French “Youths” rampaging through Paris

| November 26, 2007

First read on Ace of Spades, then Pajamas Media an AFP story about rampaging youths in Paris;

The two youths, aged 15 and 16, died after their motorbike collided with a police car in the high-immigration suburb of Villiers-le-Bel on Sunday evening. Six hours of clashes followed.

Gangs of youths used guns against police, according to one police union, as they torched some 30 cars and looted shops and buildings. Twenty-five police and one firefighter were injured, officials said. Calm was eventually restored just after midnight.

About 100 youths thronged the crash site on a high-rise housing estate, accusing police of fleeing the scene.

A state prosecutor said she had ordered an internal police investigation for “involuntary manslaughter and failure to assist persons in danger” following the deaths of the two youths.

Police said the bike smashed into the side of their car during a routine patrol. Neither youth was wearing a helmet, according to witnesses.

Omar Sehhouli, brother of one of the victims, accused police of ramming the motorbike and of failing to assist the injured teens.

Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs has an exclusive eye witness account of the “not violence, but an expression of rage” (quoted from an AFP interview).

Liberty Pundit writes that the “youths” have the unwaivering support of French Socialists. Augean Stables and Fausta have very good round ups of various news sources. 

Category: Foreign Policy

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