Gunman Opens Fire at Federal Court House-Dies on Scene

| June 18, 2019

Brian Isaack Clyde shot at a federal courthouse. Law enforcement found him in a parking lot and tried to administer medical assistance. (Tom Fox/ Staff photographer)

Brian Isaack Clyde went to the federal courthouse. Attending courtroom proceedings wasn’t on his agenda though. He had a different plan in mind. He went “tactical” with regard to his outfit and he came ready to enact Call of Duty.

Unfortunately for him, it didn’t end well. He fired, then he took off. He wasn’t the only one that fired shots, law enforcement returned fire. Brian Clyde ran from the scene and into a parking lot… Where he was found on the ground and unresponsive. They tried to administer medical assistance, but they didn’t stop him from starting his journey to reach room temperature.

From Dallas News:

Fox said Clyde fired from the parking lot across the street toward him, another man, a security guard and a woman who was walking a golden retriever.

The windows in a revolving door and two side doors at one entrance were broken. It was unclear whether Clyde or law-enforcement personnel had shot the door.


Fox, who was questioned by the FBI, said he had been outside the building when Clyde parked on the corner of Jackson and Griffin streets. Clyde ran and then stopped on the sidewalk to pick up a loaded magazine he had dropped.

He then began shooting at the courthouse along Jackson Street as security personnel on the first floor pushed people to the ground. At least two bullets ricocheted off the building, spreading clouds of dust and debris.

A cameraman was on the scene. His mission changed when rounds started flying:

Video from another vantage point:

You can read more details here. This link talks about his military service. His Facebook postings show that he may have been associated with the incel (involuntary celibate) community.

Category: Crime

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Another meltdown- at least from the post he was the only casualty. None the less, gun-grabbers in 5, 4, 3….

Comm Center Rat

From a Screaming Eagle to a Whining Incel to a Dead Coward. A short life poorly lived.

A Proud Infidel®™

Incel = Junk Male.


Incel: even the girls shied away from him. (Sorry, I know that’s mean, but still…)

Just Lurkin

It seems that throughout history something like 80 percent of females reproduced as opposed to 40 percent of males-

And that’s because females (who are the ones who get to choose) will try and select the highest quality partners for sex in order to have high quality offspring. All of that is as you would expect from an evolutionary perspective.

“Involuntary celibacy” for many males was probably not all that uncommon historically, and monogamy as a social invention arose to harness the productive potential of those males by giving them a genetic stake in the future, which temporarily skewed the sexual marketplace in favor of lower status males.

With the advent of the pill and greater female employment outside the home women are less dependent on those same males for resources and able to pursue the higher status males (which is their natural inclination). None of this is meant to lay blame on either males or females, but rather to explain how evolutionary psychology can explain some of the social processes we see at work today.


Soy boy loser.


I heard he served 2 years in the US military. What a winner indeed. Betting super POG and no deployments.


Army says he was an infantryman in the Army from August 2015 to February 2017 with the 101st. Not POG, but no deployments and kicked to the curb a year and a half in. So partially right. Definite shitbag.


Year and a half of AD says dickstepper unless he was injured to the point he couldn’t serve the balance on his enlistment.

Slow Joe


An Obama boy?

That explains everything.


hahah so basically he was the worst infantryman ever. No wonder they got rid of him.


Brian Isaack Clyde, who authorities confirmed was the gunman, served in the Army for two years. Soldiers who served with Clyde said he came from a family of military veterans and often participated in war re-enactments. But in 2017, Clyde felt the military wasn’t for him as he struggled with training and tests in preparation for possible deployment, they said. Clyde struggled with the high stress of military life but was “kind and gentle.”
Bielby said veterans, including himself, sometimes struggle with mental health issues as they’re transitioning back to civilian life. But he said the shooting was inexplicable.
“In the military and the younger generation, it’s very common to joke about suicidal depressive thoughts,” Bielby said.

MSG Eric

In 18 months? People get more PTSD from working at McDonalds for 12 months than what he’d have had. gimme a break…


Garrison wasn’t like Call of Duty– they lied to him!! Dipstick was crushed and betrayed…

jim h

so if i read this correctly, and i think i have, a beta male went and did something he thought was alpha, got popped, and we’re supposed to look at his two years of middling service where even his colleagues (i can’t bring myself to say friends from what i read) couldnt even muster up enough of a defense for him. hmmm.

run on sentences aside, nothing i read even remotely gave me the indication that people were really surprised by this. and what’s with this incel crap anyway? dude did two years as an infantryman (barely, apparently) and still couldnt manage to cowboy up? something tells me he was more likely one of those obama-era kinder-gentler-ask no questions types of entries.

and then clearly, he wasnt a good infantryman either, judging from this attack.


Or, suicide by cop. Seems odd no one was even injured, doesn’t it?

A Proud Infidel®™

Going nuts and shooting at a Federal Courthouse – WTF was he thinking? At least the taxpayers won’t have to feed, clothe and house him now and AS TO the politicians screeching for more gun laws, how many existing laws were broken this time?

5th/77th FA

Another crazy veteran that (the horror) posts memes of Confederate Flags.

Ban guns…ban flags…ban guns with flags…ban flags with guns. /s/

Slow Joe

Ban flaps…?


“He was a decorated Army marksman” headline coming in 3, 2, 1…

Receiving awards such as the always earned, never given NDSM and the highly coveted Army Service Ribbon.

MSG Eric

Don’t forget about his “Blue Rope of Infantryness” that they’ll theorize as some mystical reward for killing 200 enemy combatants or some such silliness

Slow Joe

Are you talking about the blue cord?


A Proud Infidel®™️

Mmmmmmmmyep, he apparently once wore The Blue Chord of Doom®™️.


You trademarked that? I thought I was the only one calling it the Blue Rope of Doom. Since you misspelled “cord” and used it instead of “rope,” maybe I can still trademark my descriptor.

charles w

I may be generalizing here, this guy is part of the Ritalin/Adderall generation. I don’t think guns are the real problem.


Concur, Charles. I wouldn’t trust those kids with your stapler.


It is frightening to think about this latest generation providing the men to defend this nation who have been medicated and given participation trophies their entire childhood. From what I have seen, I have to agree with you SFC D, and you have likely had to deal with them, up close and personal.

MSG Eric

Last I recall, approximately 20% of high school graduates are mentally and physically capable to join the military. Been that level for about 10 years I think?

A Proud Infidel®™️

Still that way last I heard, Recruiters typically have a hell of a time making their quotas.


From what I have read it’s been that way a lot longer than 10 years


Didn’t have to deal with the “participation trophy” kids much, I think I retired just as they really started coming in to the Army. I did get a kid with Asperger’s though. I’d still like to have a talk with his recruiter, MEPS doc, Drill Sergeants, BCT Commander and AIT Commander.

MSG Eric

When I was an instructor, I had a kid show up to my AIT where they needed a 100 GT and a 110 ST with an 87 GT and a sub-100 ST. How he got all the way to us I have no clue. He was a decent troop, but I don’t know what happened after that.

In a lot of cases, if they don’t discover something up front, the further through the Initial Entry Training process, the less inclined they are to do anything about it. “Don’t worry, when you get to your unit, tell them about it and they’ll fix it….”

charles w

You cannot drug a kid whose mind and body are still developing because they’re hard to deal with. We had kids like this when I was young. Our teacher would send you down to the gym and run that shit out of you. Factor in the internet and all the social bullshit, the experts still wonder why there is a problem. But what do we know, we’re just old dinosaurs.

RGR 4-78

A fellow fireman told me about the time his Mom and Dad were called in to their local grade school (1970’s) and told that his younger brother was developmentally handicapped because he was having trouble paying attention in class.
He said his Dad went home and beat the retard out of him and the boy never had any trouble in school after that.

The Stranger

A strategically performed ass whoopin’ can do wonders.

RGR 4-78

Worked for both of my children.

MSG Eric

In his case, guns weren’t the problem. He barely hit the broad side of a courthouse.


The headline of one article is ‘What we know about….”, which means they know nothing about him at all.

He’d likely have “snapped” (if you want to us that term), regardless of anything that went on before this outburst.

Just another “lost soul trying to find his way” and failing. At least no one else got hurt by what he did. I know that’s harsh, but he’s cast doubt on military people and gun owners who have done nothing to deserve it.

Slow Joe


Guns, ammo and gear means he planned this well in advance.

Apparently he was an Obama infantrydudette, so he learned to used the 8 step TLPs troop leading procedures, and should know how to create a 5 paragraph oporder and at a minimum conduct rehearsals.


He lost the oporder when he bent over to pick up the dropped magazine. Everything went downhill from there.


“Prior to his time in school there, he served as an infantryman in the U.S. Army from August 2015 to February 2017. But individuals who say they served with him in the 101st Airborne at Fort Campbell in Kentucky told WFAA that Clyde was discharged because he couldn’t pass physical training tests.”

Comm Center Rat

An APFT failing Soldier – that goes a long way in explaining why he was an Incel.

Slow Joe

What a piece of shit.

What BCT was he in?

Please don’t tell me 3rd Brigade, Rakkasans.


Well you have a 1 in 4 chance that he was a Mamasan


Dressed like a clown, boo coo magazines tumbling out of his tacticool bandolier (he stopped to pick one up), a mask to make himself invisible and then assaults the “fortress of evil”



In Call of Duty parlance,

“Mistakes were Made”

RGR 4-78

No extra lives.
No do overs.
No resets.

Real life gets in the way of fantasy once again.

I feel for his family, at least no innocents were harmed.


Not tacticool, dorkticool.


Not cool. Room temperature.


Image the safety briefs this a-hole just caused.
Friday is gonna suck at Campbell.

Slow Joe


You just gave me PTSD!

A Proud Infidel®™

He was discharged after two years for being a PT flunkie, so now the whorehouse of a liberal media will soon be screeching that we Veterans should be perpetually disarmed in 3,… 2,..


Ain’t it nice of him to give those tapeworms in the media another chance to paint us all with the same brush?

USMC Steve

Gene pool slightly purified, no loss.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Definitely a light dose of chlorine to the gene pool while Darwin grins.

The Stranger

If he would have hit a “gun-free” zone, even being as incompetent as he clearly was, he could have done some serious damage. Praise the Lord for stupidity, lack of planning, and poor target selection.

Fuck that guy.


I suspect we’ll find that his cheese slipped of the cracker. Cuz his choice of target and mode of attack makes no sense. So far as shown in the media photos, all he did was shoot at the front of the building, hitting the revolving front door.

RGR 4-78

I am wondering if he was spurned by a female that work there.


The 8th Graders he was hitting on after school turned him down.


What a clusterfuck of a human being.

At least he did one thing right.


Assuming room temperature is the best thing he ever did. At least he was unable to take anyone with him.

MSG Eric

So I just have to ask, how did he pass Infantry OSUT? It seems in this case he didn’t learn a damn thing. Frontal assault on a heavily defended position, shooting from uncovered positions, no preparation of equipment to ensure it doesn’t (ya know) fall out as he’s moving, no proper planning, no escape route, no first aid capability, etc etc etc….


Remember who was running the show from August 2015 to 20 Jan, 2017. I wonder if he slipped through the cracks while they were busy trying to figure out how to put women through the training.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Yes, during that period NCOs were frowned on for being strict and even yelling at a Subordinate was tagged as “hazing”.


Meh. My ass graced the grounds of Sand Hill in 2004. If you didn’t go AWOL, didn’t swan dive out the barracks windows, didn’t die, and “passed” the APFT events with a 50 each (not 60), you too got a blue cord.

Like others have said, this decline has been on going for a while.


Back in my day the only people that were authorized to wear the Blue Rope of Doom were those assigned to real deal infantry units. Had to stop wearing mine after three years as an infantry officer because I was subsequently assigned to a Special Forces Group. I don’t think I even have one anymore, but still have four diplomas from the Infantry School at the Benning School for Wayward Boys.


Not sure if you were still in at the time, MSG, but 2015 falls into what – to me – was probably the lowest point of recruit quality. Everything wrong with the images or description of the shooter is, sadly, something I’ve seen in recent, young grunts – poorly-fitted gear, unsecured ammunition, tacti-cool crap (big fan of the first rule of SOF, but still…), straps and bootlaces hanging all over the place (I can’t remember the last time a young buck saw me take electrical tape to my rucksack or LBV straps and not scoff at the wasted effort), sense of victimhood and/or entitlement, etc. Standards have been relaxed, considerably. I’m not making excuses for his actions, but an argument could be made that TRADOC and his NCOs/CoC share some of the blame.

As easy as it is to blame the drop in standards on the political cause du jour, it’s a downward spiral that has been gradually building over decades. Most recruits I dealt with were still good guys but the quality was at its lowest, then… sanguinely, the ratio seems to be trying to correct itself.

A Proud Infidel®™️

I ETS’ed the first time during the Clinton Curse of the nineties when “stress cards” were first introduced and Permanent Party Units were forced to teach fresh Joes the discipline that they should have been taught in Basic & AIT. It didn’t always work for the best and there were quite a fair share of Joes getting pushed out via a Chapter 13.


The difference, today, is the spiral has progressed enough that the superior gets chaptered out because, while trying to teach that discipline, young Joe (or Jane) complained that he (or she) was being bullied.

I actually argue that the issue hit critical mass under the Clinton administration (I enlisted in the late nineties – stress cards may have been before my time, never saw one). That was the lowest we’ve ever been since, at least, Korea… the longer those effects are allowed to endure, the closer we are to another TF Smith – though, given the smaller engagements allowed by modern tech, these will more often manifest in Jessica Lynch-type scenarios than in massive routes.

A Proud Infidel®™️

I’ve heard horror stories about Troops being allowed to graduate AIT without having to pass a PT Test, a failure of which would get one ELS’ed during my day!


Many such stories are true, sadly. Whenever I ask someone on the trail why they don’t just recycle these recruits until they can meet the standard, they complain about training costs… never made sense to me, as a few extra months at BCT seems a lot cheaper than fixing failures further down the pipeline or releasing them from their obligation.

MSG Eric

It’s not about the money. No one gives a crap about the money for those extra months.

The biggest reason is the bullet comment on their evaluation that says, “Graduated X% of trainees” and their mission of getting that as close to 100% as possible. For some reason, much leadership in the Initial Entry Training environment care about that more than anything else.

My boss put a number with that on my eval one year and I told him to take it off. There shouldn’t be a 100% or 99% or even 95% comment that gets looked at positively. How many ever troops graduate, graduate. Did they succeed and pass all the standards? IF yes, then good deal.

Telling people on your eval that 99% of your trainees graduated makes me question why you let 99% through when I KNOW there are at least 2% that are utter dumbshits and you had to tie their bootlaces every day.


The stress card is a myth. It’s almost always either the class after the person telling the story or another unit during the story tellers time in basic training that received it. What the stress card really was was an experiment with one Navy boot camp class. It was a card with a list of resources a boot could call if they were feeling suicidal, like going AWOL, etc. It was not a get out of free card.


Well, then the retired E-7 Drill SGT who told me about it being used at Army Basic must have been lying to me. The conversation occurred back in 90’s when I was in Philadelphia for a deposition. The SFC said it was one of the reasons that caused him to retire earlier than planned.


Who’s right about “stress cards”? Twist says they are a myth. Bottom line though, if guys like Manning can survive BCT and AIT, who needs a stress card to make it through the training. The dickwad pictured in the post is an obvious mental case (as depicted in his fakebook video) and he did, as well, and ended up in the 101st.


I was just throwing out a fun fact. I was bored a couple of years ago so I researched it. I’ve been hearing about this card since I went to Basic in 92. All that aside, there is no doubt that the standards have been on a downward spiral for years. I saw this as a Squad Leader and Platoon Sergeant. While I did receive some warriors I also got a lot of new guys that I looked at and wondered how the hell they passed Basic Training.

Slow Joe

He pulled his stress card.


Suicide by cops. Not something new in this world.

A Proud Infidel®™️

As well as 24K stupidity on his part.

A Proud Infidel®™️

In that photo not only does he look more ate up than a shit soup sandwich in Mogadishu, he has a look in his eyes like he’s about to shit and piss himself.


Heh, there is a mirror image of him on the right side of the photo.

Slow Joe

If pictures are really worth a thousand words….

He is fatz, shoelaces undone, rifle sling is hanging down, I cannot even tell if his dominant hand is the right or left, because he got those stupid unsecure mag pouches on the left, but he is holding his rifle with the left hand and has a magazine on his right hand.

I don’t know what the fuck is going on in that picture. Most incompetent shooter ever.

Im just glad he didn’t hurt anyone, despite the hard labors of the Left in making America a gun-free zone.


Haven’t watched the video, but my guess is that photo is from right after he picked up the dropped mag – right-handed shooter reaching with his active side (evidence of poor training). Nothing about the photo or story demonstrates that he learned a damn thing at Sand Hill. Shoulda tried to be an engineer. Our retards have a much greater track record of stupidity.


Antifa’s best (wannabe).

A Proud Infidel®™️

I’m willing to bet a bottle of good Bourbon that he was thrown out of the US Army on a Chapter 13, Failure to Conform.


Failure to Launch

MSG Eric

Failure to Utilize Oxygen supplied by trees properly.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


His face booking rant:

I think most rational people would call that a clue.


Drugs are bad.


Given his cannibalistic rant, I guess we are lucky he didn’t kill and eat anyone before he went on his failed shooting rampage. I predicted that his cheese likely slid off his cracker; that Book of Face video is the irrefutable proof. Thanks for the linky.

This deranged mofo is nuttier than a Payday bar. Glad we don’t have to house him in a nut ward for decades like John Hinckley.



Darwin Award winner.