Code Pink seeks Democrat regime change

| December 12, 2007


Code Pink has decided that Democrats don’t represent them anymore according to S.A. Miller at the Washington Times;

Leaders of the antiwar group Code Pink, frustrated by the ineffectiveness of Democratic leaders on Capitol Hill, yesterday said they are mobilizing a campaign for regime change within the party in the 2008 elections.

The mostly female group — famous for disrupting congressional hearings and its demonstrators clad in pink T-shirts and tiaras — has applied for a new tax status that permits political work for its campaigns against Democrats as well as Republicans, Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin said.

“We felt betrayed by the very people we helped to put into office,” Ms. Benjamin told editors and reporters at The Washington Times. “We have a particular break with the leadership of the Democratic Party.”

If you have the stomach for it, Medea (with her “Love the troops, hate the war button”)and the girls are on the Washington Times’ YouTube channel with video of the whole WashTimes interview. Links to the photo gallery and the all three videos on the WashTimes’ Photo Gallery.

“We are disgusted with all of them,” Ms. Benjamin said of the Democrat-led Congress. “We were in Congress today saying, ‘Close Gitmo,’ and I changed my sign to say, ‘Close Congress.’ “

Brilliant! The fact that President Bush is winning the war against terrorists still gets stuck in their craw. More important that the US winning against these thugs is making a stupid political point. As long as they can fit their whole political philosophy on a two-by-three placard, they’re happy.

But, the shreiking, shriveled harpies at Code Pink have overestimated their influence in American politics. If for one moment the Democrats thought that the majority of Americans had the same opinions as Code Pink, they’d be on the Code Pink bandwagon, and an embarrassing number of Republicans would be tagging along, too. But that is obviously not the case.

The Democrat political machine knows what the rest of us know – it was organizations like Code Pink and that cost John Kerry the presidential election in 2004. Just like in 1968 and 1972, there’s a silent majority who disagree with the far Left noise machine. But unlike 1976, there are no Nixon-like scandals to drive the faithful away.

Personally, I hope Code Pink gets their way - I hope their candidate is John Edwards or Barack Obama. Both of them are immature dolts who couldn’t win an election in this country if their opposition was Forrest Gump. But, neither will be the Democrat candidate for president. When Clinton wins the nomination, I predict, with ease, a Code Pink-wide epiphany and the grotesque group will fall in line behind her declaring that she has convinced them that she will, indeed, support their cause – whatever entity their cause becomes in the next year. Probably demanding that we pull the National Guard out of Oregon.

Category: Politics

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