Big Bear and Big Panda Just Joined the Discussion – Vice President Mike Pence Reveals Central American Invasion Horde is: “Financed by Venezuela”
jim h sent the article linked below, where VP Pence bells the cats who are really supporting the caravan supposedly financed by Venezuela. Interesting stuff, thanks, Jim.
Well, there it is. Quietly within the deliberate words from Vice-President Mike Pence a revelation that explains the origination of the Central American invasion force. For those who are not deep in the geopolitical weeds, the subtlety can pass unnoticed; for those who travel within the deepest international conflicts, Pence’s words here are as subtle as a brick through a window:
Announcing the migrant caravan is “financed by Venezuela” is a direct notification the Central American invasion force is being funded by Russia and China. Venezuela doesn’t have any money to sustain its own operational government – let alone a 10,000 person convoy. Venezuela is entirely reliant upon massive investment from Russia and China.
Too lengthy to post in it’s entirety; the article may be viewed at Conservative Treehouse
Category: Illegal Immigrants
It was a nonsense unsubstantiated comment with the same source as most comments coming out of this administration; right wing fever dreams and conspiracy theories being regurgitated by Trump cohorts to rile up the base to vote. These caravans happen every year, often more than one a year. This is the largest so far mostly because Trump made such a huge deal about the last one it received more international attention, more migrants became aware of them, and more migrant/refugee aid organizations received donations and volunteers to assist them. This is funded the same way as all others; self funded by migrants (cheaper than paying a trafficker to transport you and your family), assistance and donations through humanitarian aid organizations that have volunteers that accompany and try to reduce suffering along the route, and from locals who contribute food, water, and sometimes money to the migrants along the route. This is not a new phenomenon and they go back at least to the 80s. What is new is that the GoP learned that talking about them increases voter engagement and support for republicans. If you are a migrant family trying to make it to the US these caravans are the safest and most economical ways to do get to the US border. Though arriving in one LOWERS your chance of making it into the US. Generally, however, the dangers, cost, and likelihood of victimization by traveling as a single family or alone is so high that many migrants choose to use the caravan to at least get close to the US and then worry about getting into the US as a separate step. It it possible that a country that does not much like the US is funneling money into these? Sure but that is just one of many funding sources and there is zero evidence it is a substantial portion of the funding. Besides, with the way these caravans help turnout voters for the GoP if anyone is funding them it should be republican PaCs. I know they are not but GoP candidates love these caravans during the election… Read more »
Gee, suckerhead, you have all this insider info. Why aren’t you sharing it with the gubmint?
Oh no a counterpoint. DEM BROWN PEEPLE!
Aren’t you precious.
Fuck off and die, shitstick. By the way, I’m one of “dem brown people.” So, here you go:
Chinga tu madre, pendejete.
I don’t want more illegals in this country. Most LEGAL immigrants don’t want illegals either.
Wow. I thought the full blown asshole period ended on Tuesday. Guess not.
Go away, Lars.
Can we get the Reader’s Digest or Cliff’s Notes version? I’ll just assume it’s “orange man bad”, “migrants are good”, “nation of immigrants”, and so forth.
“It was a nonsense unsubstantiated comment with the same source as most comments coming out of this administration….” That would be the Honduran President then. Yeah, he’s the usual go-to guy for the administration.
“The President of Honduras told me this was organized by leftist groups in Honduras and financed by Venezuela.” Mike Pence.
The statement came after Pence and the Honduran president recently met regarding the filthy mob trekking through that shit hole Mehico.
Thanks for separating the wheat from the chaff there. Obviously the president of Honduras is just a shill for the Trump administration. 🙄
The available facts point to the current so-called caravan being very much not business-as-usual for migrant transit. To equate 7000 marchers today to very much smaller groups in the past is to be disingenuous.
Nor is the connection to Venezuela much of a stretch. Bartolo Fuentes, the Honduran ex-lawmaker who is a key caravan organizer, is a member of the same political faction as ex-President Manuel Zelaya who was deposed in 2009 during a military coup. Zelaya lasted three years in office and was apparently removed because although he was elected as a conservative, he switched to being hard left once in power. His close ties have included both Hugo Chavez in Venezuela and Raul Castro in Cuba.
Disingenuous is the MO of the Left and it’s starting to look like a many folks, who’ve been Democrat since Cain murdered Abel, as well as many younger folks, all who seem to prefer truth to BS, are bailing on the Democrat Party because of the nonstop lies, half-truths, innuendo, calumnies, and other baloney being spouted by Leftist apologists like this Cthulhu individual.
Hence, the #WalkAway movement started by Brandon Straka.
It seems that the treatment of Justice Kavanaugh at the hearings was the last straw for many.
Perhaps, when they have lost enough people, somebody over there will have a light-bulb moment.
You keep using this word “migrant”. I do not think it means what you think it means. These people are neither migrants or immigrants, they are an invasion.
“they are an invasion”
More like human wave attack
“THIS ISSUE HURTS DEMS.” Sure it does. They created this mess. We have laws and they pretend those laws don’t exist because they don’t agree with them. We recently had a Dem president who, because he had a pen and a phone, he could bypass Congress on effectuating the Dream Act that had been rejected by Congress. We have Democrats as mayors and governors who openly protect criminals by instructing their state/city/county police and corrections agencies not to cooperate with Federal immigration officials. You’re damn right the issue hurts Democrats.
“Pivot and talk about healthcare and protecting social security”
Seems every time you comment on something here it is pivot and talk about Trump.
Got any hobbies? Trains? Coloring books?
Ham Radio? Lots of political discussion on Ham Radio. And you can’t hide who you are either.
Well I had noticed our favorite new chew toy had shown up, checked out the other thread to let the dust settle and let the big dogs eat first. Got answer for everything don’t ya? I draw attention to your paragraph 3 of your ramblings, “locals who donate”. Bovine Excrement! Those folks locally barely have enough for day to day family needs, much less extras for thousands of people pouring by unless someone is giving them extras to pass out. We’ve talked about the logistics required for this type of movement over the last several days. What happens when the cameras are off or pointed in another direction? As many intel resources we have world wide, I am pretty certain that someone is watching this whole thing a whole lot closer than the news media is showing. I have no problem with LEGAL immigration. My Scots/Irish folks came over in the 1740s, did the whole indentured servant thing, stood up to the oppressive Crown and served in every conflict after that. Call this what it is. An attempted invasion. Every country in the world has immigration policies/laws in place. Why shouldn’t we? You too, must be a blind starfish.
Remember, it boils Cuntholio’s blood when someone is okay with legal immigration.
Are Muslims allowed to use ham radios? Inquiring minds want to know.
I’m thinking that he’s into eating lead pain chips and licking windows on very short yellow buses…
Would you perchance be related to a Commissar?
What part of “sow chaos in the enemy camp” do you not understand?
You -have- studied “the art of war”, right?
Or were you assuming the Chinese and/or Russians were on any side other than their own?
You are too smart to not understand that both our major rivals would like nothing better for us to ba at each other’s throats, meanwhile flooding us with enough newcomers to collapse our support systems.
Of -course- our rivals are financing/encouraging this crap. It is cheap chaos-seed.
You give this idiot too much credit. This poster is a fucking idiot starting with the name they chose to post under. Lovecraft would not be amused, especially considering his well known nativist beliefs.
Hey, you useless piece of shit! Where’s my beer?
I warned you before…The Old Ones are not amused by your dumfuckery.
I thought Cuntry Crock was done posting here, by its own admission?
Since you obviously can’t stand it here, why don’t you find a country more suitable to your miniature I.Q. and move there?
Link to Conservative Treehouse doesn’t work.
Also, I don’t know where the 10,000 census count comes from, but the last count I found last night was still at 7,000+/- a few hundreds.
Fixed the link, thanks for the heads up.
First beside first!
Wrong post.
My opinion counts!
So this is what a Cthulhu looks like.
“A monster of vaguely anthropoid outline, but with an octopus-like head whose face was a mass of feelers, a scaly, rubbery-looking body, prodigious claws on hind and fore feet, and long, narrow wings behind. Cthulhu has been described in appearance as resembling an octopus, a dragon and a human caricature, hundreds of meters tall, with webbed human-looking arms and legs and a pair of rudimentary wings on its back Cthulhu’s head is depicted as similar to the entirety of a gigantic octopus, with an unknown number of tentacles surrounding its supposed mouth.
In other words:
“One ugglly looking mother-duffer!
Created by horror author HP Lovecraft, a noted white supremacist asshole and douchebag nazi sympathizer. No wonder TAH’s newest radical leftist likes it so much.
Oh, that is going to leave a mark….
Squiggy, you didn’t do your homework did you….
He is running for President in 2020 as well.
I’m leaning this way.
The general theme is “Why choose a -lesser- evil?”
Some folks have WAY too much time on their hands.
It all depends and one can only hope.
My view is that if things go bad at the border and violence starts up you know damn well the media will try very hard to blame our military and then the Administration. They (the media)have a knack of placing blame where it doesn’t belong.
Having said all that…the voters in the middle, the undecideds, the weakest of the voting population may just stay home or vote for the Democrat in their district.
I got my fingers crossed. This election season is one of the most important in my lifetime.
Watch this interview Lou Dobbs and National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd.
Scroll down to the video.
Watch this interview conducted by Lou Dobbs.
Sorry guys – I didn’t think it posted successfully – I was wrong.
There is no doubt that both sides of the political spectrum are using this issue to rile up their voter base.
Chililu is correct in saying that migrants are safer when they travel in packs.
While the Military, Police and Criminals in Mexico prey on migrants the average Mexican will wish them luck and give them water or food,,, as long as they don’t try to take THEIR job.
Mexico is a shithole to travel through. They better hope they can get some sort of transport to make it the 1,000 miles plus to get to the US border.
The last I heard this big mass of people are not far into Mexico so barring mass transit it will be a while before they get to OUR border.
I have an update on that mess, for tomorrow. Stick around.
Among other things, they were offered jobs by the Mexican government and turned them down.
Check back here, 11AM Eastern time tomorrow morning.