Bus with Children Pulled Over-Driver Charged With DWI
Linda Sue Godejohn was driving a bus full of children. Other drivers saw her take a series of actions, with the bus, that led someone to call 911.
Law enforcement arrived, pulled her over, and then provided her with a field sobriety test. She didn’t pass. They took her into custody and charged her with drinking while influenced. Since one of the children riding the bus was under the age of 14, they are looking at upgrading the charges.
From Fox News:
“We ended up getting the bus driver out of the bus, giving her a field sobriety test, which she flunked miserably, and she was immediately placed into custody,” Constable Mark Herman told Click2Houston.
Bystanders say they noticed her bus moving erratically and called 911. A witness says the bus swerved onto the left shoulder of a road, hitting a divider before veering back.
“When she hit the wall, I was, like, ‘Woah, she’s about to flip,’ because it wasn’t just a little tap, she was on the wall, the tire started to crawl up on the wall,” a witness told Click2Houston.
Police say they pulled Godejohn over when they noticed the bus making a sharp turn, which nearly caused it to roll over.
In the article, she claims that she had not had a drink in years. Instead, it was a donut that she ate that was doing a number on her. This resulted in her driving the way she drove that led to the 911 call. She assured parents that the children have ridden with her before and that they did not have anything to worry about.
As of the article, they’re waiting on the results of the blood test. Upon her release from jail, she claimed that she still wouldn’t pass the field sobriety test. It was difficult. Perhaps something else affected the way she was driving… Like a doughnut that was getting even with her for eating it. Or, the result of the blood test could contradict her claims.
You can read more here.
Category: "Teh Stoopid"
MMMmmmmm doughnuts…..or is it donuts?
Now donuts are toxic!!??
LEOs across the land are in tears.
FIRST thing Dakota Brother did before arriving for the reunion was stop at the Krispy Kreame for a box of Glazed. Said he couldn’t resist the Hot Donuts Now flashing sign. He was planning on stopping back by on his way north Tuesday Morning when they left to go home. Nothing like ’em.
Have dunked many a doughnut, but never got drunk off one.
So the bus driver got BUSted. could be that the sugar in the donut affected her.
Old and busted: Twinkie Defense.
New Hotness: Donut Defense.
Should we declare War on Donuts?
I have consumed many a donut in my time, including my grandmother’s homemade donuts, but I have never become intoxicated by a pastry concoction of any sort, including rum raisin apple brown betty… with ice cream. Vanilla ice cream… and spiced, buttered rum sauce.
A doughnut making you drunk? Never happened to me or anyone else I’ve ever known! Getting a DUI is a great way to get one blacklisted from employment in any CDL job, ditto with a Reckless Driving conviction!
Should have blood sugar checked. Could be a legit defense. An idea
I was thinking the same thing. Someone whose blood sugar is seriously out of whack can appear for all the world to be drunk.
Doughnuts by Alice B. Toklas.
I love you, Alice B. Toklas.
Drinking while influenced….. Like the sound of that
She will no doubt sue Dunkin’ Donuts…..