Sorry about the Housekeeping – Its hard to get good help

| April 30, 2019


Expect a few more of these interruptions to happen in the near future.


Category: Administrative

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Don’t worry. I thought it wasn’t TAH’s fault. They’re having a major issue with the Intrawebs all over the eastern U.S. and Europe….


There doesn’t appear to be any problems at all with the Interwebz in the NorkKorea.

Lets all go there!!/s


It is a communist paradise. I’m in.


Pretty sure one must actually possess an internet to have problems with it.


Over 9200 in the last hour, and rising.

Whoever did that is a master! Where’s the ransom note?

Oh! What if all the lamestream media sites were shut down for a week???


The Russians did it!

Dave Hardin

See you soon, this time we can take the boat out to the breakers for some great fishing.

Try to stay out of trouble until then.




May I ask where yall are fishing at? It wouldn’t happen to be a trip to Texas would it?


May 1st is just around the corner.

It was our favorite lawers favorite day.

You know, MAYDAY!

Sorry, it’s going to be a long time before that joke gets old with me.

The Al

I kind of miss the ol’ Lawn Dart. He was always good to help me feel better about my mental health. Yeah, I may have depression, but at least I haven’t had a full-on break from reality mixed with delusions of adequacy.


It’s my cats. They were playing cat video games online and hit the wrong buttons, and blew up the global interwebs thingy.

It had nothing to do with giant pterosaurs attacking a squad of deployed Marines and being repelled by giant firecrackers that detonate and blow BBs everywhere.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.


Cats run the Interwebs… everyone knows that!


I was trying to figure out if someone forgot to pay the electric bill or if one of the recent Navy SEAL posers had unleashed a DDOS attack on the site. Glad to see it’s back up.


If it was down for any longer I might have resorted to talking to an actual, live human being in my immediate vicinity. Thank God we’re back.

Dave Hardin

I thought you were doing so much better since your Toxic Masculinity counseling started.

This is no time for a relapse.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

WOW, and I thought the problem was on my side of the PC which I know jack shit about and I pay ATT 15 bucks extra a month for tech support.


First step in troubleshooting is to recognize you have a problem. For all things computer, step two is a hard reboot- that will cure many ills.

Where’s my fifteen bucks?

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Thanks for the info and you are 100% correct. Before going to work on the armoured trucks, I worked in the AC&R field and the first thing I learned when I went to A/C school in Manhattan was make sure the AC unit was plugged in and then go from there. I do reboot the PC and Comcast box when they are not working then do the chat for the PC and a phone call to comcast if they are still down.


Gently pulling your chain, Jeff. My fault; sometimes my humor is too subdued to come through on the interwebs.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Glad it’s back up, I was wondering for a few!


I was waiting for you to TWEET. I figured anyone who alternately wears pink robes and bike shorts knows how to tweet.

5th/77th FA

Thanks alot GDC. I had finally gotten those images bleached from my brain and here you go putting them back in there.

Dave Hardin

I taut I taw a puddy cat

Daisy Cutter

Tweet others as you would have them tweet you.


It’s sort of like when the mortar lands too close, we have to scatter and lose comms – it’s every man and woman for themselves and we’ll meet back at the rally point.

Keepin' It Real

For those that need to know…


Been up all night troubleshooting.
Appears to have paid off.

Daisy Cutter

We tried to upgrade the power… but we found that the hamsters weren’t always in sync.


I just want you to know that my productivity at work went up 75% yesterday morning and I blame TAH for that. I hope you can live with yourself.


Oh, was there a hitch in the TAH giddy up?

(Yes, that was sarc…)


I just figured that there was too much seagull shit on the server..