Should President Trump Give in?
More leftists demonstrate their lack of understanding of the game President Trump is playing. He’s playing chess. Not only is he considering each move, but several moves ahead for each move he considers.
The opposition? They’re not even playing checkers.
Folks, not familiar with the art of making a deal, criticize an expert deal maker. Their experience stems from commenting from their computers.
In this first quote, from the thread starter, President Trump is criticized for not taking action to end the shutdown:
Originally posted by MineralMan:
The Democratic House will NOT give him his wall, but will pass a CR. In fact, they’ll do that right away and send it to the Senate, which will almost certainly pass it as well. No wall. Just funding for government operations. That’s what the CR bill should be in any case. Trump’s in a snit. He may veto such a bill and continue the shutdown, all over his stupid Wall.
He is going to absolutely OWN this shutdown. It is, and will be, on his head. How long will he maintain that shutdown? Who can say? Perhaps until he is impeached and removed by the new Congress. Now, that’s something I would enjoy seeing.
A Republican Senate working with a Democrat House against President Trump? Apparently, MineralMan doesn’t pay attention to news that matters. Word from the Senate shows consistency with the President.
And, just how is a Democrat House going to remove President Trump?
Without realizing it, one of those that responded touched on President Trump’s success with regards to defining the argument:
Originally posted by lancelyons:
I hate that the media doesnt portray it this way.
they seem to think that its the dems job to give in or they are also guilty of the government shutdown.
Whether it’s the responsibility of the Democrats, or that of President Trump, the later wins. The Democrats are willing to spend more than 5 billion dollars on other programs, but seem to want to fight over the issue of allocating 5 billion dollars for the wall.
Well, they laughed at President Trump’s comments about getting Mexico to pay for the wall. Not happening, right? Well, our next contestant is insisting that is precisely what he should do:
Originally posted by Achilleaze:
Why don’t Dem spokesfolk pound him on Mexico $$$$
Why hold US taxpayers hostage? The republicans promised Mexico would pay for it. Now he wants $5 billion of our tax money to pay for it? Bullshit. He needs to shut up, let America be America, and stick to his stupid promise to make Mexico pay for his stupid wall.
Chances are that this individual wants the government to spend money on one or more of the Democrat’s favorite social programs… And not on something that’s make it easier for Border Patrol to control movement into the United States.
Would this guy tell the families, of those killed by illegal immigrants, that a border wall is stupid?
This next guy has us “figured out”. We “didn’t” independently come to our conservative conclusions based on a collection of facts, information trends, etc. We “needed” a hot blonde woman to tell us what to think:
Originally posted by LiberalLovinLug:
The only difference is that Fox News can survive very nicely with the deplorables, racists, and the ignorant who like to watch a blond sex bunny tell them what to think (sadly). But that is not a big enough demographic to guarantee an election win. Sure, they also cheat, and use enemies of the US against their competition, but Trump needs more than that this time.
As with any other leftist, LiberaLovinLug argued a bunch of talking points. If conservatives were allowed to advance a conservative argument on Democratic Underground, this poster wouldn’t be able to defend that position. Other posters on that site wouldn’t be able to effectively defend their positions either.
You could read the entire thread right here:
Category: Politics
I’ll bet all those shit bird peeps in the above pic din’t live near the border. Some of them look like they are sorry that they missed the 60’s and some of them look like they spent some time up in Woodstock.
50th anniverary this summer already being advertized. I’ll bet the guy with the bun on the right will attend.
Check out man-bun-boi on the right in the photo. He looks like he has his panties all in a wad in his mangina, either that, or he is man-struating as they do in the Euro-pussyland of Englandistan. Anyone here wear a man-bun?
?stupid wall? What the hell is stupid about protecting Americas borders? Anyone, ANYONE that doesn’t think so should be deported, their citizenship removed and gotten to hell out of the country they will not support and defend! imho!
Apparently, among the younger generations, there’s a group called “feminine male”. “Soy Boy” and “Numale” are a couple of terms to describe them. You’re seeing one of the results of the war on men and boys.
I never had a blonde sex bunny tell me what to think. In my youth I had a few tell me what they liked…..
I don’t generally pay attention to blondes. The Asian chick I’m married to doesn’t like it.
Neither does my Russian x 47 years. I never much cared for blondes. The Russian has natural curly hair, the kind that is tight and small. At least monthly someone will ask if it is real or a perm. She has a natural perm, I guess you would call it, for absolutely free.
Been married to a blond sex bunny for half a century and she’s the big FOX watcher in the Poe home.
‘Let America be America’…
Apparently we are at an impasse due to a difference in definition.
To have a nation you need borders, borders the United States of America is trying to erect.
The ideal notion of America, the construct, is one where the citizen is the first and final arbiter of his rights.
These sh*tstains haven’t a clue what the difference is, how it came to be, why it’s important to discuss these issues with in the context of American values, etc.
They are Culture Marxists, and I am tired of their F**KING SH*T.
Let the government stay shutdown, I’ll farm and hunt my food, these idiots can starve.
SFC D’s comment below got me thinking,…
My home-state (read: prison) of CT has sent at least $25 million on toll feasibility studies and the D-douche Governor has handed the baton off to another D-douche with a toll plan pretty much in the works.
What is a toll? It’s essentially an invisible wall that you have to give up your money to pass through.
You see where I’m going.
I don’t care who pays for the illegals but I’ll be damned if it’s me.
Ante up, hippies.
I remember the tolls on the Wilbur Cross Parkway. I was a kid but seems they were every mile with the thump thump thump of the expansion joints in the concrete roadway.
We should probably have a toll for trolls. Lars could be our first payer.
Not a toll, a tax. Lefties love taxes. Even better, make it a “temporary tax” that’s only temporary when dealing in geologic terms.
Two of the lowlife maggots, pelooser and Mad Max Waters are vacationing in hawaii and the bahamas, the dirty traitorous bitches are really concerned with the shutdown aren’t they? Deport the S.O.B.’s in my humble opinion and NEVER let them back in the country they have stolen from and despise! Oh yeh, nationalize ALL they monies and properties as well! imho
If they were serious about letting “America be America”, then they’d familiarize themselves with the writing of the Founding Fathers. They’re not interested in letting America be America, they’re changing it to some BS fantasy utopia. When they say, “Let America be America”, what they’re really saying is, “Let our version of America take hold.”
Seems odd that I never seem to see much in the way of anti-wall protests in my AO, where have a pretty effective wall. We’re quite fond of our wall.
Lots of “BUILD THE WALL” signs and bumper stickers in San Diego, outnumbering “orange man bad” crap by about 40-1. Which really makes you wonder just how well the results in some recent elections reflect the actual votes cast, if you know what I mean.
“Let America be America.”
Good idea. Step one: build the goddamn wall and stop letting illegal aliens stay here! Shoot smugglers on sight.
Legal immigrants are welcome. Asylum seekers can approach a POE, consulate, or embassy for that.
^this^^that^^and all of the other things^. The primary purpose of the central government is to provide for the overall security of the nation as a whole.
It is not for the primary purpose of the redistribution of the collective wealth of the individual members of the nation.
Holy shit Whitey! I thought we were buds. I sure as hell don’t want them around me!
My bad, Poe.
Port of Entry, POE.
Fear not TOW, he got it.
The answer to the original question posed is “NO!” Why should any of us take instruction from the willfully ignorant? Give in to a bunch of clueless brats who just love bullying others into crazy stuff? No.
They’re used to getting their way.
I’m confused. I thought Rutger Hauer was a blonde sex bunny, but I do not recall his ever embracing politics as a means of communicating – except maybe in ‘LadyHawke’ or ‘Student of Orange’ (noeken in the afternoon).
Is he on Fox now? If so, when?
In re: the DUers, their bitterness at losing may be a sign that their eyes aren’t glued shut, after all. When they start making semi-reasoned statements, the nut is cracking.
AW1Ed, sent you et al something.
Aye Aye, Ma’am. Reading now, expect a response soonest.
90% of Fatass GS employees in the “non critical” jobs are Democrats. The other 10% are republicans who are retired military and are ok getting by on their pension for a brief period. I noticed all the furloughs at Fort Hood are the lazy civilians who never get any work done anyway.
Do not cave!
Build the wall!
Sorry, why are GS civvies at the Hood being furloughed? This shutdown should not be touching Defense department folks, right? I am essential and working for free, for now I hope.
Definitely, not a dRat here. But there are many of those and RINOs in the G employ. It’s fun at time to twist their tails.
Correct, GS employees working for the Defense Department should be paid on time:
The Secret Service and Border Patrol aren’t being paid, and those personnel are the most essential to the protection of our President and borders.
And although I hate using political affiliation as a justification for keeping a government employee out of work, most of the Secret Service and Border Patrol are indeed Republicans.
Better, Rhodes. Much better. Your viewpoint is yours as long as you add to the conversation.
Y’know, it’s funny how they halt Military Pay along with that of others that work when a Government Shutdown happens but they SURE don’t halt welfare and other handouts, maybe the D-rats don’t want their minions rioting again?
pull the secret service that are protecting the scum of the earth like the clintons, obozo for life if you believe that shyt, michael the transgender, bushes etc etc, what a freaking waste of money, use it to build the wall! imho
If the people at DU think he should give in, then I think that’s the best indication that he should not.
When are you guys going to stop trying to create delusional alternative realities to justify Trump’s nonsense?
The most obvious and simple explanation fits better than your “he is so smart nobody can figure out what he is doing” defense.
That most obvious and simple explanation is that he is a compulsive liar that has no clue what he is doing so is just making things up as he goes along each lie and decision entirely based on a achieving an immediate self serving purpose.
Including taking the side of hostile powers against our allies if they say nice things about HIM PERSONALLY or he he has made money off them in the past or wants to in the future.
When are you going to actually start listening to the smart guys in the room like Mattis, and McRaven. Or if they are too “leftist” for you all, how about McChrystal?
I don’t care if he uses a ouija board.
He is doing a fine job considering the alternative.
Wouldn’t it be nice if Dorkwaddles the Cuttlefish learned to write in complete sentences, like someone who graduated from high school and had English classes?
Just do us all a huge favor and STAY in California, we don’t want you parasiting other locations with your shit!
I would be happy to offload Lars “Cuntholio” Taylor AKA Comrade Dickless on Massachusetts, New Jersey, or Hawaii. Especially Hawaii, the stupidity there runs deep enough to make him look almost normal by comparison. Plus I think it would be funny as hell if he got his ass kicked by a bunch of racist islanders.
“compulsive liar that has no clue what he is doing so is just making things up as he goes along”
That was Obama. If Trump is just making it up as he goes, he’s got great instincts. Things have gotten markedly better in the country over the last two years. So if he’s not really trying, I can’t wait to see when he is.
Lars, we’ve been over this stuff before. President Trump sometimes speaks in metaphors, and the literal minded, such as yourself, pounce on it as a falsehood. The problem is the door for such a thing can swing both ways.
You wrote: “…he (Trump) is a compulsive liar that has no clue what he is doing..”
In order for such a statement to be true, at least from your own literal-minded perspective, Trump would need to be non-functional down to the level of not being able to tie his shoes or feed himself. Since such a thing is obviously not true, that makes you a liar on the level you’re accusing Trump of being. I’ll leave it to others to decide if you’ve proven yourself compulsive about it…
All good commie-rats never ever deviate from the party line/talking points. That is a fundamental article of faith for Marxists. Truth is irrelevant if it does not serve the party. Read “Rules for Radicals” and you will see every move these people make.
McCrystal has gone pc. He has a business and he wants it to succeed. He also wrote a book. He wants people to buy the book. That is McCrystal. His wife gave him a photo of Robt. E. Lee in 1976 and, he says, he threw it in the garbage in 2017. He felt we all needed to know that. Unlike MacArthur, Old Soldier McCrystal won’t fade away. (Cue the Stones.)
Cthulhu…you worthless, ignorant, P.O.S. STFU you embecile!
He should give in because 2/3rds of Americans don’t want a wall and 3/4ths don’t think the government should shut down over it.
You guys say you respect representative democracy; act like it: the American people don’t support the wall.
$5B on new and increased border security is one thing, $5B on a wall is idiotic.
You’re SO full of SHIT, President Trump (Eat THAT, Snowflake!) ran with the wall being a cornerstone of his campaign and if it weren’t for all the fake votes he got in CA he’d have won the popular vote as well. Now back to your corner!
The fake vote crap is entirely made up without a shred of evidence to support it. Even Trump’s own hand picked investigative committee intended to find proof wasted millions of dollars and found nothing just verifying previous efforts that found nothing and changing the verbiage to make the same data sound more ominous but the data spoke for itself; fake votes are so rare they could not find more than a few over several election cycles.
Anyone claiming there were millions of fake California votes even after the partisan pro-Trump investigation failed to find any is full of shit.
Ergo you are full of shit.
Besides even if he did win the popular vote we do not live in a dictatorship. Congress is a coequal branch and it represents the will of the majority of Americans who do not want the wall.
GOP ran on the wall and immigration this year and lost the popular vote by 8 points nationally in November.
When are you going to get it through your thick skull that Americans don’t want to waste money on an idiotic vanity project for Trumps base?
Geezus, do you TRY to be that stupid, or does it come to you naturally? Let’s not forget how abruptly the Michigan recount was halted and the news of it squelched when MANY irregularities were found in Detroit, which has been lorded over by D-rats for decades thus festering corruption like in Chicongo.
You keep repeating that the voter fraud committee didn’t find anything. They gave up because the states weren’t cooperating.
Hey Cunthulu, you mindless mollusk, Commiefornia authorities like the D-rat Secretary of State and all D-rat election officials, like those in every other blue state, refused to cooperate with the “pro-Trump” (as you call it) election investigation, that is why it suspended its operation without reaching a conclusion. Is there anything that you don’t believe that comes from your Antifa pals and your commie perfessors?
He obviously doesn’t think for himself, he just regurgitates the crap he gets fed at UC Berzerkely!
This is a big reason to why the NPC MEME fits these folk like hand in glove. I laughed my ass off when I got wind of this meme.
People on the border want the wall. We see that it’s very effective. How do we know it’s effective? By what we no longer see. I don’t see piles of backpacks on the Huachuca east range, dropped by illegals. I don’t see “Rape Trees” on the south range, festooned with the bras and panties of female crossers who were raped by the coyotes. I don’t see piles of trash dropped by illegals, trash consisting mainly of Mexican-branded water bottles. I don’t see cease-fires on weapons ranges, caused by illegals in the mountains behind the range. I don’t see the property damage that illegals do, burglarizing isolated ranches. I don’t see single-vehicle accidents with 11 fatalities. All of this was far too common in southern AZ prior to the wall being built. So Lars, you can take your polls, your empirical data, and your worthless oak leaves and place them squarely in your ass, right next to your head. And please don’t tell me you know better because you were once a deputy. You’re not here. You don’t see what I see. And what I no longer see.
His claims of what is “empirical” are as valid as Captain Queeg’s “triangulation” explanation in the movie Caine Mutiny.
If we were to triangulate Lars’ left ear, right ear, and nose, we would locate his rectum with an accuracy of +/- .001 inches.
When he sees this post, he’ll understand why it seems like he’s in the dark.
Meh, he himself admitted that he used it only because of the positive reaction from crowds; not because he considered it to be a legitimate campaign promise. It was really Steve Bannon’s idea.
Here’s the problem we’re currently facing: even if full-time construction of the wall started TODAY, it wouldn’t even be halfway complete though the end of a SECOND Trump term (2024, provided he indeed wins re-election).
His chance to get his wall has long passed. He honestly lost my support for it as soon as he started suggesting using Defense Department funds to pay for it.
It would also help if he had stuck with a consistent view on construction. His most recent plan of making it out of steel slats wasn’t even considered in any of the originally built and approved prototypes.
A far as I’m aware there weren’t any officially “approved prototypes.” There was just a series of exemplars erected by several prospective contractors and some officials liked some over the others. There certainly was no winning design selected, or we would have heard about it.
Okay, well clearly that’s even more concerning that they don’t have an idea of what they want to build.
Get back to us after you have walked the border, report what will effectively secure the border and if there is a single structure appropriate for every inch of the border.
Here’s a clue: Most of us already know that there is no single way which will work well all along the border. Too many terrain variables, among other things. For instance, some areas with cliffs may require no barrier at all while populated areas with heavy international foot traffic need literal walls and document checkers.
It would help if your information was accurate, but it is not. Sections of the existing border barriers have long since been replaced.
The biggest issue is the Rio Grande Valley biological area, which is a complex ecosystem. The local conservation group wants the same construction that took place in SoCal.
This is from Nov. 10, so it’s a bit out of date, but the most recent info I could find.
What the hell is Squinchieflubber smoking?
Obviously some really effective stuff that causes brain damage!
Besides cock?
Aside from a wall, a fence, or whatever barrier, what technology do you think is needed there? Seriously. I cannot for the life of me, and maybe I’m too simple minded, see what technology could take the place of a wall.
Farmers use “walls” made of fence posts and barbed wire to keep their herds in and wolves out. If using a drone or sensors or whatever would be cheaper, “smarter”, and more effective, then why isn’t everything secured with such?
Every piece of technology has down time, particularly things like drones. While drones are cool as hell, they require a lot more logistically than a fence and cannot operate 24/7.
Now if you have a wall and then utilize cameras, drones, and sensors to find the ones that get through, over, around the wall, now you’re talking effective border control. Funny that this is what prisons do, but they don’t know anything about security, do they?
Well, that’s exactly the point. When Merkel decided to open the doors of Europe to migrants from the Middle East – remember that? – with no medical or other screening, no questions asked, just start moving north, the majority of post-Soviet countries along that route put up their own Walls in the form of concertina/razor wire.
They made it very clear that these travelers were not welcome and not wanted, which they had a right to do. Macedonia refused to let any of them in. They funneled them northward. Germany took in thousands of them and is now awash in crime and has towns that have no-go zones that even the polizei won’t enter. Because of that, her party (CDU) has lost its majority and she has to step down, but the ultra-right AfD received enough votes to qualify to be seated in Parliament. Italy will no longer allow migrant ships to dock, and Sicily likewise.
It’s going to be an interesting few years ahead of us.
Yes, these unwashed pawns/peons from Central America along with poor Mexicans will continue to cross, without a barrier and effective enforcement. More children will die as illegals drag them along as part of their “permiso.” Those caught with children will continue to be released after 10 days. More of our citizens will be killed by illegal aliens; and the Commie Cephalopod and his ilk will be happy about it. Hopefully, you and I will be around to see their day of reckoning.
A wall, sensors, and cameras are already in use. Drones are in use. A wall by itself isn’t 100% effective. It’s calked defense in depth.
You are a lying son of a bitch…you are brainwashed and too frigging stupid to know it! The American people are and always have supported protecting our borders, if you don’t like it you p.o.s. then get the phuckk out and go to venezuela where you will be happier hunting for toilet paper….EMBECILE!!
IMHO President Trump knows what he’s doing and he’ll let them unknowingly support his stance! Let’s not forget that many of these “migrants” have diseases such as TB, Mumps and according to one account, Smallpox.
Smallpox? You got a source for that. There haven’t been any confirmed cases in 40 years.
Yea, it’s not true. Some former ICE agent on Fox News made the claim and it’s been making the rounds since.
I came across this today and thought the crowd here at TAH would appreciate the analogy – “Everything You Want to Know About National Security Can Be Learned in a Nightclub”
I particularly like, “We reminded disgruntled patrons that entrance to the club was a privilege, not a right. Every night, I’d end up dealing with pissed off people that we’d turned away, but I never had a major physical altercation.
When I worked a nightclub on the Sunset Strip, we barely screened at the door. The club was smaller and had less obvious risks, but it also just wanted to make more money by flooding the place with patrons. The result? I laid hands on people every night. Our waitresses were harassed more often, fights broke out frequently and even our doorgirl was knocked unconscious. Our incident report binder was three times the size of the one I’d had downtown. Lesson learned — if you don’t stop the problems before they come inside, prepare for a messy extraction of the problems later on.”
You can read the whole thing at the link below. (if links like this are a no-no, mea culpa)
Thanks, Denise. I’ll post it up.
Cthulhu is right- all the polls I’ve viewed recently show about a 70-30 split in opposing the wall. The data sets used to come up with these numbers is left unsaid, so they are a bit suspect, but I imagine not unreasonable.
I would wager the majority of Trump voters favor the wall, as well as making up his base- not a difficult assumption to make.
And C, $5B USD is in the rounding error of the US budget, chump change when taken in perspective- something you lefties seem to miss. A lot.
I concur, the US $5B is chump change compared to what illegal aliens cost the US Taxpayer starting with the costs of trial and incarceration, not to mention the other costs they rack up AND their contribution to the violent crime rates!
AW1Ed, I posted a response to the claim that Americans don’t want the wall, a series of real surveys. There are four links, which probably put it in the holding pen, so it will be a pair of duplicate comments if you see it.
The gist of it is that Americans DO want the border wall completed, but not at government expense.
Approved and out of Link Jail.
Illegal aliens cost the state and federal governments approximately 200 billion dollars a year. If you add in the income taxes they owe but don’t pay, the number is likely over $900B. As for $5B, that is what the IRS recently admitted it could not recoup in unjustified/unlawful 0bamacare tax credits given to taxpayers who were not entitled to them over the past two years.
We all know it’s not about the money. If Trump had been truly smart he would have worked in a shady deal with some extremely lucrative government contractor (like L3 or something), used lobbyist funds to grease the palms of enough Republicans to force a vote, and pass some legislation declaring the existing fence unsatisfactory and destroying the fence pre-emptively, requiring the construction of a wall.
Trump is just Tweeting and pissing everyone off. If you want to truly get things done in Washington you gotta be scummier than the existing politicians, and Trump simply doesn’t possess the ability to follow up with his threats.
As usual, there is all this disturbed air emitted by a lazy slacker who expects people to just take his word for everything and not question any of it because – well, just because he said so. He provides no backup to anything he says, no verification, no nothing – just hot air and ‘BECAUSE I SAID SO!’ Yeah, the REAL world doesn’t work that way. And despite his poor command of grammar and basic English, the Slacker from Berserkeley is wrong – as usual. Fortunately, there is plenty of information available that has backup, so here it is: The federal government remains partially shutdown over Democrats’ refusal to fund a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. Voters are evenly divided – along predictable partisan lines – over whether the wall should be built in an effort to stop illegal immigration. So it’s ONLY PARTIALLY SHUT DOWN, NOT COMPLETELY, and the dividing line on opinions is 50/50, along party lines. Thirty-four percent (34%) of Republicans – and 21% of all voters – are willing to contribute to a private fund to build the wall if Congress won’t agree to pay for it. So it is NOT that they don’t want the remaining border wall to be built. They think the money should come from private donations. Well, the Pritzker family is worth about $120 billion; maybe they could fork over $5 billion or so, and get ‘er done! But 52% of voters oppose a government shutdown over the wall funding issue. Moot point now, but the Democrats forced the issue. Schumer wouldn’t even look at Trump in that televised conference. He looked like he was about to wet himself over it. Voters worry about the economic impact of a partial shutdown, although only 12% say past shutdowns have had a major impact on their lives. Since the shutdown has already occurred, the last two surveys are moot, however, disbursements of monthly payment of things like SSRI or welfare are set up months ahead of time for automatic distribution, in this case, at 2019 rates. And despite a… Read more »
I also wonder how much of these polls is asking if people favor a shutdown or a wall?
It’s been my observation in talking to people that don’t follow politics (i.e. most normal people) are scared shitless by how the media portrays a shutdown. The media make it sound like the whole country grinds to a halt, children start dying, the sun won’t rise, social security checks stop, and all that.
So with that, I expect a majority would say that the wall takes a lessor priority over a shutdown.
I personally don’t care about polls. See the 2016 election for their value. Questions are rarely crafted in a way that is truly neutral and opinions change from one day to the next, depending upon whether or not those polled read about the latest rape or murder committed by an illegal alien.
Bullshyt! and who makes those frigging lying polls…the media thats who, the LYING MEDIA!
Originally posted by AW1Ed: Cthulhu is right- all the polls I’ve viewed recently show about a 70-30 split in opposing the wall. The data sets used to come up with these numbers is left unsaid, so they are a bit suspect, but I imagine not unreasonable. Those polls are wrong. Without looking at the raw data, just on what’s being reported, the split is much closer to the center. As you mentioned, the data sets behind those numbers are “left unsaid”. The data sets, the wording of the questions, methodogoy, etc., usually tell a different picture of what the respondents actually said. But, leave it to the propaganda machine (mainstream media) to spin it as something else. For example, there’s one article that claims that 69% don’t think that the wall is priority. Just reading the article, there would appear to be a majority disapproval for the wall as a priority. But, the article makes the “mistake” of linking to the actual poll. Guess what one finds? Raw data showing 50% saying that it shouldn’t be a priority, and 47% saying that it should be a priority (immediate or not immediate, but still a priority). I’m sorry, but none of the math classes that I took, from basic arithmetic to calculus, have ever told me that 69% was “equal to” 50%. When you get into the weeds (numbers), something else pops up. On the question regarding priority of the wall, the favorability is higher for the older generations than for the younger generations. For both the 45 to 59 age group, and the 60 + age group, the numbers go up in favor of priority (immediate or not immediate). the 45 to 59 age group has a 59% favorability either immediate or not immediate. The 60+ age group has that at 55% favorability either immediate or not immediate. The percentages reverse for those 44 and younger. I wouldn’t be surprised that if they separated Gen X and Gen Y (Millennial) in the 30 to 44 age group, Gen X would have a higher favorability either immediate or not immediate. The… Read more »
Double post removed, sorry for any inconvenience.
Thank you!
Interesting fact: the government contracted out almost all the jobs dealing with detaining immigrants in the past two years. Of course these companies have been sued over the deaths and their legal defense is that they are not liable because they were working on behalf of the government. Anyone here probably knows that defense has pretty much never been successful in a court of law.
You are a moron. One has to wonder if you really made E-3.
“You guys say you respect representative democracy; act like it: the American people don’t support the wall.” Man, is Lars ever confused. Although he used the term representative democracy, he clearly does not know what it means. I’m not going to educate him. It would be pointless to try. He doesn’t get it. He will likely never get it.
Build the wall and then set about pressuring the states that do not want illegals to give them up, to identify them and their places of residence. If nothing else, the illegals will be forced into those states that want them. Then, and this is key, ensure that illegals are not included in the census count. Doing so only adds to California’s numbers in Congress and its share of our tax dollars.
If a barrier didn’t slow down the influx, they wouldn’t care.
Of course, many of them were for a barrier before Trump raised it as an issue. Now they have to oppose it because … well … because.
Trump winning scared the Donks, badly. He -destroyed- a generational “inevitable” of the whole Progtard (Marx) shiboleth.
Note how hard Progtards want to convince us “anyone but Trump!”. Of -course- they prefer fellow travelers, or never-wins. Duh.
He took an axe to suffocating regulations.
He took an axe to suffocating taxes.
He has put two Originalist/Constitutionalist judges on the Supreme Court, the and will likely pick #3 before his first term is up. He has placed scores of such judges on Federal benches.
Any one of those is as good as, if not better than, any recent Republican President. Any one of which is reason enough to support him, even if one has to hold ones nose to do so.
All three? Trump 2020. MAGA!
Those three are why they hate him. He has -wrecked- the ” inevitability” of progtardism, like it was easy to wreck. Never forget it.
I wonder why (not to be confused with Dion and the Belmonts) the demorats voted for a wall before the Pres got elected so now that he is in office, they don’t want a wall/fence/barrier/mine field/ alligator filled moats/Daleks, etc. guarding the border.
My family voted for Trump because he promised to build a wall among other things.
We are all hoping he will stay the course and keep the shutdown going until a wall is started.
The government shutdown may affect people here on TAH as you are all military types.
We civilians are not bothered at all by the shutdown.
National Park entrance fees and passport renewals are the only thing an average American might see.
These are very minor inconveniences
I am not alone in my admiration of the current tension within the government. I can imagine our Founders and the men of the Constitution smiling at the current state of affairs. A government whose branches see eye-to-eye on things is a very dangerous animal. Trump has overturned the apple cart and has caused no end of consternation among many. For that, I applaud him. As for the wall, me and mine are not threatened directly by the alien horde, but that is beside the point. Law matters. National sovereignty matters. Build the wall.
I think when the smoke clears and the truth is known, all the bullshyt, the conspiracies, the crimes, etc etc are for one reason, to protect the pedophiles from being exposed! The whole system has been set up by the clintons et al to protect themselves as perverts, pedophiles, and twisted sisters…again imho!
I see no durable use for a wall. Let’s give as good as we get. If I were to seek refuge in Guatemala, what would they offer? Nicaragua?
The son-of-a-bitch in this story is Mexico. Mexico is supposed to be the wall, the buffer. If Mexico cannot reciprocate with American “intersectionalism” then do what any reasonable merchant might do, fuck them up the ass and take all of their money… in either order.
I could do without The Wall. All I ask is immediate deportation of any illegal who commits any crime. Maybe clarify the 14th to eliminate anchor babies, too. Who says there is no compromise?
The D-rat progs will never agree to that because they want to replace you with illegals who will vote D-rat.
Then they’ll come back and commit more crimes. The wall makes it more challenging and risky to come back.