Thursday morning feel good story

| June 11, 2015

In Detroit, a cancer-survivor who goes by the name Ms. Dee heard breaking glass in her home. When she went to investigate, the men (three or four of them) climbed in through the window and shot her in the leg. She went and got her own gun and returned fire, hitting at least one of them. They un-assed the AO. Her brother Corey told the media “If you break into our home, we’re going to kill you” which seems fair to me.

According to this report, since Detroit Police Chief James Craig endorsed citizens defending their homes from criminals, burglaries and home invasions are down about 29%. Funny how that works, ain’t it?

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There’s another story about a fellow in Texas who killed a burglar, but if you have more money than me, you can buy a subscription to the Baytown Sun to read it. Just knowing it happened is enough for me.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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God Bless America!

A Proud Infidel®™

HUH? Violent crime rates nosediving after word gets out that more law-abiding folks are arming themselves every day? Whodathunkofthat?


Yeah . . . funny how that works, isn’t it.

Also funny how it’s been working for the last 20+ years as state concealed carry laws have become more in keeping with what the US Constitution actually says nationwide – you know, that pesky little “. . . and bear” part that our “liberal brethren” keep trying to tell us doesn’t really mean what it does in plain English.

A Proud Infidel®™

EEEEYEAH, and the “Old West-Style” bloodbaths that bleeding-heart-on-the-sleeve liberals assured us would occur as soon as Concealed Carry Laws were passed never happened either. HEY WAIT, that’s another proven fact!

Facts, logic, and common sense are to liberals like soap, water, and honest work are to hippies, they react to that like vampires react to garlic, Holy Water, Crucifixes, and oak stakes.

B Woodman

You forgot the mirrors (to vampires)


Nice map, Hondo.

And in regard to ‘stand your ground’, guess who signed off on it in 2004? And guess who is now trying to restrict ‘gun speech’?

Hint: It isn’t Bigfoot.


Ms. D, as she prefers to be called, claims she thinks she is a cat. With big ‘ol boobies like she has, those things can be dangerous. Probably should be registered as lethal weapons at the least. Looks like she could strangle someone with those melons! yes, I know all you tit freaks are sitting Yround panting by now. Rather than being shot in the leg or foot, can you just imagine the immediate six inch rainfall that would arrive if she had been shot in the mammary? Don’t suppose Kaitlyn Jenner will ever have the bust size to compete? I’d rather “spank my monkey” than stoop to that low! Poor Kaitlyn; do they have complete head replacements in the medical market place yet? She looks mean; something out of a S & M magazine, that might want to do some peculiar things to a guy with matches, mouse traps, duct tape and a saddle. Now that ought to be a required punishment for those exposed on this web site. Only problem would be some of those freaks from Calif. would intentionally make up stories to get whipped over.