Pelosi Unhinged

| October 19, 2018

granny mcbotoxWords fail me.

1 minute 42 seconds, fellow deplorables. We will all become ‘collateral damage’ for not blindly following San Fran Nan.

Category: WTF?

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Loon-a-Toony: The San Francisco Twat


What. The. Hell. Was. That?

Please, somebody, make her go home and stay there. My cat can make a better, more cogent speech than this rattling blob.


Paul Krugman, geez. Guy blocked me back in 2005 when I pointed out a mathematical error in one of his many hypothesis. Just a couple of examples of scum floating to the top of the pond.


WTF…. Holy shiat. Vote in November … please.

2/17 Air Cav

I am so looking forward to it.


I already voted…and smiled the whole time LOL 😉 blue wave, eat your black hearts out! 🙂


Why wait. Here in New Mexico we can vote early and often.


Ed Markey. aka “Mister Frosty” She spoke with Mister Frosty about climate change.

The only job Ed Markey ever had was driving an ice cream truck through neighborhoods selling cones to kids.

Mark Steyn had some questions for him:

The Stranger

Hey, there’s nothing wrong with being the ice cream man. Unless you’re Markey or that phony Vietnam Vet that was featured here a few years back.


He dodged the Vietnam War by hiding out in the Reserves, like it was his job.
40 freaking years, the fine-ish people of Massachusetts have been ‘represented’ by this turd.
Don’t even get me started on his SJW, Socialist, feminazi wife (who may have bigger cojones than Eddy, and she *probably* rubs them in his face, literally)

2/17 Air Cav

She begins by talking about the “need for clarity in [Pause] everything [Pause] we [Pause] do.” She then spends the next minute or so delivering a disjointed, befuddling, confusing, incoherent, and fractured series of statements that no rational person could possibly follow.


Alrighty, it looks like imma needing to issue some GFYs:
In assessing order:
-Nancy, well-worn handbag face. Retire so you can go mumblemumbles in Cuba.
-Krugman, I hate your face. That beard looks like a large ladies unkempt ‘special area’
-That mob….f*ck you guys. I don’t know if it was genuine, it doesn’t look, sound, or feel like it. Even if it is, Momma’s little adages musta slipped the f*ck out yo’ mind boxes.
You best unf*ck yourselves.


Fitzy’s GFY Megamix
WARNING: he likes a certain 4-letter f word. Like a lot.


Bella Pelosi, poster child for term limits along with the rest of the geriatric ward, er I mean senior membership of congress. I’m seriously thinking there should also be a maximum age for serving in congress, I seriously doubt that anyone intended politician at any level to be a real career choice. She’s a freaking nut, seriously in need of neuropsych testing. And Mr. Frosty (Uncle Ed the ice cream man) who crawls out from under his rock only when it’s time to campaign needs to be gone SOON, too. Congresscritters should have the same bennies as someone in the military, their pay should be the same as that of a flag officer, healthcare should be through the VA (good enough for us, good enough for them, right?) – and no more lifetime pensions for them unless they’ve earned them through other government service.

5th/77th FA

You.Have.Got.To.Be.$&^tting.Me. 1st I though I wasn’t awoke enough. Then, not enough coffee. No, wasn’t that either. Ok, my formerly excellent reading, hearing, comprehension skills blew out during the TIA back in March. Not that either. Finally realized, thru the fog of dog butt ugly (apologies to canines everywhere), it was the typical blathering of San Fran Granny Nanny Piggliosi. She, the Poster Child Picture of what is wrong with the gubmint in this Great Country of ours. Doesn’t realize that when the Socialist do arise and take over, her and her type would be the first to be executed. ESAD Bitch. Dry up and blow away. Sit down, shut up and quit trying to ruin our lives. I’ll take any or all of the above for $1,000 Alex.


She is nuts. Why does that party follow her? Why do people give her so much freaking money?


her and her freaky sister wine stain! imo hang ’em both!


I only got one thing out of that entire rambling, nonsensical monologue, “if you don’t agree with us you will become ‘collateral damage’ in our culture war.”


The mind is a terrible thing, so says Eddie Murphy in one of the funniest
SNL skits ever. Wish I could find it.

I also hope I don’t die before the midterms. I don’t want to vote Democrat.


This broad is weapon’s grade moronic.

Mark Lauer

What did she just said?

My, My, My

Well, in the background there is the 92Y. Me thinks Nanny PelPo just supplied us with a Hand Receipt of cray cray !!


There is something peculiar about the way she presents herself now, as if she isn’t really sure where she is, and certainly does not seem to be aware that her speech pattern is disjointed, confused, unintelligible and just plain weird at times.

I don’t think she’s entirely in this dimension… something like that.

Marine 0331

There is seriously something wrong with that nutbag. What shames just as much as her pinheaded rhetoric is the fact that she is from Baltimore. What a goofy-assed bitch.

2/17 Air Cav

Yep. Old Nancy’s father was a pol with close connections to organized crime. Her brother was charged with rape and got off under very questionable circumstances. The stink of her family name D’Alesandro no doubt helped her abandon it and Maryland as well.

E4 Mafia For Life.

She cannot hold a candle to the most distinguished speach of Ms. South Carolina 2007.

“I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some, uh, people out there in our nation don’t have maps and, uh, I believe that our education like such as in South Africa and, uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and, I believe that they should, our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., uh, or, uh, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future [for our children].”
-Caitlin Upton