Fake SEAL Behind Memorial Effort

| July 18, 2019

A Crofton Maryland man who was behind a memorial was recently found to be not all that he claimed.

The Capital Gazette writes:

Bob Pollock became known as perhaps one of the most dedicated people around Crofton, committed to honoring those who serve the nation. It only made sense, as the creator of the Two Rivers community monument told neighbors and friends he was a former Navy SEAL and had been a prisoner of war.

Except he wasn’t.

When confronted, Pollock said he never claimed he was a SEAL or a POW.  Friends, as well as his own wife, remember it differently…

Friends said Pollock had talked about his SEAL and POW status for years.

His wife, Nancy Pollock, said it was what she believed for years. She said her husband told her he also worked on a special project with the SEALs in Vietnam.

Category: Fake SEAL, Phony SEAL

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1. If you want to go do good in the community, the do it.
2. Well, now I guess everyone knows he’s full of shit.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

There’s something FISHY going on here POLLACK about your phony Seal B.S. stories


Would you like fries with that?

Club Manager, USA ret.

Go stand in the corner facing the wall for 15 minutes.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Club Manager;
When you commented about the bagel shop and bagels with lox, you left out the bermuda onion and a tommato slice on top of the cream cheese. This was the way on Sunday mornings while growing up in Laurelton queens back in the 50’s and 60’s.

5th/77th FA

Made a good seal on a weather balloon. Made another good seal while serving as a chief towel fluffer at Brucie’s Bath House (Entrance in the rear).

Prolly not worth the bandwidth or keyboard typewriter ribbon ink for a deployment of the Hemisphere of Insults; shall we just call for an Alphabet Assault or maybe The Toilet Bowl of Insults?



The TAH Toilet Bowl of Taunts ®™ and the
Alphabet Assault was already added to the Hemisphere of Insults.

5th/77th FA

Roger that Chipster, had noticed said additions on the last HoI. Does this mean we no longer have a baby nuke for those POSes that are not worth the status of the HoI? You know how itchy my FIRE MISSION finger can get.

I ask for so very little.


The TAH Toilet Bowl of Taunts ®™ is the younger brother and can be used to fling said poo at SV fuckers when the entire shitstorm of The Hemisphere of Insults is felt to be unworthy of said poser.
Yeah, it’s been a while and we’ve had a touch of a dry spell and not only that, we’ve not had a good shew toy in here is ages. AGES!!!!
Ah, the good old days.
Bunch of pussies.


“Chew” not “shew”
I’ve got a pinched nerve in my left arm/shoulder and it’s affecting my usual muscle memory typing, numbing out the tips of a couple of fingers.
And I’m usually too lazy to proofread.

My chiropractor is going to get at least a 3 day weekend out of my HSA.


But for lesser offenses, the A^2 could be used to conserve resources for when the Hemisphere of Insults is simply overkill.

Overkill is a good thing of course…


Idiot! Idiot, isiot, idiot!!

He could have done all that stuff, gotten lots of ‘atta boys’ for it, without ever saying a word about seals or walruses of any kind.

What a marone!

Green Thumb



I love “The Hair’s” comment about a person claiming to be a SEAL being real: “Your chances of meeting a SEAL are about as good as riding in coach and having Obama sit next to you.”


Shipley apparently obtained his records. According to The Hair, Pollock served on the USS Constellation as a meteorologist. So his weather balloons may have blown to the coast of the North Viet of the Nam and become POWs.


“The triangular shape was Pollock’s idea”

Obviously a reference to the triangular forts in the Viet of the Nam. He was instrumental in the design with a “little help” from the Montagnards of the central highlands.
In other words, he stole the idea just like he stole the valor of real SEALS.

Like API said earlier:

A Proud Infidel®™ says:
July 18, 2019 at 8:38 am

VERY true. Many say that each and every legit Vietnam Vet has at least ten to twenty posers riding his or her coattails and I’m sure that will be so if it isn’t already for us ME WOT Vets!

I’m old. I would like to see “ten to twenty posers” drop dead on my final reveille.
I will go to the National Cemetery at Bourne.
They can rot in a land fill.

Comm Center Rat

I’d like to see one Fake SEAL enterprising enough to fund and build a memorial to honor all Fake SEALs. The fakes outnumber the real Trident earners by an overwhelming order of magnitude. Decades of hero to zero fakery, medallic fuckery, and stolen valor demand recognition in the public square. Fake it ’til you make it!

Just An Old Dog

Fake SEAL Memorial,,, it should be in the shape of a turd.. every name should be on a peanut or piece of corn sticking out..


Actually, the memorial is a pyramid shape. Pollock is apparently into the power of the pyramid. If so, maybe he believes an alien space craft transported him from the USS Constellation to the Viet of Nam to conduct secret squirrel work in the North, he was captured, and the aliens rescued him by beaming him up out of the Hanoi Hilton. His story could be a whole episode on “Ancient Aliens.” He should go with that, as he could write a book about his story and be featured on the “Coast to Coast” radio show. And who among us could prove it didn’t happen.


I think I could ghost-write the first chapter of Pollock’s book about his “Vietnam Times” as a Navy secret SEAL. The first chapter would start:
“It was a dark and froggy night in the South China Sea. I was up on the USS Constitution’s flight deck releasing my weather balloons (consistent with my cover story of being an unassuming meteorologist) when suddenly I was illuminated by a bright column of white light emanating from a huge black triangle silently hovering above me. Then I felt myself mysteriously rising up into the gaping maw of the opening in the bottom of this monstrous pyramid shaped vessel.” (See this story practically writes itself.)


…drifting west on a foul smelling wind we arrived at what seemed to be a jungle encampment. We hovered over a similar shaped structure and then it became clear that history was about to be made…..up…

A Proud Infidel®™

Fuckheaded foreskin fondler.


Ball-less Bob Pollack got caught DORKING THE SQUEAKHOLE by claiming to be a SEAL! Enjoy the GOOGLE fame, cocksucker!


I bet he makes a good SEAL when he BLOWS….

Charles Tucker

I ran across a fake seal one and didn’t realize it til after earning my PADI Open Water Certification and upon questioning him realized I knew more about Scuba diving than he did. I called him out on it and he made excuses. This fake died and his children still think their lying Daddy was a Seal.