Senator Richard Blumenthal’s FOIA results.

| October 24, 2018

We finally received a response to our Freedom of Information Act request for Senator Richard Blumenthal’s military records.  I will let you people figure out if he qualifies as a Vietnam Veteran or if he knows anything about being deployed to or near a combat zone.


Most of you probably already know what my opinion is.  I manned a desk for a while during my career…cried like a baby when they took it away.  I try not to be a Richard.

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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Reverend Pointyhead

Organized reserve medal. Promote to Senate NOW


At least he’s organized. That’s a plus.


That shows he put effort into it. That is a step up from the unorganized reserve medal. Through skill he also avoided paper cuts from licking envelopes and “most” other things.

MSG Eric

Organized Reserve Medal sounds like a participation trophy, or 1/1024th a Navy Achievement Medal.

Daisy Cutter

This is my desk. There are many like it but this one is mine.

Hack Stone

Carbon paper makes the grass grow!

2/17 Air Cav

DC. LOL. What was your desk’s name?


I put one of those steering wheels from a kids toy on my desk at an unamed defense contractor job. Had a horn that worked.

2/17 Air Cav

That’s funny. Although we have never met, it is no stretch of my imagination to see your doing that.

MSG Eric

I got a Red Swingline Stapler for my desk at work. But, that’s only because I never thought of this.


A female coworker of mine had a sign on her desk that said “sexual harassment will not be reported, but it will be scored on a scale of 1-10”.

Hack Stone

Hack Stone had a Magic 8 Ball when he was a slimy contractor in the Pentagon. And yes, it did have a calibration sticker.


Admin Man…contradiction in terms. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.


I suspect being a metrosexual soy boi is a prerequisite nowadays. Back in my day any soldier who could type and spell was in the offing for this duty position. A friend of mine was a school trained scout dog handler with the 4th ID in Vietnam. He became a REMF admin clerk because he could do both and didn’t like humping a ruck in the field with his dog. (Note: I never had one with me in the bush for more than 3 days because they always claimed they had to go back to base camp cuz the dog was overheated or something.)

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Well New Haven isn’t as bad as Bridgeport, but it’s still kind of a shithole…but it’s a bit distant from the Viet of the Nam….maybe he saw some boarded up buildings in New Haven and mis-remembered it was not an actual war zone in spite of sort of looking like one…


Nice to see the real document(s). Let’s see,
S-1, “admin man”, civil affairs, reserves, CONUS…good and necessary stuff but ludicrous to build upon that flimsy foundation a “Viet Nam veteran”…I can imagine he and Liz Warren doing the nasty because they have so much in common…and perhaps a threesome with Sniper Fire Clinton

Perry Gaskill

I’m not usually disgusted by much, but the last part of that comment was enough to make anybody spill his breakfast beer. Truly awesome in the level of depravity.

Nice work…


I don’t think the Hildabeast allows any dudes with OEM penises into her boudoir nowadays, including BJ Willie.

MSG Eric

Well, Hillary was probably doing Fauxcahontas from the front and Dick was doing her from the rear in a Pow WoW Chow Sandwich…..


Is the recipe for that sandwich in her NA cookbook? Sounds like kind of a triple-decker.


All while under sniper fire.


With “Hag Hillary”

A Proud Infidel®™️

I heard rumor that NBC’s Brian Williams has vouched for Blumenthal.


Blumenthal was on Williams’ chopper when it took fire coming in to land. Hillary was there too. Once they landed, they had to run because of the sniper fire.


Dick is still a DICK…



He probably used to say in boot camp “this is my rifle this is my gun and I don’t know how to use either one”

2/17 Air Cav

He’s a Veteran. He’s in the Senate. But he’s a D. It matters. I absolutely loved how he stepped on his own nickname during the Kavanaugh hearings when he said, “The core of why we’re here is really, credibility.”


Well, ya see, it was like, super secret agent, Agent Orange. You know, black ops. Like CIA shit or something like that. Yeah, that’s it. That’s why it’s not on the chronological record. Anyone who knows anything knows that. . .


He’s probably also a Chain Belt Kung-Fu Master!


“If I had a son, he would look like David Hogg.”

— Dickie Blumenthal


“If I had a daughter, she would look like David Hogg.”
Dickie Blumenthal


“If I had a son, he would look like Emma Gonzalez”. The Dick from Connecticut.

Keepin' It Real

There I was, knee deep in spent carbon copy paper and OCR typewriter balls.

Less than sixteen hours until FITREPS are due for signature and the stapler ran out of staples.

Position overrun.


Yeah, but if he was able to type 120 words a minute it probably sounded like incoming AK fire on those old typewriters.

What a complete and total asshole!

Good post, Dave!


Probably gets a boner with a Smith Corona.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66, ARNG 75-77

How about the typewriter ribbon spools and a bottle of ink eradicator.


You hit on the keyword, Jeff, “eradicator!”

He must have thought he was a grunt eradicator in Nam. A super-secret – records lost Superman.

Maybe we should give Dick-head a pass. What do you think?


5th/77th FA

I also manned a desk for a while. It was wooden, with multiple high capacity in boxes. Paper cuts were a clear and present danger. So was carbon stains from the flimsies. Being “in the shit” was too many strikeovers on the Morning Report. My Remington was a re-man recycled from WWII. Never saw one of the electric fed Royals, only for battalion S1 REMFs. Exposed to Agent Blue when the drum on a mimeograph machine jammed. It died in my arms making it’s last copy. Never could get any support from the Xerox troops. Caught the PTSD (pull this stupid duty) from keeping the Old Man’s coffee cup full, and the 1SG’s Jim Beam bottle away from the Supply SGT. The horror. It was almost as bad as Macho Grande. Blumenthal, appropriately names! What a dick!


What so compelling about the smell of mimeograph fluid?

Daisy Cutter

In Vietnam, grunts use to take “hits” out of their shotgun barrels used as a pipe. Hence, the term “shotgunning.” Often, they served in the front.

Back in the states, and not to put too fine a point on it… Connecticut, POGs often had empty canisters of mimeograph fluid and dried out dry erase markers around them giving birth to the term “sniffers.” A red Hitler mustache was a dead giveaway that someone was using.

If caught, a POG would be sent to the front… office. To get coffee for the XO and SgtMaj.

If they were multiple offenders, they would be encouraged to run for office.


It was the warm paper right off the drum that attracted him to the poison gas.
They tried to save him after he placed a wastebasket of discarded copies over his head but it was too late. He was already blue in the face.

charles w

They took away our staplers in Macho Grande. Not to mention our move to the basement. To this day I have a drinking problem.

2/17 Air Cav

charles w: That’s an instant classic.


That’s because you were stapling too low on the papers.

MSG Eric

Over Macho Grande?

charles w

You never get over Macho Grande.

MSG Eric

Surely you can’t be serious?!?


At least no one here seems to think they are Ethel Merman.


Yes, I am. And don’t call me Shirley.


At least no one here thinks they are Ethel Merman


Dammit double post


Is everything coming up roses?

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Mimeograph machines-When I was with Hose 1, ERFD, (1977-1982) I used to type out our Dept news letter called the “News Pumper” on those flexible plastic sheets without using the ribbon and what a pain it was until Xerox copiers came out. I use my late Aunts portable Smith Corona typewriter to type out my checks and any non online mail order stuff. I also use a Paymaster series 8500 mechanical check writing machine. And NO I don’t use a Quill feather pen as someone mentioned in one of my not so short comments.


That’s it? Unless it’s here and I missed it, I always thought he went to Germany or something and tried to pass that off as being a Vietnam veteran without the “era” due to some sort of convoluted “support” justification. This military career is more in line with “read the paper during drill weekend,” which is fine so long as you don’t make it out to be more than that.

Combat Historian

Nope, he never went overseas; not even to Germany….


Disappointed in ‘ol Dickie as well. He actually did less than I thought he did, and I was holding the standard pretty low for him.


Well, he did have the MOS necessary for doing less than we thought he did….

Combat Historian

It left off all his medals for valorous conduct awarded for participation in Opn “TOYS FOR TOTS”…


Or the year he donated a truckful of vibrators in a drive he called, “Toys for Twats”….


I hadn’t heard about that X-mas toy drive. Was it just limited to the D.C. area?


It’s AC / DC

RGR 4-78

She told me to come but I was already there.




Accidentally hit the “report comment” button, sorry.

Daisy Cutter

Accidentally… sure.

You don’t like ‘Dick.’ 😉


Not often we find someone with less to show for six years of reserve service than me. At least I can fill out a couple rows of ribbons and left my state for more than just training!


The harsh realities of war in the deep jungles of…..Connecticut?


Hey now, be fair. I don’t know about the 70’s, but New Haven today? I’d rather ride around in the Gay Pride Parade in downtown Baghdad.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

2/17 Air Cav

He was sorta near VN. When he was in Connecticut, he was 8813 miles from it–but then he got knee deep in the shit when he went to D.C. and got within 8649 miles from it. As for the combat, he may have been present during the anti-war protest when tear gas and some baton-ing was in play.


I was in Viet of the Nam during his entire AD period which I assume was just BASIC.
It’s worse than I thought.

And that photo. He hasn’t aged a bit!

Daisy Cutter

RE: “And that photo. He hasn’t aged a bit!”

I heard Dick’s secret is to swig embalming fluid.


Pact with Satan explains the aging part.

Daisy Cutter

The closest he got to Combat was when the wife sent him down to the hardware store to get some roach killer.



I have always thought the District of Criminals was overrun with cockroaches, but mostly with the two legged ones.


“I am proud to show the American people, and especially Donald Trump, that I am indeed pretty much a veteran, and the sacrifices on behalf of my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great (possibly) grandMOTHER’s (sic) service, between 300 and 1000 years ago, should not go unrecognized, or unrewarded,” Rosenthal’s press release reads.


LOL 1% veteran.


Unfortunately, this Bozo is one of my two Seantors along with equally despicable Chris Murphy. I have the misfortune of being a retired Colonel in the ultimate of “Robin Hood” states. However…..For your entertainment. This NEVER gets old!


Bet he had to change his diaper.


Now he will claim PTSD.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Pity it didn’t hit him going at 100+MPH!

RGR 4-78

Dick came thiiiiis close to getting pounded.


Six WHOLE (almost) months of active duty. Yet, he watched as the bodies were piling up left and right. Running to and fro into the fray once more to save his buddies. Cocksucking clown.


He was referring to the remains of the KFC bucket of extra crispy all-white meat chicken that one of his staffers got.

You piles up those split chix breasts, dem bones adds up!

MSG Eric

And how one of his close buddies lost an eye when they were shooting paper clips at each other waiting for the darts championship tournament to start….


Clean skivvies for the Senator, please! Probably couldn’t pound a ten penny nail up his ass with a sledge hammer when that Metro North missed his gourde by a millimeter!


Who knew you could do a whole combat tour in 5 months and change.


If I remember correctly the Marines pulled only 6 month tours in Iraq around the 05-06 timeframe when I was there. Besides that pretty much the only people who do a 5 month tour are the ones leaving country on a MEDEVAC.


A Complete F$&@@) TURD

nothing more


Okay, here’s what I got out of that long list of whatsitsname’s history:
Washington, dc
PISC (Parris Island, SC?)
New Haven, CT
Washington, DC
Job: Admin Man

Okay, he was a desk jockey. Lots of people are desk jockeys. My best job was being a desk jockey, because the paycheck was Da Bomb!
In the Navy, I was a darkroom print tech, then sat and watched color chemical levels in tubes in the Color Lab, then manned a Movieola for a while until the Yeoman left and I had to answer the phone, too, so that’s my illustrious and exciting career, and who gives a what-for about it? Not me.

I also went out to the barn after work and shoveled a lot of horse manure out of stalls to help pay my horse’s board, so I know when someone is knee-deep in it.

Blumie is up to his hips in it. As long as he keeps throwing that nonsense out, he’s just filling his own shoes with bull manure. He spent all that time as a desk jockey and a ‘yes’ man. He can stuff it.


Let’s not be too critical of those “admin men.” We even had some in the Viet of the Nam. Those orders can’t cut themselves. Even in modern warfare we cannot fight without personnel assignment and award orders. Plus, no orders, no medals or CIB’s for the warfighters.


I noticed he has a “Shapershooter” medal. What kind of shapes do they shoot in the Marines? Or is it like being a “Shape Shifter”?

Carlton G. Long

While Hollywood wouldn’t try making a movie out of the Senator’s time in the service, it would have been perfectly honorable service if he didn’t try to embellish it.


Confused….no National Defense Service Medal, which he should have qualified for, but Dickie tends to give me a headache when I’m trying to follow his “logic”


Maybe this would help…

The National Defense Service Medal is awarded for honorable active service as a member of the Armed Forces for any period between:

June 27, 1950, to July 27, 1954 (for service during the Korean War).
January 1, 1961, to August 14, 1974 (for service during the Vietnam War).
August 2, 1990, to November 30, 1995 (for service during the Gulf War).
September 11, 2001, to present (for service during the War on Terrorism).

OK however…..

Reserve members who are ordered to federal active duty, regardless of how long, may be awarded the National Defense Service Medal. Any member of the Guard or Reserves who becomes qualified for the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, Vietnam Service Medal or the Southwest Asia Service Medal after 31 December 1960, will also be qualified for the National Defense Service Medal.

The following conditions are not considered performing active service towards award of the National Defense Service Medal:

Guard and Reserve forces personnel on short tours of duty to fulfill training obligations under an inactive duty training program.
Any person on active duty for the sole purpose of undergoing a physical examination.
Any person on temporary active duty to serve on boards, courts, commissions and like organizations or on active duty for purposes other than extended active duty.

I think the last one qualifies. He was doing training April to October 1970.


Interesting if there is a picture/claim of Dick with his decorations somewhere….Internet Go!


I got my first NDSM in 92 while I was in the Guard going to basic training.


Not for reservists during the Vietnam period, unless the reservist was awarded the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal or the Vietnam Service Medal. Since Blumental’s active duty was “active duty for training,” it doesn’t count for the NDSM.


No, No, say it isn’t so. Dickie doesn’t even have the vaunted NDSM? Surely those weekend Toys for Tots drills should count for something.

MSG Eric

I groaned a little when I saw he was a member of a Civil Affairs Group, but since he was a Clerk, it is less disconcerting. But at the same time, he’s probably one of the ones who acted like a badass even though he didn’t ever do anything while the quiet professionals were busy getting the job done.


No, that’s not quite right. I was a reservist during Vietnam and was awarded the coveted NDSM without an Expeditionary Medal or the Vietnam Service Medal. Of course, I did have active duty days beyond those for training, and that is what qualified me for it. And again during Desert Storm. And a third time for being active duty on 9/11 and for days/months following.


he is such a Bernath….


Danang Dick. Stolen Valor Revisited:



Heh, Heh, Heh…😆

Check out this funny story about DaNang Dick:

“I Was In Vietnam Too: A True Story”:


Da Nang Dick survived a desk in CONUS for 6 months.

What a fucking war hero.

Stephen McCartney , M.D.

Sadly he doesn’t qualify , as a reservist, for VA benefits for the PTSD resulting from that sentinel drill weekend where there was a sudden and psychologically violent appearance of “Erase-a-Type” in the office.
Also, South Carolina is NOT the same as South Viet Nam
CAPT Bones USN (ret)


All great and worthy comments…..all I can do is add mine……FUCKING ASSCLOWN…..there I’m done.


These guys crack me up. My twin brother, cousin and I all entered the Army at the same time. My twin brother and I served honorable in Vietnam with my twin brother receiving his CIB. My cousin went to Germany and turned into a pothead. He military service was cut short as he was discharged for doing too many drugs. He did not get a full honorable discharge but was eligible for veterans cemetery burial. We he died not too many years later. You know what his headstone says on it, Vietnam. He is not a Vietnam vet. He might be a Vietnam era vet but he should not have Vietnam on his headstone like he served there.

And believe me I’m not one to put one vet over another like some clowns who say I’m a Vietnam combat vet. Vietnam on his headstone pisses me off.


I heard Dick’s PTSD is so bad that just showing him a bottle of whiteout will cause him to weep.
His safe space is a storage rental unit full of file cabinets and office supplies.

Daisy Cutter

Blumenthal had a sign sticking up from his desk that pointed in one direction and said “VIETNAM 13,816 MILES” and in another direction that said “CONNECTICUT 0 MILES”.


Wow, never left the north east US and he claims to be a Vietnam Veteran? Does that mean I can claim Green Beret status since I once talked to one?

His new nickname is DaNang “Dick” with emphasis on Dick.


Danang Dick stands proudly erect amongst the other freaks, wierdoes and pinko commie traitors of the Democrat Party.
At least he wore green clothes for some part of his life.