Clinton: stop picking on Hillary, and get tough with your ‘banker’
While stumping for the Hildabeast campaign in South Carolina, Bubba Clinton relayed the standard Dem party lines about Iraq, health care, and Bush-bashing, but this has to be the best hypocritical line so far:
The reason the nation can’t enforce tough trade regulations with the Chinese is because they are now America’s banker, Bill Clinton said.
“When was the last time you got tough on your banker?†he asked the crowd.
Somewhere John Huang, Charlie Trie, and James Riady are smiling.
He also declared “his wife can handle the criticism from her presidential rivals even though “those boys have been getting tough on her lately.â€
Uh, newsflash, Bubba. If Hillary can’t stand the heat, get outta the kitchen.
Eight years of manipulating, lying, corruption, and felonious acts during your regime should make this a cake walk.
Gawd, how quickly the media forgets. The MSM, had they not been Clinton’s footstool, would have been all over that statement. Two terms full of scandals and crimes that make his predecessors pale in comparison.
As the saying goes: “People get the government they deserveâ€, but the asses who voted for Clinton inflicted him on the rest of us.
Jonn added; The Washington Times reports that “Voters dismiss ‘piling on’ charge“;
Most Americans reject the charge that other presidential candidates are “piling on” Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, according to a new Fox 5/The Washington Times/Rasmussen Reports poll.
Only 25 percent of voters said recent criticism of Mrs. Clinton constitutes piling on, the survey found, and of those, less than half said she was the target because she is a woman.
“The vast majority of Americans are treating Senator Clinton as a front-running presidential candidate, not as a women who happens to be running for president,” said pollster Scott Rasmussen, adding that the poll’s questions, taken together, show less than 15 percent of Democrats think she’s being picked on as a woman.
Ace of Spades has video of Hillary’s plant who admits that she wasn’t the only member of the audience with questions given them by the campaign. Ace wonders if she’s being completely honest with us.
Category: Politics