Top US commander in Afghanistan unharmed after attack leaves key Afghan general dead, 2 Americans wounded
The top U.S. general in Afghanistan was present during an attack Thursday that wounded two U.S. troops and killed an Afghan general who was key to holding together the many disparate political groups and security forces in southern Afghanistan.
The four-star U.S. general who leads the NATO mission to Afghanistan was present during an attack Thursday that wounded two Americans and killed an Afghan general who was key to holding together the many disparate political groups and security forces in the country’s south.
Army Gen. Scott Miller, Resolute Support commander, was present at a routine meeting with regional leaders in Kandahar, Afghanistan, when what appears to be an insider attack occurred. Kandahar police chief Gen. Abdul Raziq, a critical part of Afghanistan’s security, was targeted in the attack and killed.
“Today I lost a great friend Lt. Gen. Raziq,” Miller said via Twitter. “We had served together for many years. Afghanistan lost a patriot, my condolences to the people of Afghanistan. The good he did for Afghanistan and the Afghan people cannot be undone.”
Col. Knut Peters, a Resolute Support spokesman, told Military Times the incident took place at Kandahar Palace and was an “Afghan-on-Afghan incident.”
“Two Americans were wounded in the cross-fire and they have been medically evacuated,” Peters said.
Category: Terror War
The shooter apparently infiltrated one of the high level Afghan security teams.
The lone attacker was killed after fatally shooting Abdul Raziq and wounding several of his bodyguards, Afghan and U.S. security officials said. The attacker was reported to be a member of the provincial governor’s security team.
If we leave will the Russians come back?
I think it is China’s turn.
China needs to show some muscle beyond the folly of claiming the sea.
Have not seen them in ground battle for a few decades. Would be interesting to see if they still have the stomach for it.
Prince Miller “reportedly drew his sidearm” during the attack! Poor bastard. Thankfully, the attacker was killed by others who actually fired. One other thing. The thrust of the story is Miller. Meanwhile, two Americans were wounded. What about them? Yeah, I know, next item.
Raziq was essential to the security strategy in Kandahar province and has been the target of several attempts. Losing Raziq has long been a “worst case” event that would trigger a complete change in strategy in Kandahar moving forward.
He proudly flouted his ability to survive attempts on his life and leverage his reputation to intimidate militants by driving around in a tiger stripped vehicle.
He was regarded as one of the Afghan government’s biggest assets due to his effectiveness and a liability due to his methods.
He was seen as a hero and treated like a rockstar by the majority in Kandahar. But like most prominent figures in Afghanistan he had a lot of enemies who wanted him dead and not just amongst the Taliban.
I met him once and was at a few meetings he attended. Even have a picture of us. He was gregarious and dedicated. It was impossible not to like him despite some of his methods.
No effective leader in Afghanistan is completely a “good person”. It is not just the good that die young in Afghanistan it is also their most effective leaders.
I do not think that the Afghanistan definition of “good person” is quite the same as the American version. How’s Berkeley these days?
I “met” him too. A quick handshake.
His vehicle was about as pimped out as you could get – even had more police lights/sirens than entire American county police force.
You could tell where he was from miles away.
He was very effective. The Taliban really feared him.
Why? He didn’t (then) do obama PC games with the Taliban.
He hunted them down. Killed them. Destroyed them. Hell was coming for dinner.
obama wanted to give them jobs…
You I believe.
The insider threat is the hardest to defend against. You don’t know it’s coming until it’s there.
“I met him once and was at a few meetings he attended.”
Yeah, I believe that. Either you were serving drinks or you think that looking at his picture is the same as meeting him.
I don’t give a damn if you believe it. You have as little credibility with me as I seem to have with you.
Pipe down and just get some more ice, Cthulu.
Again, why are we still there? Understand the media, PIO types not mentioning the other wounded, spears carriers are cheap, disposable, and replaceable. Those people have been killing one another for centuries. Yeah that’s a plan, The Soviets failed, we have run our National Debt sky high, give the China Man a shot at it. They’re all about reducing their population. Line their Peoples’ Liberation Army up shoulder to shoulder and march a human wave from one end to the other. Two weeks later, the survivors (Afghani) will start killing one another again. Watched a blurb on CBS about some of this; main picture of the Afghan Army showed a long line of American Supplied HUMVEES, MRAPS, and assorted convoy vehicles, US supplied uniforms, choppers overhead, weapons ect ect ect. Enough is enough. Bring our Boys and Girls home, build up and train/equip our people to defend OUR Home Land. Prepare to repel enemies, foreign and domestic, who want to fundamentally destroy the USA. Rant subsided. (for now)
THIS^ x10,000
” a long line of American Supplied HUMVEES, MRAPS, and assorted convoy vehicles,”
Because the Taliban control most of the countryside. Sounds familiar to me.
By the way, you seem to forget that if you don’t support the mission you don’t support the troops. You must be one o’ them pinko commie pukes.
Gott darn I Love this place! Yes Sir/Ma’am, I am one of those that like to puke on commie pinkos. Thank you for noticing. I also like to pee, poop, spit, disparage, degrade,despise, and bring death upon same. Guilty as accused. Beat me hurt me, make me feel cheap. Just please, please don’t make me eat Ex’s cooking, I’m getting fat enough….Been playing catch up on TAH since my other machine died, so far up to 8 Oct postings. Similar article posted that day on GTFO of Afshitiestan. Seems like we have this conversation at least once a month. It’s a real shame that troops being deployed now were still in diapers when this started. As many of the commenters, a lot of whom have been there several times, possibly including you or yours, have stated on numerous occasions, that whole place is a no win, no how, not ever situation. History has repeated itself so many times there, and this one will be no different. I have several nieces and nephews deployed there now, and the 48th Bde GANG is getting ready to go back this January. For some, this will be their 4th trip. The Military swore that there would be no more Viet Nams. The politicians have ensured that this has become one. I really hope that after the mid terms, the Trumpster will take the leash off of Mad Dog, turn him loose with enough Air/Drone Power, knock the Talibans dicks in the dirt, get our boys and girls the phuque out, and let Afghan boys and girls continue to kill one another as they have for thousands of years. YMMV