Only 5?

| December 11, 2007

I was doing some research for something else and, as it often happens, I got sidetracked and ended up bumping into this story about a movie about the only 5 Cubans ever to be imprisoned apparently;

With a sold-out theater at 7:30 pm and a second 9:30 pm show added, the Dec. 6 Hollywood premiere of “The Trial: the untold story of the Cuban Five” was a great success. Over 250 people saw the film that night.

Danny Glover took time from his busy filming schedule to open the premiere at the Laemmle’s Sunset complex. There was great excitement among the theater-goers by his presence and for his support for the Five.

Well, I knew something was fishy when “Danny Glover” and “busy filming schedule” were used in the same sentence. And when I think of a “sold out theater” – for two shows – I generally figure more than 250 people saw the movie. But, hey, this is socialism we’re talking about here. One person is the same as a thousand.

The article went on to quote this Danny Glover fellow;

Danny Glover spoke. “The constitution has been obliterated right in front of our eyes. We have to look at this struggle with the understanding and knowledge and wisdom that we have available to us. I don’t mean within the legal framework. We will win justice for the Five when people get out into the streets, when people begin to mobilize to change this injustice.

“Who are the Five? Not only were they saving Cuban lives by opposing terrorism in Miami, they were in the service of all humanity. Three of the Cuban Five served in Angola against South Africa’s invasion. If you know the role that the Cubans played against apartheid, you can appreciate how truly heroic the Five are. Cuba, through its history and internationalism, supported African and Latin American countries and countries all over the world, to enable the people in those countries to free themselves and decide their own destinies.

“This documentary is only a small part of my effort; my narration of the film is only part of my role and support for the Cuban Five. I ask you all tonight to get involved, to help in every way you can. Make a donation so this work can continue and grow. We need you to support the work of the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five. Let’s get these heroes home to Cuba!”

Well, needless to say, my interest was piqued. So I went to the US government for the story;

In September 1988, 10 members of the Wasp Network, including the “Cuban Five,” were arrested and accused of crimes under U.S. law in connection with their covert activity in the United States in the service of Cuba’s Directorate of Intelligence.  Five of the accused pleaded guilty, while the “Cuban Five” fought the charges.

Three of the “Cuban Five” were living in the United States under false identities, with fraudulent identity documents, and had explicit escape instructions provided by Cuba’s Directorate of Intelligence, including backup false identities and documentation.

The open, public seven-month-long trial of the five conclusively established that three of them (Gerardo Hernandez and two men who now claim their true identities are Ramon Labaniño and Fernando Gonzalez) were “illegal officers” of Cuba’s Directorate of Intelligence.  The three were career intelligence officers who came to the United States under false identities, using fraudulent documentation and “legends” – elaborate, false life stories ascribed to those identities.  They lived in the United States, secretly implementing Directorate of Intelligence operations while pretending to be ordinary U.S. citizens.  The three “illegal officers” supervised the covert work of other U.S.-based agents of the Directorate of Intelligence – including the other two members of the “Cuban Five,” Antonio Guerrero and René Gonzalez, who are U.S. citizens.

So murder and espionage aren’t enough reason to imprison people, Danny? What a tool.

Hey, Glover, how about Ernesto Duran Rodriguez – this week’s political prisoner of the week at Uncommon Sense? I’ll bet Marc Masferrer, the blogger at Uncommon Sense, could give you a few more names than 5 of Cubans who weren’t spying on anyone, who weren’t involved in murdering anyone and are imprisoned merely for their words and thoughts. Why don’t you and those mental midgets at ANSWER stand up for those people?

According to the State Department;

The “Cuban Five” now are serving their sentences in federal penitentiaries.  They are held among, and have the same privileges available to, the general prison population.  They are allowed visits by families, Cuban government officials and their lawyers.  They have received numerous, lengthy visits from family members, to whom the U.S. government has issued more than 60 visas, and from Cuban government officials.

I’ll betcha that the Cubans in Cuban prisons aren’t allowed to see their families. Why aren’t you sticking up for these Cubans who marched against repression yesterday in Havana? Whay aren’t you applauding their sacrifice and their small victories.

Instead, Glover and the ANSWER clowns would prefer to manufacture heroes out of thugs, murderers and spies.

Category: Foreign Policy, Legal, Society

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