Angie Harmon Gives me an Excuse to Post this Photo

| March 30, 2009

I totally agree with everything Ms. Harmon has to say.

“Here’s my problem with this, I’m just going to come out and say it. If I have anything to say against Obama it’s not because I’m a racist, it’s because I don’t like what he’s doing as President and anybody should be able to feel that way, but what I find now is that if you say anything against him you’re called a racist,” Harmon told Tarts at Thursday’s Los Angeles launch of the new eyelash-growing formula, Latisse. “But it has nothing to do with it, I don’t care what color he is. I’m just not crazy about what he’s doing and I heard all about this, and he’s gonna do that and change and change, so okay … I’m still dressing for a recession over here buddy and we’ve got unemployment at an all-time high and that was his number one thing and that’s the thing I really don’t appreciate. If I’m going to disagree with my President, that doesn’t make me a racist. If I was to disagree with W, that doesn’t make me racist. It has nothing to do with it, it is ridiculous.”
“I do think McCain would have done a better job, only because I think he has more experience. I also think if W or John McCain or Reagan would have gone and done a talk show, the backlash would have been so huge and in his face, and ‘What is our president doing? How unclassy!’ But Obama does it and no one says anything,” Harmon said.
And in spite of the scornful opinions most of her Tinseltown counterparts have shared on Gov. Sarah Palin, Harmon remains a true fan.

Category: Politics

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This is why you are the master, and I am the padawah learner…..I tried so hard to come up with an excuse to post this, and you just up and found a perfectly saucy photo. You sir are a genius.


Wow!!! Nice er, uh, um Picture. That was me practicing to be like the TOTUS. Did I already say, nice picture? And Angie will end up another victim of left-wing lunacy.


Just the eyebleach I needed. MM has a picture of Helen Thomas up.

William Teach

Was there a story there? Couldn’t move past the photo. Need more 😀


“I’m still dressing for a recession over here buddy”

So THAT’s how you dress for a recession!? Yikes! 😉


gorgeous picture :o)
the comments of Angie’s co-workers in the article are as stunning as a full-blown taser hit, though…


Was there some kind of text or something with that picture???


Nice bod,
where is the brain?
Yes Angie we are all worried about the toll on your wardrobe that Obama’s policies
are going to take. I guess the other girls appreciated what a self absorbed
moron you are. Your career probably will suffer as a result. Not because of any left wing conspiracy but because you are stupid. What do we care about, working families living under
bridges or your ******* wardrobe. ? And conservatives think your comments are smart?
You should run for president. I mean you are coherent and you are hotter than Palin.
Brains are not an issue if you are running as a Republican. That would also solve your wardrobe crisis…if Palin can get the RNC to spend all that money on her….well…and
McCain would probably back you as he has dropped support for Palin.
You go girl….

COB6 Wrote: Nice talking points ass hat! I love idiotic trolls though so you are welcome here as long as you don’t mind me pointing out occassionally what a complete dumbass you are.


Great, another f-ing troll. Typical leftist, attack the speaker and not the message.


Stop the Presses.
Megan McCain for 2012.
A decent Republican and a credit to her father.
She wants Obama to succeed because she wants America to recover from the mess we are in now. She is putting country before party and wisely notes that the old farts are a dying breed.
New hope for the Republicans.

COB6 Wrote: The best hope for Republicans is Obama, Reid and Pelosi not some seriously misguided twit like Ms McCain.


And the loop has been closed.
Tonight’s results will be interesting.


Stop the Presses.
Megan McCain for 2012.
A decent Republican and a credit to her father.
She wants Obama to succeed because she wants America to recover from the mess we are in now. She is putting country before party and wisely notes that the old farts are a dying breed.
New hope for the Republicans.

Southern Democrat

2 months. You’ve given a man 2 months to change what Bush took 8 years to ruin. Your man spent the last few months of his term doing absoutly nothing except act like he wasnt in the same party as McCain. To be honest, it almost seems like he did it on purpose to make PRESIDENT Obama’s job even harder!
The market went tits up last year, and all we heard from you all was that it was congress’s fault. Now its nothing but Obamas fault. We all knew it was going to get worse as more and more of the problems came to light. We have to get behind the government and work with them as they work to improve everything.
Hell, you all have probably given women youve dated longer then 2 months to see if they’re going to be worth a damn…


Yeah, LATE last year, after the dems refused to reign in Fannie and Freddie. So, no it can’t be all laid at Bush’s feet. Now Obama and Congress own it, and their answer, intrude into the private sector. So,, no we don’t have to hope he succeeds.
As I said in #2, left wing lunacy as epitomized by SD and his bunk buddies.


If I remember correctly, the Enron scandal was laid at President Bush’s feet shortly after he took office.

The Sniper

Angie Harmon makes my man parts happy.

John Boy

There is enough blame for the problems the country is facing to go around. I don’t see very many people taking responsibility for their individual parts.

We need to fix the problems, not the blame! It is unrealistic to think that we would all agree on the best course of action. It is good that we are looking at our government with greater scrutiny. It is OUR government.

Ms. Harmon, I am available for lunch.


mamasita del agente codi banks y que culaso tan rico


Don’t you just love these oh-so-virtuous, over-educated, white-man-hating women Obama seems to love appointing to cabinet positions? Well, some are man-haters, and some hate it because they look like men. The absolutely can’t stand any woman that is attractive – Palin, PreJean, Janine Turner, and now Angie Harmon. The first thing they barf up is their educational pedigree, which usually is a defense for being totally devoid of any common sense and decency. Let’s look at the latest one, Sotomajor, an ugly, female, over-educated, man-hater. In the case of the New Haven, CT firefighters, she attempted to bury the case and keep it from being heard by the supreme court. Why? Because 18 white guys (one overcame dyslexia) and one hispanic guy scored high enough, and she favors reverse racism.

Liberals are full of shit, plain and simple.


I totally agree with Ms. Harmon. It seems that every time there is a swing in politics (either party) and there is a majority in the house and senate, the party goes nuts! This also happened in the early 90’s. Now all the seriously left thinking (socialist) politicians think that they can push their agendas through without Americans noticing. Now that they are being questioned and or challenged, instead of debating the facts they just come out with race bios arguments. Give me a break! I just saw Bill Clinton on the news yesterday saying that right wing people are racists. This just shows that liberals are mentally challenged and can not come up with an actual arguement!

6th Generation Texan

How sad that the Lone Star State has to bear yet another cross of shame in the form of this trophy-wife-turned-facist. Although one could publish a treatise on the historically inaccurate, remarkably ignorant, obtuse and downright moronic statements posted here, I will begin by simply state two facts: truly talented persons WORK in any biz, regardless of their political affiliations (I believe the paychecks, muchless box office receipts, of just seven Hollywood GOPS — Arnold Schwartznegger, Bruce Willis, Mel Gibson, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Drew Carrey, Freddie Prinze Jr. and his bride Sarah Michelle Gellar — could feed the world a few times over) and it is the last refuge of a talentless hack to find an external cause unrelated to their actual talent (or lack thereof) to blame for their standing in their chosen field. That said, I’ll let the dearly departed BRILLIANT Ann Richards (whose tenure as Governor was the last time we Texas could be proud of our State Gov’t.) say it best: Ann Richards (paraphrased) on How to Be a Good Republican: 1. You have to believe that any national prosperity in the 80’s & 90’s was due solely to the work of Ronald Reagan and George Bush (Clinton and his budget-surplus-creating Administration couldn’t possibly have had a hand it it), but today’s crises could not possibly be that fault of the Supreme Court selected/un-elected simpleton sporting a Connecticut billionaire pedigree slathered with a redneck patois; 2. You have to believe that those privileged from birth still managed to achieve success against all those pesky prep-school, silver spoon odds. 3. You have to be against all government programs, but expect Social Security checks, subsidies, and gas guzzling SUV rebates on time. I beg and plead with all of you– please watch a news broadcast, or (gasp!) read a book not published, controlled, promoted or directly funded by an individual (McDowell’s appointment to the FCC comes to mind) corporation (FOX, ClearChannel, Hearst, to name 3 of the 18 top-twenty media corps who fit this bill) bought and sold ten times over by GOP hawks whose shameless war… Read more »

REAL Sixth Generation Texan

Let me guess, you’re from Austin.

6th Generation Texan

Dallas born, Odessa raised, though I hate to disappoint your knee-jerk cultural stereotyping. Perhaps you would like to address actual issues instead — I am always up for a cogent debate on factual matters.


6th Generation Texan

Dallas born (Baylor Hospital), Odessa raised (go OHS Broncos!), though I do hate to disappoint your cultural knee-jerk stereotyping. May I ask if your genealogical ancestry ran through and including the Alamo and back to the first Texas settlements, as did mine?

On a far more relevant note, if you have any urge to depart from that particular brand of cynical arrogance that seems to have permeated the mitochondrial DNA of the Republican party, I am always up for a cogent debate on relevant issues.



I am with Angie Harmon on this. I completely grasp the points she was making. I am a thirteen year old girl. And I understand all of this. I have never seen it this way before. Like when she says about if you disagree with the president and you a different race than him your racist. Or sometimes even if your the same race your racist. It is sad and ridiculous. It is complete insanity and childish to act that way or even think that way.

And i had to read this because it’s like everytime i look up Angie Harmon everyone is talking about her being a republican. And i thought she said something really offense but to come and find out no she didn’t she simply spoke her mind and kept it real. And i love that about her. She made me see so many things in a total different way.


And one more thing. FELIPE DUDE shut your piehole you are a sexist pig. Angie has a right to express her opinion as anyone else. So stop being a butthole.

Shirley Fennewald

msi service center in Thakurdwar