“U” Visa Will Make Criminals Legal

| November 12, 2007

This from a Breitbart/AP story: OMAHA, Neb. (AP) – A 13-year-old illegal immigrant who fled to his native Mexico amid a sex scandal with his schoolteacher could be eligible to return to the United States under a new visa the government started granting the week before he disappeared.

The visa helps illegal immigrants who are victims of sex crimes. If the boy, who spent most of his life in Lexington, Neb., qualifies, he could stay legally in the United States for four years and eventually apply for permanent residency. It also would extend temporary residency to his parents and his unmarried siblings under 18, if they applied for it.

“It’s a win-win,” U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services spokeswoman Marilu Cabrera said of the so-called “U” visa. “It helps us and law enforcement be able to solve a crime, and it certainly helps the individual who is a victim of a crime.”

The boy and middle school teacher Kelsey Peterson were found in a mall parking lot in the border town of Mexicali, Mexico, 1,500 miles from where the pair disappeared on Oct. 26. Authorities searched for them for one week.
There has been no allegation that the boy was with his teacher against his will. In fact, to suggest that would ignore the facts in this case. So what we have is an illegal alien willingly leaving the country and Customs and Immigration Services trying to not only help him return, but, grant him permanent residency and legalize his entire family. Gee, small wonder we have so many illegal immigrants here.

Category: Politics

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