Homer Cole; always a Gorilla

| April 29, 2016

Homer Cole

AverageNCO made this documentary about a hometown hero – Homer Cole, a World War II pilot who came home to college and he played for the Pittsburgh State Gorillas. He goes to every game to this day, even though he’s 90 years old. Here’s 13 minutes of Homer.

Category: Real Soldiers

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God, I’ve been warped…. instant flashback to “Captain Ron” – “Gorilla – Guerilla – Go – Guer ….HUGE difference” I need coffee.

2/17 Air Cav

AverageNCO. Please say that you confirmed his service, its nature and duration. I can find zip. It’s great that he loves sports but that’s not of a whole lot of interest here. I found one item for the 487th Bomb Group but that went dead end. Yeah, others are wondering too, I’m sure, so any additional verified info would be great.


” AverageNCO, who is doing a larger documentary on Stolen Valor for his thesis, ”

THAT, my friend, is VERY cool.

Love to hear about it after it’s presented and completed.


A historian from the WW2 museum in New Orleans was researching 8th AF records. He was contacting family members of names from flight records. He initially thought he was contacting a relative of Homer’s when he realized Homer was still alive. He drove from New Orleans to Kansas to interview Homer and gave Homer copies of all his records. And the photocopy of Homer’s crew. I didn’t work them into the film but Homer has a number of other photos and artifacts from his time in England.

Green Thumb

Did the paper help?

I look forward to seeing the final product.

Let me know when you finish up.

2/17 Air Cav

Thank you for that. I am happy that you saw what was needed to be seen. Forgive me, but you know the drill around here. That said, I enjoyed the film. And, yeah, when your thesis is finalized, we would love to read it–the abridged version, w/o all of the damn footnotes!


No worries. When I first met Homer, I had the same skepticism because of what we’ve seen on here. I was going to run an FOIA myself until I saw the pile of stuff the historian from the museum brought.

Dave Hardin

MERICA! Damn fine job.

Semper Fi ANCO.

B Woodman

Do’ya think 90 yo Mr Cole, Purple Heart recipient, could beat up Mr Neider for our viewing pleasure?


I wish he would.

It would probably be easy for Homer to give Nieder some of that patented Andoriann “Gorilla” Fist Action that HMCS(FMF)ret. talks about.

I hope Homer is with us for many years to come.


B and Claw,

Amen to both comments.


Wish Homer lived closer to Wishy-Washy Crybaby Nieder. I would drive/fly Homer to my AO and bring Homer to Crybaby’s Front Door.

ANC: Thank you.