Friday’s Cooking

| April 10, 2020

Thought I forgot, didn’t you. I’ll get this in before the whining starts.


You’ll need:
6 golden delicious apples, peeled and sliced
2 Tbsp granulated sugar
1 3/4 tsp ground cinnamon, divided
1 1/2 tsp lemon juice
1 cup light brown sugar
3/4 cup old fashioned oats
3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup cold unsalted butter, diced into small cubes
pinch of kosher salt

You’ll do:

  • Preheat oven to 350 F degrees.  Butter an 8×8 baking dish, or spray with non-stick cooking spray.  Set aside.
  • In a mixing bowl, add sliced apples, granulated sugar, 3/4 tsp of the cinnamon and lemon juice.  Stir to combine, then transfer to prepared baking dish.
  • In a separate mixing bowl, add topping ingredients (brown sugar, oats, flour, 1 tsp cinnamon, salt, and diced cold butter).  Use a pastry cutter to cut the butter into the oat mixture, using a slight downward twisting motion, until mixture resembled pea-sized crumbs.  Alternatively, you can use two forks or even your hands to cut butter into the mixture.
  • Spread topping over apples in baking dish, and gently pat to even it out.  Bake 40-50 minutes, until golden brown and bubbly.
  • Serve warm and enjoy!

Not big on baking, but this one is easy.

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5th/77th FA

“…before the whining starts.” Indeed! And the whining was about to start. ’bout the only thing that saved you is a multitude of phone calls/emails about a tree blown down on my God Niece’s car, a quick trip down the street to the baby Piggly Wiggly, and the fact that you squeezed it in before quitting time. Something told me to get some apples at the store.

Granny Smith’s are my prefered apple for baking but I will make the Galas that I bought work. Have to go to a big grocery store to get the Golden Delicious. You are correct Good Sir, this is almost as good as an apple pie and a lot quicker. I even think that I’ve still got an unopened 1/2 gallon of vanilla bean ice cream in the freezerator.

Tanks Bro…you da Man!


Yummy. Sounds really good. Got the oats, so would make this right now. If I had some fresh apples. Don’t suppose the dehydrated variety would work. Yuck – don’t even want to think about that.

How’s about just cooking the Marie C’s peach cobbler that’s lurking in the freezer? (Never tried one, but her pies are very good. And it was on sale.)


Soak the dehydrated ones in apple juice cider to cover overnight (add a shot of bourbon or two if ya like), and they’ll work just fine.

Thanks Ed, my son is on a cast iron cooking kick, so I just forwarded this to him.. hopefully it’ll be Easter dessert!


Now you’re talking! Am thinking, rum instead of the bourbon and raisins…


Can’t imagine why that wouldn’t work…


That must have been some cryogenic frozen
ice cream to survive the oven…