Killing Two Birds with One Stone

| December 12, 2007

You have to hand it to the Democrats. By co-opting the media so long ago, their influence is massive, subtle for it’s size and amazing to behold.

As I mentioned previously, Mike Huckabee won’t be our next president because the Christian haters in the Democratic party and elsewhere will make him look like a crackpot for having beliefs. Not “flexible” beliefs as Lawrence O’donnell tells us are allowed but, those nefarious “Strongly held beliefs”. Who was it the US Senate slapped around with that term during confirmation hearings?

The NY Post has a story, doubtless carried far and wide by dint of it’s somewhat fantastic sounding title:“Huckabee: Mormons Think Jesus, Devil Are Brothers”
Huckabee does not help himself by being quoted in Sunday’s NY Times as asking “Don’t Mormons believe that Jesus and the devil are brothers?” Questioning the Mormon belief that we are all God’s spiritual children and thus, brothers and sisters. Well, gee, that is a twofer isn’t it. It manages to slam Huckabee as the big I “Intolerant” and also casts a specter of implied kookiness on Mitt Romney i.e.,”Holy crap! They believe THAT?!”

Romney didn’t help himself any by giving his “Religion Speech” and only uttering the word Mormon once. He really should have at least pointed out that like him, Harry Reid is a Mormon too. But, out of what I can only assume was a decision to not drag other people into questions about him, which, while it is indeed honorable and respectable, it didn’t have the desired effect.
If anything his silence on Mormon doctrine fuels the curiosity of those who don’t know anything about the LDS church. Many of those will doubtless take their curiosity to the internet, where if one is not careful and savvy it is easy to be misled. The aforementioned headline is a prime example of misleading,and deceptive information. The headline makes it look like Huckabee made a statement, when he asked a question, there is a difference.

Category: Politics, Society

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