Wanted; Dennis Chevalier

| March 14, 2014

Dennis Chevalier pretended to be an Air Force Lieutenant Colonel who flew C130s in missions over Iraq. He also pretended to be a Stolen Valor hunter who never busted a poser. He’s actually a corporal in the Texas State Guard (not to be confused with the Texas national Guard).


Category: Phony soldiers

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Huh? At least on my puter the thread jumped from OWB’s post at 1334 today to threads from 4 Apr – 27 Apr. And, I am on the last page of posts. Maybe Chevy is hacking.

2/17 Air Cav

I don’t understand this thread any longer. I am so confused, I’m wondering whether I had a stroke or something.


Proud, lookit what I found for you:


A Proud Infidel®™ says:
April 27, 2014 at 9:09 pm

There’s a reason why I refer to him/it as “Blobfish” Chevalier, he looks and lives like one. The Ocean Blobfish has very gelatinous flesh which is slightly less dense than water, thus the blobfish merely uses the mimimal amount of effort to swim barely over the Ocean floor waiting for its next meal to drop from above, much like “Blobfish” Chevalier loitering around the doughnut shop waiting for the price markdowns, or pestering the fast food franchises in the shopping mall for their food they throw away because it sat for too long after it was cooked. That, and how he waited for each of his six ex-wives to come home with groceries so he/it could gorge. DENNIS “BLOBFISH” CHEVALIER!!!

A Proud Infidel®™

DAMN GOOD pic of him, he looks better without his “Elton John wannabe” glasses!

A Proud Infidel®™

OH, and is that some half-eaten cheese dribbling from the corner of his mouth as well?


Awwwww damn… I was hoping someone had the time to superimpose those hemorrhoidal inspection glasses on Chevy’s new streamlined hydraulic look. Whoever did the Village People Construction Worker/Bernath is a Photoshoppin GENIUS. Such a diversity of talent among real vets…. that’s why I vote for them! (Kerry and AlGore excepted)


Hey, this one was on the following page; I just didn’t see it. I think the first one is better.


A Proud Infidel®™

If we ever get to meet up in person, your first shot & a beer will be on me!!

A Proud Infidel®™

rgr1480, that thing protruding from the corner of his/its mouth, is that half-chewed cheese or a booger that he/it just picked and is about to chow down on?

Pineywoods NCO

Good thing I have spew-proof screen protection on my tablet. That’s downright funny.


Originally posted by A Proud Infidel:

DAMN GOOD pic of him, he looks better without his “Elton John wannabe” glasses!

Now, someone should do a “side by side,” original Dennis Howard Chevalier picture followed by the one with the blobfish for the head.

The original Dennis Howard Chevalier picture should be labeled “Before meth abuse”. The doctored picture should be labeled, “Result of meth abuse.” The overall caption could read, “Don’t do meth!” 😀

OIF '06-'07-'08

Should not the blobfish be the before picture while the CheeseFlake be be the after picture?

A Proud Infidel®™

Amen to that, OIF!!


So Chevalier is pretty much in denial then, confirmed. He did not do himself any favors with posting that email to the public on his blog.

Like other have said, makes sense…his outburst a few days ago was probably after he was told he is done.

He is just one clueless piece of shit.

He has finally gone into hiding.

Pineywoods NCO

We hope so.

OIF '06-'07-'08

At least that fat ass piece of rotten cheese came here and vented his rage and threats at us instead of a defenseless women half his size.


That can’t be! Chevy said the JAG was coming after GDC and me for insulting the command group. Surely Chevy isn’t making shit up? /s

Thanks for the report Jonn. Can’t wait to see Chevy’s whining now.


SJ, you were suppose to be “whimpering and crying/begging for Dennis to drop all charges”



I am whimpering and crying in uncontrolled laughter, begging Chevyliar to stop with the asshattery so I can breathe again.


Just for the record, I do not recall insulting the TSG command group. I think his biggest beef with me was “hacking” his son’s email…which I did not do (unless using Google to search the internet is known as “hacking”). Other than that, he has accused me of making shit up, given that I have posted links to his idiocy and he then removes the content, and then when I post screen captures of the content he claims I created the content. That’s why, whenever possible, I relied on The Wayback machine and Google Cache (something FatBoy apparently did not know about).

The guy is a fucking liar of the highest order. That being so, I decided to play by his rules today: I said that I emailed his TSG CO with a complete dossier, contact info, etc. Yeah, well I lied about that. PSYOPS bitches!

Here is my parting gift to that big fat waddling ass that is slowly making its way “downrange”. This is what Dennis posted on his “blog” when Jim Parker gave him a reality check almost 10 years ago, the day after Cheeslayer dropped his “lawsuit”. Enjoy.

Dennis – when do I get the reward money? How’s your valve?


Originally posted by GDContractor:

This is what Dennis posted on his “blog” when Jim Parker gave him a reality check almost 10 years ago, the day after Cheeslayer dropped his “lawsuit”. Enjoy.

“I have discovered that I was mistaken in my allegations against Jim Parker, who I accused of various things, including sending viruses, spam and trojans to my system. I further apologize to Mr. Parker for my remarks about him being a terrorist, wanted for terrorism…” -Dennis Howard Chevalier

Wait… wait here… check this out, from his blog:

“I didn’t file a criminal case against Parker because he admitted his wrong doings…yeah I know not a great move either” -Dennis Howard Chevalier


Dennis Howard Chevalier has told so many whoppers that I’m surprised that he’s not going around claiming to be the Burger King based on his lies. 😀

The top is Dennis Chevalier admitting the truth, and the bottom was a lie that he told not expecting Jim Parker to jump in to set the story straight.

Also, if “hacking” was such a big issue, he would’ve named it but he didn’t… because the main focus back then was the “viruses and Trojans.”

Dennis Howard Chevalier, are you reading this? Guess what? GAME OVER! 😈


Originally posted by Jonn Lilyea:

So, the exact way I was told that Chevalier was booted from the Texas State Guard is;

“This turd is no longer in the TXSG. As Gov Perry has said..”Adios Mofo!”


“The situation had been brought to the CDR, TXSG attention and Chevalier was discharged. No info. Just a “fricking” Pretender!!”

So, clearly you can speculate what happened.

For Dennis Howard Chevalier, this means GAME OVER!

You could quit pretending that you’re in the Texas State Guard. If you imply that Jonn is lying about you getting kicked out, you imply that you’re still in the Texas State Guard. When you do that, you’re now making a false claim of being a member of the Texas State Guard. This’ll make you a phony Texas State Guard member.

This proves to us that you made those claims of being a retired USAF LTC, that you flew C130s, and that you flew combat missions in Iraq during the Gulf War… a hacker didn’t do that for you. We all know that these claims of yours are complete lies.

Game over, Dennis Howard Chevalier, you lost. Move on and get the help that we suggested you get.

Also… coming soon… interview with Dennis Howard Chevalier’s ex’s on the kind of man/husband he was. This will be for the benefit of the future women he comes across in the future. 😀


It is only a matter of time before he shows up here denying things and lying again.

This may not be over a while with Dennis.

He thought you guys did not have that capture. It would be nice if he just admitted his lies and failures.


***Breaking News From The Dallas Area***

Police were called to the local “Cheese World” where the manager reported an “obese, bald, Caucasian with giant ears was trashing and monopolizing the men’s restroom”. When police arrived they found the alleged offender sitting on the toilet eating white paper toilet seat covers. Stating, “it doesn’t taste like real cheese, just that cheese product stuff”. But none the less kept eating them. Apparently, someone had put graffiti on the Ass-Gasket Dispenser to read, “Free Sliced Cheese-Keep Pulling”. The man had pulled out all the ass-gaskets onto the floor and was eating them two at a time. When told he would have to leave he was at first cooperative. Until the manager said he could no longer enter the premises. At which time the man went “berzerk” in one patrolman’s words and had to be retrained. Then resisting arrest, claiming he was also a law enforcement agent, the man was cuffed, tased and somehow in the fray, nut stomped…twice. When put in the patrol car his ears kept the driver from seeing out of the back window. They had to be zip tied down to his head for safe driving. Police report that all the way to lock up he kept saying, “all I wanted me was a little cheese”.

Could it be our guy? I’m not sure but inquiring minds want to know.


His ears are rather “presidential”.


Originally posted by Sparks:

At which time the man went “berzerk” in one patrolman’s words and had to be retrained.

Bwahhhaaaaaahhaaaa… “retrained” 😈

Now that he’s out of the Texas State Guard, he’ll have to be retrained to do something else. 😀 …or, he could try entertaining us some more by retaining Daniel Alan Bernath as his “lawer” to try to fight to be “reinstated.” 😀

Just an Old Dog

Cheveliar will never change. If 6 failed Marriages, failing as an LEO and pretty much anything he tries hasn’t changed him, nothing will.
The thing that a piece of shit like him will never grasp is that service ( military, LEO and community) is about actually DOING something for others whether its recognized or not.
Doing for others is its own reward. It’s not about certificates, medals, rank insignia, coffee cups, challenge coins or uniforms.
All those things are merely “things”. If you don’t earn them by doing they have zero meaning.


Just an Old Dog…Thank you and well said. No I don’t think he’ll ever get what you meant because he has never given of himself, selflessly. For nothing in return except the personal satisfaction of having “served well”. He can buy all the “things” in the world to support what he wishes were true. They will never take the place of or fill the void of being able to simply say in one’s own heart, I served, honorably.


Originally posted by Just an Old Dog:

If 6 failed Marriages, failing as an LEO and pretty much anything he tries hasn’t changed him, nothing will.

That’d be awesome of someone here with LEO background vets his LEO claims. Dennis Howard Chevalier’s “recommendation” letters paint a picture of someone that simply showed up and did what he was told… someone that was a little under the average type of LEO…

They probably just saw him as someone that was in it for himself, and they reacted accordingly.

Just an Old Dog

Apparently he did do a stint with the Wilmer PD. He posted two letters from them on his blog. One was a Letter of Recommendation when he left and the other said that he was allowed to wear two decorations he had supposedly earned before joining the WPD ( a medal of Valor and Purple Heart, both from the late 1980s). By the way, these same two awards have never been independenty verified. The chances are he blew smoke up the departments ass in order to make himself believable. Since these letters are from the early 90’s there was no internet search availiable for the PD to check his claim.
His sole piece of evidence of being a SWAT officer is a newspaper clipping showing him supposedly engaged in SWAT training.

A Sad, Strange Little Man with Fake Boobs

He already has been vetted…A little bird was told via Wilmer PD that he worked at 9 different PD’s and was fired from all of them. He worked less than a year at each place. He was never on a SWAT team and never trained any SWAT team members.


I knew that part, and have mentioned that here along with others mentioning it here. 😀 What I meant was the actual quality of his work. 😀

A Sad, Strange Little Man with Fake Boobs

Little birdy was told sub-par. He was deemed mediocre at best. At least 2 of the letters noted have been deemed NOT authentic.

Hope that helps.


A box top PhD. does not an expert make. Ditto in regards to lab coat, even if it did cost an extra 40 bucks.
However, you will always be a sad strange little man. 🙂

A Sad, Strange Little Man with Fake Boobs

Better a sad, strange little man than a Phony USAF LTC, PhD, SWAT Lt, and booted out Texas State Guard member…lol



yeah, but I’ll bet Chevyliar’s boobs are real. he actually got them honestly after years of sucking down 7 pound blocks of cheese and sitting on his ass making shit up.


Or, after 7lbs of cheese – having difficulty with making sh!t – up, down, or in any manner. (smile)


Originally posted by A Sad, Strange Little Man with Fake Boobs:

Little birdy was told sub-par. He was deemed mediocre at best. At least 2 of the letters noted have been deemed NOT authentic.

Hope that helps.

Nope, didn’t help.

I said that in another post earlier in this thread. Looks like you came across that post, where I also talked about little things like the text not matching the bends in the letter. 😀

I was looking for confirmation on what I said about him based on his recommendation letters.

Toasty Coastie

Check your email 🙂


I don’t think there’s any doubt he served with the Wilmer PD. But in what capacity? I tend to believe he was nothing more than a reserve officer and not on the payroll. I also call into question the letter from the Wilmer PD Chief. I may have mentioned this before, but I’m wondering if that letter was stating he could wear federal valor medals and Purple Heart on his uniform and not the supposed police awards he claims (without proof).

Just an Old Dog

The medal of valor and Purple heart claims were when Cheeseliar supposedly worked for other departments.


That’s what he told us. I wonder what he told the Wilmer Chief though. I wouldn’t put it passed Chevyliar to have told the Chief that they were awards he got as a USAF LtCol.

A Sad, Strange Little Man with Fake Boobs

Wilmer PD Chief Kemp


Really nice guy. Give him a call and say hello.


From the ever entertaining “Evidence Page”.

“The most viewed sections on my site is only 8 clicks away from making Scotty the most hated man on my blog with over 4,000 views!”

Wow did you get that wrong by a country mile! The most hated man on your blog of bullshit and self produced “evidence” is…YOU, Dennis, YOU!


Oh I forgot. You are also the ugliest man on your “evidence” blog! Not even any close seconds to that one Dennis, former Texas State Guard member.

Just an Old Dog

He has to realize most of the veiws are from people here.


That’s why I refuse to visit his “blog” anymore. He uses the visits from us to spread the story that thousands of people are reading about poor Dennis and the “terrorists” who are attacking him.

Toasty Coastie

Awww, poor Besparkled BlobFish has now lost his TXSG position. What a shame. NOT!

You had many chances Cheeze Whiz to stop all this. We have tried to tell you to square your shyte away and apologize for your lies and misdeeds. You have chosen not to.

No one here is to blame for your pathetic life. All your “evidence” on that mess you call a blog has been debunked. Its time now to JUST. STOP.

Go get yourself some professional mental health care. Learn from this. It is very hard to keep lies straight when you set out to deceive.

Do the right thing and apologize sincerely to your Ex-Wives for the damage and hurt you’ve inflicted on them, apologize to your Command at TXSG and apologize to us for trying to STEAL OUR VALOR. Then donate to a Woman’s Shelter and a VSO. That’s a start.

Once you do that, then just maybe you MIGHT be able to find some absolution.

However, Forgiveness and Absolution will never be yours if you continue on this road. If you continue with your lies regarding your FAKE Military Credentials and lying about your Ex-Wives, we will continue to haunt you. You should have learn by now that we DON’T and WON’T stop exposing you and your lies. Always keep that in mind should you adhere to this advice to make amends and then decide that since you did as requested, that we will just forget you. We WON’T. EVER. We will always be watching you to make sure you do not try to scam other unsuspecting women or job prospects.

Now is the time Dennis. Do the right thing.


Dennis- it’s Thursday May 1. You are a bona fide PhD., a member in good standing of the Texas State Guard, a bitchin Serial Rapist Profiler, an ATP pilot, a MESNA member, and you look great in a lab coat. Your good enough, smart enough, lactose intolerant, and gosh darnit….people like you.

Did you get my contact info from Col. Palmer yet? Did you find one of my balls? Where’s my reward money? How’s your valve?


Originally posted by GDContractor:

Did you get my contact info from Col. Palmer yet? Did you find one of my balls? Where’s my reward money? How’s your valve?

Nope, I don’t think he has received them yet, he’s still waiting but get this… he updated his propaganda blog. He still denies that he got discharged. So now, he’s a phony Texas State Guard member.


I suppose he’s telling folks that “The Guard” put him on con leave because of problems with his pyloric valve.


Oh no! Who do I believe, Jonn or Scooter? Since Scooter lies more than Obama, I think I’ll go with Jonn’s version.


Ya know, I believe that will indeed be a first. I don’t believe we’ve ever had a fake claimant to being member of a voluntary military auxiliary organization before.

We’ve had a few “winners” who were actual members of such voluntary military auxiliary organizations – Tesla comes to mind, along with this tool. But each was actually a member, at least initially.


What’s the matter Dennis? Cat got your tongue?

C’mon, fat boy, what else ya got? Bring it!

Dennis Chevalier – LIAR, FAKE, QUITTER, ABUSER.


Fatboy is still denying it per Blog update:

Jonn, Scotty and the cadre are still lying about my being kicked out of the Guard. I can’t imagine why they are doing this…oh wait YES I CAN! It’s ANOTHER LIE (imagine that). My C.O. today 4/30/2014 1217 hrs.tells me that I am still in and they are insane to believe they direct what happens in the Guard (paraphrased).

This has been going on since February 17, 2014 24/7. For an act that was admitted to during 2000 for which it was addressed then. It is here again because of demented behaviors and conduct of borderline personality disorder people known as the cadre of This Ain’t hell.

Why on earth are they doing all this for a a few email signatures? Well they had their asses handed to them by me not kissing their ass that’s why!

Ughhhh yeah


Re: “Well they had their asses handed to them by me not kissing their ass”

When did that happen? I missed that post I guess.


I wouldn’t let that dipstick kiss my ass if he’d just gargled with Lysol and scrubbed his entire body with rubbing alcohol and a Brillo pad. Even under those conditions, I’d still be afraid I’d end up with a serious medical issue due to mere proximity – like maybe a morbid, insatiable craving for cheddar.


The use of this term is not generally advised, but in this instance nothing else seems quite adequate:

TRUST ME ON THIS! Don’t want this idiot anywhere near my ass, any other part of my anatomy, any part of any friends’ anatomies, or even within a few counties of any human anatomy of any description!

What is he going for? A world record of lies committed in a 24-hour period? Delusional misbehavior and excuses without benefit of being institutionalized? Or something else entirely?

Toasty Coastie

Originally posted by Dennis Chevalier: Status…a message to This Ain’t Hell’s blog members

As you can see below, this hour, its to force payment to a VSO then to apologize for everything claimed by the cadre (it makes no difference if everything is made up or not, you MUST bend your knee and kiss the ring (in this case, their ass) of these control freaks or continue to suffer their constant, non-stop attacks.

Originally posted by Toasty Coastie

Do the right thing and apologize sincerely to your Ex-Wives for the damage and hurt you’ve inflicted on them, apologize to your Command at TXSG and apologize to us for trying to STEAL OUR VALOR. Then donate to a Woman’s Shelter and a VSO. That’s a start.

Well it would seem Dennis, that reading comprehension is definitely not your strong suit. There is “No forced payment” to anyone. You were advised by me to make a donation to a VSO to make amends for your buffoonery.

But like the typical Narcissistic Vampire that you are, you will cling to your lies until you are dead. A shame really. You had an out. A chance and still you refuse to take responsibility for your nonsense.

Oh well, as has been stated before, you lose Beglittered Blob Fish. GAME OVER.


Um…Technically, vampires are already dead.


That’s right, cloud the issue with the truth!


A Proud Infidel®™

NAAAHH! Zombies are “The living dead” while Vampires are referred to as “The undead” Regardless, Dennis “BLOBFISH” Chevalier looks and lives like yes, a Blobfish!

Toasty Coastie

@ LebbenB, Mustang2LT, and A Proud Infidel~

Yes, yes you are all correct. Please allow me to amend the above post…

He is a Narcissistic Parasite….As well as a FakePhd, Phony USAF LTC, Woman and Child Abuser and NOW a Wanna-Be Member of the TXSG.

There is that better?


You forgot QUITTER.

A Proud Infidel®™

My dear TC, You forgot BLOBFISH!!

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

Why you gotta spoil the moment like that? 🙂

OIF '06-'07-'08

I am surprised that John has let this thread go on as long as it has. I know that we have mead him famous, and he can threaten us with criminal action like ShORtBuSRiDER41 has been for what, the last three or four years? Dennis does not have a single legal leg to stand on and he knows it. Any attorney worth a single grain of salt will tell you to keep your mouth shut in till you are in a court of law, not encourage them to create a blog and post bullshit regarding their cases, which, by the way is why Dora no longer post here. She is the one that has a solid civil/criminal case against him.

His train wreck started last weekend when he was booted from the TSG. I will stick around and just watch his slow motion train wreck follow its course.


If Dennis gets bold and tries to file a lawsuit or even criminal complaint, I don’t see why Jonn just does not make another thread on Dennis.

Dennis is such a coward that he has yet to email jonn, scotty or Hondo. He just takes what he sees on TAH and twist the words to his liking.

That is just how stupid Dennis really is. He is embarrassing himself every step of the way.

I noticed he has yet to answer GDC on that captured image of him apologizing to Jim Parker.

This Dennis H. Chevalier Saga is never going to end because he is delusional.

The Endless Saga: Dennis H. Chevalier Chronicles


It’s amazing that Chevyliar, that worthless piece of dog excrement, is still rocking the lies. He must really think that by posting bullshit on his stupid blog he can undue all the damage that’s been done to his fake persona.


OIF: I hope Jonn keeps it going. It’s driving “Hollywood” bats and, as you said, you know the train wreck is coming. I suspect that all the cards haven’t been revealed by the the good guys and Chevy knows it.

OIF '06-'07-'08

I hope so too, I definitely want to see what the aftermath of this one my self. Cause I see some potential jail time, let alone losing any and all license’s that he doe possess.


When Dennis wears his wig and beard while on surveillance…

comment image


So what? Still nothing from “our favorite cheese eating dick monkey?”

I searched and searched movie quotes for that! Thank you Drive!


Originally posted by Valkyrie:

So what? Still nothing from “our favorite cheese eating dick monkey?”

Guess what I ran into at the commissary? 😀

The Original Cooper Brand Cheese! 😀


A Proud Infidel®™

VAL, are YOU SURE it’s not “Our favorite cheese-guzzling BLOBFISH”?


So riddle me this Cheesegobbler: How was all this regarding “…an act that was admitted to during 2000 for which it was addressed then.” when your “lawsuit” wasn’t “settled” until 2004?
A timeline will trip a fatboy up every time.

When you find me whining about “cyberbullying”, check to see if I am a teenage girl. If not, then please just shoot me.


He can talk the talk. Too bad he walks with a limp.


Dennis Chevalier is an abject FAILURE. Everything he touches turns to liquid shit.


He can only talk the talk to people who don’t know any better. That’s what got his ass busted out. Someone with a clue caught his moronic lies and called him out.

Just an Old Dog

This is the way it will end. After two days of not showing up at his night shift security job or leaving his squalid hotel room the hotel manager will do a welfare check.
Upon opening the door of Denny’s Room a sickening stench will hit him. They will find the stiff bloated remains of Dennis H Chevaliar sliding off the commode, where he had a massive heart attack trying to squeeze out an impacted terd that resulted from his eating of cheese. They will roll him into a tarp and cart him off to the county morgue.
The deputies will box up his fat boy clothing, phony uniforms and binders with his “certifications”. Finally some distant relative will arange for him to be cremated and put in a cheap plot somewhere. His property will go unclaimed for 2 years, then all his fake awards, uniforms and medals will be tossed in the trash.


A fitting end for a worthless turd.


Originally posted by Dennis Howard Chevalier: Jonn, Scotty and the cadre are still lying about my being kicked out of the Guard. I can’t imagine why they are doing this…oh wait YES I CAN! It’s ANOTHER LIE (imagine that). My C.O. today 4/30/2014 1217 hrs.tells me that I am still in and they are insane to believe they direct what happens in the Guard (paraphrased). If this weren’t a lie, why did you take down the photo that you had of your alleged confirmation by your CO? The posters here have seen comments, by your former brigade commander, that indicated that he didn’t like his state guardsmen acting like fools when people could associate them with the Texas State Guard. Your games on this blog, and on your blog, is an example of what he doesn’t tolerate. Also, the administrators here, and another poster, have heard from reliable sources that you were sailing on a route that was going to be your involuntary exit from the state guard. One or two members from the Texas State Guard came here and gave hints that you were under investigation… with the possibility of being removed. The only person that’s lying here is you, just like how you implied that Jim Parker apologized when you were the one that apologized. Originally posted by Dennis Howard Chevalier: They will attempt to force employers to fire you, friends to denounce you, family to distance them from you, and finally to commit suicide like they did to two others as outlined in the article below by John DeMayo January 24, 2014. You mean, like this? “When I did post a phony it was him who attacked first. After he attacked the phony he begin attacking his family and his attacks were ruthless and vulgar and I’d often tell him to stop and tone it down. There was no good reason to do that, no good reason to go to those lengths and certainly not by a man in his 50’s.” -Don Shipley That was Don Shipley talking about YOU. You went and attacked not just the… Read more »


Originally posted by Dennis Howard Chevalier: These are terrorists. There is no other way to explain or describe what they have done to me and others. They are all criminals and have no moral compass or ability to exhibit any form of self-control as exampled by their continual cursing and threats. You call anybody that challenges your phony or embellished claims as a “terrorist.” You even called Jim Parker a “terrorist” when he challenged your academic credentials. Also, for someone that complains about “continual cursing,” you need to read your own comments: “He did assholes but you are going to lie about that too!” -Dennis Howard Chevalier “FUCK OFF POG!” -Dennis Howard Chevalier “FUCK OFF!” -Dennis Howard Chevalier “Fuck you . You are a moron of immense size” -Dennis Howard Chevalier “Fucking moron, he was describing the human condition and you fit it to a T” -Dennis Howard Chevalier Need I say more? Our moral compass drives us to hold your feet to the fire until you apologize for making false claims. It drives us to get you to apologize to the veteran community, to your ex-wives, and to anybody that you’ve wronged as covered by this argument. Our self-control is what keeps us from letting you get away with this. Originally posted by Dennis Howard Chevalier While criminal charges have been filed against these people, their cowardice by hiding behind fake names on blog sites and using fake names to police agencies and others when perjuring /making their “claims” against the target, makes it difficult but not impossible to apprehend them and make them pay for what they have done. Workloads of the police agencies dictate the speed in which intervention can occur however, their day is coming. This explanation is similar to the explanation you gave as to why you tried to sue Jim Parker in a state court and not in a federal court. Turned out you were lying, and that you knew you couldn’t win in a federal court, so you tried to intimidate by filing a lawsuit in a local court. When Jim Parker made… Read more »


Even the worse phonies have a family member or friend show up to defend them. Like Derek church wife showing up to defend him.

The fact that Dennis has no family member or friend coming to his aid is deafening to his character and relationship with family.

I also think he tried to file these charges thinking Jonn was going to delete his post and shut us up. He thinks that is what Daniel A. Bernath did. Poor form, Dennis.


Originally posted by Dennis Howard Chevalier:

and look, they are going to “interview” the psychotic bipolar, this will be great bitch fiction !

Your interview with “Robert Quentin” was purely fiction. That was you interviewing yourself. This interview, that I’ll be posting, will be a copy and paste of what Dora Lee and others have already said about you. That’s not fictional.

I’ll package these women’s statements into a “TV interview format” so that future women could get information about what kind of man you are… in one entertaining package.

Originally posted by Dennis Howard Chevalier:

This has been going on since February 17, 2014 24/7. For an act that was admitted to during 2000 for which it was addressed then. It is here again because of demented behaviors and conduct of borderline personality disorder people known as the cadre of This Ain’t hell.

Why on earth are they doing all this for a a few email signatures? Well they had their asses handed to them by me not kissing their ass that’s why!

It has been that “long” already? This is so fun, seems like it just started yesterday! 😀

You’re deliberately oversimplifying this issue. This isn’t a case where someone “messed up their signature line,” and now he has God and country breathing down his neck. Your signature issue was a symptom of a bigger problem…

This is a problem where you’ve made false claims of being an Air Force Combat Veteran. You claimed to have flown C130s as a pilot, you claimed that you flew them in Iraq during the Gulf War, you claimed that you were a retired USAF LTC, and you’ve made other hero like claims that simply weren’t true.

You saying that we had our “asses handed to us” makes you sound like Saddam Hussein’s old information minister.

Dennis Howard Chevalier, not only did you get your ass handed to you, you got it shoved down your throat. You’ve been defeated over and over, on multiple levels. What’s even more funny is that you don’t realize that it’s GAME OVER for you. 😈


Since Feb 17, 2014…. what’s that make it, 9 months ago in poser math? Go MESNA!


Originally posted by Dennis Howard Chevalier: I hope that everyone following this blog can now see they ask and then answer their own twisted questions then act as though it comes from the target of the attack and then blasts them. Actually, this is a case where we consistently ask questions, and you consistently refuse to answer them. In addition to consistently refusing to answer our questions, you throw red herrings and straw men at us… then claim that you answered our questions. We’ve responded by consistently holding our feet to the fire with regards to answering our questions. You refuse to answer our questions truthfully and factually, because you know that the correct answers destroy your entire argument. They also destroy your persona and the value you place on it. Originally posted by Dennis Howard Chevalier: They call and harass the targets employers forcing them to dump that employee so they are left out of the situation and then they continue until the final act of extortion is complete. This appears to be your admission that you’ve been booted from the Texas State Guard. 😀 😈 According to Dora Lee, you didn’t hold a permanent job. In fact, you relied on her employment income to get by, your “work” didn’t contribute to living expenses, and you didn’t earn shit. I don’t recall an effort to get you fired from your security job… but there has been a series of questions asking why you were still with the Texas State Guard. You only have yourself to blame for this. Had you came clean back in February, 2014, apologized, then disappeared, you probably would’ve still been in the Texas State Guard. We’re going to continue to hold your feet to the fire until you show humility… in the form of your apologizing to the veteran community, to your ex-wives, and to people other areas covered in this argument. This isn’t extortion… this is called increasing information about you in the internet, not good, while you continue to act like we were born yesterday. Originally posted by Dennis Howard Chevalier: As you… Read more »


Originally posted by Dennis Howard Chevalier:

“I have been able to maintain my relationships with family and friends, clients, and others because of my fast and decisive actions to limit their contact with those persons by not allowing them access to them through Facebook and other social media outlets. But there has been fallout from their actions and for that, the appropriate agencies have been contacted and actions taken.”

Those are actually rather chilling remarks. They smack of continued illegal activity on his part. How can he legally limit contact between any adults? How can he legally “not allow them access” to whatever social media they want to access?

So is he actually committing crimes, or just sees fit to pretend that he is committing crimes? Either way, this is a very dumb move to make.


Originally posted by Dennis Howard Chevalier:

For now, it is a wait and see event. They will continue to make entries in their blogs to keep my name high in search results to inflict the maximum damage they can before ordered by courts to stop.

Actually, you have control of that. Simply do what we recommend you do, apologize for stealing veteran valor, apologize for assaulting your wives, apologize for stealing SWAT valor, etc. We tend to leave phonies alone when they do that… but we still watch them in case they relapse.

If your name consistently remains high in the search results, it’s because you failed to take certain courses of action.

Originally posted by Dennis Howard Chevalier:

As for me, the same axiom used for belief in a greater good, applies to me.

For those that know me and believe me, no additional proof is needed, for those that refuse to accept facts and common sense, no proof will ever be enough.

Your actions, attitude, narcissism, etc, won’t bring you the “greater good.”

Want the “greater good?” Get help for your anger, stress, control, eating, etc, management problems. Then follow Toasty Coastie’s recommendation. Until then, you’ll get a greater share of having your feet “held to the fire” as long as you insist on lying and covering up your valor theft.

Don’t mistake your emotions, strawmen, red herrings, and assumptions as “facts and common sense.” Facts, logic, and common sense are on our side, and they argue against your own claims.

You hope that people would believe your lies, so that you don’t have to provide proof. Not happening, we’re going to continue to hammer you on this blog. 😀

OIF '06-'07-'08

Okay, regarding Dennis and his so called claims about filing criminal charges. I will take the time and call the Tarrant County DA’s Office AGAIN and ask if any criminal complaints have been filed by CheeseFlake. Why do I know what they are going to tell me, but just maybe I will talk to the same person I did the last time.


Just more smoke, mirrors and Mitty-esque delusions of grandeur from Dennis Chevalier.

Dennis Chevalier is a LIAR, FAKE, ABUSER and QUITTER.

dennis chevalier

Case assigned to Det. Garcia, NRH PD 817-427-7000


Denny Penny! You probably already know, but that is the phone number for the Records section of the North Richland Hills PD. Not a criminal investigative unit. Not even close.

That’s not even a partly clever red herring.


LOL! Buh Bye “Hollywood”. don’t let the door hit you in the ears on the way out Cheese Whiz!

dennis chevalier

Fuck you prick you are going down


Actually, I heard it was you who go down. Those back alley bums say you love getting on your knees in front of them. Guess you get your cheese where you can, Denny the Dumbass.


Hope he stays away from that expensive wine that tears his ass up. That, and his valve problems. MYRNA!!!

Also, I guess during May of a non-leap year, poser math has an anomaly. Turns out, March 20, 2014 was only THREE months ago, not FOUR. I will learn this eventually, but hey, I am not MESNA.


Oooohh, look at all those fancy Phd words you used. Impressive.

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

From the fatty who goes down like a 2 dolla ho.

Dennis Chevalier:
“I made $405 giving blowjobs to homeless men behind dumpsters around the Hurst and Fort Worth area.”

TAH: “Who gave you $5??

Dennis Chevalier: ALL OF THEM!!!
😀 😀 😀 😀


A Proud Infidel®™

Dennis “BLOBFISH” Chevalier goes down faster than a five cent hooker on payday weekend!!

A Proud Infidel®™


Combat Historian

My goodness, what foul language…


Chevyliar!!!!! Where have you been hiding? Still haven’t gotten over your removal from the TSG? That’s okay. Just suck down another 7 pound block of gubmint cheese and you’ll be alright.

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

Ok, what’s “Detective Garcia’s” badge number?

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

FYI, there is no “Detective Garcia” working for NRHPD. Once again, the lying liar Dennis Howard Chevalier lies his fat ass off.


Case…DENIED!! Why? Because it only existed in Dennis Chevalier’s cheese-addled mind.

Dennis Chevalier is A LIAR, A FAKE, A QUITTER and AN ABUSER.

If you’re such dire need of a uniform, Ernest T. Bass is finished with Barney Fife’s. Maybe you can borrow it.

Toasty Coastie

Are you sure it would fit?


Omar the Tentmaker might take a stab at enlarging it for him. Would take quite a bit of material, though.


Oh, and because I AM a trained investigator (and you’re not you blobfish) I researched the NRH PD and the only “Garcia” listed is a Community Services Officer. They do good work but they are not sworn law enforcement and DON’T investigate alleged crimes. If you were ever a cop you’d know that, but obviously you weren’t and don’t.
So, with that I bid you Adieu Mr. Fondue.

the Al

I am shocked- shocked I say!- to learn that such a fine, upstanding citizen as Cheesedick Sparklepony is lying!



I want some spray cheese for my garden veggie crackers. I fully blame all the talk of cheese and all the bullshit Pennis sprayed all over the place.


At BAF PX and all the other PX’s I had the pleasure of visiting in Douchebagistan, expired Easy Cheese was plentiful and always 50% off. Who knew expiration dates had anything to do with pricing?

Doc Savage

The cheese in a can, and triscuits, are currently buy one get TWO free at the KAF PX.

And the Boardwalk is turning into a ghost town.


Good to know, I’ll be along shortly (sometime next month)

Open Channel D

Hey Dennis! What’s your defense against a Privacy Act Violation (Public Disclosure of Private Facts) gonna be? Duh, to save you some time searching the internet, there IS NONE!!!

If you had any brains at all, you’d clamp your cheesehole shut and find a good lawyer who can negotiate a quick out of court settlement.

Otherwise, get used to hearing “all rise!”


Take it one step further – what will his defense be in using his “pee H dee” from a non accredited university to gain employment (a misdemeanor in the state of Texas)?

1. “The devil made me do it!”
2. “It’s a conspiracy by DA MAN to hold me down!”
3. “My crazy ex’s made me do it!”
4. “The people at TAH made me do it!”

It’s too late for you Denny-boi… the PAIN TRAIN is coming for you!!!

Mr. Blue

5. “Hackers!!”


On his “evidence” blog he (now) says that he is non-violent. Damn, and I thought he was an Elite Sniper! Get between fatboy and a bag of cheese at your own “perol”, because he has been known to lie. That’s what his son Bryan wrote anyways.

Toasty Coastie

Oh Sparkly BlobFish, you done stepped in it now didn’t you? Jonn is a pretty patient man and has allowed you access here to defend yourself and now you go and pull this nonsense? What the hell is wrong with you? Listen Dennis, all we have ever tried to do is help you see the error of your ways and guide you to the correct way to fix it. Yet instead of taking the opportunity to do so, you continue with your lies. They have gotten so big, that at this point even YOU can’t keep them straight and they are YOUR lies. So I am going to advise you one last time. JUST. STOP. You have lost this game. There is nowhere else for you to go now except completely rock bottom, and I would guess even in your stupidity, that is not where you really want to go. You keep this up and it is certain that it will not end well for you. I recommended to you before to go get some good, reputable, Professional Mental Health Care to help you figure out why this fantasy life is so desperately important to you. You need anger control and stress management and overeating help. Get on some meds if you need to help clear your mind and settle yourself. There is no shame in that. You simply can not continue to go through what is left of your life being a bully, liar and abuser. Nothing good will come of it. Sooner or later you will meet someone who is a lot bigger and more meaner than you and will harm you worse then you ever imagined. There are people like that out there. Just read the news. You still have the options I laid out to you before. Write a heartfelt apology to your Ex-Wives for the hurt and damage you have caused them, write an apology to Jonn and us here in the Military and Veteran Community for trying to steal our Valor and for trampling on our Service, write an apology to the SWAT, Police,… Read more »

A Proud Infidel®™

VERY well said, TC, and ‘ol Blobfish Chevalier is living up to his nickname, he’s a bottom dweller/feeder like his namesake!!


Dennis Howard Chevalier has about lost it again on his blog. :mrgreen:


Originally posted by Dennis Howard Chevalier:

Case assigned to Det. Garcia, NRH PD 817-427-7000

So, you looked up their directory, then picked a name, right?


Garcia, Christi… Crime Victim Liaison… 🙄

Her cell phone number is on the webpage…

There are those that’ll call these folks directly, Dennis Howard Chevalier. When they make that call, you lose. If you did call someone, that someone will get links to this blog and to your drivel. We have nothing to worry about. :mrgreen:


Originally posted by Dennis Howard Chevalier: You don’t ask me anything. You make up statements that are lies and demeaning then demand an answer that no one could possibly answer without looking like a fool. An example is like this: “Have you stopped having sex with chickens?” Any answer to this it will have damning results: Either you did and don’t anymore or you still DO! When you actually ask me a real question I answer them every single time. Again, here are the questions/backing proof I’ve asked you: 1. Documentation showing the other person admitting to creating profiles for you on the internet, and using these profiles to claim that you flew C130s, that you deployed to Iraq, and that you were a retired Air Force LTC. 2. Actual quotes, from the actual person that you sued, stating that he/she made those statements, about you flying C130s, that you deployed to Iraq, and that you were a retired Air Force LTC. 3. An explanation as to why you didn’t make sure that the person, if this is what the lawsuit was about, didn’t completely remove all these statements… and why you didn’t check to make sure that he/she did what he was supposed to do. 4. An explanation as to why you personally didn’t go around to make sure that those statements, about you flying C130s, that you deployed to Iraq, and that you were a retired Air Force LTC, were removed. 5. An explanation as to why you verbally stated that you deployed to Iraq during the Gulf War, and that a Marine mistakenly shot your plane down as you were taking off. And from Hondo: 1. Your being shot would have been news in the mid 1980s. What news accounts substantiate your claim of being shot? Provide a verifiable citation. 2. Your receiving a police decoration for valor would have been news in the mid 1980s. What news accounts substantiate your claim of receiving such an award? Provide a verifiable citation. 3. Both events would be documented in the official records of the LE agency or agencies… Read more »


Originally posted by Dennis Howard Chevalier: Also, it is customary when accusing someone, to provide the proof then, not come up with it later (3 months later to be exact). To date, I have only had 2 questions asked of me on my blog. On the TAH site I have had 5 questions that when you didn’t like the answer you went on a diatribe about claiming your “proof” will be displayed when you are damn good and ready. –WOW Really Dennis Howard Chevalier? 😯 You’ve accused us of being bullies, terrorists, stalkers, etc, but you haven’t provided us with any proof of those claims. Heck, you haven’t provided us with any proof to support your arguments. You do realize that when we tell you that we have evidence, but are not posting it, we’re giving you a chance to be honest, do you? By withholding that information, we’re giving you a chance to come clean. 😎 Those of us on this blog, and you, know that you’re lying. The more you lie, thinking we don’t have that evidence, the more you make yourself look like a fool… especially when we finally do smack that withheld proof. People from this blog have asked you questions on this blog, as well as on your blog. These were real questions. Your reaction to these real questions was to ignore them and to respond with red herring, strawmen, and other diversionary rants. This is why we didn’t like your answers. Also, you need to work on your “MESNA” math skills, it was less than three months. Here, let me help you out. This began in February 17, 2014. Three months from that date would be “on or about” May 17, 2014. It’s not the 17th of May yet, so it hasn’t been three months, but it doesn’t stop there. That statement about the evidence was made after February 17th. As for the other proof. A picture of your letter stating that you “fought for this country” couldn’t be posted with these post response. The Administrators have that one, and so do some of… Read more »


Det. Garcia is no longer on the case. CPT. Scott is now the name he has on his stupid site.

That 3 month bs is just that, utter bullshit. Back when the cheeseturd story was new, on or shortly after February 17, links to all sorts of evidence were posted in the comment thread by myself and others. Lying sack of shit Chevy went and had most of them inactivated (links). Then he showed up and demanded the evidence. …evidence he had already seen and obfuscated. The flightaware comments, the youtube comments, and his resumes are examples of what I am talking about. He knows this and it is obvious to anyone that he’s a lying bastard…just like his son said.


Originally posted by GDContractor:

Det. Garcia is no longer on the case. CPT. Scott is now the name he has on his stupid site.

Dennis Howard Chevalier’s one brain celled activity is no longer on the case… it wondered and got lost. In it’s place is a toy monkey banging its cymbals in Dennis’ head. :mrgreen:

The change of person “investigating” the case after he got called out here… Just more evidence that the blobfish is pulling shit out of its ass.


This is the worse case of lying and pathetic backtracking that we have yet to see on here. It is one embarrassing mess to see Dennis fuck himself up like this. He seems to be pissing himself off.

What a shitbird..


Originally posted by Dennis Howard Chevalier:

On to the first demand for an apology…to the veteran community…I didn’t steal any valor or do anything that requires I do any such apology. On the contrary, it was you that had to make Scotty’s bitching legit, so you took an issue that was answered and dealt with in early 2000 and expand it as if it were occurring today and then it was also you that alerted everyone in the goddamn world about it.

When you repeatedly made false claims about being a retired USAF LTC, false claims about flying C130s, false claims about flying C130s in Iraq, false claims about fighting the Taliban, you stole valor. You stole valor from those who served honorably, you stole valor from actual Air Force Officers that fought for this country. You stole valor from all veterans that served honorably.

The issue that you talk about is your signature, the signature you claimed you started to get lazy with. I’m sorry, but when it comes to emails and forum posting via registered accounts, your “got lazy” with signatures is complete bunk.

Anybody could set what their signature would say, then not worry about it when they post… the signature will automatically post unless the person does something to prevent it from posting.

This wasn’t laziness, but you deliberately telling people that you were a retired USAF LTC. 😈

This issue wasn’t settled in early 2000, because you continued to make the claims. Your signature was a symptom of your actual game plan.


Originally posted by Dennis Howard Chevalier:

You have openly sought after and made contact with as many people and employers you could to spread your vile crap about me.

You published very private letters that had nothing to do with stolen valor between my son and I for no other purpose but to devastate me and him.

You took photos of people I work with and trained and called them all fakes, losers, and liars. You and you alone have hurt innocents just because I know them.

As soon as word got out that you were a phony, many here contacted your friends, family and you to spread the truth about you. This isn’t “vile crap,” unless that’s the description of any fact that destroys the phony persona you built for yourself.

The people around you had to know the truth. The letters published were those that built into the phony veteran case dealing with you. Don’t forget that you’re the one that brought your son into this, we didn’t.

No, we didn’t take pictures of people around you. People here copied pictures of members of the Texas State Guard, and advanced the possibility that they shared your views. Since you’ve been discharged from the Texas State Guard, that question is settled… they’re not like you, and your attitude wasn’t consistent with their values.

Another poster pointed out the fact that one or two Texas State Guard members, on your friends list, had questionable awards.

Again, you brought this on them. Had you simply done what most the exposed phonies here did, this wouldn’t have been an issue. 💡


Originally posted by Dennis Howard Chevalier:

That is the act of a terrorist and a coward.

I am the one deserving the apology but since you are a collective of unemployed borderline personality disorders and narcissists, I will not hold my breath for that.

You accuse anybody that destroys what you want others to believe about you a “terrorist.” Your only justification for our “cowardice” is most of our insistence on using screen names instead of our real names.

Remember when you accused Jim Parker of being a terrorist, because he called many of your academic credentials to question? You later apologized to him for calling him a terrorist.

We’re not terrorists. Considering that you consider it a nightmare, on the account of our destroying what you want others to believe, I could see why you’d feel “terror.” Heaven forbid that others around you see you for what you really are.

Guess what? They do see you for what you are, a loser “never was” that didn’t do the high speed heroics that you want them to believe you did.

Given your history of stalking and harassment, the latest case being with Don Shipley, I’m GLAD that you don’t know who I am in real person. I don’t want to have to worry about having you stalk my refrigerator, my family and me.


Originally posted by Dennis Howard Chevlier: Ok, so let’s address the biggest complaint I have with this, the claim I assaulted my ex-wives. There are NO reports in the criminal world OR the civil world (known as liars courts) nor are there ANY mentions in the divorces petitions, decrees or amendments. With all those opportunities to make those claims then and they didn’t, what the hell are you going on to make these absurd allegations/accusations? Oh that’s right…a bipolar in her mania phase (these can last as long as over 2 years) without medication. I have NEVER hit or emotionally abused ANY woman. They have physically hit and cheated on me, stolen from me and that IS documented in the divorce petitions and in criminal reports. How do you explain that? Well? Actually, there is a report of a criminal complaint against you for pointing a gun at your ex-wife and at your son. Scotty Hughes has a copy of it, unedited like yours, clearly showing that you were abusive. Also, I’ve seen statements from different women that attest to your multiple assaults. What these different women have said support the argument that you’ve assaulted and battered women before. The attitude that you display on this blog as well as on your blog indicates a profile of someone that’s a control freak… someone with control issues who’d assault or physically harm a woman. Your divorce petitions look like someone with poor legal background wrote them. 😐 This tells me that the settlements that you posted on your blog are the result of uncontested divorces. 👿 Based on your attitude on this blog, as well as on yours, I won’t be surprised if your ex-wives didn’t care what the divorce decree said… they agreed to an uncontested divorce just to be quickly rid of you. Every one of your ex-wives knew that contesting what you wrote would lead to a drawn out expensive contested divorce. So they gave up on accuracy in exchange for divorce expediency. Your attitude towards these women was THAT terrible that they wanted to get away from… Read more »


Originally posted by Dennis Howard Chevalier: The reason they (as you claim it) said these things (I still say it’s all coming from Dora) is because they lost THEIR credibility for being caught doing those things, so when they heard of a place to rag on me in hopes to regain that lost credibility and invoke some good ‘ole revenge, they took it. It’s a trademark of a passive-aggressive personality trait. Wrong. The reason they said that is that they want to let the world to know… specifically other women you may con into a relationship with you… that you’re a dangerous man. They suffered in a relationship with you, and they don’t want other women to suffer like they did. They want to spare other women the trouble that you put them through. Not only have you assaulted these women, you’ve used them to benefit your well-being. You drained their money, and even attempted to get one woman to drain her retirement account… While you were doing that, you got right to work looking for your next victim. 😮 You treat each of these women as if they’re your meal ticket. Dora isn’t the only one that said that you didn’t earn crap from “Chevalier and Associates.” You’re not qualified to determine if they have credibility or not. Since their observations of you matches what we’ve observed of you on this blog, they have credibility, YOU DON’T have credibility. 👿 Understandably, these women retaliated against you for the use and abuse that you put them through. This is a trademark of a human that has been wronged. With you getting kicked out of the Texas National Guard, it appears that they got their revenge, but their work isn’t done. Again, women need to know what kind of person you are. You should start thinking about getting a blow up doll, at least it won’t complain about your use and abuse. When word gets around about you, you’re going to have a hard time getting women to hang out with you… Hmmm… could you say, Topix? Craigs? You wanted fame… Read more »


Originally posted by Dennis Howard Chevalier: Do you see why I have a problem believing a damn thing she or you say because of her? And yet you demand an apology from me? You need some education on how to deal with people. “If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared.” -Niccolo Machiavelli Yes, you have a problem with any argument that doesn’t support your false sense of self importance. You don’t agree with any argument, or facts, that counter your claims of yourself and of your phony accomplishments. No, I don’t need an education on how to deal with people. I have your psychological profile “down” to a “T.” Every word I say to you has a purpose. I have a general idea of what you’d do if I were to present one form of argument/fact/logic or another. So far, you’ve done exactly what I knew you’d do, based on how I knew you’d react… and all I had to do was present to you facts and logic that you don’t want to consider. I could do that, because I know how to deal with people. I wouldn’t be in the Psychological Warfare MOS if I didn’t know how to deal with people. …yes, the veteran community expects an apology from you for your stealing their valor, for your claiming to be one of them, for your acting like an ass while claiming to be one of them, etc. That was the veteran side of me. The American side of me expects you to do the old school American thing… apologize to the women that you’ve hurt… as well as apologize to other groups of people whom you stole valor from. This includes the real doctorate degree holders… This includes the real investigators… This includes police officers that have been injured in the line of duty… This includes other groups and professions that you’ve stolen credit from. Also, that quote isn’t applicable here. Nobody wants your complete destruction, or your destruction. You’re also the last… Read more »


Originally posted by Dennis Howard Chevalier:

Yet the besig goes on to threaten me with a collection of lies from my ex’s he will post for all future women to see…

This “interview format” isn’t a threat, but a statement of fact. I’ve saved comments here on MS Word, consisting of what women have said about you. Using “Function F” will help me find quotes to copy and paste over into an “interview transcript.” :mrgreen:

My working on this interview, and ultimately posting it, doesn’t constitute physical harm to you. It doesn’t constitute emotional harm either, unless you’re extremely sensitive and you have a thin skin… or you’re narcissistic… or all of the above. 🙄

But a threat? NOPE.

People love to receive information “in a package.” I’m going to deliver that for them. 😈


Originally posted by Dennis Howard Chevalier: You are out of control and must be shut down… truly, most people are killed for committing what you have done to me publicly. Check any newspaper or TV news broadcast. Thousands are killed every day for a tenth of what you have done to me yet because I am NOT a violent man, I will let the courts deal with your sorry ass! 😯 You, being a control freak, will naturally get upset over the fact that you can’t control us. Thanks for admitting what I’ve said about you before… that you want to shut us down because you can’t control what we say. You complain about someone’s making something up with regards to a cheese blockage doing you in. The rest of us saw that as a joke but you, being weak minded and thinned skin, couldn’t handle that joke. These are just words, words that communicate facts about you. You can’t handle that. The only thing that we “kill” by large numbers are phony hero claims. Herein lays your biggest complaint… we’re destroying your phony hero persona. We’re exposing you for who you are… in front of an audience that’ll do a background check before proceeding further with you in a romantic relationship. Based on what Dora Lee has observed, you need to use women in order to economically sustain yourself. This is the case, because your attitude makes it hard for you to obtain and keep a decent employment position. Our exposing your real persona in front of these women and others threatens your economic wellbeing. It does so in the form of letting your prospects know what kind of “professional” you are. It does so in the form of letting women that you meet know what kind of a relationship they’re expected to get into. It does so in the form of letting future potential employers get an idea of what kind of employee that they’ll get if they hire you. The exploitation opportunities, that we’re ending for you, benefit those that’d get the bad end of the deal… Read more »


Originally posted by Dennis Howard Chevalier: I told you before throughout the many months of this hell shit you have put me through and I will say it again. STOP WHILE YOU CAN. You have gone WAY TO FAR This is no stolen valor issue, and its no 1st amendment issue, this is liable and slander as well as an open invitation for murder by the mental defectives that read your tripe. Here’s the first part of my response, using your own words against you: “FUCK OFF!” — Dennis Howard Chevalier 😈 👿 First, many months? Your “MESNA” math doesn’t seem to be helping you. 😯 Again, this has gone on for less than three months. At most, we’re dealing with two full months, and a partial month. Second, NO, we’re not going to stop exposing you. There are two things that you could do to stop this. The first on is to do what we recommend you do. The second one is to simply ignore us and don’t say anything in response to anything that we say. Let “X” be your comments to us. Let “Y” be our response to you. This is what’s happening: “If ‘X,’ then ‘Y.'” If you want this to stop, quit advancing “X.” If you do, you’ll get a “Y.” You can’t control what we do, but you could control what you can do. Third, this is both a stolen valor and first amendment issue. We have a right to say what we’re saying to expose your lies about your past service. You’ve claimed to be one of us when you weren’t one of us. That’s stolen valor. You claimed to have combat deployed when you didn’t. That’s stolen valor. 👿 This is neither libel nor slander, because what we say about your lack of military service is fact. What your former relationships have said about you is also fact. There’s even a complaint filed that attests to your assaulting one of them. This is matched by at least two women indicating that you’ve assaulted them. You see, its libel/slander when it’s false. Fourth,… Read more »


It is gonna feel like eternity for Dennis if he keeps this up.


Agree. Dennis has hit rock bottom and has now begun to dig. Over 2500 comments and the ridicule train shows no signs of stopping.


That piece of shit Dennis H. Chevalier is even going so far as to lie about questions asked.

I sent him a link that GDC posted. He is dodging that like the plague.

So hopefully this last for ever. Dennis is just slow burning himself in the pits of hell.


It strikes me that if he worked as hard at something meaningful – military service, law enforcement, etc – as he has at trying to maintain his façade of lies, he coulda been something.

Poor decision making skills are a motherfucker, ain’t they Dennis?


Color Test

Green Thumb


Toasty Coastie

Originally posted by Dennis Chevalier:Status…a message to This Ain’t Hell’s blog members
OMG you are pissing me off.
I want some proof with those bullshit allegations of yours.
Its real damn simple.
side by side.
Its your ONLY chance in getting me to see what you are saying.
But we all know you will not do this because you CAN’T do this.
You have no proof of anything except your own bullshit conjecture
Do it like that somewhere and send me to that link, until them you are all a bunch of liars, criminals, fakes, stalkers and abusers and you are all going to jail for the stalking, harassment, and attacks to me and my family.

We have already provided everything…better put your glasses on and start scrolling back through the threads.


Originally posted by Dennis Howard Chevalier: OMG you are pissing me off. Of course we’re pissing you off. That’s what happens when you can’t control what we’re saying. You can’t control us, so you’re getting pissed. In the real world, you parlayed that anger to doing things like pointing loaded weapons around, and assaulting women. Originally posted by Dennis Howard Chevalier: I want some proof with those bullshit allegations of yours. Its real damn simple. YOUR CLAIM PROOF side by side. This coming from the guy that consistently fails to prove his arguments against us. Yes, this is real damn simple, all you have to do is read what we write. We’ve provided you with facts, reason, logic, proof, etc. Originally posted by Dennis Howard Chevalier: Its your ONLY chance in getting me to see what you are saying. People that post here know that you’re not going to “see” what we’re saying if what we have to say destroys your argument, and your phony persona. We’re presenting our argument for those that’ll come here and research what kind of person you are. They’re not going to be clouded by the narcissistic horseblinders that you’re wearing. 🙄 Originally posted by Dennis Howard Chevalier: But we all know you will not do this because you CAN’T do this. What’s this, “we all” BS? Your multiple personalities don’t count as multiple physical people… or are you counting yourself as two or three people? 😯 The reality is that we HAVE provided proof against you. We’ve shared it with each other, with the administrators and Scotty sharing it across two blogs. If you pulled your head out of your arse, and removed your horseblinders, you’d see that we’ve provided the proof. Originally posted by Dennis Howard Chevalier: You have no proof of anything except your own bullshit conjecture Do it like that somewhere and send me to that link, Wrong. We have the first hand observations of you, by women that have met you, that matches our observations of you on this blog. For example, Dora Lee said that you tend to “remove… Read more »


LOL! It’s getting even better! So Mr.Chedder’s case has been kicked up from a Community Services Officer to the Captain in charge of Detectives? LOL!!! Heavy Chevy, you are a special kind of stupid.
There is NO WAY you were ever a real cop.
The head of Investigations doesn’t DO investigations, he’s ADMINISTRATION.
He sure wouldn’t be handling a case of
“people are saying mean things about me in the internet”.
What a buffoon you are!

Fill this out and get back to me you whiny mangina.


I downloaded that and will now print multiple copies to hand out to anyone I speak to for the next few days.

Toasty Coastie

Me too Shield Maiden 😀


Toasty, well spoken here tonight! I missed you, doll! Glad to see you back and in fighting form.

Toasty Coastie

Missed you too hon…drop a call today if you get a chance 🙂


After my nap, it’s a date! TeeHee!

Green Thumb

I will call up Phildo and see if we can double!

Toasty Coastie

Oooo Great idea GT…We could have some great fun 😀

Toasty Coastie

Oooo Great idea GT…We could have some great fun 😀


“Oh, and because I AM a trained investigator (and you’re not you blobfish)” – RM3(SS)

“There is NO WAY you were ever a real cop. The head of Investigations doesn’t DO investigations, he’s ADMINISTRATION.” RM3(SS)

This is exactly what I was looking for earlier, people holding police/investigator experiences who could scrutinize Dennis Howard Chevalier’s police or investigator experiences. :mrgreen:


Anytime thebesig, just let me know. 27 years between local and federal law enforcement service.
Not as distinguished as the Master Chief, but I do my best. 🙂

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

Boy, the wheels have fallen off somebody’s cheese cart. Time to fess up to the lies, Dennis Howard Chevalier.


Hey Dennis: While Wikipedia is an encyclopedia anyone can edit, it is also one that does a good job of maintaining its revision history:

Oops! You forgot your diploma mill papers. Better Pile it Higher and Deeper:

Nothing better to do in an evening at the Candlewood Suites in Lafayette, LA than to insert yourself into a wikipedia article, eh?

It is sad that the link with your name and the fake Ph.D. at the end does not end up going to a real wikipedia article. See, you should be happy that TAH has paid so much attention to you.
Before, there would be no way you’d ever manage to meet the criteria for having your own article in wikipedia. Now, your chances just got a little better since you’re a notable example of an unrepentant valor thief.

Toasty Coastie

Someone is TOAST!

2/17 Air Cav

That is a scream. He actually inserted his name and PhD in there! What a hoot. He truly is a pathetic slob.

HS Sophomore

Wow. Just wow. That is probably the most ridiculous display of low self-esteem/all-around stupid I’ve ever seen.


I checked the link provided above: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Chevalier&oldid=225059309 UNsurprisingly, this is what I found. So much for the veracity of wikipedia. NOT!

The page “Dennis H Chevalier, PhD” does not exist. You can ask for it to be created, but consider checking the search results below to see whether the topic is already covered.
For search help, please visit Help:Searching.


Dammit! I missed all this last night. Damn you, “Hannibal!”

Simply put, Dennis Chevalier is A LIAR, A FAKE, A QUITTER and AN ABUSER.

He is a man that has lied about so much for so long that he has actually come to believe his own lies.

He cannot provide one single shred of evidence to support his claims.

He will not change. He will continue to rock the lie to his grave. He is worthy of only scorn and derision.


OMG you are pissing me off.
I want some proof with those bullshit allegations of yours.
Its real damn simple.

Classic Chevaliar from his blog. Chevy, shame your family hates ya, you have no friends and apparently no co workers to vouch for you currently.


And that may actually, albeit unintentionally, be the most telling comment he has ever posted. It’s all about him. “I want, I want, and I want it NOW!”

This is not about you, Denny Penny, it’s about stolen valor. You just happen to be the one carrying the stolen valor. It’s never been about you. It has always been about stolen valor.

In the process of stealing valor, you also committed several crimes, some more serious than others. It is those for which you are being held accountable, plus the original offense of stealing valor which you never earned.

But, since you cannot see beyond your own ego, you will likely never “get it.” To do so, you must look beyond your own self, something which you are unwilling to even try.

Meanwhile, there are some real threats, copied above, which you have now made. Any real profiler can see them. Shoot, most normal people can see them. Your psyche, your made up persona, is threatened by reality and you are acting out like a toddler. Except that you are a grown man who is expected by society to act like a grown man.

You chose to step into our world, Denny Penny, when you claimed what we have earned. Welcome to reality. You know that you don’t belong here, we know that you don’t belong here, and no amount of your whining and threats will change that.


Dennis…Aren’t you really chomping on the cheese right now to want to be able to post something? I bet it is absolutely killing your little butt hurt ego to go unheard from now on. Isn’t the concept of a privately owned blog, totally outside your control, just an enjoyable (for me) and aggravating (for you) thing at the same time? (They call that a paradox PhD) I feel for you Dennis…nah…I’m just kidding I don’t feel for you at all. I think Jonn’s decision was great, funny as hell and perfectly timed! Have a great day Dennis! Try to watch the anger, frustration and blood pressure. By the way here’s something you can look forward to big time. Get THIS now, June 4th is, guess what, that’s right…it’s National Cheese Day!!! Oh the joy, the joy of cheese gobblers all across the country. I hear this year they are going to try a “Cheese Across America” campaign. Everyone will buy a long 10 pound block of their favorite cheese and try to link cheese blocks from New York to San Francisco. What a wonder to behold! Bummer is they aren’t going through Texas so you’ll have to travel some. Maybe catch them in Denver somewhere. Afterwards, everyone will have a “Cheese Sit-In” to protest the higher prices of cheese these days. They will sit and scarf down their blocks and wait for Law Enforcement to try to remove them. Dennis (and this is strictly hush hush and on the down low!) word on the street has it that the biggest action is planned for San Francisco. Because out there, they love to shove the cheese up their buddies ass before eating it. You know, two pleasures in one event. You understand that I’m sure since you sit on your block for that added little flavor before you dig in. Well, dig in could be taken two ways. I mean when you dig in not with your ass on the block on the floor, but when you dig in to eat it as fast as possible. OH! Big time I almost… Read more »


Hey Cpl Hollywood! You at TXSG weekend drill? You start the day out at 0500 with PT? You ever going to make Sgt?

Oh shit. I’m sorry. That was cruel. Even the TXSG threw you out. Tango Sierra.


Well, well, well. There is STILL more of this story to be found.

Seems that Denny Penny is still listed as a CHL instructor with the TXSG.


Look down the page and he is listed as the Region 4 manager of a “cadre.” (Now we know where his use of THAT particular term originates!)

OIF '06-'07-'08

OWB, it can take awhile before an organization and/or company will update their web site.


Of course. Either I missed that little nugget earlier, or forgot it. It just struck me as interesting that he might have received funds from the TXSG. No wonder he was so territorial about it.

And, these regional firearms trainers apparently also are authorized to train some military folks (for CHL only, but you know how he would make that sound) through the TXSG. That part is just creepy.


As promised, an interview with those that have ran into Dennis Howard Chevalier… :mrgreen:


Johannes Hans Fallada: Ladies, if you’re reading this, it’s because you just did an internet search on Dennis Howard Chevalier. You’re considering whether to go on a date with him or not… or you’re starting to suspect that he’s a bit “loco”. The previous interview covered Dennis Howard Chevalier’s phony military claims. Today, we’ll cover his relationships with women. First, Dora Lee. Tell us about when you met with Dennis Howard Chevalier. Dora Lee: When we met he gave me this sob story, his wife and baby were killed by a drunk driver. He married again and the next wife he caught in bed with another man when he came home from active duty. He chased him down the street naked and kicked her out. The next wife she was a druggy and left there baby with a sister who was a drug dealer and the baby was in Oklahoma. He said he had to borrow a plane. Flew up to Oklahoma landed on a highway, broke into there house by gun point, stole the kid back, flew back to texas. Johannes Hans Fallada: When did the problems begin? Dora Lee: Once we got married, he changed, it was more of I own you! He wanted on my life insurance policy, and hounded me till he was on it. He wanted on my health insurance, and kept after me to make sure he was on it. He kept us so broke and bouncing the checking, I was spending my money trying to cover nsf fees. His spending was out of control, he would spend 3 dollars for 1 patch and spend 7 dollars for shipping. No common sense! Johannes Hans Fallada: What would you say Dennis Howard Chevalier’s true nature is? Dora Lee: He is 100% narcissistic! Im talking a severe case! Johannes Hans Fallada: To be fair, Dennis Howard Chevalier isn’t here to defend himself. He’s in a padded room, beating the padding severely as if they were the women and children he assaulted. So, for the women reading this, could you give me an example of his narcissism?… Read more »


Johannes Hans Fallada: Did he stop being cruel to you when you got sick? Dora Lee: I was extracted from my car at work because I had herniated disks in my back. My boss and I both called him to tell him im going by ambulance to the hospital. He didn’t call till 6 hours later, ive been admitted to the hospital. He said your in good hands. I don’t need to come up to see you. Dora Lee: He kept stealing my pain killer, and I was on oxycontin I couldn’t take the crap because it made me ill. He would take them and he would yell at me because I was out of pain meds. He would of accuses me of being the druggy. Dora Lee: I was at work and I bent over to put my camera bag in the car and couldn’t get up. The pain was so horrid they had to call the ambulance to come get me. By the time I finally spoke with Dennis was about 7pm.. I’ve already have been admitted into my room and it’s about 7pm. He was wondering were I was.. In the hospital..he said your in good hands, I don’t need to come see you because you sound all drugged up and you won’t remember if I’m there or not. Dora Lee: He showed up 2 days later when he found out his ex wife and son were coming to see me. They stayed about an hour and left and so did Dennis. He showed up again to pick me up. I was to call him when the doctor released me than he will come get me. I’m now using a walker to get around. Dora Lee: We get home, I’m doing good to make it to the bathroom and he wants to know if I’m up to cooking dinner. No you stupid fuck! I was at the doctor every 2 weeks doing spinal injections and I’m on hydrocodine. He is doling them out to me so I won’t get hooked on them because according to him they… Read more »


Johannes Hans Fallada: What about fidelity? Did he at least stay loyal to you?

Dora Lee: On mothers day, he buys her flowers, with my freaking money!! He acts like he makes all this money.. it was my money.. I said if im buying this woman flowers I could at least fucked her so I felt I got some thing out of the deal! Omg.. hell was to be paid for that comment.

Dora Lee: She told me there were pictures of the 2 of them on his phone! I made him unlock his phone and hand it to me because he kept saying we were both crazy and never to question his veracity. He has always been faithful. If that’s the case you have nothing to hide give me your phone I went right to pictures and he ripped the phone out of my hand and we went to fighting, remember ive got serious back issues. He grabbed me from behalf put his knee on my lower back and had his arm around my neck in a choke hold. Im 5’4 he is 6’1 and outweigh me by 300lbs. He slammed me into the wall and I wasn’t thinking of my back injury I was so pissed off.. no man will ever hit me! I kicked him in his groin he let me go, I called the cops! He sweet talked himself from getting arrested that night!

Ex-Wife “A” of 6: He never hit me, he threw things but never at me. He would get up in my face or back me up to a wall and try to intimidate me a few times. He knew the consequences of hitting me.

Johannes Hans Fallada: Why didn’t he hit you?

Ex-Wife “A” of 6: My XXXX was a XXXX…my XXXX knew people too. Dennis knew better than to hit me.


Johannes Hans Fallada: Dora Lee, on This Ain’t Hell, you talked about him setting dating profiles up during your relationship. Did he take those down? Dora Lee: He said I keep taking them down and someone keeps putting them back up. (wonder who that could be). Johannes Hans Fallada: He sounds like a violent man, has anybody gotten the police involved with his violence? Dora Lee: I kept questioning him why his son who is 16 years old would need his mother to stay with him when he would visit, I did not know at the time, the divorce decree states there visitation has to be supervised due to the fact he held a gun on his ex-wife and his son. Johannes Hans Fallada: How was Dennis Howard Chevalier with employment? Dora Lee: He was working as an adjunct professor at ctu when we first got together and doing his pi stuff. As soon as we started living together I noticed he was having issues with students. He was under contract with them… ( I believe) we got married and boom with in the first month he looses his job at the school. Boom.. he looses his job at the pi firm. He had 1 other job with another pi firm that lasted a month. Rest of the time, he sat at home saying tbe economy was bad and could not find a job. I was working 12 hour days… Dora Lee: Regards to his business chevalier and associates, I wanna know who the associates are because the entire time I was with him there was no one but him. Dora Lee: To fill in the gaps of his unemployment he uses he worked for himself. He wasn’t working. He was sitting at home in front of the computer doing god knows what. Dora Lee: What scared me to death was he wanted to open up a checking together and I went along with it. He said thats our savings for our wedding. So im putting in money all the time thinking its our savings account. I look and he… Read more »


Johannes Hans Fallada: Did you have an opportunity to talk to other women that have met Dennis Howard Chevalier? Dora Lee: Next wife married the longest, she has her masters in psychology. So I guess that’s how she put up with him for over 10 years until she wanted to leave. He went crazy and pulled a gun out.. he used the excuse the medication from the cancer drove him crazy. Dora Lee: The first time I got to be alone with sharon was when dennis was in the hospital for the millionith time. We sat in the lobby and she told me his phd was not real, that he was never in the airforce and the reason why she is there all the time because there son is terrified of his dad. She said she tried to leave and he pulled a gun on them. She said she was doing the same thing driving over 50 miles to go get bryan so he can see his dad, dennis never put forth any effort. She said do to finances she couldn’t go get him all the time. Sharon said dennis blames her for keeping bryan away from him. Sharon also made a comment about she wondered if dennis was harming himself to get attention. She said she wouldn’t put it past him. When I finally spoke to sharon for the first time, this was dennis’ s 4th or 5th time being in the hospital in less than 4 months. They would get him straighten out and he would be back in. It got so bad the er doctor was asking him if he was harming himself. I was taking so much time off work to take care of him I had to go out on fmla. The amount of stress dennis put me thru with the “gaslighting” yes, I did go to a psychologist, first time my shrink met him, she said I don’t say this to many of my clients, but you need to leave him before he kills you. She gave me numbers to womens shelters, the first… Read more »


Johannes Hans Fallada: Did he live up to the stereotype of “fat and lazy”?

Dora Lee: He was so damn lazy he opened up a can leave it on the counter and couldn’t walk 2 feet to put it in the trash. Seriously guys. I was spending 500 to 600 in groceries a week and it was the 2 of us!!! I was never home to eat the shit. I bought a 7lb bag of cheese and grapes for my breakfast that should of lasted me 2 weeks, I said do not eat. . I get up the next morning gone!! 7 lbs of fucking cheese! !! Who the fuck eats 7 lbs of cheese over night and doesn’t remember?

Johannes Hans Fallada: Were you surprised by the news that Dennis Howard Chevalier never was in the Air Force, never flew C130s, never flew combat missions into Iraq during the Gulf War, and was never a USAF LTC?

Dora Lee: I was mad when I discovered dennis posting shit about me on the internet, thats how I found this site when I googled him. I got pissed off again. When I found out his dd214 was a fake.

Johannes Hans Fallada: Could you tell us about the end of your marriage to Dennis Howard Chevalier?

Dora Lee: I lived with this douch bag for 2 years, he almost killed me. I escaped with my life… I made it out with my life! I saw the signs, but I was single for 10 years.. didn’t want to be alone anymore. I learned a lot about myself.


Johannes Hans Fallada: Dora Lee, what would you tell any woman reading this, wondering if they should go into a relationship with Dennis Howard Chevalier? Dora Lee: Honey rum while you can, because if you dont believe all his bs.. than you to will be accused of being bi polar and need to be medicated! Dora Lee: I had to run for my life because I believe he was giving me something and making me ill! I was so sick I was begging him to take me to the hospital and he refused! I was in horrific pain and on the floor and he would not take me. Said ill get over it! I have no proof but speculation, because as soon as I left him I was doing better! Dora Lee: Watch your money he will say let me pay this bills, all your bills wont get paid, and he would by bullshit stuff as your checking accounts keeps getting over drawn. And its okay if he spends 1000′s on shit, however there is no money to by yourself a pair of pants for work! Johannes Hans Fallada: HorseshoesandHandgrenades, you were dating him briefly did you notice anything during that short period? I can understand everything fedupexwife is saying…. But during our brief courtship his side of the story was very believable. He made is sound like he was the victim and his 6 ex wives were the perps!! After a conversation of our ex’s and realizing he had been married 6 times previously, my gut started telling me to watch out. He needed validation on just about everything he posted on facebook and got upset if I didn’t “like” a comment. Any time he posted he was ALWAYS the first to “like” it (be it picture or comment. He gave me his “resume” on our first meeting. I know this isn’t a dating forum but ladies BEWARE!! I did look him up and found exactly what he said he’d done and could not find anything derogatory. Just what my gut was telling me. He emailed after I chose… Read more »


I have been waiting for you to post this! It was worth the wait! Great job! Haha! I can’t stop laughing thinking of him reading this and going mad with rage at not being able to respond.


Is there a way to prevent Dennis Howard Chevalier’s IP from seeing this? If so, it’s much worse, because he knows that something was posted. To see it, he has to waddle his fat arse to a place with wire free internet. :mrgreen:

Nothing on the mangina monologues indicating that he has seen this. 😈


Maybe he’s still sleeping off Friday’s Ripple and Velveeta binge. (smile)


…and “cooper” cheese overdose. :mrgreen:


David Cooper = Cooper cheese? 😀


Excellent reporting with VERIFIABLE sources. Proud to acclaim the quality of your investigative reporting!


Thanks, it was as simple as copying and pasting what has already been said, and fitting the questions to that. :mrgreen:

Dennis Howard Chevalier will blow a gasket when he sees this, and claim pull the “she’s bipolar” card. 🙄


Besig, notice, all of Denni’s excuses for his wives is either mental card or drug abuser. Not even creative at this point. Hell, Dennis even called a kid a drug abuser.

Toasty Coastie

Posted by Dennis Chevelier:

Status…a message to This Ain’t Hell’s blog members
You are wasting mine and everyone elses time with your bullshit.
Put up or shut up

Proof is not your bullshit “analysis”



Originally posted by Toasty Coastie: Originally posted by Dennis Howard Chevalier on the Mangina Monologues: 5/4/2014 You are wasting mine and everyone elses time with your bullshit. Put up or shut up CLAIM—-PROOF Proof is not your bullshit “analysis” Ha! If we’re wasting your time, Dennis Howard Chevalier, why are you wasting your time reading the This Ain’t Hell blog? Again, who is this, “everyone else” that you talk about? It certainly isn’t the posters on this blog. It certainly isn’t the people you claim are with you, because even in your world, people are distancing themselves from you. You’ve yet to provide us with proof to support the claims we’re hammering you on. You’ve also failed to provide proof to support the vast majority of your arguments. The only side that’s providing bullshit is you. You have no facts, so you try to bully us with your bullshit. We’re presenting the factual, logical, and common sense to this argument. Again, your attitude on this blog matches the attitude that those who have met you described. It’s like what Barbara said on your blog: “The only proof you have provided is that you are unable to maintain a meaningful relationship with the opposite sex – YOU are the constant. Your exes stories are just a bit too similar to go unnoticed.” -Barbara You got nucleowned with that statement. You got busted with Barbara’s entire reply to you. 😈 Added to her statement is the fact that those of us hammering you are singing the same tune. We’re doing so because the facts are blatantly obvious to us. You, blinded by your horse-blinders, refuse to see the facts. Oh well. Someone following this thread notified a group of women in the Dallas/Fort Worth area about you and your history. As you’re reading this, information about you, to include your history of assaulting women and this link, is spreading the viral route… and is spreading to women living in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. You’re going to need to use your bad azz “investigative” skills to search for a blow up doll… more… Read more »


Oh yeah, we are wasting time alright.

I posted that screenshot of Dennis apologizing on his CSIR blog via GDContractor. He got so heated that he refused to post it.

So that is “evidence” that does not exist in Denni’s feeble little mind. I bet Dennis trashed his little hotel room once that evidence came to light.


Hilarious! And again, it says much about his self-centeredness. Much more than about how any of us choose to spend our time.

No one is wasting your time, Denny Penny, but you. Your time is something that you are absolutely in control of, and yet, you are willing to claim that we are somehow in control of it? Nope. YOU are in control of your time.

Which brings us to the paradox within which you now find yourself, Denny Penny. You demand that everyone around you focus on you. We are focusing a lot of attention on you, but it is very negative attention. Evidently you prefer negative attention to no attention at all, hence you keep coming here to see what we are saying about you.

You are a true drama queen, Denny Penny. A very sad drama queen.

Green Thumb

And a Felcher.

Pineywoods NCO

Hey Dennis

I truly do appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions…NOT!! Not in the fact I don’t, but you never did answer one question respectfully to me.

No worries.

I just want to let you know that we will still be watching you in the future. When you can answer my questions about why North Richland Hills is doing anything for you when you don’t live in North Richland Hills when you lived in Irving and later in Allen, I will then take a moment to say thank you, Dennis, for being full of yourself and your ego and full of cheese and crap.

You see, I have enough egocentric idiots in my world. You’re just another one. Like Bernath and Visconi, I don’t believe a damn word out of your mouth. You have lied, you have tried to get out of your lies, you been caught, others have shared their insight into you, and you have denied it all.

And every time you talk, we need a Bullshit-to-English dictionary to understand you and what appears to be your blathering. You have used sock puppets. You have tried to use different IP addresses and everytime you’re blown out of the water.

Face it. In essence, you’re outclassed, outmatched and outwitted. I will sum up what we all think of you in the words from a great movie called “A Knight’s Tale”:

Wat: You have been weighed.
Roland: You have been measured.
Kate: And you have absolutely…
Chaucer: Been found wanting.
William: Welcome to New World. God save you, if it is right that he should do so.

I don’t think however, the last part will happen. I believe, like Bernath and Visconi…you have punched your one-way ticket to hell.

May your hell be filled with stale Limburger cheese for you to be inserted into head first.

(sends a final physical greeting, the “single finger salute”)

Up yours, asshole.


LOL Thats a classic line I use on people. Adhemar’s line of You’ve been weighed, you’ve been measured and found wanting. Then he says “In what world could you ever beat me, such a world doesn’t exist” in one part of the movie.

In what world could Dennis Chevalier ever beat anyone?

Dennis, you are still popular on TAH, asshole. This is not going away.

A Proud Infidel®™

What’s Dennis “BLOBFISH” Chevalier going to say next? I never knew blobfishes could cuss!!


OMG … Are we still talking about this guy?

The Youcrane is about to collapse and we are here talking about Dr. Formage LeTwat …


“Hollywood” is in his Bates Motel hovel wearing his pretend C-130 helmet (that real C130 folks rarely wear) and a fake Doc PhD labcoat and trying to figure out his next move. The TXSG has canned him like everyone else in his miserable life. He went from an imaginary O5 to an E4 and disgraced both grades in doing so.

He even got banned here. Even Bernasty or Round Ranger have achieved that status.

Chevy: don’t go cleaning your weapons. Go see a counselor. You are fucked up and you know it.


Yeah, now Dennis is showing an email on his blog from Palmer claiming to still be in and we are misinformed.



Hmmm. Strange. I’ve never seen a real COL write to a CPL much less using that terminology. But then, I’ve never been in a pretend soldier organization. Hope that doesn’t piss off the JAG. Actually I don’t care if it does.

If CPL/LtCol Hollywood is still a member, it speaks more of the TXSG than anything else.


Ditto. And “COL Parker’s” signature block is all jacked up.

I think it’s fake. Just like everything else about Dennis Chevalier.


Yes, it’s all fake. ❗ I’ve seen samples of the Colonel’s writing, and it’s nowhere like what Dennis Howard Chevalier wrote.

Notice, on the top, it says, “You forwarded this message on 05/04/2014 22:11…” just in time to turn around and claim, “Aha, you guys are wrong!”

The writing looks too much like Dennis Howard Chevalier’s writing, and it presents an argument in support of Dennis Howard Chevalier’s claims… just like the doctored “narrative” in the criminal complaint he posted on the mangina monologues.

I see two possibilities here.

1. Dennis Howard Chevalier created a phony email account with Colonel Howard Palmer’s name, then emailed himself.

2. He actually got correspondence from his CO, but he edited it to make it look more favorable to him.

That is a fucked up signature block, because a real signature block, from an organization like this, would have the address and contact information right under the name.

He has posted other pictures of email messages that show the Texas State Guard characteristics, this current photo doesn’t.

I could go on, but given what we know about Dennis Howard Chevalier, he has created yet another fake document. 🙄

I’d say that Dennis Howard Chevalier is in the third stage of denial from getting kicked out of the Texas State Guard.

Dennis Howard Chevalier, that’s NOT “real” evidence. Our claim that you got kicked out of the guard is accurate and based on reliable sources. You didn’t show us any proof that you “weren’t” kicked out of the guard, but you did show us something that you doctored.

I’ve screen capped your phony email, and will have it available for GDContractor in case he wants to email Howard Palmer again. :mrgreen: 😈


This email definitely needs to go to Howard Palmer again.

This guy is way out of control. Just does not know when to quit or when to stop lying.


Then again, you have to wonder if that first email Dennis posted that he took off was actually a legit Howard Palmer account.

OIF '06-'07-'08

Why is it so damned important for him to now embellish is membership in a volunteer organization that basically is a step up from the Boy Scouts. CheeseFlake has never had the opportunity to have experienced drill instructors for a few weeks of his pathetic life, he has never been to a combat zone and experienced the exhilaration and horror that comes with facing the elephant.

CheeseFlake always has and always will be a loser with absolutely no self confidence or self worth.


He’s like Seven Up – never had it, never will.


Hahahahaa …. that line brings back memories.

First the Un-Cola; now, the Un-Guardsman.


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