Trump joins Wreaths Across America in laying wreaths at Arlington National Cemetery
By Robert Gearty | Fox News
President Trump paid a Saturday visit to Arlington National Cemetery, where thousands of volunteers had just taken part in the rain in the annual holiday wreath-laying tribute to those who served—and died– in America’s wars.
Trump made the unscheduled stop to the famous military ceremony about 2:15 p.m. ET, hours after the event began.
“They do a great job, a really great job. Thank you,” Trump said during the visit.
Every December, Wreaths Across America places wreaths on the graves at Arlington and other veterans cemeteries.
“Spending a rainy Saturday morning helping with Wreaths Across America at Arlington!!” Jessica Moyer told her followers on Facebook. “Such a humbling experience.”
Read the entire article at: Fox News.
Category: Arlington National Cemetary
POTUS holds his own umbrella in the pic, unlike the doofus from previous admin who made a U.S. Marine be his personal umbrellaservant…
How TRUE, President Trump has more class in the tip of his pinkie fingernail than his predecessor will ever have in his lifetime!
Actually I was thinking the lovely Melania whose ass should be declared a national monument had the class, but in this case my exact thought about the umbrella.
As many of us know, a visit to Arlington for any reason leaves one in silent awe. I am as glad President Trump was there if only to look upon the rows of white marble. It cannot help but touch a person in all of the right ways.
When I was a kid I used to walk through the cemetery several times a week to get to Ft. Myer. Sometimes I would pause to read the tombstones. I am still impressed. So many, and still only a fraction of those who died.
What? No fanfare? No train of devoted followers fawning?
Thank you for doing this, Mr. President.
And in the rain, at that! Not even an official holiday. And what happened to all the Trump haters? Trump must have done *something* wrong!
Interesting… crew here has ‘Good Morning America ” on.. they just showed the volunteers laying wreaths, but not a single mention of the President… you don’t think it’s due to bias do you?
Bias? Perish the thought!
Naaaahhh, NO WAY! /sarc
hey, in their defense – they probably had no clue he was there. Presidential motorcades are so inconspicuous, y’know. Or coulda been some other orange-complected fella with 200 Secret Service guards.
The AP had a comment that went, “After criticism, Trump visits Arlington.” What turds.
Our daughter was a volunteer for the wreath placing at the Presidio of San Francisco yesterday.
God Bless you President Trump for this unannounced show of support to these fallen Warriors. A quick stop in the comments section of the attached article shows 6000+, sampling showed much support for his visit and the usual bashing by the trolls.
Can we imagine the conversation in the WH earlier yesterday? President asking, “What’s on the agenda today guys?” “Not much Sir, the First Lady is visiting some of the Troops.” Pres. “Well ask the Marines to crank up the whirly bird, I want to check on the wreath laying, don’t bother with the press, let’s go.”
Haven’t made it to Arlington yet, it’s on my bucket list. Been to a number of other National Cemeteries. We did our small part here; got real windy and dusty out there.
*Hand Salute*
I remember one of our past Presidents disappearing during the holidays in the past and we found out later he went to visit the troops in the middle east during the Holiday”s. If Trump were to try this he would not be alone as Melania would only allow it if she were to be there also to show her support for our troops.
POTUS keeps it classy!
2 Thumbs Up!
We ought to let President Trump kick the U.N. out of NYC and let that piece of Real Estate become his Presidential Library!
After a thorough fumigation, of course.
I’d vote for that!
The lame stream media will report that he was there only for a photo op and that his being there detracted from the solemn meaning of the occasion.
Bless you, President Trump. You are a class act, unlike the community organizer who preceded you. You know, the guy who won b/c the Republicans couldn’t find their asses with both hands and a map during each of the previous two elections.
Very true, McCain and Romney didn’t even have Perot taking votes away like George. W. Bush and Bob Dole did!
Laying wreaths in the rain is not noteworthy. Go visit the troops in Afghanistan and Iraq and then I’ll be impressed. He’s had two years. Perhaps he is still scarred by his experiences in Vietnam where he bravely did not serve. None of these politicians deserve our praise.
I have a GREAT suggestion, Ian.
YOU go visit the troops in Afghanistan and Iraq. Send us photos of your tour there. Let us know how many goodie bags and books and things you handed out to the troops, how many jokes you told them, how many wounded troops you visited and talked to.
Then we’ll all be impressed.
How much military service by zerO? slick willie?
Unless I missed it, Trump never claimed any military service in Vietnam or anywhere else. And No socialist dem president since Jimmuh Carter served in the Military in any capacity. Only other dem pres in the 20th century with any military service was that sawed off runt Truman. Both of them were not impressive presidents as well.
“Only other dem pres in the 20th century with any military service was that sawed off runt Truman.”
Umm… What about Kennedy and Johnson?
My bust. I forgot Mr Kennedy. But he really didn’t act like a socialist democrat.
LBJ as a senior congresscritter forced the Navy to issue him a naval reserve commission after Pearl Harbor and he then used and exploited that to fly himself around the Pacific Theater during early 1942 on some kind of phony “fact-finding inquiry” for ADM King to get LBJ’s name in the newspapers as a “war hero”. LBJ even got GEN MacArthur to award him a Silver Star and Legion of Merit for his “valor”. After six months of galivanting around the Pacific on his fake mission, LBJ then figured he got enough good press and promptly resigned his commission in June 1942 and went back to Congress pretending to be a “war hero”…
The laying of the wreaths went very well in my neck of the woods. There must have been several thousand volunteers who showed up to participate.
Most were vets or families of those laid to rest there, but I got to talk with a couple of youngsters and their mother who had no connection with the military or the cemetery – she simply wanted them to experience first hand what real patriotism looks like. Very impressive. The older of the two boys really wanted to learn about what it all meant and to hear from me how best to honor us all. Quite humbling.