Friday morning feel good stories

| April 29, 2016

Two folks who were taking care of their mother’s empty unoccupied home, in Salt Lake City, Utah were tired of having the place torn up by thieves, so they laid in wait for the criminals. They were rewarded when two showed up in the dwelling. The victims ordered the pair to lay down and wait for the police. One tried to assault them, he was rewarded with a lead injection to his midsection by 51-year-old Glen Decker. They still got away briefly, until the police caught up to them. Mr Decker is looking at aggravated assault charges.

According to Talladega, Alabama police, a burglar was shot by a minor child – there are no details on the condition of the burglar or the child. Another article names the child as 11-year-old Chris Gaither and it took him 12 rounds to finally hit the burglar in the leg.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Better get the kid off to the range.
Good for the kid though, nice to know that he won’t back down either.
Can you imagine the crap that puke will take in jail? Shot by a kid !!!

John S.

Range nothing,take him to an Appleseed weekend. They’ll teach him to be a 4 moa shooter at 400 yards.

NR Pax

OK, I am puzzled. Why is the guy in Utah facing charges since he’s not the burglar? Is it because the scumbag was leaving when he was shot?


While it’s permissible and encouraged to ventilate a burglar, it’s not ok to lay in ambush and hope for a burglar. That’s why he’s been charged.

NR Pax

Makes sense even if it sucks.


I believe you are wrong – guarding property is not illegal. Setting up an unmanned trap (such as a shotgun on a tripwire) is illegal entrapment, but physically being there is OK. I think jonp is correct – what got Decker in trouble was shooting at the car as it was driving away. I suspect if no one was hurt by those shots, a good lawyer might get him off…but SLC I don’t recall as being very gun-friendly.


Looks like Decker was not content to shoot the perp. He had to chase them down the street letting off rounds at the car as they were driving off. If the car was driving towards him then maybe he would not be facing any charges. Someone can clarify this. Myself, I have no problem with what Decker did. Serves the miscreants right.


Mr. Decker might have been better off installing a large unfriendly dog in his mother’s unoccupied home. He did set up an ambush to defend the turf, but then he chased the perps. While I understand his intent, the po-po don’t like it. On the other hand, the female suspect, Ms. Gray, doesn’t look too bright. So Mormon Central is not a place to hunt for real estate, huh? Okay then, I’ll go over to Provo – oh, wait, Redford lives there. Eeew! Forget that.

B Woodman

RR doesn’t live in Provo as far as I know. If anywhere in Utah, he lives in either Park City (about 2 hours north of Provo), or Sundance (close by Park City).
Do you like to ski? All the best skiing is around there. Park City, Alta, Snowbird. Only a half hour from the airport. And best of all, you might even have the opportunity to run into (literally) RR.


Don’t forget Beaver Mountain, little family run place in Logan Canyon. I was a liftie there back in the 80’s.

B Woodman

RR doesn’t live in Provo as far as I know. If anywhere in Utah, he lives in either Park City (about an hour north of Provo to SLC, then another hour east), or Sundance (close by Park City).
Do you like to ski? All the best skiing is around there. Park City, Alta, Snowbird. Only a half hour from the SLC airport. And best of all, you might even have the opportunity to run into (literally) RR.

B Woodman

oops! sorry. don’t know how the double post happened.

NR Pax

From the first story: “I shot through the hamper he was carrying. It was a full metal jacket bullet. It went straight through the back of his leg. He started crying like a little baby.”

Oh yes. That kid’s prey is gonna be real popular in lockup.


Don’t know if you saw this one:

Put a BIG smile on my face this morning! It’s been said before…don’t mess with us old folk!