“DaNang Dick” Back in the News
After Trump’s recent visit to Vietnam meeting with Kim Jong Un, the leader of North Korea, Trump wasted no time in blasting Senator Richard Blumenthal once again.
He held nothing back. It is a good reminder to never claim something you had no part in. Hopefully, he will never live it down and Trump is doing his part to ensure that.
Read more about it here: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-blasts-da-nang-dick-blumenthal-ahead-of-hanoi-summit-with-kim-jong-un
Category: Politics
There are times where I wish someone would paralyze Trump’s thumbs.
This is not one of them.
Agree. This is epic.
DaNang Dick?
Eeeeewwwww! Don’t wanna catch that pesky bug. No cure for it! Makes people dribble a lot.
As a Harvard student he went by the name of Dick Trickle.
Hey! DO NOT insult Dick Trickle like that!
Hey! I knew who Dick Trickle was too. Great minds SFC D.
Ah, but do you know who Dirk Diggler is?
Wasn’t that the name of Burt Reynolds’ character in “Boogie Nights”?
Nope, it was Mark Wahlberg’s character.
I thought it might be “Dick Knibbler”.
Daniel Bernath spent more time in Vietnam than “Da Nang Dick” Blumenthal did!
Question… could Bernath be considered a tunnel rat now?
Nope! When the rats heard Bernath was buried they all left the cemetery and the maggots took over!
Did they bury him with a flashlight and a .45 in his hands?
I was really hoping for a Trumptweet like this! Concur 100% Sparky, today is not that day!
“I wuv you so much Da Nang Dick”.
“You my only won”.
“I make you happy for a long time with a short time”.
Stay away from those Florida “massage parlors”.
Connecticut like most tax high states is losing population through negative net migration.
I keep a boat year round in CT on Long Island Sound and have some familiarity as a consequence with CT tax law. Right now with their Democrat leaders in place CT is sucking hind tit on their revenue from tax dollars and as a result are even considering taxing bread and milk…the result is people who can leave do so and those who remain look at a worsening tax situation.
Thanks to the proximity of Fairfield County to New York CT remains in the top ten states of per capita income, but we’ll see if they can maintain that moving forward.
they are going to end up like NY State, where people like me in the boonies end up paying for everything in the city. we are bigger and absorb it better, CT on the other hand not so much i think. if you ever get up the hudson around catskill, drop me a note. beers on me as long as i am still in NY.
That would be rather enjoyable…I’m in Western Mass the Lake George region is less than two hours from my home and I’ve been to Saratoga for the races many, many times…
Spent time winter training at Drum back when i served in the CTARNG….still have my old NCO club card from Drum i believe…
“We have a problem. People leaving our state say taxes are too high.”
“You are right. We have a problem. There will be a revenue shortage. Better raise taxes to make up the difference. Also, put out statements that greedy rich people should be forced to pay their fair share.”
-from the book “State death by progressivism”
You only wish the book was fiction…
It’s not just NY and CT. Pretty much all of New England, with possible exception of NH.
In fact, for the first time since 1810, NH population exceeds that of Maine.
Look at the rates of population growth throughout the region. Pretty anemic at best.
I know that my wife and I left VT and didn’t want to. Taxes, regulations, no jobs, crazy leftests in Government. We didn’t have much of a choice if we didn’t want to live a live on Welfare which is becoming the way people survive up there.
Taxes on my hunting camp, 5miles in the woods with no power, running water, indoor plumbing etc are the same as for my 2 story house on 1 acre in NC.
Unfortunately until I can retire, Connecticut is my home state. Democrats continue to run the state into the ground with this guy being more of a consumer advocate than a Senator. MEANWHILE…This NEVER gets old! Wait for it at 9 seconds!
He’s so dense he doesn’t even seem to realize how close to splat he went.
Maxwell Smart: Missed it by that much !
That train needs more range time
Trump’s also now spent more time in country than Nathan Phillips.
Good one, Mason…Thumbs Up!!!
How is Richard Blumenthal even still in office?
He’s a Democrat in Connecticut.
Fake Vietnam Veterans are a sore spot for me and I think Blumenthal is a lying and useless POS but unlike Trump he did serve. So now Trump can claim himself to be a Vietnam Veteran, like a lot of others he missed out on all the good times in his youth. Phillips is another story altogether, thanks to the media he is a household name and an elder in whatever tribe he belongs to.
I believe those who serve and then embellish are immeasureably more vile than some dumbass who tries to fake it ’til he makes it. Those who served know what a shitty thing it is that they are doing, but they do it anyway. Just vile people.
From some of the comments in the article. Paraphrased’ Trump picking on a US Senator while bowing to Kim.
DaNang Dick been rockin his lies for awhile too. While in gubmint service. Ct should run his ass out of town on a rail. Oh wait….forgot….I think they like lying sacks of sh*t in gubmint service up there. Bless their hearts.
Overheard in the Senate cloak room
Blumenthal: Ouch!
Aide: What’s wrong senator?
Blumenthal: Dang dick got caught in my zipper.
Connecticut is among the muck in the drain.
They have destroyed this state by carving more and more capital away from her citizens. For what? Largesse of the state!
The employees get silk while the working ilk gets sackcloth, the ones who can’t or won’t produce are subsidized, trading their Freedom from slavery for a roof and food, the payback is their vote.
You drive around here, you can smell the rot, lines of stores shuttered with a layer of dust on the floor.
Connecticut is dead and has the leadership to usher her into hell, Dicky Boy.
Remember her as she once was.
You know it sucks when GE leaves Connecticut for fucking Massivetwoshits.
Go ahead, rub THAT in.
It was a choice, use taxpayers’ dollars to bribe Sikorsky or GE.
Sikorsky got the $220M from Malloy, GE got $145M from The Massholes and flipped us the bird.
Here’s the thing, I don’t blame them AT ALL.
In fact, I like me some GE to the point I own their stock. Any company that’s willing to look out for the bottom line gets my dollar.
Much like Amazon, it costs to get them there but the tax dollars and ecomonic impact in the years following exceed that cost. Unless your one of Musk’s deals or a Dem sweetheart like Solyndra
Time for understanding.
Senator Blumnethal merely got South Viet Nam confused with South Carolina. Happens ALL THE TIME. In fact he even shared a fox hole with Nathan Phillips outside Charleston