James Nieder; political career ends with medal lies

| April 29, 2016

James Neider

Someone sent us this story yesterday about James Nieder, a city counsel candidate and a parks department employee of Hampton Roads, Virginia who a few days ago, told a Hampton Youth Commission forum that he’d earned a Purple Heart in Grenada in 1983. A week later, he was admitting to journalists that no, he didn’t have a Purple Heart;

“I made up a fabricated lie about it. I don’t know why I did it. It was the stupidest thing. I got caught in the moment,” Nieder said by phone on Wednesday.

Nieder said he regretted the lie, that he is suspending his campaign for council immediately and that he would never run for office again.


Nieder confirmed that he mentioned receiving the award again at an Aberdeen Gardens forum on April 23.

He got “caught in a moment”…twice…a few days apart. In other words, he’s sorry that someone asked him about it. He claims that he served from 1980 – 1986 in the Army as a medic and he claims that he was in Grenada, but we couldn’t find any service on him during that time frame, so needless to say, we’re going to get a FOIA. I asked him for a DD214, but I’m not holding my breath.

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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Gunnery Sergeant Highway can vouch for him.


He was on the helicopter with Brain Williams during all that, so he’s got that going for him!

2/17 Air Cav

Well, he has name recognition now. That’s always key in political contests. Of course, he says that he won’t play if he is a top vote getter. No reason to disbelieve him, right?

Mike Kozlowski

…In the Hampton Roads area, of all places, where you can’t swing a dead cat without hitting a vet or active duty. They just aren’t getting any smarter.


Airdale (AW) USN

Yep!! I live in Hampton Roads.

Daisy Cutter

The POSers were nestled all snug in their beds;
While visions of Purple Hearts danced in their heads;

B Woodman



He might as well have been running around Jacksonville, NC telling tales of darring do during his days as a Force Recon Marine. What a tard.


Cocksucker. Now you can get caught in the moment on Google. Go fuck yourself James Nieder.


NEWSBREAK: He changed his mind and now wants to run again. Here is his tear-filled apology asking for forgiveness.

He forgave himself, so why can’t others?


Saw the same story and now am questioning if he really DID serve in the US Army.

And since Jonn asked him for his DD214 and Nieder is ignoring the request, then that explains Nieder may not have a DD214 or may be contacting Frank to make him one.


It will be interesting what his records show.

“I got up this morning and I was like NO, I got this far.”

That’s the spirit. Keep forging ahead even though you know you’re wrong.


And the election is NEXT Week.

He told another lie. He said he would never run again.

Pure BS on his excuse “I don’t know why I did it.”

And once again, he has Enablers defending him.

Am surprise the Hampton City Council is still letting him serve.

Or why the 3 Major Networks in the Hampton Roads area has not asked him if he indeed ever serve and that he provide proof to be broadcast on the news so that the voters on Hampton can see it for themselves.

God help the residence of Hampton, VA if this guy gets re-elected. No telling what other lies he has been telling…and to the Youth living in Hampton.

The more people that enable his behavior and let him off the hook with his lies, the worse it is going to get.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Forgin Frank will do it for him… just $20.00/hr of work “cause he’s a vet”!



I was almost ready to cut this guy a little slack for having the balls to admit he lied. Now, not so much.

GFY, James Nieder

A Proud Infidel®™

Jeezus H Christ on a bamboo raft, he’s flipping and flopping like Boehner!

B Woodman

“Never go Bernath. Never go full Bernath.”
He went full Bernath.

John S.

Going full Bern@th would imply he:

*got disbarred
*Photoshopped his head on someone eles’s body & added a stripe
*forgot to check his gas tank before taking flight


Here’s more reporting on this guy from WVEC Channel 13 in Hampton Roads, VA: http://www.13newsnow.com/news/local/mycity/hampton/hampton-council-candidate-lies-about-purple-heart/158479564 ‘HAMPTON, Va. (WVEC) — A day after dropping out of the race for Hampton City Council a candidate is back on the ballot. James Nieder got caught in a lie about having a purple heart medal. Now, he is apologizing, and realizes that what he said won’t sit too well with the community. Nieder says he got caught in the moment, on several occasions, allowing people to believe he had earned a purple heart medal during his time in the army. The guilt prompted him to suspend his campaign for Hampton city council on Wednesday. Nieder served as a medic in the army from 1980 to 1986. But at several candidate forums he says he misspoke about his military career. “I got to the point where I really thought I really messed up and let a lot of people down and I figured the best thing for me was to drop out,” Nieder says. But he did have a change of heart. He says after talking to family and friends and supporters they encouraged him to get back in the race to hopefully make a change in the city. A race that has five people running for three seats. “Some of the people out there who know me read the article and said why,” Nieder says. “So you misspoke, people do that all the time. The best thing to do is go into a deep apology and continue on.” One of his opponents Shree Green says she can forgive him, but she’s not sure how the voters will react come voting day. “Especially since we live in a city that the veterans live here,” Green says. “I support the veterans, I support including the veterans more in the city, so he’s going to have to respond to that appropriately, he’s going to have to deal with the veterans and see if they can forgive him.” “Hopefully people can realize that there’s always a second chance for someone,” Nieder says. “I can do well. I’m very… Read more »

2/17 Air Cav

Gee. He didn’t say “fellow Veterans.” Maybe a PH wasn’t all that he lied about, eh? Did he serve at all?


We’ll find out.

Jonn is rolling in hot and putting in a FOIA on this guy. He’s also asked Jimmy for his DD-214 (if one actually exists).


I’m willing to bet that if there is some service to be found, it’s probably more than likely along the lines of a veterinary food inspector or a dental tech lab assistant at a Basic Training Post rather than a combat medic in Grenada.


What a dink this guy is. He could run for president some day.


Well, he has HRC to set the example for him as well as her husband.

He has ran before for the same position as an Independent..and won.

God help the citizens of Hampton. Probably explains why the taxes here are going up, up, up. Folks that can afford it are leaving Hampton for other surrounding Counties. Phoebus, outside of the now closed Fort Monroe, has become a Ghost Town.

Nieder, if you are reading this, do the right thing and drop out of the race, that is, IF you REALLY care about the citizens of Hampton, VA.

Or if this is all about you, Nieder, then go seek Mental Health Professional counseling. And don’t pull the PTSD excuse for your lie.

Green Thumb

He seems better than what we have now.

Keepin' It Real

Hey Nieder-meyer,

Do the honorable thing and drop out… AGAIN.


I see what you did there, Keepin’.

Green Thumb

No doubt he will be refereeing the next All-Points Logistics corporate intramural Softball game next year.

I wonder how much Phildo the False Commander “Felonious” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics)will be sliding in his ass to guarantee his team’s victory?

Pinto Nag

He got ‘caught in the moment.’ I’d like him to get caught in the moment when a real PH recipient backs him up against a wall and explains to him what it means to EARN that medal. I’d also like that moment caught on video.


Surprise, James Andrew Nieder!

Virginia Court Records are opened to the Public

Wow, you really set the example for our Youth and the citizens of Hampton.

Let’s see now. On 24 November 2009, you were ticketed and fined for going 43 MPH in a 30 MPH zone in Hampton.

Did you learn and ask for forgiveness? Well, obviously not, because in less than 2 years, 24 February 2011, you were once again and fined for going 38 MPH in a 25 MPH zone in Hampton.

And 2 years later, on 24 August 2013,in Newport News, VA, you were ticketed and fined for Failure to Obey a Stop Sign.

Not throwing stones at Boo-Hoo James since alot of us get those speeding tickets. But 3 offenses in LESS than 4 years?

Most 25 MPH Speed zones in Hampton are near School Crossings. Most 30 MPH speed zones in Hampton are in Residential areas.

Yep, what a fine Crybaby you are. You don’t care about the citizens of Hampton, James Andrew Nieder.

You only care about yourself and what you can get away with. Or you THINK you can get away with it. You don’t seem to learn from your mistakes since you obviously disregard the law when getting behind a vehicle.

No telling what is out there on you in the PA Court Records.

RESIGN, Crybaby. Drop out of the Race. And go seek counseling before you maim or kill someone with your driving behavior.

Keepin' It Real

It gets better or worse depending on how you look at it.

On the Fake Warrior Group, a news clipping from 1976 confirms that a then 21 y/o James Nieder of Pittsburgh, PA was charged with soliciting prostitution. The address ties it to this James Nieder. Nieder lived in Pittsburgh before moving to VA.

I’m thinking it all went down something like this:

James woke up this morning, took a hard look at himself in the mirror and said “You know, Jimmy, you’ve been charged with prostitution, you lied about a Purple Heart and God only knows what else; but you need to cowboy up and get your fat keister back in that political race. The people NEED you.”

And you just KNOW that happened.

Keepin' It Real

For those who are not on the Fake Warrior Group and cannot see the article referred to above:

Monday 18 Oct 1976


The following crimes were reported to city police during the past weekend:

James Nieder, 21, of 700 Noblestown Road, West End, was arrested and charged with prostitution and harassment by phone after he allegedly called a 21-year-old University of Pittsburgh student and made an indecent proposal. The student called police, made a date and Nieder was arrested in Oakland when he went to meet the girl.


I found the same news article AND the Court Records on it and sent them to Jonn.

The Court record is PDF and dont know how to post.

Just go to the PA Court Cases, go to Allegory County, PA and voila, there it is. It’s the Same guy. DOB matches the VA court record and the age of 21 in 1976 (he was born in 1955).

So far, no luck in contacting reporters on all 3 News Station as well as the Daily Press. Will have to print these documents and put them in the mail ASAP considering the election in next Wednesday.


Have you tried the Virginian-Pilot?



Got lucky with the Daily Press and was thanked for the tip as well as trying to do a follow up on the story.

Sent them the Pittsburg Newspaper Article and the Court Document.

Hope it gets thru before 3 May. I politely asked them NOT to use my email address as a source.

Also got lucky and sent an email to WTKR, but so far, have not heard back from them. Keeping my fingers crossed on that one as well.



WVEC Channel 13 News also ran the initial story, so they might be interested in your additional info on this guy:


Here’s their e-mail address: news@wvec.com

Hope this helps.


Will try to get a hold of them as well. Thanks, Mick. BTW, no one has answered my questions on Nieder from the City Council.


Just contacted them, Mick and waiting for a reply.

Hope this gets out before next Tuesday.

I also asked them if they have verified that he was in the Army.


Mind posting a link to the PA Court Cases site?


Will try again. My last post did not work in giving you the info.

Go to https://ujsportal.pacourts.us/

Go to Docket Sheets and click on Criminal Courts of Common Pleas.

On the Search, scroll to Participant Name.

Type in James Niede and choose Alleghney County.

His name is the last one. Click on Dockets Summary and a 3 page PDF will show up.

It’s him. DOB matches to the VA Court Records and the age stated in the 1976 Newspaper article.


Thanks. May need to second-source a FOIA, and the info there might help.


OK, that yielded everything that should be needed except for place of birth. (SSN would be great, but is often not strictly necessary.)

If anyone has that other info regarding this . . . individual, please advise and I’ll file a second FOIA on the jackass. That’s generally a good idea – we’ve seen occasional “misfires” by NPRC in the past on FOIA requests.


On a FaceBook posting of his dated 8 Dec 2015, he says “my heart is were (his misspell, not mine) I was born the burgh

The accompanying picture is of Forbes Field.


Claw: thanks. Don’t do Facebook (personal and other reasons), so I’d not have seen that.

Second-source FOIA on this lying jackass will go out in Monday’s mail.


You’re Welcome.

My Facebook access comes from utilizing the Household 6’s page to lurk and troll at will.

She and her little crony hens use it to cackle on. I use it for something completely different.


And yet another UPDATE that addresses Nieder’s PH story: “Last Tuesday, Nieder told the Daily Press that he’d earned a Purple Heart – an award given to U.S. military service members wounded or killed in the line of duty – after he was hit in the ankle by a ricocheted bullet while treating a wounded soldier on the first day of the invasion of Grenada. He said he couldn’t produce the medal because he’d pinned it on a dying soldier he thought deserved it more.” http://www.dailypress.com/news/hampton/dp-hampton-city-council-candidate-who-lied-about-earning-purple-heart-reenters-race-20160429-story.html “Hampton City Council candidate Jim Nieder, who announced he would drop out of the race for council after admitting he’d made up stories about earning a Purple Heart, has decided to remain in the race. However, his explanation as to why he’s stucking it out seems to vary based on who he’s talking to. Nieder said in an email to the Daily Press Friday morning that he tried to take his name off the ballot but couldn’t, so he’s “going to let it see what happens.” Last Tuesday, Nieder told the Daily Press that he’d earned a Purple Heart – an award given to U.S. military service members wounded or killed in the line of duty – after he was hit in the ankle by a ricocheted bullet while treating a wounded soldier on the first day of the invasion of Grenada. He said he couldn’t produce the medal because he’d pinned it on a dying soldier he thought deserved it more. Nieder first claimed he’d earned a Purple Heart during a Hampton Youth Commission candidate forum last week. He repeated the claim publicly at at least one other council forum. Others have come forward, including Hampton School Board candidate Anne Stephens Cherry, who have said Nieder told them about the Purple Heart as well. Cherry said Nieder told her the whole story of how he’d been shot and earned the medal after a candidate forum in Olde Wythe on Tuesday night. Cherry said he told her that was why he walks with a limp. “I felt like I should have been saluting him,”… Read more »

A Proud Infidel®™

He said he couldn’t produce the medal because he’d pinned it on a dying soldier he thought deserved it more.”

Sounds like he stole that right out of the John “Lurch” Kerry political playbook.


“I’ve misspoken about my military record.”

No, Jimmy, you knowingly LIED about your military record.

“i can`t take and handle any more”.

Well that’s too bad, Jimmy, because this is just getting started.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Neidle-dick probably has been rocking the lie for a long, long time… it wasn’t a “caught in the moment” scenario. Dude is so badassed, he carried Rice Paddy Daddy’s nut sack on his last combat deployment in Grenada before he retired!

Fucking idiijit politician… hope he gets his ass handed to him at the polls.

BTW – nice intel KiR, especially the soliciting prostitution piece. Just confirms that he’s been a politician at heart for years.


“I made up a fabricated lie about it.”

Well, the guy is well on his way to mastering politispeak, as if there is such a thing as an unmade up unfabricated lie. The weasel couldn’t just bring himself to say, “I lied.”

2/17 Air Cav

“It was an unfortunate utterance, one that I should not have made, one that I deeply regret, and one that I will not repeat. At my age, I’ve made a few mistakes over the years. Who hasn’t? But let’s focus on what is at issue in this election. My mistake is not going to increase taxes, repair the old saw mill, or fix the roads and water lines. Those are the things that this election is about and those are the things I will focus on. The good people of Hooterville deserve it!”

See how easy to write this trash? It comes from years and years of hearing similar crud from mealy-mouthed SOBs.


2/17……You know that’s Presidential material don’t you? Next comes Peter Needer saying, “I did NOT have sex with that prostitute”.


But does he know what the definition of “is” is?


This may or may not sit well with the T A H crowd, but I believe the guy should REMAIN in his current position on the Council, as well as continue running for re-election. If the residents of Hampton Roads are stupid and gullible enough to have ANY shred of faith in a liar who shits on the graves of those who made the ultimate sacrifice, in addition to All who have been wounded in ANY war serving the United States of America, then you deserve what you get. Change his name to Peter Needer ’cause that’s exactly what he needs to stuff his mouth and shut the fuck up. Sad Sack son of a bitch needs to learn to act like a man instead of the candy ass pussy he is. ANY man with ANY respect would be absolutely embarrassed getting caught lying about such an important matter. But to make the story sound better by embellishing, WTF is wrong with this retard? And he thinks he is worthy of being anything more than the dog catcher’s assistant? F__k him doggie style with an umbrella! Asking the newspaper to not write any more stories “about his candidacy” is in fact asking the newspaper to quit writing anything that will further expose him. You can bet on it there is more to come on this fraud.
Saying, “I can’t take it anymore” is kin to saying “I’m going to consider ending my life if you don’t quit telling the public what an ASSHOLE I am.” Simple effort to play CYA at any cost.
You bought a whore, you are a whore, and you always will be a whore. Sell your soul to the highest bidder you piece of shit.
Show me a veteran who would vote for you and I’ll show you one who has serious brain damage. Lying, no-good rotten mfkr…..rot in hell you low life shithead. Sick bastard you are.


What Jarhead said….


I’ve contacted the Mayor and Vice Mayor of Hampton, the Daily Press, WTKR, WAVY, WVEC and the VA Pilot.

The Daily Press Reporter gave me his personal cell phone number, but I have to admit I have not called him. Hoping he will convince his Chain of Command to do the story.

Keep your fingers crossed that Nieder will be exposed before next Tuesday.

And Jarhead, you are right. The man is sick. No telling what other records are out there on him. His wife and family probably don’t have a clue on his past.

Hope Hondo and Jonn get the FOIA soon. Claw is probably correct as well in his possible MOS if he did indeed serve.

We shall see.

Mark Lauer

When you “misspeak”; that means you make a mistake. You misplace a word, or date.
For example; you might say, “I’ll never forget where I was on the day Lincoln was shot”, when you meant to say “Kennedy”.
That’s an easy mistake to make if you are thinking of two things at once, or are making comparisons.
But you don’t MISSPEAK yourself over and over again on different occasions. No; that’s LYING.
So,if I were to say I got a Purple Heart one day, but I didn’t; it might be forgivable. But not if I keep saying it over and over to different groups of people.
No, Mr Nieder; you don’t get a pass on this.



James Nieder has “dropped” out of the race AGAIN!

And here is the update as of 1800 hours:

“However, in a phone call Friday afternoon, Nieder said he had again changed his mind – that though his name would remain on the ballot, he would not accept the council seat if elected.”

“I don’t need the aggravation,” he said.”

Hmmm…he sounds just like LBJ: “”Accordingly, I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as your President.”


I suspect Nieder read this blog or others shared with him about his 1976 arrest and that he is covering it up by stating again he is dropping out.

What a Smug Individual he is. Thinking he was going to be elected.

Still hope the news station do that story about his past. Probably won’t since he is now “dropping out.”

It ain’t over, Smuggy Wish-Washy James. Wait until we get ahold of your Military Records, that is, if you have one. Why haven’t you shared your DD214 with Jonn yet, you Yellow Coward SOB Crybaby?


Do not fret James (Cocksucker Flip Flop) Nieder, we intend to aggravate the fuck out of you. Fucking liar….


“I don’t need the aggravation,” he said.”

Really? You aint seen nothin yet, Jimmy.
Fuck off, asshole


But will he change his mind again and accept the position should he be elected? After all, next week isn’t here yet. There should be ample opportunities for him to flip flop a few more times between now and the actual election.

He seems to have great difficulty making a decision – perhaps even more difficulty sticking with a decision once made.

Raymond heart

This ass hat also has a band called the memories. He is the drummer. They try to play oldies and country. He brags about how they are the best rated country band in Hampton roads. Get this, he plays at VFW’s and American Legion halls. Don’t think that is going to happen any more.

He has never held a council seat, he ran last election and had 5 percent of the vote. Guess he wanted to spice up his campaign this time. What a dumb @ss


Raymond heart, I will look again, but I thought I saw a picture of him sitting with other Hampton City Council Members. Even had his name plate in front of him. Will research and if I find, will send a link.

I saw the same mention of the band. Does he play at the VFW in Phoebus? Never been there, but hmmm, since I am a VFW member, maybe oneday, will walk in when they are practicing and start a conversation with him, play ignorant with him “So, what Service were you a member of and where did you serve?”.

Tempting. Very tempting. Just now need to figure out how to get my Secret Squirrel camera/recorder to work to catch the conversation on film.



Raymond, well, I was wrong and you are right.

He has never held a council seat.

Probably what I saw was the Current Candidates at a forum with Nieder in the picture.

Thank You!


I so fucking sick of the busted posers acting like a VICTIM!!!

“I got caught in the moment.”

Like “I got robbed” or “they took me with a blind cheap shot” or some other shit.

STFU and take it like a man!!!

HMCS(FMF) ret.

When the FOIA shows up, we’ll probably find out that Nieder-dick was a ballsack warrior or a rump ridin’ recon type.


Have tried several times to post Nieder’s 1976 Background information and the TAH site on WTKR Facebook site and it keeps getting deleted.


Anyone want to try?


This guy has a band where he is the drummer. They are called the memories. Get this, they play the VFW and American legions in the tidewater area. He ran for council last election and only had 5 percent of the vote. Doubt if he was ever in the military.


Maybe the band should consider changing its name to The Unverifiable Memories. Their theme song they could open with might be, “I got a gal named Phony Baloney. She plays the drums with a stick of macaroni.”

Hack Stone

I hear that he does a kick ass cover of “Just My Imagination”.



James “Crybaby” Nieder has now made the Stars and Stripes!


Way to go, Jimmy Boy. You wanted your 15 minutes of fame…and now you got it!


Way to go Jimmy (Cocksucker Flip Flop) Nieder, ask and you shall receive dickhead.

Tracie Dillard

This guy is a joke. He has mental issues and is always trying to promote himself. Good luck trying to pass as sorry for stolen valor in a military community like Tidewater. What a dork.

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder how soon it will be until he fucks himself yet again?


I believe he gets caught up in the moment every night and ass fucks himself with a 12″ purple whale.

Pete Hamlin

That is a really bad visual.