Berkeley Hippy Falls Out of Tree Goes Boom

| November 13, 2007

A 24 year old hippy loser fell out of the tree he has been staying in to keep UC Berkeley from removing it. His hippy brethren had built a traverse line so they could get past the fence the university had built to keep hippies out of the trees. University spokesman Dan Mogulof says the fall is not the university’s fault.”The accident is very regrettable but to state the obvious, completely avoidable,” he said. “Things like this wouldn’t happen if people who are illegally occupying university property were obeying the law.”This Hippy Now Believes in Gravity While the hippy in question, Nate Hill, claims this wouldn’t have happened had the university not put up the fence. You know, the one they put up to keep hippies out of their trees. NBC11 Story

Category: Society

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Makes me wonder how long it will be before the hippy sues Cal.