
– Shock or Disbelief (What Who? Me?)
– Denial (That’s not me/I didn’t say that)
– Anger (I’m going to shut down this blog/Sue you/Kick your ass)
– Bargaining (Aw come on guys, stop being meanies.)
– Guilt (What, no, I was doing this to honor someone, I’m sorry you misunderstood me)
– Depression – (I’m really sad I was caught)
– Acceptance and Hope (*crickets* almost never happens.)


Damn. Yet another law suit threat. This better not interfere with TSO’s getting the Tournament kicked off on time. Maybe Bernath is trying to get a higher seed in the tournament?

Green Thumb

So when is this turd going to be on TV?


LOL Uh oh Daniel A. Bernath comes out on fire! He has had enough of the truth coming out. Time for his story.

Combat Historian

1626: SJ, this is a higher-seed gambit all the way…


Bernath, since no one here has ever done business with you or “rated” or commented on your business in any way that was not in the public records, WELL before you came to light here, what is your point?

Personal opinions stated publicly are still free speech. As long as they are based in truth. EVERYTHING here has been stated in the truth which YOU YOURSELF provided Daniel A. Bernath. In your VFW Bio page (and yes the original still exists from before you cleaned it up), your own websites and publicly available Google internet links. Again, what is your point?

I see you’re still using the Honorable Chief handle. Go figure, some folks never learn.

At any rate, you’re going to sue? You’ll have to get in line. Every poser threatens suit at one point or another.

Remember Daniel A. Bernath. Truth. An important and meaningful word. Especially when it comes to your story here. The truth or the lack thereof.

Problem is Daniel A. Bernath, the “truth” you provided on those sites and links are not the truth. You could easily defend the truth. However, in your case, what “truth” Mr. Bernath, do you come here to defend? Your photo using PH1 John R. Sheppard’s uniform? You various other claims which have been debunked as high as the office of the MCPON himself? Which truth do you defend here Daniel A. Bernath? Which one please?

I wait with bated breath.

Open Channel D

1629: That’s what I’m thinking. This will be his first legitimate honor (and none more deserved) and he’s looking to position himself at the pole. Crafty, very crafty.


I’m telling you, he is REALLY anxious to have everyone know that he is not only a compulsive liar (documented, in his own words), a thief (documented), physically combative (documented), a copyright violator (documented), and a not-real-bright, piss-poor pilot (documented), he’s also AN ASSHOLE!!!!! And he’s boring, too.

Hey! The sun came out! The snow is melting! Yay! spring will come, after all.


@1627 – Green Thumb, don’t you think that’s what this nutless wonder is hankering for?

Maybe it’s time to get out that can of turd polish for him.


In my opinion, the legal threat in post 1614 is not quite accurate and very uneducated for someone espousing such lofty legal acumen. First, if it is indeed Mr. Bernath, he is posting the threat under a false title, as he is evidentally not an Honorary Navy Chief. Second, no self-respecting lawyer issues a cease-and-desist notice through the comments of a blog. It just doesn’t happen and has no real legal sufficiency anyway. Third, it’s not as easy as filing for a subpeona. There are legal ways to get this information, but he seems to be barking up the wrong tree. Fourth, the Yelp case is inapposite to this matter. Here, the underyling issue relates to Bernath’s claims of being an Honorary Navy Chief ie the Truth. A person posting as Bernath also stoked the fires in the comments by insulting and condescending to the commenters. One can’t go onto a blog, insult everyone, and then sue when people chirp back. That demonstrates significant bad faith. This is especially true when the issue is stolen valor, and all evidence points to the fact that the commenters were speaking the truth.


perhaps Danni-boi should do some research into the case of Psaul The Wickerman Vs ThisAintHell. As the Wickerman found out, the truth tends to run people over like a Mack truck.


By the way Daniel A. Bernath, stay tuned. We have the Stolen Valor Poser annual tournament coming up. It’s great fun, you’ll love it. First unless there is someone in the last year I have forgotten about who is more egregious than you, though I can’t think of anyone, YOU Daniel A. Bernath are might vote and pick to go all the way! I may even sandbag and vote more than once, just for you!

So please watch, read and follow as the tournament unfolds. You like fame and the spotlight, well here will be yet another opportunity for you to make it into the big times! I’m on your side Daniel A. Bernath, you have my vote ALL THE WAY!!!


Jonn, if you have time can you get an IP location on post #1614? Just curious of it came from Bernath or a Bernath poser ans pot stirrer. Thank you.

Pineywoods NCO


If our liar wants to know who I am, just come to East Texas and he will have my mark implanted in his world, while our newest Marine MP-in-training reaches out to him and perfects her skills at his expense.

Mr. Bernath, Sir (only call you that out of respect for my elders, assuming your older than me), stop now, for your own sake and for the sake of those you love.

The storm of public opinion is about to rain hell, fire, and brimstone on you and these people can bring it on very well.

Very respectfully,

The Pineywoods NCO
One of many honorable and truthful veterans on this site


1637 Sparks

It was Ex-PH2…. 😀



This IS going to be a tooth-and-toenail fight to the finish between dandan the bernastypants man and william ‘erectorset’ church (pun intended).

The latecomers may just have to wait until next year for their spot in the shine.


ChipNASA, would I do that? Eeeeeww!! Mind bleach!!!


Yo, Buttblast Bernath!

Come on up here and serve me, bitch. Not a fucking hair on your worthless phony poseur ass.


Naw, it’s bernutsless. I’m pretty sure of that.

OIF '06-'07-'08

It looks as if Dannii-Boi has his panties in a wad again. Why come here with your baseless threats Dannii-Boi? Is it because you are about to become famous in your local area? Why are you avoiding simple questions from a reporter? Is it because you don’t have the truth behind you?

Well Dannii-Boi, you threw the truth out the window along time ago, and now that your lies have been exposed, the world will now know what kind of liar you are.


All this could have been avoided if this marone had simply admitted from the start that his entire shtick was a fraud he perpetrated on his website.

It’s not exactly like claiming to be the captain of the starship Enterprise, or a turret gunner on the USS Portifoy, is it?

Green Thumb


Ass sucker.


@1647 Green Thumb…..”ass sucker”

Turd Gurgler?!?


Okay, now tell the truth, guys. If those two individuals asked you out on a date, would you go out with Shep or with bernutsless?

And while you’re formulating your answser, remember that video of the inebriated fellow in Portland engaged in physical relations with the grill of an SUV.


Ex-PH2: I’d probably tell both to get lost. But that might be for somewhat different reasons than come to mind in your case. (smile)


Daniel Bernath the photoshop king of fake CPO’s(honorary and otherwise), and the disbarred attorney in California and Oregon is threatening another frivolous law suit. I wonder if he will steal money from the client in this case also…


Frivolous Lawsuits, evidence being overwhelmingly against him…he just does not get it.

He got a little guts coming back to the site though to say this.


I do not thinks it is guts which brings him back here, but I am not a clinical psychologist so by law I really cannot diagnose him as being nucking futs.


The Oregonian wants to talk with the FRAUD, LIAR and DEADBEAT DAD known as Daniel A. Bernath???? GTFO!!!!

My guess is that Danni-Boi has another $10,000,000 lawsuit ready for all of us here at TAH… for the “emotional distress” we have caused him. The problem that any competent judge would have with this is that he/she would see that Danni-Boi brought the PAIN TRAIN on himself.

I wonder if the VFW has dropped the hammer on Danni-Boi yet?


Hondo, Shep would take you to all the really cool bars in Olongapo and Subic Bay. He’d probably pay for everything, too.

Bernutsless is so stupid you’d end up in a truly bad neighborhood with your pockets picked, and he’d blame it on you, AND expect you to pay for everything.

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