…and He’s Off to Parris Island Now

| June 30, 2019

This young man went and joined up before he finished high school, so his school gave him a proper send-off ceremony.


He comes from the Dominican Republic originally. Now he’s lined up to serve his new country.  BZ to him and others like him.  I wish him well, with a long and prosperous career.


Category: Feel Good Stories, Marines

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Toxic Deplorable B Woodman

Now THERE is the kind of IMMIGRANT that I welcome to the US of A.

The best of luck that all your hard work can bring to you, young man.



5th/77th FA

^^WORD^^ BZ Marine Recruit Hipolito. Best of luck in your future career.

I can just here him 30 years from now, paraphrasing one of the former hispanic baseball players as he retires as a top ranking Marine NCO or Officer, “Marine Corps been berry berry good to me!”


Welcome aboard Hipolito! Also congratulations on your graduation. I am sure you and the Corps will make a good match.


“fluent in both English and Spanish and maintained a 3.9 GPA while working 25 hours a week during school so he could help provide for himself”

Hope to hear more about this recruit.
I think we will. America!


This young man is going places.

Toxic Deplorable B Woodman

And it ain’t to an ISIS training camp, jail, or the morgue.


Congrats to the Marine, his family and to the high school.

A Proud Infidel®™

BZ to him, I bet he’ll likely be the Honor Grad recruit of his Class!