…and He’s Off to Parris Island Now
This young man went and joined up before he finished high school, so his school gave him a proper send-off ceremony.
He comes from the Dominican Republic originally. Now he’s lined up to serve his new country. BZ to him and others like him. I wish him well, with a long and prosperous career.
Category: Feel Good Stories, Marines
Now THERE is the kind of IMMIGRANT that I welcome to the US of A.
The best of luck that all your hard work can bring to you, young man.
^^WORD^^ BZ Marine Recruit Hipolito. Best of luck in your future career.
I can just here him 30 years from now, paraphrasing one of the former hispanic baseball players as he retires as a top ranking Marine NCO or Officer, “Marine Corps been berry berry good to me!”
Welcome aboard Hipolito! Also congratulations on your graduation. I am sure you and the Corps will make a good match.
“fluent in both English and Spanish and maintained a 3.9 GPA while working 25 hours a week during school so he could help provide for himself”
Hope to hear more about this recruit.
I think we will. America!
This young man is going places.
And it ain’t to an ISIS training camp, jail, or the morgue.
Congrats to the Marine, his family and to the high school.
BZ to him, I bet he’ll likely be the Honor Grad recruit of his Class!