Study: ‘Assault Weapons’ and Magazine Bans Do Not Lower Homicide Rates

| April 2, 2019

hi cap mag

Along with scary black rifles, gun-grabbers are also fixated on what are mistakenly called “High Capacity Magazines.” These in their minds is any magazine capable of holding more rounds than some arbitrary number, usually 10, than the mag was designed for. Many common handguns, for example, have magazines that can handle 17 or more, and thirty round mags are pretty standard for the AR platform.

“Who needs to carry so many bullets?” they ask. I would point out police officers are not usually limited to mag capacity, and can expect a rapid response if help is needed, in the form of other police officers and their hi cap mags. Harry Homeowner, however, is now limited to the number of rounds at his disposal when confronted by an unknown number of Bad People, and the Police are on the way.

The hi cap fallacy was displayed when the tragic (and preventable!) shooting occurred at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, where a melt-down took an AR-15 and murdered 17 students. Why bring this up? The shooter (I’ll not post his name) used 10 round magazines, as the 30 round mags wouldn’t fit in his backpack.

OK, off my soapbox. Poetrooper sends us a link about, as you may infer from the title, magazine capacity limitations having little effect on gun crimes.


By AWR Hawkins
A study on state-level gun control laws in the U.S. shows that bans on “high-capacity” magazines and “assault weapons” do not lower homicide rates.

The study was headed by Boston University School of Public Health’s Michael Siegel and another listed study author was Harvard gun control advocate David Hemenway.

The study, The Impact of State Firearm Laws on Homicide and Suicide Deaths in the USA, 1991–2016: a Panel Study, isolated four states to study ten different types of gun control to see if certain gun controls were successful in reducing homicide and/or suicide rates. Via their research, they discovered that “high-capacity” magazine and “assault weapons” bans do not lower homicide rates.

Thanks, Poe! The rest of the article may be viewed here: Breitbart

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Guest Link, Gun Grabbing Fascists

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MSG Eric

You can’t see it, but this is my shocked face….


What is highly significant about this article and the reason why I sent it to Ed is not the conclusions drawn by the researchers but rather who those researchers are, liberal gun control enthusiasts from bastions of liberalism and politically correct thought: Boston University and Harvard. That they are willing to publish such guaranteed to be unpopular results with their fellow gun-grabbers without fudging the numbers, like so many climate researchers do, speaks to their intellectual and scientific integrity.

Stay tuned to see these professors apologizing and rationalizing away their results once the liberal establishment begins attacking them as traitors to the sacred cause.

Mark A. lauer

Add to this the fact that less than 1% of all “gun related crimes” in the United States involve rifles of any kind, and we have a solution looking for a problem that doesn’t exist.


This one falls into the “No shit, Sherlock” category.


BREAKING NEWS: Water is wet.
It’s time for a Federal Preemption Act re the Second Amendment, because ‘shall not be infringed’ is just too f**king vague apparently.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

I hope they don’t try and ban my American Rifleman Magazine, Genie magic magazine, Fire Engineering magazine and United States Naval Institute magazine because they excede ten pages.

Slow Joe

Hahaha. That picture on the heading is wrong.

That’s called a clip.
A pistol clip to be precise.

A Proud Infidel®™️

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, STOP huffing the floor wax before you post, it’s now time for you to go on Police Call!


Drop. Beat your face.

A CLIP is used to feed a MAGAZINE.




Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Stripper clip to feed as an example an AR magazine. An example of a “clip” which is not a magazine is one that feeds an M 1 Garand from the top of the receiver. Another is a stripper clip that feeds the 40MM Bofors AA guns. I heard that the original Colt 1911 field manual had the magazine listed as a clip so thats why you hear a number people calling it a clip.

The Other Whitey

They hadn’t quite nailed down the terminology in those days. Some publications from the same time period refer to suppressors as “mufflers.”


Nope, Jeff, whoever said the original 1911 field manual listed the magazine as a “clip” was wrong.

Just looked through the entire 1 April 1912 edition of FM 23-35, (available via this Al Gore interwebz thingy) and nowhere does it call the magazine anything other than a magazine./smile


I, too, have heard early references to the 1911 magazines as clips – don’t believe it was as late as an FM, but in earlier design drawings. In any case, box magazines were in their infancy at the time. A century plus later, the correct nomenclature is codified and more or less set in stone among those who work with weapons. Using other terminology is now a mark of ignorance.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Thanks Claw. Heard it from someone but I never looked up the FM-35 manual.

The Other Whitey

Some days you just go out of your way trying to be a dickhead, don’t you? Imagine how many urinals you could scrub clean if you applied the same degree of effort to your life’s calling.

In other news, I might be in the market for a pistol clip or two if I ever fulfill my collecting goals of acquiring a Broomhandle Mauser and/or a Steyr 1912. I won’t ask slow joe, though, since he can’t tell Hoppe’s from herpes.


I have a Broomhandle and the only effective way to load it is with stripper clips. But I suspect Slow’s experience with broomhandles is limlited to the ones with a push broom attached.

Slow Joe

Comment removed for unacceptable content.

The Other Whitey

Again, fucknuts, what have I ever said that indicated that to you, you dumb cousinfucker? Can you cite one single thing? Or did the paint fume fairy tell you something about me?

Dipshits like you are the reason for warning labels like “Cigarettes cause cancer.”

A Proud Infidel®™

The more I see of Slow Joe/Yef, the more convinced i am that he was given a botched lobotomy in a back alley in Berzerkely.



Knock it off.

TOW’s family suffered terribly at the hands of the communists/socialists.

Once again, you’re way, way out of line.

Hopefully the TAH Admins are taking note of this.


Sometimes I wonder why nobody has shoved you back into your mother’s womb so they can perform the abortion properly this time.


are you sure it’s not a revolver clip?

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Mogrith; When I was a young lad back in the 50’s, My friends dad worked for the post office and his job was collecting the mail from the corner mail boxes. He carried an Army .45 wheel gun which fired the .45 rimless cartridge which were held by half moon clips each one held 3 rounds so two clips were used in the cylinder. At that time, there were no such things as Postal Police.


Slow, you and your ilk are why the air force decided they couldn’t allow enlisted men to handle 1911’s and began issuing revolvers again.

MSG Eric

Maybe he’s referring to an attachable Tie Clip? So you have one at the ready just in case you get into the shit while wearing a suit?


Paper clip seems to be more Slow Joe’s speed…

A Proud Infidel®™️

My bet is that Gun-Free Zones cause mass shootings, what attracts a cowardly mass murderer more than a place guaranteed to be full of unarmed victims?


For some reason, something about “fish in a barrel” comes to mind.


Real mumble rappers don’t need hi-caps

5th/77th FA

I buy a lot of different types of magazines. Some I buy for the pictures….some I buy for the articles….I never buy a picture magazine to read the articles.

I buy some magazines to clip bullets into.


I didn’t buy Playboy for the articles either. But I did read them!


I used to tell my mother I only bought them for the articles.


Of course assault weapons and magazine bans do nothing to stop crime or terrorism.
These are gun control laws disguised as “common sense” safety laws.