5 freed from Gitmo in exchange for Bergdahl join Taliban in Qatar

| October 30, 2018

taliban traded bergdhalThe five Guantanamo Bay detainees swapped for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl are, from left, Mullah Norullah Nori, Mohammed Nabi Omari, Mohammed Fazl, Khairullah Khairkhwa and Abdul Haq Wasiq. (U.S. Department of Defense)

Surprising exactly no one, the five members of the Afghan Taliban who were freed from GITMO in exchange for captured deserter Bowe Bergdahl, have joined the insurgent group’s political office in Qatar.

They are now among Taliban representatives negotiating for peace in Afghanistan. The five, all of whom were close to the Taliban founder Mullah Mohammed Omar, would bring with them the same ultra-conservative interpretation of Islam that characterized the group’s rule that ended in 2001 with the U.S.-led invasion.

“The Taliban are bringing back their old generation, which means the Taliban have not changed their thinking or their leadership,” said Haroun Mir, political analyst in the Afghan capital. “What we are more worried about is if tomorrow the Taliban say ‘we are ready to negotiate,’ who will represent Kabul? That is the big challenge because the government is so divided, not just ideologically but on ethnic lines.”

Words fail me. Read the rest if you can at Military Times.

Category: Afghanistan, Terror War

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Bergdahl should be reunited with his husbands.


They should have said “we will give you the hair from their chinny chin chins for birddog, if he is in a box”! lol

Deplorable B Woodman

And those who are surprised, raise your hand? Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?


Surprise, surprise, Sgt. Carter!! Who’d a thunk it; SlamoNazi’s still going to SlamoNazi. It’s almost like you can’t reform them from wanting to kill infidels. Although, the Brits are working on version 2.0 even now with their most famous of them.




No, call it in …. make a cell phone call, & say Yabba dibba, dubba, islam & have something/s drop from the sky….. 72 virgins are on their way.

Slow Joe

Think of the children.


Can we put everyone who greenlighted this “deal” on trial now for aiding the enemy, treason, etc.?

A Proud Infidel®™️

Gee whiz wotta surprise, vaporize ‘em with MOAB’s!


On second thought, all of them look like they work at our local halal grocery shop in Lakemba, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA.

Denise Williams

Hmm…since that part of the deal was broken, maybe we should give Bowe back.

About as much chance is bringing back from the dead those who died searching for Bowe…or reattaching the limbs lost.

I have a hard time deciding which was the most shameful moment of the former CinC cabal…Bergdahl or Benghazi.

2/17 Air Cav

That’s like asking which was worse, Pearl Harbor or the attacks of September 11th. Let’s call it a tie.


Bergdahl. Benghazi. Fast & Furious. Nope, a scandal-free administration. Douchebag of a president. Failure as a human being. Fuck that guy.


“Most transparent Administration in history.”

5th/77th FA

“Most transgendered Administration in history” FIFY


And he was proudly proclaiming ‘no one in his administration was indicted’. Sorta conveniently ignored that his politicized DOJ was doing the policing and would have ignored a turd in the punchbowl if one of their own launched it. ‘No one was indicted in 8 years’… and Lance Armstrong never failed a drug test for at least as long.


What took them so long?


They had to re-do their security clearances.


The guy on the left looks suspicious.

Mark Lauer

WHAT? Nah, that can’t be. I never expected they’d do something like this.
Well, I guess you just never know about some people…

2/17 Air Cav

Susan Rice said Bergdahl served with “honor and distinction.” President Red Line referred to beer-buddy “Bowe” multiple times in the Rose Garden show starring Pashto Bob. Talk about a shit show. Turned out that honor meant misbehavior and distinction meant desertion. All along, the soldiers in his unit knew the truth but had been forced to sign non-disclosure agreements. The investigation dragged on and Lord knows how many games were played to protect Red Line’s decision to unilaterally swap Gitmo prisoners, helping to reduce their number there. Just another bad decision in a litany of bad decisions by a bad president. Phuker.

Slow Joe

This one time, I was in the Afgh of the Stan, and I saw a bearded man. He looked very suspicious.


It’s almost as if the guys who made the bad deal knew it was a bad deal when they made the bad deal…

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Five shitbags going right back to the shitbag business, that’s a shocker indeed.

Some day perhaps instead of playing world cop we will actually once again cry havoc and so on and so forth…

5th/77th FA

Never saw this coming, shocked I tell you, I’m shocked. Such good boys too, turning their lives around, working on getting their GED, joining the YMCA, singing in the Moors Man Choir. Real role models for the community. Thanks Bodaprez, couldn’t of happened without you. Next beer is on us.

Slow Joe

All his beers are on us.
Doesn’t he get like half a mil a year from our taxes?


Way to go, Fartbongo