I saw this on Book of Face and glad it is posted.
I was never able to find out where this was from but damn, I lost it 2 or 3 times “The Bellyflop”, “The Sit and Scoot” and the “Ass/Pack Ramp Bump”.
Holy fucking shit.
Nope. And only about three jumpers can exit the back end of an OV-10, and it doesn’t have a ramp. I think that was the ramp of a Jolly Green or a Chinook.
The three jumpers who fell down on the ramp in that video are pathetic. First, it was broad daylight; and second, they were jumping Hollywood style (no equipment). Four of my SF team had to do a static line jump off the ramp in the dark of a moonless night at only 1000 feet AGL with full combat loads. I had the 35 lbs hand crank generator for the AN/GRC-109 packed in my ruck (along with the rest of my gear) w/ weapon & ammo; and no one fell down on the ramp exiting the bird. For three of the four of us, this was the first time we had ever jumped off the ramp (my commo sgt. said he had done a couple of ramp jumps). I might add we all landed within 50 yards of each other in the middle of the DZ.
Senior White Name Tape moment. What were the big containers that you had to waddle to the door with called? PAE Bags? You lowered them after chute opening and before ground splat. We filled them with commo stuff
I forget what they were called. We didn’t have them or use them on SF ODA teams as far as I can recall. I remember them from when I was in the 509th PIR in Germany. I recall they had a red handle you pulled to release them. In SF we used a 20 foot lowering line with a bungee cord sewn into it to drop our rucks before we landed. The ruck was released with a couple of S-folded quick release straps w/ snap hooks used to attach your ruck to the front of your parachute harness right under your reserve. One had to do a sort of duck walk and shuffle to move with all that crap hanging on the front of your chute harness. When I was at Benning in 2007 for a Ranger reunion, that system of rigging was still in use. Claw can prolly give you the FSN for that PAE equipment bag. IIRC we just split up and packed the component black boxes of the Angry 109 in our oversized rucks.
Claw personally gave me P38’s (that I’m sure he scrounged) AND the Mess Sgt’s mama jambo version in a solemn departure ceremony from the stately Claw Mansion HQ in 2016. Scooby officiated assisted by Mrs Claw (a wonderful lady), 3/17 (whom seems to have disappeared), Claw, SJ, and Mrs SJ.
You’re right, Claw can cite the NSN on both. He so reminds me of S4 NCOIC Todd when I was the 82nd Signal Bn’s S4 in 1964: Words of wisdom: “Don’t ask L.T.” whilst supply CW2 King nodded sagely. These gents taught me a lot. Geeze Out.
Added Bonuses: Just to keep all those military type acronyms straight, the letters PAE in PAE Bag stand for Parachutist’s Adjustable Equipment. (referenced in TM 57-220, Technical Training of Parachutists)
And if you submit a requisition using the FSN 4020-262-2019, you’ll get a 400 yard roll of OD Green 550 Cord.
5 years ago
Bunch’a pansies jumping out of an airplane with parachutes.
5 years ago
What part of the word JUMP do they not understand?
5 years ago
Facebook video?
More like boomer land.
5 years ago
This reminds me of the Egyptians we jumped with at the end of the Bright Star exercises for wing exchange. During MACO/Manifest they were singing and dancing their asses off. Once inside the aircraft those fuckers were as quiet as a church mouse pissing in aspirin bottle cotton.
We maintained unit integrity not mixing chalks and insisted the Egyptians jump first. When the Egyptian jumpmasters started giving time warnings and jump commands some refused to stand up, the safeties would proceed to slap the shit out of those sitting and manually hook up their static lines. They literally had to throw some of them out of the aircraft. Of course after the jump they were all sky gods.
Not seeing it? Works at my end- it’s a Face Book vid, not youtube if that makes a difference. Hit F5 and refresh the post.
agree with Hondo, at least in Firefox there isn’t even a residual placeholder. Works OK in Chrome, though.
For those having difficulty, here’s the direct link:
Not sure why it didn’t post for some, but thanks for the back-up. Turn-about’s fair and all that.
Okay, I was never in the military, but that was some funny shit right there.
I saw this on Book of Face and glad it is posted.
I was never able to find out where this was from but damn, I lost it 2 or 3 times “The Bellyflop”, “The Sit and Scoot” and the “Ass/Pack Ramp Bump”.
Holy fucking shit.
That is a good variety of exit procedures.
I especially liked the “Trip, Stumble and Slide”.
I bet he almost shit himself.
Did this post change on me while I was typing? What happened to the post about Norks flying Migs for the NVAf?
Sacred to the Memory and in Honor of SFC John Lilyea
A probable comment he would of made; ” Now Gentlemen, this is how it is NOT done!”
Airborne…”All The Way!” RIP Brother
SFC Jonn Lilyea..damn dust obscured the keyboard.
What the hell were they jumping, a doggone OV-10?
Nope. And only about three jumpers can exit the back end of an OV-10, and it doesn’t have a ramp. I think that was the ramp of a Jolly Green or a Chinook.
Cariboo maybe?
No Caribous still in service. The video and the cammies look recent vintage.
And the last guy in the stick is pissed because the one sitting on his ass on the ramp will cause him to be in the trees.
Been there, done that. Upside down is no way to hang from a branch.
But you’re getting Jump Pay! Airborne! (Kidding).
The three jumpers who fell down on the ramp in that video are pathetic. First, it was broad daylight; and second, they were jumping Hollywood style (no equipment). Four of my SF team had to do a static line jump off the ramp in the dark of a moonless night at only 1000 feet AGL with full combat loads. I had the 35 lbs hand crank generator for the AN/GRC-109 packed in my ruck (along with the rest of my gear) w/ weapon & ammo; and no one fell down on the ramp exiting the bird. For three of the four of us, this was the first time we had ever jumped off the ramp (my commo sgt. said he had done a couple of ramp jumps). I might add we all landed within 50 yards of each other in the middle of the DZ.
Senior White Name Tape moment. What were the big containers that you had to waddle to the door with called? PAE Bags? You lowered them after chute opening and before ground splat. We filled them with commo stuff
I forget what they were called. We didn’t have them or use them on SF ODA teams as far as I can recall. I remember them from when I was in the 509th PIR in Germany. I recall they had a red handle you pulled to release them. In SF we used a 20 foot lowering line with a bungee cord sewn into it to drop our rucks before we landed. The ruck was released with a couple of S-folded quick release straps w/ snap hooks used to attach your ruck to the front of your parachute harness right under your reserve. One had to do a sort of duck walk and shuffle to move with all that crap hanging on the front of your chute harness. When I was at Benning in 2007 for a Ranger reunion, that system of rigging was still in use. Claw can prolly give you the FSN for that PAE equipment bag. IIRC we just split up and packed the component black boxes of the Angry 109 in our oversized rucks.
Claw personally gave me P38’s (that I’m sure he scrounged) AND the Mess Sgt’s mama jambo version in a solemn departure ceremony from the stately Claw Mansion HQ in 2016. Scooby officiated assisted by Mrs Claw (a wonderful lady), 3/17 (whom seems to have disappeared), Claw, SJ, and Mrs SJ.
You’re right, Claw can cite the NSN on both. He so reminds me of S4 NCOIC Todd when I was the 82nd Signal Bn’s S4 in 1964: Words of wisdom: “Don’t ask L.T.” whilst supply CW2 King nodded sagely. These gents taught me a lot. Geeze Out.
Present For Duty – You need some FSN/NSN’s, you say? Okay, here they are:
7330-00-242-3506 Opener, Can, Hand, Folding, Type I (P-38)
7330-01-289-8827 Opener, Can, Hand, Folding, Type II (P-51)
8465-00-753-6547 Pack, Parachutists Weapons and Individual Equipment (PAE Bag)
Press hard to ensure legibility on all four copies of the hand receipt when signing for equipment./smile
Added Bonuses: Just to keep all those military type acronyms straight, the letters PAE in PAE Bag stand for Parachutist’s Adjustable Equipment. (referenced in TM 57-220, Technical Training of Parachutists)
And if you submit a requisition using the FSN 4020-262-2019, you’ll get a 400 yard roll of OD Green 550 Cord.
Bunch’a pansies jumping out of an airplane with parachutes.
What part of the word JUMP do they not understand?
Facebook video?
More like boomer land.
This reminds me of the Egyptians we jumped with at the end of the Bright Star exercises for wing exchange. During MACO/Manifest they were singing and dancing their asses off. Once inside the aircraft those fuckers were as quiet as a church mouse pissing in aspirin bottle cotton.
We maintained unit integrity not mixing chalks and insisted the Egyptians jump first. When the Egyptian jumpmasters started giving time warnings and jump commands some refused to stand up, the safeties would proceed to slap the shit out of those sitting and manually hook up their static lines. They literally had to throw some of them out of the aircraft. Of course after the jump they were all sky gods.
This was not, I take it, the “A” team.
This was not even an A-team. They looked like a stick of strap-hanging REMF’s getting in their pay qualification jump.