CNN’s John Harwood ridiculed for claiming 25 senators voting against impeachment witnesses represent ‘old Confederacy’ states
Flag of Mississippi, 1861
One of our ninjas sends us the sad saga of how a CNN luminary, John Harwood, fornicated Fido in relation to the number of “Old Confederacy” states there are, how many Senators are from those states, and their political affiliations. Also how they voted in the recent Impeachment debacle, where the Dems lost so very badly- or will tomorrow.
By Brian Flood
CNN’s new White House correspondent John Harwood was ridiculed over the weekend for a now-deleted tweet that claimed 25 senators who voted against hearing from witnesses during President Trump’s Senate impeachment trial represent “states of the Confederacy during the Civil War.”
After hours of debate during the day on Friday, the Senate voted 51-49 to block a Democratic motion to call new witnesses.
“Of 51 Republican senators who voted to block John Bolton’s testimony in Trump impeachment trial, 25 represent states of the Confederacy during the Civil War. The old Confederacy represents the bulwark of the 21st century GOP,” Harwood wrote on Saturday.
Harwood’s tweet was met with an onslaught of criticism.
“Harwood, formerly of CNBC, kicked off his new start at CNN on a very humiliating downslope so severe that he had to delete his own embarrassing tweet due to the mocking blowback he received,” Media Research Center contributor P.J. Gladnick wrote.
“How bad was it? So bad that Harwood reached back almost 160 years in history to compare the senators voting against more witnesses during the Trump impeachment trial to the old Confederacy,” Gladnick explained. “Congratulations to John Harwood for joining the Confederacy of Dunces at CNN. He will fit right in.”
Others took to Twitter to mock the CNN correspondent, with some mocking the comment and others pointing out a math error:
Dan McLaughlin
Given that only 11 states seceded from the Union, it would be sort of astounding if they were currently represented by more than 22 Senators. How did you count 13?Please, please tell me, @JohnJHarwood, that you don’t think your native Kentucky was a Confederate state. …
4:03 PM – Feb 1, 2020
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244 people are talking about thisCharles C. W. Cooke
That 11×2 = 25, and that the number 25 represents more than half of the number 51 are just two of the interesting things I learned from this tweet. …982
4:16 PM – Feb 1, 2020
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290 people are talking about thisSamantha Chang ?
CNN’s newest hire, CNBC defector John Harwood, compared the GOP to the pro-slavery Confederacy of the 1800s.Harwood later deleted his race-baiting tweet after being mocked over an egregious math error he made to promote his false narrative.
Read the rest here: Fox News The readers tweets are worth the price of admission.
Thanks ninja!
Category: "Teh Stoopid", Guest Link, Media
Obamao says there are 57 states, and Harwood is one of Obamao’s most fanatical cockslurpers, so in Harwood’s brain the numbers all add up…
IIRC, Harwood was one of the Hildabeast’s LSM propagandists who sent an email (disclosed by Wikileaks) to John Podesta promising he would send all his stories about her to Podesta for his approval before submitting them for publication. So yes, he was also cockslurping big time for Hillary and the DNC.
Yes, the GOP is just like the Confederacy. You know, that whole Confederacy that started after the election of the first Republican president. The one led by Democrats. When said first Republican president was assassinated by a Democrat, his VP, a Democrat, obstructed all the Republican Congress’s attempts to improve the Democrat controlled South. The Democrats then enacted Jim Crow laws and the KKK. That Confederacy.
CNN, the Crown Prince of fake news!
And somebody actually pays this idiot a salary? Not sure if this fool is a bad mark against the state of education in this country or the sorry state of journalism. Sadly, it’s both. This bitch needs to study some history, and I don’t mean the crap that Wiki puts out there. I could burn him a new one and comparatively speaking I’m a lightweight. These sons of bitches are hell bent to start a true “Civil War” in this country, just as the news media and the politicians started a war that killed more Americans than all of the other wars combined. Democans or Republicrats, there ain’t a tinker’s damn bit of difference. Most of the Republicrats in the South today were Democans just a few years ago. Trump is facing a real coup from these people. He is not their target, we the people are. He just happens to be in the way. We were that one election away from no longer being a Constitutional Republic. We the People, need to take our Country back, drain the cesspool that is the District of Criminals, and hang the crooked bastards, on BOTH SIDES, from the nearest lamppost. Historical note. The Mississippi State Flag depicted above is not the 1861 design. That design was adopted in 1894 using the Army of Northern Virginia CSA Saint Andrews Cross Battle Flag and the Stars and Bars of the CSA Government Flag. The FIRST State Flag was the Original Bonnie Blue (blue background with a single white star in the center). The State flag carried by the Mississippi Troops (adopted in 1861) was the Magnolia Flag. A Bonnie Blue in the upper left corner, a Magnolia Tree in the center, a red vertical stripe on the right side, all on a white background. Mark my words. When they completely destroy all History of the War Between the States, the next step will be the US and Religious Flags, plus any other War Memorials. The attacks on the Peace /Blandenburg Monument and the activities of Mikey Whinestein should give notice of their intents. My… Read more »
John Harwood and his ilk CLAIM that they want to start a revolution while at least 98% of them can’t even start a lawnmower or figure out which bathroom to use!
Robert Byrd anyone?
I’ve got a few thoughts on this. 1. I’ve got young adult children who have a solid head on their shoulders. And I was shook how much this gobley gook has taken traction with them and their peers. The notion that statements must have evidence to back them is something that has been missing from their “education”. I love diversity of views based in logical and fact based thought. But the overwhelming narrative being pushed by the MSM preaches that feeling trumps facts. I was asleep at the wheel as a parent in this issue and blame myself. The village isn’t responsable for my children, I am. It’s proof that if people say stupid stuff loud enough and often enough otherwise intelligent folks will eventually believe it. 2. The civil war isn’t a relevant argument any more. Yes, it was over slavery (America’s original sin) and not state’s rights (read the articles of succession if you believe otherwise). However, more than half a million Americans, almost entirely white, lost their lives to right that wrong. No where, in the entirety of human history, has any nation paid that kind of price to right their own wrong. We recognized it was wrong and paid the price to fix it. Didn’t happen overnight, and we aren’t perfect, but England, France, all of Africa and Asia haven’t demonstrated that kind of moral compass or resolve. We are unique in our ability and resolve to address wrongs. This should be sung from the rafters. 3. This impeachment wasn’t about high crimes and misdemeanors. It was about partisanship and politics. The proof was in how our elected leadership voted. The fact not a single repub or dem voted outside of their party view demonstrates this. This isn’t Stalin Russia. The electorate don’t fear their families being rounded up and sent off to the camps. They weren’t forced to vote the way they did out of fear for their families. Quibbling over procedural rules, which people can testify/can’t testify… Frankly it’s proof positive the whole lot should be fed to the lions. I for one am… Read more »
What do you have against lions, that you would supply them with tainted meat?
Yes, there is no reason to give perfectly healthy lions indigestion when there is no shortage of perfectly strong rope available to deal with these conspirators/traitors.
Votes along party lines… did I not read that three Dems voted against in the House vote?
Lions hell, we got a bunch of hog farms down here in NC, feed tham then feed the hogs to the mooslems in MN!
And the Stupidity continues.
You can’t make this stuff up (or can you? 😉)
“Liberal Students Reflexively Reject Trump Quotes, Even Though They’re From Democrats”
“Schiff Warns That Trump Could Sell Alaska To Russia If Unchecked”
Schiff is such an idiot. He’s the head idiot in a House full of Democrat idiots. He can’t even come up with a remotely plausible scenario. No imagination.
Lawd hep, Eyz so thankeeful to hab deeze generation xyzlgbqhij chill’renz to hepz out diz po ol’ boomer to stayz catched up wid de newz. Dat dar dastardly orange haired fella donz toked my fowty akers an madez a gawlf coarse outz of it. He donez tookenz my mule anz haz himz dileverin softz wear sold by that proud but humble owned woman company to the federile gubmint. Least wayz that sweet ‘laine Ricci gurl, bringz buy some corn meal and a piece of middlin’ meatz to goez wid the pot of greenz. My www machine workz some timez, but Eyz FURST gotz to getz Sarah downz to the phone Exchange to pull the strang tite on her end of the snuf can. Her noez de onliest place Eye getz any newz is from a place youz kin ceez from hell full ob dem gunz nutz what gitz mad at vet ranz that dun lost dey paperz in der fire.
And praize bee to Sin A tor Shitzff. Sum folkz callz him a scallawagging floor covering in a sack, but weez noez that he beez lookin’ out four uzenz. Dat orange haired man dun solded all dat you rain e num, solded a buncha of gunz an sich to dem messycunz. He dun losted a buncha money makin batt rees and sended a hole plain load of money to dem furinerrs. Dat orange haired man dun talk bad ’bout that little ol’ lady what had to take in a bunch of washin’ to makez money. Herd tail she dun warshed 30,000 loads. She haz to go ’round beggin’ folkz for money, she sew broke. I herdz that her no count huzband dun tooked off to an island somewherez wid sum fella no body wantz to hang around wid. Bless her heart. I wander if she ever founded her mail that gotted losted.
Thankee fer whutz you doez. Signed…Yelladog D. Moekrat
Me heardz Epstein did not kill his little ole self.
*impeach cnn and schiff*
Snuff Can.
You just brought back memories of my Kinfolks with their Snuffcans.
To this day, I am still in awe how they were able to put their fingers to their lips and spit into a coffee can with accuracy, never missing the can.
Remember the FIRST time Granny sent me to the little country store ’bout a mile up the road to get her some cans of Tube Rose Snuff. I had just turned 6 yo. She gave me just enough money to get the snuff, a penny wheel cookie and a jawbreaker. Never was asked for an ID to buy her snuff till I came home on leave…13 years later. We’d take 2 snuff cans, poke a hole in the bottom, and tie some kite string to each one. Made a real nice walkie talkie, but you’d have to keep the string tight. Good times.
Schiff runs his mouth about crap like that, but not a peep out of him when SOMEONE in his party sold our Uranium to Russia.
Schiff is not only a 24K idiot, he’s a 24K partisan hack as well.
“Of 51 Republican senators who voted to block John Bolton’s testimony in Trump impeachment trial, 25 represent states of the Confederacy during the Civil War….”
And how many of those Yankee Senators refused to consider Bolton as Ambassador in 2015??
Funny how they seem to love him now.
It is good to know that there are jobs available for those unfortunate souls who can’t master “Do you want fries with that?”.
Well if his Wikipedia entry is accurate
While in high school, Harwood served as a copy boy for the Washington Star, his first journalism job.[3]
Harwood attended Duke University, studying history and economics there. He graduated magna cum laude in 1978.[3]
Duke should revoke his degree as he doesn’t know history, ie how many Confederate States there were or math how many Senators per State