Female Soldier Completes Special Forces Selection

| November 18, 2018

AnotherPat sends us an article listing a milestone for women in the military. Others here have posted about women accomplishing firsts… Starting in the combat arms community, and working into the Special Forces community.

Now we have a female Soldier that recently completed selection, and qualified to continue on to the Q Course. From the Army Times:

The Green Berets are one of the last Army communities not to have female soldiers assigned. Since the combat exemption lifted, hundreds of women have joined the infantry community, several have been assigned to the 75th Ranger Regiment, and more than a dozen have earned the Ranger tab.

This Soldier will complete additional training depending on her rank prior to going to the Q course. For example, if she’s a specialist, she’ll go to Basic Leader Course (previously known as PLDC). Her information isn’t being released, due to the nature of what she’s hoping to qualify for.

Based on what they’ve accomplished so far, we’re looking at a continuing trend of female Soldiers making inroads. As long as they, along with their male counterparts, are meeting the training standards, this is something to be applauded. Their success would help others to follow in their footsteps.

You can read details at Army Times and Fayetteville Observer.


Category: Army News

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Fix it until its broken.

The Other Whitey





Paging IDC SARC, Mr. SARC please go to the nearest white courtesy phone.

E4 Mafia For Life.

Then we have one of the deadliest snipers in history ranked pretty close to Simo Hayek, Soviet sniper in WWII, Lyudmila Pavlichenko.
Credited with 309 kills.

5th/77th FA

I wish her all the luck in the world, if this is what she wants to do, then have at it girlfriend. Are we to presume that the same physical and skill set abilities will be met, or is all of that watered down? Had met some of the female IDF troops way back yonder. They were badass. One troop made a snide remark to one of the “girls”. The medicos patched his ass up.


She needs to do an about face and parade rest.

MSG Eric

Queue the 5000 people who claim they were in her class with her and how she sucked, didn’t do anything correctly got on her knees for instructors, etc etc.


Glad to see that this time, this soldier’s identity is squelched. We should be looking at the accomplishment and nothing else.

She’s probably a better shot, too, than most of those who make the obnoxious jokes….

5th/77th FA

ouch, that’s gonna leave a mark. (grin)

Club Manager, USA ret.

I have a very bad feeling that having women in SF units other than in support roles is not going to turn out well. No reflection on the women, just a gut feeling it is going to cost lives unnecessarily.


Based on my experience in SF with guys who couldn’t wait to start hunting for some “strange” as soon as they were away from the flagpole, I also doubt this will help SF be as successful as they have been.


My thought was that if -anyone- can figure out how to make this work, how to get -useful- capabilities out of this, it is Special Forces.

Other folks might not -like- their answers, but I am certain they will come up with a workable solution. And I also believe they will make something truly -useful- of it.


With the hearts and minds, indigenous training mission of SF, it could actually be advantageous to have a woman in the unit. That largely depends on the country though.

Club Manager, USA ret.

That would work. Wonder what they would do if SF again tried what they did in Nam. That was grab them by the balls and hoped their hearts and minds would follow.


I have to agree on that. It might be a better arrangement to have them in a group, as the IDF and the Kurds do with theirs.


In Robin Sage, I jumped in with an 110lb ruck and then we bushwacked 30 miles to link up with the Gs that night.

The only thing this female could do is sit on the ruck

So don’t tell me standards are lowered…


Same here except I went through the “gentlemen’s course” (12 weeks SFOC). But I had to jump a 35lb hand-crank generator in my ruck in Germany, so it likely weighed about 100lbs. Also, I think you meant “…standards are NOT lowered.”


Ditto, I was an early 80’s commo man and my Robin Sage ruck was north of 130lbs. So heavy and awkward it took 3 guys to attach it to my parachute harness for JMPI. Managed to waddle out the door and brace for the inevitable PLF from hell! Landed so hard my Alice pack frame snapped. 25 miles later after patrolling some of the steepest hills in the Uwarrhie National Forest and linking up with the G’s we found ourselves praying to a 4 foot wooden penis at the G Chiefs Church of the Increase.

Passing SFAS does not guarantee a long tab and a Green Beret. She was selected to attend the pipeline where Special Forces training will now begin. Regardless she is not the first woman to attempt this. A few years ahead of my Q course Katy Wilder went through SWCS like a Turd Tornado flinging shit. GOOGLE-FU will bring up several articles on this shit show.


I am all for it, as long as the standards are NOT lowered. This would just mean more social gerrymandering when we should be concerned with troops who can match their counterparts. Period.


Well, standards will have to be lowered, unless she is one of the .00001% of female humanity that can do what 2banana described above. I did that same thing in the Q Course in 1987. Jump the mega ruck, hump it to link up with the G’s and train and lead from there.

Maybe an East German shot-putter could cut it, but not most women, sorry.

Can anyone tell me that the women performed to the traditional Ranger standard in the Ranger Course? (We did our morning runs bare chested in fatigue pants and combat boots when I was in the Benning Phase…)

I believe that there are roles for women in SOF, but fitting the square (female) peg in the round (Ranger – SF) hole is not it. Women played important roles in the OSS/SOE during WWII, maybe that’s a place to start looking.


I was thinking along the lines of medic and Intel focus, and utilized as follow-on / follow-up to the work of ODAs.

Since “no” apparently is off the table, what is “least sucks” ?

Not in so many words, but “free a man to fight” where culture/reality works.


A Medic or Intel sgt on an ODA is an operator first.

And are expected to pull their weight

There are plenty of jobs in SOF support. And you don’t need SFAS to attend.


I agree. A 125 lb female is going to be broken after a few operations in unfriendly terrain carrying 135 lbs of ammo, armor and gear. I watched men break down at ranger school with combat loads of less than 90 pounds during the mountain phase.

Deplorable B Woodman

Oops. Sorry. The kindle screen was going dark, and I touched the “Report” by mistake to refresh the screen. Mea culpa.
(where’s the wet noodles?)


I was taught a lesson may many years ago whilst rooky bashing. Never ever judge another persons abilities by your own failings or their looks. They may surprise you and with that, many did.


Women need to serve in their own units…


It’s a pity that this lady chose to excel in an industry where she’ll always be seen as a “freak of nature” for passing an arduous common entry test. Hope she’s lucky with injuries.
Does the CIA not have any more suitable roles for someone possessed of this lady’s talents?

USMC Steve

Now, will Big Army mandate her actually going to a Special Forces Team and working in this MOS, or was this just another multi thousand dollar bullshit PR adventure for her?


Can’t wait for the eventual sexual harassment issues the military will be traced with even more.

And then he said to me to get the sand out of my vagina….but I literally had sand in it….
