WHO Official: May Have to Remove Sick Family Member From Home

| April 11, 2020

How would that suggestion work out with your household? (Google/Facebook/Reddit)

Tucker Carlson:

Last week Dr. Michael Ryan, he’s a leader at the world’s Health Organization, announced that in response to the spread of this virus authorities may have to enter people’s homes and remove family members. Presumably by force.

Runs video clip:

In most parts of the world, due to lockdown, most of the transmission that is actually happening in many countries now, is happening in the household, at family level. In some senses transmission has been taken off the streets and pushed back into family units.

Now, we need to go and look in families to find those people who may be sick and remove them and isolate them in a in a safe and dignified manner.

Tucker Carlson continues:

Just so you know, we’re coming to your house, seizing your children, and quote, isolating them in a safe and dignified manner.

Category: COVID-19

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Can’t defund WHO quickly enough.


They suck ass more than LeBron and the NBA.

5th/77th FA

Whatcha wanna bet Larsie Boi got an erection reading this article? “Nothing to see here Citizen, move along.”


You mean the Chinese/WHO waterboi?


Gee, I’m glad I still have that short sword from The Ren Faire… plus a whole bunch of kitchen knives. Meat gets expensive around here….


A cast iron skillet in the 12 inch range. And an attack cat.


Yeah, my family is fine and if you’d try that shit, you’d die from multiple puncture wounds from stab wounds from the poles holding my American and US Air Force flags usually out front of my house.
I had to get creative cause the rest of you fuckers would all be like “BLAM BLAM BLAM!” and shit and I don’t own any firearms except a RWS Diana Model 45 Break Barrel .177 Pellet rifle that kinda goes “pap (pause, reload) pap (pause, reload) “pap”, so kinda boring.
Although, now that I think about it, I have killed about a half dozen groundhogs. I could totally put out some dude from the WHO’s eye out.
Hey, and have a great weekend you demented freaks. 🖕🏻😘🙌


Chip…if one of these azzholes came to my abode, I wouldn’t waste the ammo… I’d go “Home Run Derby” on them with my Louisville Slugger.


To quote Montgomery Burns, I would “Release the hounds!”.. Two 160+ lb Great Pyr / Lab mixes, along with a small horde of other dogs of lesser stature will do a good job I think…




If they got through the gasoline in my sprinkler system then they can ask me nicely to come in my house. What a dipshit.

MSG Eric

As if this isn’t already happening in some other countries, like China.

WHO: “Well, China is doing it, so everyone else should too! Just send them off to a camp somewhere in the middle of nowhere, they’ll be back soon. Trust us, because China said they would!”


They’re also doing things like incinerating live people and taking organs from ethnic/religious minorities for transplant, so…


“They’re also doing things like incinerating live people…”

Read this too. Looking for second source confirmation before posting.


I’ve seen it on Breitbart


Thanks. Found it.

Breitbart Link

It’s unverified.

Radio Free Asia (RFA) noted that it could not independently verify that the Chinese Communist Party was burning coronavirus patients alive, nor has the Communist Party confirmed or denied the rumors.

So, still looking for second source confirmation.


I doubt you’ll find it. It very well could be the fever dream rantings of a near-death elderly person. With everything else they’re doing though, I really wouldn’t put it past them. They’re disappearing billionaire, ranking members of the party for being critical of Xi.


“safe and dignified manner”.

Am I the only one who has noticed that only the lefties believe that gulags are “safe and dignified”?

Safe and dignified is one of those lefty phrases that actually means squalid and murderous.

The modern left–and that includes everyone left of Romney–is a death cult.


They think safe and dignified is “Rodney King” used as a verb.


First you order me to stay in my house.
Then you tell me you are going to come inside.
Guess what’s gonna happen next.




At that point it’s not your house. It is now the state’s. The state will be using it to house cooperative party members. It’s what the Nazis did, it’s what all the various communists and socialists have done, and it’s what they’ll do again when they get the chance.

MSG Eric

“This is my BOOMSTICK!”


“If you’re gonna shoot, shoot! Don’t talk.”

You can glare meaningfully at the corpse of your enemy. Never monologue to a live enemy. They should die surprised.

If you -have- to address the enemy, tell his corpse, and keep it short.


The “Three S” rule is in effect at D’s Cantina.

Green Thumb


Simple math.


In my AO the honored tradition of the “Three Esses” is:


For this to work well, sufficient ballast is key.

5th/77th FA

Crabs gotta eat too.


Wrap them in chain link fence. When they decompose, the gases will escape through the holes in the fence, and the weight of the fence will keep it underwater.


In my AO;


A Proud Infidel®™

DITTO in my neck of the woods!


Would Lowe’s freak out if I bought a shovel, a tarp, and a bag of lime on the same trip?


Aren’t there still a large number of abandoned mine shafts in that part of the US Southwest?


I admit nothing. Call my lawer.


None of the posts on this sub-thread appear to comply with “shut up”.


Oh WHO,…I have rifle systems that are worth more than my car.
Let that sink in.

Going on a limb here: most scientists should be neither seen nor heard.


“Donny! We got a bureaucrat who wants to die for his corrupt buddies! Oblige him!”


This brings an entirely new meaning for “Molon Labe”. Although, I have to admit, there’s a certain 15 year old lurking about the house that MRS D might consider shipping off for a week or two.


Milton. Are you shitting me. Fookin autocorrupt.





Many thanks, Ed.


It could have been “molten” or “labia”?
Just sayin’ 😁


Now “molten labia” means a really hot date, right?


Could be referring to something antibiotics won’t cure. (smile)

MSG Eric

I don’t think we want to hear about Milton’s Labia, thankyouverymuch.

Comm Center Rat

Meanwhile, the Boston Globe reports 35 veterans in the Holyoke Soldiers’ Home in the PDRofMA have died since March 24, with 30 of them testing positive for COVID-19. Another 76 veterans have tested positive, at least seven of whom were negative in the first round of testing. Seventy-three staff members also have been infected.

Doc Savage

“Safe and dignified”?

Trust me; your attempted entrance into my home will not be safe, and your exit will not be dignified.

The Other Whitey

You might enter on your own terms, but you’re leaving on mine!


The ChiComs had to keep them healthy for their upcoming transplant donations of their vital organs. The Uyghurs and the Falun Gongers have that fabulous free universal healthcare that Bernie and his Bros are always yapping about. In the PRC prison camps, you know you are in trouble when they keep drawing your blood and you aren’t feeling unwell.


It must not be fascism when the Chicoms’ ass kissing buddies do it or something…

Dennis - not chevy

What’s next Aktion T4, the nazi euthanasia program?


Progressives think things like that are constructive when they do them. Quite possible.


Oddly enough, Dr. Ryan is Irish (born in Sligo, Ireland).

Given Irish history, I’m rather surprised he’s advocating the right of ANY external government or agency to come into private homes.

That kind of stuff might fly in Europe and/or the British Isles, Dr. Ryan. But “good luck wit dat” here in US.


He’s from the Republic.

If he was from Ulster, he almost certainly wouldn’t be advocating this bullshit.


Dunno, Mick. If I recall correctly, Ulster’s the part of Ireland that stayed with the UK. Citizens there might be a bit more deferential towards and trusting of central authority.

At least, the Protestant majority might. Not sure that applies to Ulster’s Catholic minority.



Correct; Ulster (Northern Ireland) is still part of the UK.

I was referring to conditions in Ulster during The Troubles. Any Ulsterman, Protestant loyalist or Catholic Republican, who remembers how things were in those days would never advocate government forces coming into a private residence to seize family members and take them away.

I had family and friends over there in Ulster during The Troubles. The reality of what went on over there on both sides is considerably different than the one-sided, overly-romanticized pro-IRA bullshit propaganda that is regularly served up here in the USA for American consumption. The IRA were vicious terrorists, and on the other side the loyalist Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) were just as bad. Believe me.

Every time that I see an Irish-American (whose family has probably been here in the USA since the Potato Famine) waving a pint of Guinness around on St. Patrick’s Day and getting all dewy-eyed about his support for either side in “The Troubles”, I want to heave. Clearly no understanding of the harsh, brutal realities of what he is so naively celebrating.


I always thought people came to the US to get away from that kind of BS. I guess some posterior orifices have to be posterior orifices and bring it along with them.

I used to hang out in a bar and they had a fundraiser for Noraid once. I managed to get in for free but it was so damn boring I soon left. Even the music (Irish of course) was second-rate.


I’ll accept that, Mick – you obviously have better sources of info than I do on the matter.

I’m a bit surprised to hear that the Protestant majority in Ulster view the local authorities with distrust, though. I’d have thought that they would see the local authorities and/or the UK government more favorably – e.g., as being on “their side”.

Live and learn.



A long-forgotten fact that has been drowned out over the years by incessant IRA anti-British propaganda is that the British Army was initially deployed to Ulster in 1969 to protect the Catholic minority from Protestant attacks.

‘Conflict and arrival of British troops’


‘The complete break down of civil order in Northern Ireland during the summer of 1969 caused the British government to commit the British Army to keeping the rioting factions apart. The arrival of British troops was welcomed by the Catholics in Northern Ireland who saw the soldiers as peacekeepers – troops who would protect them from Protestant mobs. Unfortunately, the targeting of the army by the IRA, and measures taken to try to stop provisional IRA attacks, led to the alienation of the Catholics from the soldiers who were trying to protect them by the late spring 1970.’


Meanwhile, there were plenty of both Protestant and Catholic ordinary citizens who remained close friends through it all. Had reason to visit there several times during those days. Attended a few evening events where Catholics were taken to Protestant homes for the night because of the curfew on Catholics, imposed for reasons both sides understood and supported. A crazy way to live.

The Other Whitey

Sadly, every nation seems capable of producing jerkoffs willing to trade away their countrymen’s rights on the assumption that they themselves will join the ruling elite. May all such scumbags burn in Hell.


Apparently, Irish schools are failing to teach history as badly as ours are.


A lot of actual history is, unfortunately, bad. There ain’t always a good guy.

The Other Whitey

“In some senses transmission has been taken off the streets and pushed back into family units.”

What the hell kind of sense does that make? It can’t transmit in the home unless somebody gets it outside the home and brings it back. See, this is the kind of shit that really pisses me off. Maybe somebody will say that it was “poorly worded.” Whatever. It’s insulting our intelligence, is what it is. This is a rather fascist declaration expecting a high level of ignorance.


He’s an idiot, talking to hear himself talk.

WHO has no real authority of any kind. How does he expect to enforce something like that?


Useful idiots.

AW1 Rod

Yeah. I defy any WHO scumbag to show up at any residence of my family looking to remove someone from the household. The only thing that would be removed would be the WHO scumbag, feet first and in a rubber bag.


“Now, we need to go and look in families to find those people who may be sick and remove them and isolate them in a safe and dignified manner.”

Please note: “those people who MAY be sick”.

Good idea, Dr. Ryan.

So how will they identify those who MAY be sick? Mere suspicion, neighborhood informants, electronic surveillance, or will they simply go door-to-door?

And once identified, they will then forcibly enter someone’s private home to seize and remove the identified family member who MAY be infected with COVID-19?

What could possibly go wrong. It’s not like we’ve never seen anything like what Dr. Ryan is proposing before. Just substitute “those people who may be sick” with “those Jews”, “those kulaks”, or “those Bosnian Muslims”.

Yeah, everything worked out so well for all of those people who were being searched for in each of those cases. They all ended up being isolated in “a safe and dignified manner”. They sure did.

Average Americans are not going to allow their relatives to be seized and taken away by the State. Here in the USA, any attempt to implement Dr. Ryan’s idiotic and dangerous proposal will be one of the ways in which the shooting will start, and then it will be extremely difficult to put an end to it.

Perhaps that’s what the WHO is hoping for.


They will tatoo the sick with a scarlet “C”

MSG Eric

They’ll tattoo them with a “T” because this virus is Trump’s fault for some reason.


I’m pretty sure my 96 pound German Shepherd might make them pause to reflect on their idiotic idea.

While they are considering their ill-advised plan in his presence, I can open the gun safe and bring out the heavy artillery.


The WHO and the UN both seem to be sharing a common ideality that the general populace of the US is just going to cave to their ideas and go willingly. Personally, I can see a whole lot of people suddenly driving new cars that were “donated” to them by some stranger that’s never been seen or heard from again. Especially in some of the more rural areas of our nation..


Do you want to be Free?


Make it a habit.

Slow Joe



“Now, we need to go and look in families to find those people who may be sick and remove them and isolate them in a in a safe and dignified manner.”

How is one forcefully removed from one’s home in a “safe and dignified manner?”


As an afterthought, will the WHO figure out a way to remove the bodies of their lackeys in a “safe and dignified manner?”


I wish a mother fucker, actually, THAT mother fucker… would try it.


With a rolled-up WELCOME mat deeply inserted into his anal orifice.


It seems to me that if someone in a household is sick it means everyone in the household has already been exposed to the virus.


Exactly. So Dr. Ryan needs to explain why quarantining the entire family in-place (e.g., at home and together), unless someone gets sick enough they need hospitalization, isn’t a viable alternative.

A Proud Infidel®™

ANY sniveling lackey of the United Nothing showing up in my neck of the woods would likely NOT get shot by me because my neighbors would ventilate the little cockroaches before they got within a mile of Casa Infidel®™!

Slow Joe

For some reason I visualized you burning the green and black flags of Islam, while drawing Mohammed on toilet paper….

That’s not nice.

A Proud Infidel®™️

WHAT did I tell you about not huffing the floor wax while you’re CQ Runner?

Green Thumb


When we used to have to clean the latrines in the morning back in the day of E-1 Green Thumb, we would literally dump a bottle of Simple Green into a bucket of water and use it.

When the 1SG or PSG would walk into check, their eyes and nostrils were burning so bad that they would leave.

Worked every time. When a 1SG or PSG gets irritated, they can find just about any deficient anywhere…even 100 miles away!

Gotta have the skills and knowledge to sham!


What ever happened to the soldier that
refused to wear the blue UN colors while in

A Proud Infidel®™

IIRC, he was discharged from the Army. After that, I don’t know.


Keep in mind that those who telegraph doing such tyrannical shit are unlikely to show up without a tactical team on call. If you are known as likely to be difficult, they may start the encounter with the local SWAT team executing a no-nock at oh-dark-thirty.

If your plan is to fight, be ready for a -fight-.

Remember, intimidation, even outright terror, is usually the primary tool and primary game plan of real dictators.

They abuse you with a thousand minor indignities, to teach you to accept abuse. Then, they turn up the screws, each intended to be not quite enough to fight. Eventually, you are out of the habit of resistance or disobedience, and thus fail to act until it is too late.

Remember, saying “Live Free or Die” is not seen as a problem to the serious tyrant. “Well, OK. We can arrange that latter bit…” Likewise “Come take”. “Well OK, if you insist…”

It is important to remember that Leonidas and his band of Spartans did not turn away Xerxes with their quip. We remember them because they fell rather than quit.

Do you want to be Free?


Make it a habit.


I’m old. I survived Viet of the Nam.
Yeah, I have a hill to die on.
Any man who doesn’t lives a worthless life.


When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.

Commissar Pooper's Narcissism

I wish I could fart safely and with dignity. On the up side, I don’t have to debate whether it was a dry fart or a wet one.

Marisa C

I can’t believe he said that. What is more troubling is that moving sick people would only create more infection. So, why is he REALLY suggesting it? It certainly isn’t to stop infection.