Just Gobsmacked Again.
This cropped up while I was perusing stuff elsewhere. This is Ms. Googly Eyes in interviews with two different people.
Her understanding of labor and taxes and real world stuff is plainly foggy at best, and nonexistent at its worst. Holy crap! She thinks people work 100 hours a week? On what planet? She says so: “If you work 100 hours a week and can’t feed your family….” What??? Who does she know that puts in that level of hours per week? I’ve worked some pretty stiff overtime when my job required it, but it was always calculated into my paycheck. I cannot think of anyone except firefighters who might put in that kind of weekly hours, and even they don’t generally do that, but they do get paid for OT. This is a federal law.
The level of pure ignorance on her part is appalling. It’s worse when she’s asked direct questions and evades them with buzzword-laden answers. It does not matter that these interviews are from last year. What matters is that she has little to no understanding of the subject being addressed, nor does she answer questions directly. She changes the subject when someone pins her down, For example, I have no idea why she resents people who use helicopters for quick, direct transportation, but it’s apparent that she resents it because they are billionaires. She says so twice in this video, in two different videos.
The video is an eye-opener, in regard to AOC’s ignorance of the labor market and the requirements regarding such nominal things as overtime hours (any hours OVER 40 hours per week) and the minimum wage. She is completely clueless. She buzzes right past the questions that both interviewers ask, instead of addressing the subject matter directly. She fails to acknowledge overtime pay, which is required by law in all 57 states. She clearly has no real idea what the real law is on the minimum wage. There are state laws as well as a Federal law in regard to that subject. She does not acknowledge any of that, but rather, brushes right past it. Where is she getting information that says either Amazon ($15/hr) or Walmart (minimum wage at very least) is not even paying the minimum wage? She has ZERO BACKUP FOR WHAT SHE SAYS. It is hogwash.
She also indicates clearly that she fails to understand the tax system. She doesn’t differentiate between earned income, which is taxed at a different rate than unearned or ordinary income, and includes the Social Security tax in its tax schedule. Unearned income encompasses such things as investment dividends and interest payments received on financial items such as bonds and CDs, and is taxed at a flat rate. If you are in the one of the two lowest brackets (10% and 15%), there is no income tax on dividends. For the higher brackets the rate is 15%, and for the highest bracket (39.6%) the rate is 20%. And the IRS is now differentiating between a child’s unearned income and an adult’s.
Earned income, whether from your own business or your employer, is taxed at a progressive rate. And in regard to receiving Social Security Retirement Income, it is taxed at 50% of the annual amount received. The IRS has, for 2018r, changed the standard deductible to a flat rate of $12,000 for individuals. Check your 1040 form for that info.
And furthermore, Investors Business Daily offers a better idea, here: Ocasio-Cortez also wants to hike the federal corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%. But wait a minute. The corporate income tax rate in the UK is only 19%. In Finland, it’s 20%. The rate is 22% in Sweden and 23% in Norway.
When you count state corporate income taxes, the average tax on corporate profits in the U.S. is currently 25.7%, according to the Tax Foundation. So instead of calling for a hike, Ocasio-Cortez should be calling for further cuts in the corporate tax rate to bring them in line with her “socialist” role models. – IBD – 01-07-2019 https://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/ocasio-cortez-socialism-norway-sweden-venezuela/
What’s the problem? The problem is that she is utterly ignorant about all of this. All that she says – all of it — is based on zero information, with no understanding of what they represent. Zero. Zip. Nada. Rien. These are not the only subjects she fails to address directly when she is asked direct questions. When someone does not even understand federal and state laws on minimum wages, which are the same for part-time as they are for full-time workers, and makes public statements that validate her utter ignorance about that and a LOT of other things, she should not agree to be interviewed by people who take these things seriously.
Anyone who thinks this level of ignorance should be tolerated plays right into the hands of this out-of-touch individual. It is obvious that she is completely, perhaps intentionally, ignorant about a lot of things. If all she has to offer is buzzwords, with hyperbolic language to stir the pot, and provides no substance to her responses, she is an emptier vessel than a plastic milk carton. And that’s saying something.
Category: "Teh Stoopid", "Your Tax Dollars At Work"
Like most of Her citizens, Our Great Nation does not have an ‘earning’ problem but a problem of recklessly spending Her ill gotten loot.
I do agree with the Queen Bats in the Belfry, it’s high time to end corporate welfare/QE.
Handing that money to other a-holes that don’t work ain’t the solution either.
But to your point, the tax law comprises a series of books that takes a whole bookcase to hold. The amount of carve outs and exemptions is just in-f**king-sane. Just because the IRS thieves less because some arbitrary reason it still ain’t right.
If she spent as much time on wage and tax matters as she does on personal appearances and live Twitterpating feeds from her kitchen, she might have a small clue to the subject.
But it’s much more important for her, based on all the public appearances and announcements and interviews, to run her mouth about such things with no backup for her gross mistakes. She just makes it too easy to point out the mistakes.
I think she spent about 48 to 50 hours as a bartender, stealing all she could, then spent another 50 hours on her back! just my opinion, but I am stuck withit 😉
“The level of pure ignorance on her part is appalling”.
True statement, indeed.
Seems to me she’s representing her constituency…the morons who voted for her and put her in office.
During stretches of my tour as MNF-I Command Historian in Iraq, I was putting in 14-15 hours of duty seven days a week, especially during the Baghdad Security Plan campaign and the Petraeus Surge. But that was as a soldier deployed in a combat zone. I just have a feeling that’s not the kind of “work” AOC was referring to here…
No, because you’re on duty 24/7/30 when you’re in the military. I was in a 6-section duty watch list a loooong time ago and that meant that if I had duty on a weekend, and someone didn’t show up to replace me, I had to stay there until he/she/it was found and scolded. And no OT pay, because it was part of the job.
It’s always that way in war. RVN service for those of us line doggies or “boonie rats” was 24/7. Most of every day was spent humping your ass and ruck from point A to point B. Even the REMFs in the rear with the beer worked seven days a week. In the field, the only time we weren’t “on duty” was when we were asleep, of which one was lucky to get five or six hours when not pulling security or radio watch. Even in my first duty assignment in Germany, I worked the first eleven weeks without a day off. Back in those days, most Saturdays were duty days, even in garrison.
We had one day off a week in RVN.
It was spent on guard duty, filling sandbags and perimeter patrols.
Saddest part of Old Cotex is the people who elected her are stupider than she is. And that is to her advantage. Got to wonder who her sponsor is, coming out of nowhere, with no money, no job, no nothing, and is elected as a representative? Unless she totally pisses off Pigolosi and Company, she will continue to be reelected. Don’t know if she is gunning for CinC of the Free Sh*t Army or the Senate Seat…Oh wait, Chelsa is the chosen one for the Senate seat, right?
100 hours a week? Nope, very seldom happens. Even in line construction, repairing storm damage ect, you are limited to the hours you can get, or you can physically hold up to do. If company policy doesn’t limit it to a certain amount, DOT regulations will. Operating the big bucket trucks brings those limitations in. You will have an enforced break in time, as a rule. And, too, most of the guys didn’t want that many hours in a pay period because the taxes would eat you alive. You would take home more with 50 – 60 hrs in a pay period than you would in the 80 – 100 hr week. I’ve had to do it on many occasions. It’s no fun.
Educated idiots (you listening Larsi Boi) will be the ruination of our Republic.
“Oh wait, Chelsa is the chosen one for the Senate seat, right?”
Yep, “Blowjob Willie” and Das Hildebeast are still shopping for one to put her in, and I’m sure that Meghan McCain still feels entitled to a seat as well, she’s an offspring of the Good Ole Boy GOP Insider Club.
I had to work 12 on 12 off for a couple weeks straight for a major exercise a couple of summers ago. In order for me to work more than 80 hours a week it had to be approved by the USARAK CG. I just don’t see that many non-new business owners working that amount of hours on a regular basis.
Watch what you say, she’s the boss now and she knows it too !!!
Seriously, this thing goes below the intelligence level of a turnip, past box of rocks and lands somewhere between a three day dog turd and a half ton of whale shit….
I mean, I’ve seen dumb before, but I marvel at how completely dumb she is…
What’s worse is that she has an economics degree from Boston University…
Seriously, the anyone that has a degree from that place will now be changing their resume so as not to sully themselves with stupid by association…
Of course the real dumb ones are the dumbasses that voted for occasional cotex…
Magna vim laude, Economics, Boston university which ranks 42nd in the US News World Report analysis. Not too shabby. But mist University course work has little revelance to the real world.
Her first work was as barmaid waitress so she probably received most of her pay in tips and likely did not fully report them. No surprise she would be innocent of tax structures. The big question is who discovered and mentored her. Is there a Willie Browne somewhere?
“Magna vim laude”
Lahdie cum dahtie
Seems like she does or says something almost daily that makes one question the intelligence level of the New Yawkers who pulled the voting levers for her. She may be the dumbest scrunt to ever be elected to any federal political office. She has even surpassed ol’ Venal “Madmax” Waters of Commiefornia in stupidity.
Her verbal output, as well as her “written” output, is basically hyperbole, advertising language and a percentage of scaremongering.
If you read her GND document, it’s all about bright ideas. There is no substance to it,, but the expense of it, in its most recent form, has now gone from $40.5 trillion (more than the total global financial output) to over $93.5 trillion. There is no reference regarding where this money is to come from.
She has said all we have to do is print more
money. That makes one wonder how she obtained an Econ degree. She is entertaining; I hear she has top ten song in commie world: “Don’t Cry for Me, Venezuela .”
Isn’t the “the island of Guam will flip over if we build a military base” guy still in office? Ms. Betta-fish-face will be fine – no matter how much she opens her mouth. Celebrity is more important than intelligence in her circles.
Indeed he is, Hank Johnson (D-GA). Also was part of a recent group of Congressmen to fly to South Africa to hobnob with hip hop celebs in the name of bringing attention to poverty. 🙄 🤦
To celebrate the 100th birthday of Nelson Mandela, a devotee to the hammer and sickle, whose party is now advocating for stealing land from white farmers, the same man whose wife threatened to use ‘necklacing’ to suppress her husbands detractors and did it.
NSFW/weak stomachs:
Maybe her staff of interns is working 100 hours a week trying to explain all the stupid shit she says to other people with half a brain? (The ones she pays 12 bucks an hour….)
Just a note to clarify overtime: in Kalifornia it is work over 8 hours/day. Work 6 hours Mon, Tues, Wed & Thurs but work 9 hours on Friday and you get an hour of overtime.
Stop, Pilot, you’ll just confuse Ms Occupy Corruption. She won’t be able to keep up with that fact.
Same in Michigan, if your day is 8 or 10 hours, anything over 8 or 10 hours is OT, even if you took vacation or sick time in one or more days preceding the day you worked over the limit to your shift.
The folks who generate such laws would really, REALLY have been upset with some of the schedules I worked, and some of the folks who have worked for me. I liked my schedule. So did my employees. I didn’t require them to work a schedule that they didn’t want to work.
Which illustrates more of what’s wrong with leftist thinking. They claim to want less cars on the road. An option would be to allow employees to work four 10-hour days. But with the overtime laws employers are not going to allow that option. It’s like them wanting to get rid of cows because of increased CO2 and have us all become vegetarians when vegetables grow more abruptly with more CO2. Luckily I have a government job and I’m allowed to work 9-hour days so as to have an extra day off each pay period.
Like many here I worked over 100 hours a week when deployed and some of those deployments were a year long. It was part of the job and I don’t recall anyone complaining about the hours, just the usual other things.
Regarding cows, it’s the farts.
Methane has a higher heat capacity per mol, there by ‘trapping more heat’.
Anyone that has a brain would realize that the heat capacity of water is way, way higher and would act as a ‘thermal insulator’.
How much energy would it take to raise the oceans one degree with a volume of 1.3 Billion Kilometers?
We have 12 years to do something because of cow farts…
Yes, but cows don’t fart. People do.
Cows have a 2nd stomach (the rumen) which holds partly digested feed, which the cow burps up after grazing, and continues chewing and then swallows.
Any farting cows are space alien cows.
“Any farting cows are space alien cows.”
Well, I do suppose this is a subject about AOC so that makes sense.
The point being that Progressives want CO2 caused by man to be eliminated even though it is plant food.
I have a wacko sibling who converted to liberal D-rat that claims I “attacked” her when I said that CO2 feeds plants, it makes crops grow THUS if she’s in favor of reducing CO2 than she’s wanting to take food from the mouths of children! she stormed out of the room in a huge pissy fit but I don’t care. Anyone who dishes it out to me needs to be ready for me to throw it right back!
Have you tried to explain that CO2 only compromises .0407% of the Earth’s atmosphere and 99% of CO2 is found in the first 11km of atmosphere, before the tropopause?
This effect is two-fold, 1)with the infrared heating properties of CO2 most of the effect is negated because of its location in the air column and 2)the location of the CO2 In the lower atmosphere, as a function of its mass and is vapor pressure (she don’t like the squeeze).
The total weight of the atmosphere is about 5.15×10^18 kg. Ask her how many barrels of oil we’d have to burn to even move the number.
Also, due to CO2’s high solubility in water IF there was a sh*t ton (metric to keep it easy) of excessive gas at sea levels the ocean would absorb it. Convenient fact to buttonhook my last rant on ‘climate change’, if the oceans WHERE acting like a heatsink the ability to dissolve CO2 would GO UP!
Eat my d**k, Al Gore!
Days of 100M bpd oil use to significantly change the composition of the Earth atmosphere’s mass.
55 gallons or 208 L of oil at about 85% carbon with a density of about .85 g/cm3so 150 kg of carbon/barrel.
C makes up 27.3% of the mass of CO2, (100/27.3)•150 kg of C = 550 kg of CO2/barrel.
So, Reuters says 100M a day, 5.5×10^10 kg/day or 2.00×10^13kg/year.
Total mass of the atmosphere, 5.15×10^18.
To move that hundredths place, it would take 500 years to move the needle at current consumption with no absorbtion of CO2 or atmospheric loss of gasses.
I appreciate your scientific information and wonder if you’ve studied it professionally; as it sounds as if so.
One thing I’ve noted is the argument of increases in CO2 cause global temperatures increase. However, ancient ice core samples illustrate the opposite is true; temperature increases precede CO2 increases.
What might you know of this?
I’m just a bored man at home on a Friday night with his TI-85 graphing calculator and the Internet with a need to do dimensional analysis!
I’ve studied a little chemistry and physics, not above 200 level (yet).
Mostly I operate from a skeptical position, especially if there’s a profit to to be made by the proselytizes.
Regarding the ice core samples, from what I gather the samples show a very loose association with cyclical CO2 rise heating followed by CO2 decreases and cooling.
The major problem with those studies was the core samples had to be analyzed almost immediately under very tight lab conditions.
Whatever the findings, Man’s CO2/GHG output is de minimis.
But if I attain new datas or the model changes I’m willing to change my hypothesis and conclusion.
So you’re saying Cromagnaman man is not responsible for the invention of the SUV?
Here’s an idea, API: Tell you “sibling” that humans emit an average of 2.3 POUNDS of CO2 in one day, per person, which is well over 69 pounds per month, or about 830 pounds per year per person. So if she REALLY wants to save the planet, she should REDUCE her own CO2 output. Various ways to do it:
1 – Get her mouth sewn shut
2 – Wear a rebreather 24/7/365
4 – Stop driving that car and walk instead
5 – Raise all her own food products. No more grocery store or modern conveniences.
I’m sure you can come up with even more, since you know her better than I do, but you get the drift.
One of, if not the biggest source of carbon emissions for the average person that isn’t heat, electricity or transportation?
Your car.
Think about the energy required to melt all that steel, make the plastics, the heat and chemicals.
A pragmatist should use a car until it’s done (for taxes and ‘ROI’ but I ain’t judging).
That’s why I still drive my Prius with 200,000 miles on it. But then again I’m a cheap conservative.
This is where a “Like” button would prove useful for posts.
Like nearly all TARDO liberals we know, she’s quite allergic to facts, logic and common sense.
Attempting to debate with a leftist equates to “attacking” them in their minds. That’s the mindset of a totalitarian. If you don’t step in line, you’re a Nazi! You deserve any attack upon your person! You must be destroyed at any cost!
We truly live in an Orwellian time were language has been bastardized.
We need to make Orwell’s work fiction again. Not only that, the movie “Idiocracy” was supposed to be entertainment, not a prediction!
Walmart’s lowest wage workers get $11. That change was implemented in Jan 2018. AOC is a dolt…or at the very least has incompetent advisors.
What’s wrong with both?
Ah, fair point. 🙂
But you’d still hit it? Right?
And wash thoroughly afterwards. 🙂
He’ll need more than a good wash…..
Similar to a washdown after being exposed to hazardous chemicals/radiation. And even that may not be enough.
Working 100 hours in a week is tough to do unless you work, eat and sleep in the same air space. No time to commute anywhere, for sure. And not sustainable by anyone for very long.
But, she’s the econ major. She’s gotta know stuff like that. Uh-huh. (BU was a highly rated school just a few years ago, wasn’t it?)
I confident in saying that Professor Durtschi at USU taught me more about economics in one semester of ECON 101 than AOC learned with that degree she has.
Perhaps she earned her grades on her back.
I condemn myself for even thinking that.
Surgical residency is 100+ hrs per week sustained for 5+ years. The theoretical “80hr work limit” is not obeyed by any program.
Have you heard of the diagnosis of OCDS?
Occasio-Cortez Derangment Syndrome
Especially found among socialists and idiots – but I repeat myself.
MAGA = Make Alexandria Go Away
MABA – Make Alexandria Bartend Again!
MABO – Make Alexandria Bend Over
I truly think that AOC has Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder (TARD) to the point where she makes herself a Really Exceptional Trump Acceptance resistance Disorder Operative, a dyed-in-the-wool RETARDO!
AOC Is obviously stupid enough to flunk a blood test! I’m sure that she has gracefully pissed enough of the DNC’s insiders enough that they’ve already started planning on how to primary her out.
I can’t watch the video yet, but none of you know anyone who has worked 100-hour weeks for long periods of time? Maybe you need to get out more.
I’ve got a friend who is a medical intern – and though the ACGME rules state she’s supposed to be limited to a mere 80 hours of work, the reality is she’s often putting in 100 or so. No overtime. Some years back, I also knew a graduate student who had a horrible boss and he was expected to either work 16 hours a day or quit the program. No overtime there, either, and the only recourse was to complain,.. and re-do four years of work.
At the other end of the financial spectrum, I’ve known people on Wall St who literally slept in their office (which conveniently had showers) because they were expected to work ridiculous hours, again with no overtime pay, but they made gobs of money so that’s hardly AOC’s domain. And another guy I know is happily running a gift shop after being burned out in the video game industry because it’s routine to have ‘crunch’ periods that last months, expect 100+ hours a week, and don’t pay overtime.
And all of that is ignoring the people who work 2-3 different jobs, each for less than 40 hours, so they don’t get overtime from any of them.
Okay, well, when I was finishing my undegrad degree, I was in classes five days a week, and ran a small boarding stable when I wasn’t in class. My days started at 5:00AM, regardless of the season or weather, first to the barn to take care of the 4-lggers and clean stalls and fill water buckets, then back home, change get gone in time to make my 8AM classes 5 days a week, and in the evenings and on weekends, maintain the barn, take care of the 4-leggers including training, and then homework! But since I didn’t get paid for all of that hard work, except for boarding fees I collected, it doesn’t count. I also worked for a farmer during hay baling season to cut the cost of hay and bedding straw he sold to me. Nor does it count that when I was ice skating and turned into a rink rat, my day started at 4:30AM, get dressed, grab the skatebag, off to the rink for 2 to 3 hours of practice, go home, change clothes for work and spend my 8:30AM to 5:30PM day on that, then go home, change clothes again and hit the rink for more practice and on weekends, spend the entire day at the rink, starting at 4:30AM and going until the rink closed at 11PM. That’s a long day for anyone, but it doesn’t count in this because it wasn’t paid work, you see. In regard to grad school it still doesn’t count unless you’re getting PAID to spend that time, and my sister did HER graduate and post-grad work while she was also teaching, her “week” was probably at least as long as your grad student’s, and maybe longer. Wall Street people are salaried, not hourly. They never get OT pay. They choose to work like that, because they get a rush out of it. Those are things you choose to do or dump the entire thing. Salaried employees are not paid the same as hourly employees. It is NOT the same as this bimbo from West Haven saying someone ‘works… Read more »
“The Bimbo from West Haven” was likely a shitty Bartender as well!
75-100 hours were weeks and months of my life once upon a time.
These days I tend to stick to 45-50 hours a week and try to enjoy life a little more making memories with family…
The basic misunderstanding of the Amazon tax break, or at least her wording of her understanding of said tax break makes me question how much of her economics degree is theory.
When someone tells me they will invest the tax break instead of “giving” that money to the company that is now moving elsewhere and not taking the tax break there appears to be a basic disconnect in what is actually happening. Had she come out and said the tax break coupled with the 25,000 jobs that won’t fit the cost of living in New York City would have cost the state billions in outlay for additional services and infrastructure I would have believed she understood the ramifications of the process far better.
Because that would be correct, in a city where 1 square mile of real estate in the upper east side has more value than every piece of real estate in Vermont $15-$20 an hour are starvation wages. Our son has a home in Brooklyn worth 1.3 million dollars, in my hometown he’d be lucky to get 250,000 for the same house and that would have to include some land. When a 500 square foot apartment costs $1800 your $450 take home from your $15/hr job at Amazon isn’t going to keep you alive for long as your entire salary covers your rent only.
Maybe Amazon was offering $30 an hour for those jobs, but even then in New York City that kind of money isn’t making anyone rich. At least you have a few dollars for food and transportation at that wage.
In any event the dollar details of the Amazon deal should have been disclosed to lend any credence to why she was happy it was not completed.
I wasn’t able to watch the clip, but I agree that the notion of ‘investing’ the tax break vs. ‘giving’ that money to the company is a bit off. Mind you, I’m not a big fan of ‘race to the bottom’ deals that states are inclined to give big companies – look at the questionable deal in Michigan with Foxconn as one example. The money being offered to Foxconn kept increasing, and what they promised they’d do kept decreasing. But yes, these deals are very different from having a pile of money that you could simply ‘invest’ elsewhere.
At a higher level, I guess I’m just somewhat amazed at the level of venom directed at a brand-new, very young Congresswoman for getting something wrong. Lots of people don’t understand taxes, and to varying degrees – a staggering number of people believe if they suddenly fall into a higher tax bracket they’ll take home less money because they don’t get how a progressive tax system works. But in terms of whoppers from members of Congress, this seems somewhat low on the list. And, more to the original point, people working ~100 hour weeks isn’t unfathomable. It’s an unfortunate reality in the lives of some people.
I think it would help your understanding A LOT if you HAD watched the video. She goes from saying ‘works 80 hours a week and can’t feed the family’ in one screen interview to ‘works 100 hours a week and can’t feed the family’ in another one.
The only reason the media love her is that she’s photogenic, she’s bubbly and energetic, and she WANTS to be in front of everything. BUT she has zero concept of how things work, period, whether it’s in a work world or the government. She isn’t just uninformed. She is abysmally ignorant of many, many things and you wonder why she’s not well-received???
“I guess I’m just somewhat amazed at the level of venom directed at a brand-new, very young Congresswoman for getting something wrong.”
It’s not that she got one thing wrong. Occasional-Cortex hasn’t gotten anything right. From the three chambers of government, to being inaugurated, to her New Green Deal, to the Amazon deal, and damned near everything in between, she hasn’t gotten anything right. She has no substance to speak of, just opening her mouth to spew SJW claptrap. there’s an old saying my parents taught me when I was young, “It’s better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.” She should learn that.
We had an instructor who told us to “never miss a chance to shut your fucking mouth.”
LC, probably without realizing it, you are making the same point the rest of us are making. The intern “working” 100+ hours per week doesn’t eat and sleep in the same airspace in which the “work” is done? Of course, simply because it is impossible to commute more than a few blocks to such a schedule. And catching multiple naps as the clock goes around isn’t really working. Maybe in the work place, but also maybe not actually working all those hours either.
Working multiple jobs in multiple locations becomes logistically impossible at some point when the distance uses up too much of the time available in a week. Possible, yes, but the distance between the job site, home, and the other job sites must be narrow to accomplish it.
I’m not so sure – there are people, I’ve known some, for whom 100+ hour weeks at work, not sleeping, eating while doing work, is the unfortunate norm for extended periods of time. Weeks, months, and even years at times. They’re definitely working those hours.
And I’ve met many others who finish a job,… then hop in their car and drive for Uber, or go home and work on their side business. As VoV said above, 75-100 hour weeks were the norm for a long time – it’s not stated, but I wonder if that was while getting his business going? Lots of people, chasing the American dream, work a job while dreaming of something bigger of their own creation, and end up putting in those high hours.
Surely this isn’t the standard for the majority of Americans, but to express incredulity at the mere idea of it leaves me a little.. well, gobsmacked.
Which completely misses the point. Those folks are doing it because they want to. They are building a career or a business. I worked two and even three jobs in my lifetime while I was working towards a career in the aviation industry. I put in long hours while building that career once I got my foot in the door with my first job with an airline. I chose to do that. And it doesn’t count the untold hours I spent at home pouring over technical manuals and books to gain more knowledge and experience.
Before jumping into ATC, I was the go-to guy for setting up a new station or running international operations. I had made myself indispensable because I worked those long hours and gained a ton of knowledge and experience. I wasn’t forced by circumstance. And my story isn’t unique.
I believe the vast majority of people working long hours are doing so because they choose to, not because they have to. That’s what the people you mentioned were doing, working towards the ultimate goal of a successful career or business.
Ms. Ocasio-Cortez is saying that people have to work 100 hours a week just to try and feed their families. I would say those people are in a distinct minority, not the majority as she suggests.
This was on the front page of Drudge. Mysteriously it disappeared.
If it even holds the smallest nugget of truth maybe AOC has utility…
“Triggering the blowup [between Democrat Leadership in the House and it’s members] was Wednesday’s votes on a bill to expand federal background checks for gun purchases. Twenty-six moderate Democrats joined Republicans in amending the legislation, adding a provision requiring that ICE be notified if an undocumented immigrant seeks to purchase a gun.” -vid.
So, the Republicans kinda poison-pilled H.R. 8, it ain’t that dirty of a move all things considered, and some Dems went for the ride.
Quite frankly, every damn a-hole Representative that didn’t vote for the amendment should get a damn lesson in the fine print located on the Form 4473 and the penalty for lying on the same!
So Rep Dingbat (D-NY) chastised them for going along THEN Speaker Dentures Magoo has the nerve to threaten the Dem-wits for voting with the Republicans.
Man, 2020 will be (is?) a self-inflicted knife wound for the Jackass Party.
I see the Democrats are still in favor of “reasonable” gun control. LOL They seriously don’t care if illegals are trying to buy guns. FFS
Is there a disturbance in The Farce?
I showed my guys that working over 10 overtime hours in Cali was a losing proposition. Had the compare 50 hour checks with 10 hour overtime to checks with 11 plus hours overtime. The tax rate changed and they were actually losing money in taxes to fund a broken state. They only work over 10 hours overtime if it is really needed, I don’t force them.
I’m sure the Ding-A-Ling and her other brainless racist foul mouthed cohorts have been found out to be frauds by those who voted them in. Omar the terrorist, and Talib, the openly Anti-Semite have shown their true colors now that they’ve been sworn in, or in the Ding-A-Lings thoughts, inaugurated.
I would find it very interesting if there wasn’t a very large push in those 3 districts to get rid of the clueless.
You are assuming their constituents disagree with those views.
I’m sure there are quite a few who have had their eyes opened. I’m sure there are some of their constituents who have the same antisemitec, bigoted, and racist views. But there are also others in their same political party who are voting to basically ‘censure’ the speech of these young women who believe they can speak how they want to whom they want, no matter the consequences.
It’s only a 2 year term in congress so we’ve only got to wait for a short time to see if their own party will put someone up against them. There have been rumors this would be the case…just a wait and see moment
I’d say she should go back to pouring drinks, but she probably sucked at that too.
I wouldn’t trust her to pour a shot of scotch. She could likely fuck-up a plain glass of water.
She’d probably pour one for you and one for her, and charge you for both. Socialism, ya know.
On overtime: Getting overtime pay depends on whether your job description is categorized as “exempt” or “non-exempt”. For most of my business career I was in an exempt position. Draw a salary, nominal “office hours” from 8:30A to 5:15P with 45 min for lunch, but work whatever hours needed to get the job done without overtime pay. Some days during major proposal prep or system implementations ran 10-14 hours plus some time on weekends for several days. Had a few 24hour+ days over the years.
The flip side is a big job sometimes came with a bonus or award. I had flexibility in when I worked – if I had a doctor appt., I just went to the doc. Often there was unofficial comp time. Management knew you’d been working long hours so it was OK to disappear at 2PM. I went to lunch when I felt like it and the day’s work (meetings, calls, etc.) allowed. Sometimes lunch was a sandwich in front of the computer or maybe in a conf. room during a design meeting, or maybe at a nice restaurant because we’d been busting our tails and it’s time for a break.
Overall it worked for me. I would much rather have a salary, a chance for bonuses, and flexibility than overtime. But that’s what floats my boat.
This is how it is in any “decent” company. Pay people fairly, allow some flexibility and it’s amazing how much loyalty you get from people.
Something I’m glad I learned from a Ranger Captain of our company 40 years ago, people perform better when they believe they are part of something and their voice matters. He was a man I would have believed if he told me were going to storm the gates of Hell and we needed parkas because it was cold as fuck there…
This is pretty much a description of how my civie job worked. I particularly liked the flexibility of being able to schedule doctor’s appointments at reasonable times. So long as I got the job done, I could do as I wanted. I did work some long hours as necessary, especially when on the road, but it was no big deal. I enjoyed the work.
I was working over 80 and at times near 100 per week as a cop. I chose to work in one of the poorest and highest crimes communities in slither New Mexico. In the mid 2000s they were paying their officers $10.50 an hour. Certified police officers. And did not offer health insurance at the time.
We also were understaffed.
I was idealistic and thought I could help make a difference in the community. Unfortunately the chief was a corrupt piece of shit.
Just saying if you have police officers who were making under $11 and hour without health insurance, even for line of duty injuries, working over 80 hours per week…
When I was a kid I did not have a father. To get by my mother worked 2 to 3 jobs at a time. At least two full time jobs at all times almost my entire childhood. I was 16 before she started working one full time and one part time job.
I know for a fact there were years in my childhood where she worked 100 hours a week.
*southern not slither.
What, rowdy NMSU students in Las Cruces? Having a hard time remembering such an area. Do remember the cops being poorly paid, in general. Like most other folks.
And you didn’t go to the union about this, because…
Aren’t the unions supposed to be all-powerful, and stand up for their members? Fight the evil, greedy devils that are in management? Fight for the little man?
We were not unionized. Your snark indicates youneed to do more research on unions
The decline of unions are near perfectly correlated with the decline of the middle class. It is also near perfectly correlated with the decline of voter influence on political legislation.
That was a swipe at the superior intellect of one Commissar…. and I do know all about what unions should (and usually don’t do) for their members.
We were not unionized. Your snark indicates youneed to do more research on unions
The decline of unions are near perfectly correlated with the decline of the middle class. It is also near perfectly correlated with the decline of voter influence on political legislation.
The 5 minute clip of AOC questioning Cohen shows exactly why liberal love her and why conservatives fear here.
And if you want to pretend conservatives don’t fear her… why is she so often attacked by conservative media and on conservative blogs? Why are you all so obsessed over her? There has been at least as many stories about her on here as there have been about Trump. More in fact.
There are 435 members of the house. Most people would have not clue who 400 of them are. You have discussed less than a dozen on her in the last 6 years. In the last 6 years there have been at least 600 or more that held the office.
She is a junior senator. One that does not even have the support of her party leaders. Yet, she is a major aspect of the Fox News fear and paranoia cycle every week.
She is both a threat because she is far more competent and far more intelligent than you all want to admit.
And the right thinks that focusing on her as a threat will increase opposition turnout.
However, that strategy will backfire. The fixation on her is elevating her.
“She is a junior senator.” – LMAO, she is a Freshman Congresswoman whose party hierarchy has likely already started plotting how to primary her out making her a one-term wonder.
“She is both a threat because she is far more competent and far more intelligent than you all want to admit.” – Competent? Intelligent? I’m beginning to think that your “Education” from UC Berzerkely has given you serious brain damage, LMAOA!
“And the right thinks that focusing on her as a threat will increase opposition turnout.” Just wait and see, your prediction skills ain’t worth two rat shits in a crystal punch bowl, remember your bleating about hoe President trump was going to lose as well as your screeching about the upcoming Zika Apocalypse? Neither came true fart-brain! IMHO the more AOC is in the limelight, the more people will vote GOP in 2020, let’s not forget that the GOP made gains in the Senate in 2018 and the D-rats barely took the House back. DO keep the comedy ‘a-coming!
Yeah misspoke, meant “freshman congressman”.
“…plotting how to primary her out making her a one-term wonder.”
I believe they think of her more as a one-term blunder.
I’ve read stories already about the Dems planning to back other candidates in place of the Ding-a-Ling, the Antisemite, and the Racist. AKA Ocasio, Omar and Talib therefore making them, thank Bastet, only ‘One Term Wonders’.
AOC is not a Senator (junior or otherwise) she is a representative.
She is on Fox News not as a threat but as Comic Relief.
What I found most interesting about her questioning, is that she actually took notes and followed up…meaning she can listen and do homework. Yet she constantly sites non-existent sources for bad information for comments like above.
I found in listening to some of the things she repeatedly referred to, such a ‘working XXX hours per week and can’t feed the family’ that, not only does she not understand minimum wage and labor laws at all, she also has no real concept of the work world, period.
As I said in my article, if she had started a business and made it successful, I would definitely listen to her, but she has NO track record for anything except being a bartender. I know someone who went to BU for his undergrad and graduate degrees, started a business from scratch and is now, about 15 years later, running a large and very successful company.
AOC has no such track record, period. She has nothing but a lot of bright ideas that, if you look into them, will cost you personally more than you can afford. We need to keep her where we can see her, just because of that.
Looks like the Berxerkley blowhard is missing the news lately.
WaPo article By Mike DeBonis February 27
A surprise Republican win in the House on a procedural vote Wednesday exposed divisions within the Democratic leadership, set off recriminations and underscored that the party is still adjusting to its new majority.
GOP leaders used one of the few tools available to the House minority to amend a Democratic gun-control bill, adding a provision that would require notification to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement when undocumented immigrants try to buy guns.
Twenty-six Democrats joined Republicans on the vote, an embarrassing setback for party leaders who had carefully screened amendments to keep GOP fingerprints off a high-profile bill.
While the Bipartisan Background Checks Act ultimately passed, finger-pointing began almost immediately in a lengthy floor conference that included the top three Democratic leaders: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Calif.), Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (Md.) and Majority Whip James E. Clyburn (S.C.).
Speaks for itself. The divisiveness is partly generated by people like AOC thinking they can have their own way, simply because they exist. It is hardly about GOP “fearing” Democrats. That is nonsense and has no basis in reality.
This should be interesting.
I am aware of this. Which is why I said she does not have the support of her leadership.
I am one of those progressives staunchly on her side and very oppossed to the old leadership structure.
Yeah, you would be on the side of someone who proposes an idea that will – at last report – cost more than all of the money in the world put together and place our society back in the Stone Age.
Somehow, it fits.
The most recent proposed and revised cost of the Green Nude Eel, which she stole from the Sunrise Movement people, is no $93++ Trillion. The original cost was $40.5 trillion, more than the entire sum of global capital production. Now she’s more than doubled it.
And where is this money supposed to come from? That is THE question.
For someone who has an Econ degree from BU, she comes up short on facts and just about everything else, but she sure can babble on endlessly about social justice and all the rest of her enigmatic unspecified twaddle. I expect monkeys will fly out of her ears before there’s a source for that kind of funding. She does not have a clue about the real world, her ignorance is now public, and her psychobabble yakking when she gets interviews clearly demonstrates that she is clueless.
And she says she was 4th in her Econ class? Okay, sure. Then why didn’t she find anything better than bartending after school?
Now, Ex-PH2… you know where that money would come from. “They” would tell us that it’s coming from the “rich”, but they will take it from the middle class (like most Socialists do).
In AOC’s case, I keep on hearing the old TV ads for the United Negro College Fund, where the narrator tells you at the end “A mind is a terrible thing to waste”.
There were just 4 in the class?
I’m not sure she’d understand George Washington Carver’s struggle to do what he did and succeed. But I am quite sure she’d take credit for it.
Newsflash, Lars:
We don’t fear her. We fear the people who put her there.
So what is Bozo the scuttlebuttfish’s track record on this one? Zero, right?
Moving on!
Speaking of the goblin, whatever happened to the Great Zika Virus Apocalypse he so vigorously predicted?
I believe the threat now is Tyhpus, that Medieval disease that is carried by fleas who are infesting rats. They’re all over the place in Los Angeles and it isn’t just homeless people who are getting this disease. It’s also working people. The last count I saw was 843 – something like that.
Good reason to stay off passenger flights!
I fear the people that mindlessly take in her every word and never question it, never stop for 1 second and actually think about the implausibility of her plans, they just line up with their hands out expecting free shit because they deserve it. You deserve what you earn, kiddies. And right now, AOC and her lost band of minions deserve shit.
Have you ever thought that the reason she is criticized more is because 1) the media focus almost exclusively on her? When was the last time a day went by without multiple articles on her? and 2) Because she really says very, very stupid things. Perhaps you, like Alec Baldwin, feel like civilians like her and Michael Cohen should get a Medal of Honor?
Michael Cohen? AAH, you mean the disbarred Attorney/freshly convicted perjurer who begins his prison sentence soon, Bubba, Thor, Julio and “Tiny Tyrone” be with him all through his time there, I’ve heard that only assholes get straightened out in prison!
And the boys will work hard to make that happen.
Here you go, Snowflake.
WASHINGTON – House Democrats exploded in recriminations Thursday over moderates bucking the party, with liberal Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez threatening to put those voting with Republicans “on a list” for a primary challenge.
In a closed-door session, a frustrated Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., lashed out at about two dozen moderates and pressured them to get on board. “We are either a team or we’re not, and we have to make that decision,” Pelosi said, according to two people present but not authorized to discuss the remarks publicly.
Read it and weep. And try to keep up with the Modern World. You’re gone from being an uninformed zombie leftie to just plain boring and repetitive.
And the Bimbo from Westhaven is going to put people “on a list” (her words)? Is she threatening duly-elected members of Congress with some sort of harm – ANY KIND OF HARM? And if so, where the blody, blue-eyed, blinking HELL does she get off saying something like that????
If you support this imbecile, Taylor, you have just proved that you are even dumber than I thought you were the first time you ever posted a comment.
Put members of Congress on a list??? Who died and made this bitch God??? Tell me. I’d really like to know.
IMHO the bucktoothed Bimbo from Westhaven is her own worst enemy, I have no doubt that the D-rat upper hierarchy has already started plotting her demise. In the meantime I enjoy seeing the support she gives to the GOP!
She is from Westhaven, right? Not the one in Connecticutt. If that’s the wrong borough name,
please let me know.
Okay, I had to dig that up. She’s from Yorktown Heights in Westchester.
My bad. Sorry. I don’t know why I kept using ‘Westhaven’. I guess some things just stick until you unstick them.
Okay then, “Bucktoothed Bimbo from Yorktown Heights” !
The so-called “list” isn’t for physical harm; it’s to designate which moderate democrats should be targeted for defeat by the radical democrat element during the 2020 primaries.
It seems to me a reason to keep Ocasio-Cortez on the radar is not because she’s a new congresswoman from the Bronx, but more importantly because she is now the de facto poster girl for broader radical groups such as the Sunrise Movement. Also, if you dig down far enough, it becomes evident there are many common links for mutual-benefit between Sunrise, Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street, and so forth.
The fact that she said it aloud, instead of just doing it, makes it worse. It implies “harm”, which can include trying to destroy someone else’s livelihood, career, reputation, etc., and announcing that she’s “targeting moderate democrats” because they did not toe the line on this piece of legislation is not a good idea, at all.
Wait, weren’t we the ones he accused of putting party before policy?
You could be quite right on that.
Doublespeak is one of the lame things he uses.
Because Lars fails to understand the quality of humility he cannot see the wisdom in the instruction to remove the beam from one’s own eye before bringing up the speck in another’s. Hubris is Lars’ greatest failing.
The “fixation” on AOC is kind of like the fixation one has with a train wreck. You don’t want to see it, but you can’t look away.
AOC is a comedy act. She could not get a clue if she were standing in a field full of clues, during clue mating season, covered in clue musk and doing the clue mating dance.
If she actually applied any of that alleged “economics education” she says she received, she’d know that every time she opens her mouth, she inserts both feet.
People love comedy. That’s why they love AOC.
She could dive headfirst into an Olympic Swimming Pool full of intelligence and come back up with ten mouthfuls of stupid!
She, and her supporters, are lunatics and willing fools who drink eagerly from the fountain of Marxist stupidity. She and her coterie will gladly recreate the Soviet/KhmerRouge/Maoist/Castro/Chavista dystopia here, all the while blaming everyone but themselves for the utterly predictable here-we-go-again it-will-work-this-time catastrophe.
Because 100 million dead and counting isn’t proof it is a bad idea! It hasn’t been really done right yet! Smart people this time! Whatever!
Fools, all. Except those that know it is a scam, are still willing participants in the crash, and simply want to spite everyone who succeeds and makes them thus look bad.
Or both. Evil and stupid often go hand in hand.
Correctamundo. We should not be surprised at anything the Progs will say or try to do destroy our constitutional republic. They are all either Marxists or their useful idiots.
Let’s face it, communism only killed about 120+ million people during the Twentieth Century and libtard moonbats like AOC and her ilk just want to give it one more chance!
Alexandria Occasional-Cortex is nothing more than a big mouthed SJW who has been raised to her highest level of incompetence by equally ignorant people.
My parents owned a deli. Dad worked from 0700 to 2300 seven days a week for the first 3 years. Not one day off. Then he went to six days a week, same hours.
So, first he worked 112 a week, the down to 96. I saw him do it for years.
Mom didn’t work as many hours, but she worked just as hard.
Living in an apartment behind the store meant no commute and of course he did store stuff before he unlocked the front door.
And he wondered why none of his kids wanted to take over the business.
Watching him was why i never wanted something like that. If you don’t love it completely, you have no life. He loved it cause it was his and his alone. Didn’t get the chance for his own business until he was 46 years old.
She’s still prattling on with this talking point?
BLM says she’s full of shit. According to them, the percentage of Americans in the workforce with multiple jobs is under 5 percent, and that number is DOWN since 2009.
Apologies. BLS, not BLM.
You can’t trust Drumph’s Bureau of Labor Statistics!
Statistics have no basis in facts!
Obama made that!
Your (sic) raysis!
/thoughts of an idiot Economics major
I guess that AOC’s fellow Donks are worried now about her and her “friends” are the face of the party:
The moderates’ concerns came to a head this week when one of the newest Democratic stars appeared to threaten her colleagues if they did not toe the liberal line, raising the specter of a cleave in the party between moderates and purists similar to a long-standing divide in the Republican Party. – Article.
Yes, there is a disturbance in the Farce. If the Democrats are leaning toward the radical left side of the fence, they may just turn off voters who would otherwise support them.
We must be watchful!
To be fair, Mz. Ocasio-Cortez is no more ignorant or less intelligent than the rest of Congress or the political class in general. She just doesn’t have the advantage of a degree in Political “Science” which would enable her to rant for pages without actually saying anything. I provide a link to a man who is probably the foremost political scientist of our time, an inspiration to thousands of political hacks of all persuasions.