On Thin Ice… Very Thin Ice

| December 9, 2019

Below is a link to a Steve Turley video on why globalism is on the edge of failing, which is partly related to the continuing and increasingly destructive protests by les gilets jaunes (the Yellow (jaunes) Vests (gilets) and the protests in Hong Kong, but not referencing what was and still is the global financial cartels. Did this start with Merkel’s election to PM in Germany, or was it already simmering under the surface? How much damage has been done in Europe/UK by the lack of borders? Look at the violent protests (alleged to be eco-related, but run by Extinction Rebellion, a Marxist-aligned group) going on in the UK, too, which started in 2011 when London was ablaze, and continues to this day with the media NOT reporting what is going on outside of the UK, period.


And this linked article addresses what is really behind the whole green deal/climate change plan, which is attempting to construct a globalist government heavily embedded in global finance:  https://www.globalresearch.ca/climate-money-trail/5690209

From the article:  Back in 2010 the head of Working Group 3 of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Dr Otmar Edenhofer, told an interviewer, “…one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole.” Since then the economic policy strategy has become far more developed. – article

The carbon credits funding plan is almost identical to those disastrous ideas that were turned into credit default swaps. If you don’t remember that house of cards and the financial atrocity that it created, you must have been on another planet. Remember the major banks and investment firms investing in credit default swaps?

“A credit default swap is, in effect, insurance against non-payment. Through a CDS, the buyer can avoid the consequences of a borrower’s default by shifting some or all that risk onto an insurance company or other CDS seller in exchange for a fee. In this way, the buyer of a credit default swap receives credit protection, while the seller of the swap guarantees the creditworthiness of the debt security. For example, the buyer of a credit default swap will be entitled to the par value of the contract by the seller of the swap, along with any unpaid interest, should the issuer default on payments.

It is important to note that the credit risk isn’t eliminated – it has been shifted to the CDS seller. The risk is that the CDS seller defaults at the same time the borrower defaults. This was one of the primary causes of the 2008 credit crisis: CDS sellers like Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns and AIG defaulted on their CDS obligations. — https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/creditdefaultswap.asp

Investing in carbon credits is investing in quicksand. If you take the time to look at who and which investment companies and banks are putting their cash into it, well… just ask yourself when it will collapse again. It is an attempt by banking cartels to generate cash and control finances globally. This is where globalism comes in. First the banks embrace it, and then governments follow, to have access to cash.

But that’s not all: the Big Banks are so big now that they are an entity unto themselves. They are immune to prosecution.

This YouTube video “All the Plenary’s Men” is just under an hour in  length but well worth your time. It reviews the failure to prosecute malfeasance on the part of HSBC and other financial institutions, starting in 2008. Immunity from prosecution exists for all those who manipulate the financial markets… and now these same banks are investing in carbon credits, a non-extant and intangible financial object that is a dead ringer for credit default swaps.


Remember all those “legends” about people who stored cash in coffee cans and buried them on the property back in the Depression? Yeah, me, too.

It’s always best to be as informed as possible.

Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", America, Foreign Policy

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Comm Center Rat

“…the Big Banks are so big now that they are an entity unto themselves. They are immune to prosecution.”

That is the truth. The only bank prosecuted for mortgage fraud after the 2008 financial crisis was Abacus Federal Savings Bank headquartered in Chinatown in Manhattan, NY. Abacus was then the 2,651st largest bank in the USA.

Check out the documentary “Abacus: Small Enough To Jail” to learn more about the US government’s $700B bailout of the Big Banks and the pathetic prosecution of this small, immigrant established financial institution.

5th/77th FA

More “snake oil” being sold on a global basis. Sleazy bastards! My strong, good credit, regularly paid mortgage got bundled 3 times with a bunch of “toxic” ones to make the whole package palatable to the buyers.

And yep, sure do wish I could take my upcoming pension/401K money in an untaxed lump sum in silver/gold coins to bury in a mason jar in the back yard.

Toxic Deplorable Racist B Woodman

Find a reputable nearby coin shop and buy silver and gold with untraceable green fiat paper. Yeah, you pay daily (variable) spot + a handling fee (used to be $1.50/oz AG, last I went it was $1.75/oz AG). As much as your budget will allow. No checks, no plastic, no ID.


Realistically, if you are that worried about tracking, screw gold. Buy ammo.

Roger in Republic

The irony here is that per an EU law every motorist must carry a yellow hiviz vest in their car or truck while on the road. The various EU governments have forced them to buy the vests and only now are the being put to use.


“Yeah, me, too.”

Yeah, me three.

Perry Gaskill

I’m not sure I’d agree with Turley that the Yellow Vest protests in France amount to a catalyst in the destruction of globalization. It might be partly true that the protests have an impact, but he seems to provide a weak case that they’re actually a main key element. A stronger element, I might argue, is Brexit which has the potential to cause the collapse of the European Union. For what it’s worth, Angela Merkel is also unlikely to be a factor if such a collapse were to happen because she is leaving office. From the standpoint of global migration, it might also be pointed out that the government of India introduced a bill this week to bar further Muslim immigration. Something which should be a signal for globalist open borders efforts. Too, I tend to follow a lot of issues related to land-use planning, and the current Yellow Vest protests in France seem to bear a strong resemblance to the current conflict in the U.S. between an urban power base, often Democratic, and suburban/ex-urban/rural parts of the country. It’s not, for example, a mystery that Urbanistas use the term “flyover country” as a condescending pejorative. Such a thing is also supported by an urban-centric mainstream news media. There is also, arguably, a large amount of money on the table to be made if those same suburban/ex-urban/rural dwellers are forced, by policy, to be herded into cities. A comparison that’s also a bit of a stretch is that of toxic financial derivaties, such as credit default swaps, to that of current carbon-credit policy. A key distinction of CDS packaging as a financial marketing tool was that it was dependent on compliant rating agencies such as Standard & Poors and Moody’s to sign off on bumping the ratings of bad loans merely because they were re-bundled. This, at least it seems to me, amounted to fraud on a massive scale. The carbon-credit market, on the other hand, might indeed be considered bad policy based on faulty assumptions about the extent of the threat of climate change, but it’s not illegal per… Read more »


I’m glad everyone woke up and decided to smell the huge amount of unstableness in the air.
The convoluted derivative markets, mixed with other credit options, with a helping of hundreds of trillions in petrodollars worth of debt globally, smothered in repo agreements sauce…
If the world missteps at this point or there’s a serious reason/cause to de-USD…
We in big big trouble.
Have a plan.


Digital money may happen sooner than later.
If they (always The Omniscient They) start to have a meltdown, switching to e-cash would be a heck of a lot easier than printing Weimar-volumes.
And you want to talk about a great control mechanism!


Yep. It, um, takes a crap all over the sovereignty of the citizen. Its almost like history is rhyming again.