Amateur phony soldier

| March 23, 2009

[UPDATE at Bottom from TSO]

The other day I put this picture up of a guy harrassing TSO and me while we were minding our own business watching and filming hippies. He yelled at us that he “defected” from the Marine. We shrugged and he wandered away.

Defected Marine

Well, today one of my workmates got curious about the paper he’s holding, so I blew the photo up and it turns out it’s a certificate of the Delayed Entry Program for the Marines. Here, look;

So this guy signed up for an enlistment in the Marine Corps, then chickened out and now he carries the little certificate around with him to prove he’s a “defector”. I guess he wears the mask because he thinks the Marines are looking for his pale little chickenshit ass. Of course, flashing a piece of paper around with your name in bold print probably doesn’t help him hide much better – Ryan James Vaughn, in case you didn’t click on the picture.

If he only he’d showed up for that first day at the reception station before he crapped himself and ran away, he could have joined IVAW. I wonder if he read that last paragraph on his certificate.

TSO Wrote: On the video tape portion you can hear me yell out to him that I want to see his DD214. The quizzical look he gave me now is a lot clearer. He was no more in the Marine Corps than my neighbors dog was.

Editx2: If you watch the second video on the post below, you can see this clown college reject come in around 30 seconds.  His first comments are “semper fi, do or die” and then something about the Marine Corps.  Any dipshit that uses a DEP certificate to prove they were in the Marine Corps was quite clearly never in.  It would be like showing an advertisement from your newspaper for an H3 Hummer to prove to your bank that you bought a vehicle.

Added: TSO sent me a link to DequalS which has a video on it from Russia Today. In it, they talk to Jim Goodnow;

See under his name in this screeen shot where it says “Vietnam Veteran”? Jim Goodnow was in the Coast Guard and got a medical discharge in 1961 – four years before combat troops were sent to Vietnam. You’d think they’d learn after a while, wouldn’t you?

UPDATE from TSO: Ms Olga found some more info. Turns out there is a Ryan James Vaughan from Towson Maryland. What makes him all the more despicable is that according to this, (if this is him) his great-grandad was a WWI veteran who belonged to the VFW and the American Legion.

Ryan is also possibly a Hofstra Grad.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Liberals suck, Phony soldiers

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509th Bob

And the document behind the DEP form has three primary headings: HONOR, COURAGE, and COMMITMENT.


It’s better, I think, that this turd never got a chance to crawl into the punchbowl in the first place.


Defector? Try Cowardly POS! I can’t stand assclowns like this!


Goodnow goes around with that good old boy twang, but he was born and raised in Baltimore.


Let’s make him famous.

For anyone who cares, I am trying to locate the officer signatory on that ridiculous document, then MAJ, now LtCol William M. Jurney. You know, somehow commanding 1/6 marines in Iraq, LtCOl Jurney was able to make it through there, even without the great, and sadly unheralded, fighting skills of Ryan James Vaughan. I am looking forward to asking this officer how many nights he lay in Iraq awake wishing he had troops like young Ryan here.

Incidentally, I sent Ryan James Vaughan a message through Facebook, so I hope he will be joining us shortly.


If LtCol William M. Jurney was a LtCol in 2006-2007, how old is this DEP certificate??
As a side note, here is an interview with LtCol Jurney by Marine Historian LtCol Wheeler


well, he was actually a LtCol back in 2005
so,again, how old is this DEP certficiate??

Adirondack Patriot

From the look if his doughy, little, nail-chewed-too-short fingers, looks like this pussy hasn’t work a hard day in his life. I think he’s wearing that face covering because it’s too cold for his delicate constitution and fragile physical sensitivities, not because he is trying to hide his face. I’m sure some VVAW pervert saw Tommy Tenderoni here and seduced him into joining “the cause.”


Will somebody please lecture this reject from the Land of Misfit Libtards about the proper use and care of the American Flag?


Olga, I had that, trying to find where he went after 1/6, I have a buddy of mine calling their duty desk now. Ideally I would like to find out where he was a recruiter so I can narrow down where this douche is from. I also found CM Cox, who is now a Master Sergeant, so this thing is probably like 3-5 years ago.

Frankly Opinionated

If Little boy Ryan had checked, he would have found that I wasn’t going to be there to throw a bottle at his empty head. He could have avoided the embarrassment of wearing that silly helmet liner, (which he probably thinks is a helmet). But,,,,,,If I had been there, I surely would have dinged his ear with something.
Sorry assed self-satisfying, (sexually, of course), sissy! He probably went DEP to “get girls” during his high school time. And even that didn’t help him.
nuf sed


Wearing a mask while waving around a piece of paper with your name on it seems rather counterproductive.


#11 Bohica, exactly, talk about an asshat, Master Ryan is certainly a walking advertisement for them.


Baltimore, MD

TSO, I sent you an email

Dave Thul

Using this idiot’s logic, President Obama is former Marine because he once thought of joining up.


OK, so we now know that Ryan James Vaughan (Jonn has it misspelled above) is from Maryland. If he’s the HS golf player, we also know he’s not very good at it. (Shot a 120 in one game for Bruton if this is same dude.),0,2953496.story


That’s probably not the same dude though, since that lists him as from Williamsburg VA, so he would gave gone to MEPS at Rochmond, not Baltimore.


The guy in Towson is too old to be him.


Phonies wear the uniform and brag about service they never had to impress they’re homosexual friends.
“Using this idiot’s logic, President Obama is former Marine because he once thought of joining up.” That would put O’Dumbo right in line with Shrillary who once thought of joining up.
21Yrs,11months,23days. Vietnam Vet. Retired with the DD-214’s to prove it. Nice bank deposit every month also.


“Gee Whiz! What do you mean I’m not a Marine? I saw Heartbreak Ridge a hundred times man!”


Oh my gawd. Vaughn is a fine example of what happens when a lobotomized mental patient is allowed to roam the streets without medication…or supervison. What a ‘tard.


Well, as many know, I single handedly won the Vietnam war.
Actually, I just watched Rambo a few times too many while quaffing Swampwaters and Margaritas, but ain’t that pretty much the same thing?


if that guy was a Marine, s**t i did it all wrong all those years ago! why didnt anybody tell me i could have done it from my couch? could have saved all that training and work and gotten it all done with a beer in one hand and a smoke in the other! what an ass!!! as all others shed tears, blood and sweat, for honor and the freedom of this country, for the honor of being the finest for the U.S.M.C, knowing what its like to call the fellow marines brother, ( sorry got started there)…. point is if you cant handle it then stay under your mothers skirt!!!!