Yet More Secret Service Follies
Well, the Secret Service is yet again in the news. And as has been the recent norm – it hasn’t been in the news in a good way.
First: it appears that one of the Secret Service agents working a First Lady event got a bit . . . randy using his phone recently. It apparently happened on his “own time”, but he’s still on admin leave while this is sorted out.
And, second: apparently security clearances at the Secret Service are either thought to be unimportant or are treated somewhat carelessly. It seems that uncleared agents have been present at the White House lately – including at recent meetings involving classified information.
The linked articles (both from Fox) give more details. The first is IMO kinda “meh”. The second isn’t, and points out a serious issue that needs fixing.
I guess this means the “new” Secret Service chief is having a wee bit of trouble turning things around. Or maybe it means he’s simply OK with the current status quo.
Category: "Teh Stoopid", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Government Incompetence
Honestly? Who cares? Millions of people do this sort of thing every day, but because this tangentially involves Washington bigwigs, all of the sudden it’s a scandal. I don’t see what the big deal is, as long as his job performance doesn’t suffer and he does it off the clock.
Some Guy: regarding the first incident, I actually agree – and said as much in the article. Perhaps you missed that.
I kinda doubt being present at a meeting where classified info was discussed happened “off the clock”, though. Guarding VIPs at such meetings generally happens when the personnel involved are “on the clock”.
Let’s agree to agree. Yeah, the second one is a bit of a doozy. But do you know how much a TS investigation costs? At least THOUSANDS of dollars! How can you expect an agency that gets a meager 1.8 BILLION per year to pay for all of those? I’m sure the agents in question gave them their word and pinky-swore that they were legit, so why waste more money on actually checking up on them?
Agreed. (smile)
My guess is the Secret Service just doesn’t give a fuck because of who’s in office.
You really think this is all that important, Bpete. You must have a lot of time on your hands.
Sure, classified info doesn’t matter at all. Perhaps we should quit protecting it at all, no?
Yes, the above was sarcasm. Since you obviously missed that part about classified info when you read the article, I thought I’d better “spell things out for you” regarding the sarcasm.
Gee whiz, could the Secret Service have been just as clusterfucked-up by B. Hussein 0bama & Company as other Federal Government entities have, thus they’re suffering from clusterfuck fatigue with zero morale?
The more I read lately about the secret service the less impressed I am…I remember when the image of these guys was the steely eyed bullet sponges for the president.
Now they seem a lot more like hip-hop entourage bodyguards, filming their junk, getting drunk, and banging whores instead of doing their jobs…
Reflects the current administration.
If the secret services don’t give a s**t about their jobs, why should I?
Probably for the same reason as FAA to Examine Mental Health of Pilots.
This administration needs to quit fucking around with the status quo and go “straight Car 54” by bringing in “Turd” Bolling and his losers at Ambassador Worldwide Protection Service out of Memphis, TN.
It cannot get any worse.
Plus, as an added bonus, “Turd “Bolling” will never “confirm or deny” anything.
It’s my understanding that APL will be handling future training and screening assignments for the Secrete Service…all for a remarkably low cost bid.
Sad these clowns don’t take security seriously. I caught hell last year after kicking my 1st sgt out of a classified brief because she was out of scope.