Obama; Incompetent or dishonest?

| March 20, 2009

Steven Dinan of the Washington Times notices a disturbing pattern of Obama aides running interference for the President in the recent spate of missteps of his administration;

To hear his camp tell it Thursday, President Obama has been in the dark on his administration’s controversial efforts to force veterans to use their private insurance for treatments and to clear the way for large bonuses to be paid to the executives of the failed insurance giant AIG.

Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. was the latest to offer the president-didn’t-know defense, suggesting to a Minnesota audience that Mr. Obama was “unaware” of the veterans plan until the president floated it to veterans groups leaders this past Monday and stirred a major controversy.

Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner joined the bandwagon, saying it was he and not the president who deserved the blame for letting the bonuses to American International Group Inc. proceed.

“It’s my responsibility,” Mr. Geithner said, taking the blame just days after the White House leaked reports that it didn’t know about the bonuses until after they were issued.

I noticed the same thing when The Hill reported that the president wasn’t present at the 1PM meeting with the Veterans Service Organization when Rahm Emanuel told the VSOs that the plan was being withdrawn. It looked like the President was being kept insulated from the issue that suddenly became toxic.

The fact remains that we have two conclusions that we can choose from in regards to this meltdown of the administration – is the president incompetent or dishonest?

In St. Cloud, Mr. Biden, responding to a veteran’s question, blamed budget bean counters for trying to save money with the care proposal that died Wednesday after an outcry from lawmakers from both parties and veterans groups.

So Obama couldn’t hear the words that were coming out of his mouth? Or did Emanuel have his hand up Obama’s backside manipulating his mouth? That’s not the way some in the room remembered the meeting;

Mr. Obama “refused to hear arguments about the moral and government-avowed obligations that would be compromised by it,” [American Legion Commander David K.] Rehbein added.

So some invisible, nameless “bean counter” gets the blame for something that was clearly an executive decision made in the Oval Office.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck, Politics, Usual Suspects

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you know, this was the excuse used for the tzars and Stalin – they did not know – they were not told by their minions – it was not their fault. If they knew, those things would have never happened.

Mr Wolf

If we can have both HOPE and CHANGE, why can’t we have both INCOMPETENT and DISHONEST???



Somebody should start compiling the “Obama Book of Excuses”! 😆

How about his “Special Olympics” comment on Leno? Of course, his acolytes are still covering for him. Tim Shriver, the president of the Special Olympics and nephew of Obama buddy Senator Ted Kennedy, had this to say, “he “apologised in a way that was very moving” and “expressed that he did not intend to humiliate this population, certainly didn’t want to embarrass or give anybody any more reason for pain or just suffering”.

Does anybody have a bucket handy ’cause I’ve got to puke after hearing about that cover job!


Incompetently dishonest.
A bumbling liar.


What ever happened to “The buck stops here”? I have never heard of enything like this before. “My administration will propose major changes that I will profess to no nothing about?”

In way over his head.


O has been using “the Buck stops here” lately but it’s been revamped by it being followed with “But it wasn’t my fault”.



yankeemom Says:

O has been using “the Buck stops here” lately but it’s been revamped by it being followed with “But it wasn’t my fault”.

It reminds me of my kids when they were little when they’d say, “I didn’t do it”!


Radio said, “I want both!” That about covers it. He claims to not have known about the AIG bonuses, too. But that ain’t true either.

Have you seen Obama’s Teleprompter Blog? it’s funny as hell.


“The buck stops here…even though I wasn’t there when the buck was printed, nor did I have any say on what shade of green they were going to use…in fact, if I had been there, the buck would have been designed as a Hope dispenser, and been printed with all the colors of the rainbow so we could embrace the amazing diversity of this great land, but if we’re looking to blame someone, then I guess I’ll let the American people decide.”

509th Bob

Although the usual rule is not to ascribe to malice what can normally be explained by incompetence, I think that Obama’s rather systematic attack at virtually all existing structures of capitalism, and his disdain for anything traditionally associated with patriotism, compels me to conclude that his actions reflect malice aforethought.

For example, the U.S. tried the “law enforcement” approach to terrorism during the Clinton years. That worked so well that we got the first World Trade Center bombing, the Khobar Towers bombing, the USS Cole bombing, the African Embassies bombings, and 9-11-01. Bush tried the military approach, and we haven’t suffered another domestic attack since. As we transition back to the law enforcement approach, the public would be well-served to stock up on supplies, especially if you live in a target city, such as D.C.


“Mr. Obama was “unaware” of the veterans plan until the president floated it to veterans groups leaders this past Monday and stirred a major controversy.”

WTF??? He didn’t know about the plan until he announced the plan? Sounds like TOTUS (Teleprompter Of The United States) isn’t letting his boss know what’s coming until its already out of his mouth.


Incompetent AND dishonest.


509th Bob, exactly right. The law enforcement approach did not work. Nor will “man-caused” incidents go away, and they’ll still be terrorist incidents, Ms. Napolitano. Even though you don’t want to call them that, that’s what they are. And they aren’t undocumented workers, they are illegal aliens.


He is not only incompetent and dishonest but he is also a traitor to all the things that America stands for or did stand for.

He is a very dangerous and angry man that will do to America what Hitler did for Germany in the last months and days of the Third Reich.

Just watch as his approval ratings start going down and what actions he and his minions start taking to crash and burn the once great Country called America.

If the people or the Military doesn’t rise up to stop this disaster in waiting soon, God help us all!!!


Incompetent, dishonest