Weekend Open Thread

| October 19, 2018

Well, looks like it’s almost time to go on the road again. This one will be a short trip time-wise, though unlike the last this one was both expected and planned some time ago.

So today’s WOT will be a relatively short one as well – at least the part I’m writing. (smile)

Today’s (hopefully) amusing and amazing aviation anecdote comes to you courtesy of longtime TAH reader and commenter GDContractor. Original attribution for the text is to an individual named Andy Rawson.

The story which follows references a video link and a photo. The referenced video link can be found here.

I don’t have a link to the precise photo referenced in the text below, nor do I have a copy of the photo. However, links to photos of the two trainer aircraft referenced have been inserted into that text. The text is otherwise as I received it.

For those interested, here’s a photo of the aircraft that’s the primary subject of this story, the English Electric Lightning F1:

“OK. Airplane story time! Link to a video in comments that tells the whole story.

So once upon a time, there was a British aircraft maintainer (he was a civilian at the time but was RAF prior service), named Wing Commander Taffy Holden. He commanded a service and replacement group staffed by civilians that they wanted to close down, and they had one trouble. One sick English Electric Lightning F1. After they fixed it and sent it off, the unit was to be disbanded.

So they got a test pilot, who hadn’t been able to help them during the time he was available, and there were no more available for at least a week.

So WC Holden had a bright idea. He had served as an engineer, but had been through basic flight training during his service in WW2. He had trained on that biplane in the picture there. DH 82 Tiger Moth, and the DHC 1 Chipmunk, a monoplane trainer. Both of these are, how shall we say, safe, calm, forgiving aircraft. He’s a pilot. They only wanted to taxi the aircraft to run tests on the electrical systems, which is where the problem was. So they dragged this supersonic beast out to a closed runway, he hopped in, and had a quick briefing on how to start the engines and work the throttles, because he couldn’t figure out how to start a jet, never having flown one.

Because he was only going to taxi 30 -40 yards, the canopy was removed, and Holden wasn’t wearing a helmet.

So he cranks it up, gets ready, and opens the throttles. He has some trouble with the brakes, so the plane doesn’t move, so he cranked it up a bit more. All the way through the stop to “reheat”, which is gated to keep it in afterburner. At this point he is sitting in a rocket that can climb to altitude almost vertically.

So he shoots off down this closed runway, misses a truck, crosses an active runway, also missing a DH Comet taking off, and starts to run out of tarmac. So he has to take off. Which the aircraft wants to do at this point. Once he’s past the ground hazards, he remembers how to disable the afterburners, but he has no helmet, no radio, and no canopy. Oh, and the ejection seat is still safed, so it doesn’t work either. On his third try, he manages to get it down, only breaking the box that holds the drogue chute because he landed it like a taildragger, He managed to get it stopped with 100yd of runway left.

Oddly enough, he isn’t charged or censured in any way, because the aircraft wasn’t seriously damaged. And he went from aircraft whose top speeds are like 120mph to one whose top speed was 1300+ MPH successfully with zero training.”

WC Holden was one lucky man, indeed.

Enjoy the WOT, everyone. And have a great weekend.

Category: Open thread, YGBSM!!

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Commissioner Wretched


Wilted Willy

Congrats CW, enjoy your week on the coveted WOT throne, I myself was tied up on a conference call. Sometimes work just gets in the way!
Have a great weekend dickweeds and deplorables!
I love you all!!!!!

Commissioner Wretched

Thanks, Willy! Hope all is well!



Commissioner Wretched

As they say in France, “Mercy buckets.”




I bow to Commissioner Wretched and attribute my coming in second to fat thumbs. Congratulations, Commissioner Wretched.

Commissioner Wretched

You are most kind, Chief … and I graciously accept.


holy shit I’m early!


eliminating duplicate posts, I am 3rd… not bad for someone who doesn’t try.

Spending the morning going through books to see what can be gotten rid of. Turns out almost all have been pared down to ‘old friends’ and I can only let go 83. So much for saving space…

Re. the aircraft story…maybe he shoulda had the chocks moved first.

Former EM1/SS

top ten. Yay me! Participation trophies all around


Good for you. Now go do quarterlies on the MG sets.

And digging into the Wayback Machine, “Shutdown Reactor Operator, contact Maneuvering.”

Especially hilarious when you heard THREE clicks on the 1MC from Topside.


Third, and you’re either a pilot, or you’re not and you end up in a 750-foot trail of debris.


Okay, FIFTH.

5th/77th FA

4rd? Really?

5th/77th FA

Top 6rd/9fh at least. Happy upcoming weekend Brothers and Sisters. Let me check out the article and I’ll be back with ya!

Commissioner Wretched

With little else to do now that I’ve re-claimed the coveted First in the WOT, I’ll just leave this week’s column for all to enjoy (or not, as you choose). I’m off to rest on my laurels. (A hardy thing to do.) DID YOU KNOW…? Did someone really design a roller coaster to kill people? By Commissioner Wretched Halloween is right around the corner! When I was a little boy, it was one of the best holidays in the year. I got to dress up as whatever I wanted (I can recall in 1968 dressing up as The Green Hornet) and go from house to house, collecting candy with my brother and sister and our parents. Back then, of course, we stayed in our little two-block neighborhood in Chicago and only went to the houses of everybody we knew. And we were never disappointed with our candy “take” for the evening, either. My siblings and I would share and share alike … yet somehow, I always ended up with the marshmallow peanut things and the candy corn, which nobody else liked. The lesson there was a simple one: If you eat enough of anything you will grow to like it. We live in a vastly different world now, sad to say. Trick-or-treat is discouraged because of safety concerns for the kids. Costumes can’t have masks and don’t make a lot of sense anyway. And now it’s not going door to door, it’s getting in the car and going neighborhood to neighborhood to extort candy from the residents. Oh, for the simpler times! And the simpler things, like trivia. Here’s this week’s installment … drop an e-mail if you like to didyouknowcolumn@gmail.com and I’ll reply. Try not to be scared, but here’s this week’s trivia! Did you know … … a roller coaster has been designed with the express purpose of killing its riders? The Euthanasia Coaster, a design by Julijonas Urbonas (born 1978), Ph.D. candidate at the Royal College of Art in London, subjects potential riders to a force of 10 times the pull of gravity in a single minute, spinning… Read more »


I’m glad that day care center switched to Fred and Barney instead of keeping the rodentia. My cat Miss Punkin Squawkypants is a supreme mousekiller with a kill total of 5 rodents to date, and would have gladly gone down there to clear the place out.

Commissioner Wretched

Miss Punkin has five more kills than my cat, Sassy Lassie … and that could be because I live in a second-floor apartment and mice are afraid of heights, but I can’t be sure.

5th/77th FA

Congrats CW for the earned, never awarded coveted FIRST (again) WOT. Aw Beg-o-ween, a joyful holiday full of free candy and scare the beezubus out of as many as possible. Do a haunted front porch thing at the old renovated 1838 farmhouse, uniformed as a bloody, lynched (with rope on neck) sherman’s bummer. Two (2) bubbling cauldrons ready for “my guests for dinner.” Can we arrange for free roller coaster rides for the dims? Maybe that would cure their TARDO symptoms. Had an ex gf born in Nov, felt there was something odd about her, left immediately after mating each time, she had that black widow spider/preying mantis thing going on. My Baby Sister is a Nov birth, she has pigs so I can’t attest to any bodies found. Never liked that dirty rat Mickey, he cheated on Minnie with Daisy Duck and he along with Pluto wanted to get goofy with uranus. Prefered the age old question of Wilma or Betty fantasy. Preceded the whole Ginger/Mary Ann thing. My feline furbabies got real lazy when a Lady Friend started bringing them massive amount of treats. You keep up the good work, really enjoy your columns.


Wifes cat has competition from my ad my sons pups… Mao-Mao can’t quite keep u with Moose and Azure… they all have kills numbers 5-10, though moose is only 5 months old… wife came upstairs last week, and wondered what two dogs were fighting over.. turned out to be half a mouse… lol

Commissioner Wretched

That means a lot to me! Thank you, or as they say in Germany, “Donkey shine.”



With a total of 5 confirmed kills, your Miss Punkin Squawkypants is now officially an ACE. Congratulations!

Now you’ll have to go out and buy her some sunglasses and a big watch.

Sierra Hotel!


The hoaxters also said that Redheads will also be extinct at some point in time, about 200 years.
I’m deathly allergic to Redheads, soesn’t mean I don’t like them, I just act like an idiot whenever I get involved with one…
I break out all over the place, like Fon Du Lac, Des Moines, Houston, Cincinnati, Waukesha, Madison WI….
It’s just not pretty…..
With that in mind, I will state that I haven’t gotten involved with one except for the young beautiful Redhead that hit my car…..
She was very nice and I was nice right back to her. She told me if I wasn’t really nice to her she would put a Redhead Hex on me !!!
I have no idea what that might be, but I was instantly terrified and stayed just as nice as I could possibly be !!!!!
BTW 69’th or something like that !!!


6th? Best ever for me

BlueCord Dad

5th or 6th! Top Ten anyway! HOOAH!
Pardon my excitement. I don’t get out much 🙂

BlueCord Dad

Ok. Maybe 8th. Still good tho!


Has anyone heard from Frankie Cee? I think he lives pretty close to where the hurricane landed last week.

2/17 Air Cav

Yeah, he reported in. He’s good.


Good? Dude, a lawn chair up ended and blue across his deck. Show some compassion!

RGR 4-78

Emailed him as the hurricane was about to hit, he was 100+ miles west of the center of the storm, he got a lot of rain but came thru okay.

Wilted Willy

Nope, I haven’t heard a word out of him, and yes, he was dead center of that damn storm! I am praying the Frankie is all well and good? Knowing him, he is probably out helping everyone in the area? Frankie, if you are out there, please let us know you are ok?
We miss you and our weekly update on good old Kyle!!


He’s been pretty active on Facebook and reported zero damage to him and his property.


That had been my first thought, that if we was not having to deal with his own mess that he might be ought helping someone else deal with theirs.

Glad to hear that he’s Ok. Rough weather tends to get the snakes moving.

Frankie Cee

Thanks for the concern everyone. Yes, as mentioned, I was 100+ miles West of the center of the storm. Got a couple inches of rain, wind gusts to maybe 25 MPH, and that was it. Since then, I have been doing some online coordinating to help, and taking care of things here at the farm. With all the menfolk in the area, busy helping the storm victims, someone has to comfort and console the wives and girlfriends. Willing to go above and beyond,I have volunteered my services to that effort. One of the ladies was heard saying that I was a sly talkier. I guess that makes me a “Cunning Linguist”, eh?
All in all, I am in good health, enjoying life, and hitting my range nearly daily, to maintain my proficiency. I am able to put 3 groups of 13 rounds each from my 22 Henry Carbine, in a 4 inch group from 75 yards, using a $25 Walmart Bushnell scope that is broken. From 50 yards, using open sights I can do as well. Not bad for someone who has made 78laps around the sun.


Have a great weekend y’all!
Back to work for this guy!


I’m a little late with the following thoughts, but sometimes it takes more time to come up with this quality of information to share with the masses.
RE: Kavanaugh
1. If this was so serious as it has been made out to be, he would have been prosecuted when he was 16 or 17 and the records would have been sealed since he was a minor.
2. I think I figured out what his “if the glove don’t fit, you
must acquit ” moment would have been. After seeing too many of these #me too statements, I realized that the answer was right in front of our noses all along…. 35 years ago, this would not be read as ‘hashtag’ rather, pound me, too. This evokes consent in my book.
Eager to hear your feedback.

2/17 Air Cav

“Eager to hear your feedback.”

I’m 36, with an hourglass figure and long strawberry blond hair. I like ballroom dancing, good fiction, an occasional glass of wine, and screwing in public places.



5th/77th FA

you’re pushed pass 63, goodyear blimp figure, bald patchy gray, you like the Airborne Shuffle, a this is no shit/there I was, distilled stump water, and getting screwed up in public places. FIFY (grins, ducks, rolls, dodges thrown long neck bottles)

2/17 Air Cav

Hey! (That’s all I got.)


What’s your sign?

2/17 Air Cav

For you, STOP. (You knew damn well that was coming.)

5th/77th FA

Dangerous Intersection or Dip in Road. your choice.


Slippery When Wet


The Scottish hairy coo ?

RGR 4-78

I don’t even know what that is and it is funny.


Present. 39teenth I think

Combat Historian

Ah, the BAC Lightning, Britain’s first supersonic fighter interceptor that is now pretty much completely forgotten except by air enthusiasts and historians. The Brits kept them operational all the way until the mid 1980s, when they were replaced by the MRCA Tornado ADV version…


Pfffttt. Not first.

2/17 Air Cav

I have been asking why we, as a nation, are supposed to give a shit b/c some Saudi national walked into the Saudi embassy in Turkey and was probably left there in a whole lot of double-zipper gallon baggies. In asking the question more than once over the course of a week, I never did receive an answer. I took that as a “Beats me” response. Today, some one else is asking the same question and, I swear, I could have written more than a few lines in the piece:

“So why are we supposed to care so much about this particular human life that our extreme caring will blow up Trump’s Middle East policy, a policy that actually seems to be working…?


I see.

Because Khashoggi was a journalist, a sacred journalist practicing the sacred art of journalism at the sacred left-wing temple of the Washington Post — and this is why his life matters so much more than any other.

Sorry, no.”


RGR 4-78

Journalistic slight of hand.


I guess that Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods should have just identified as journalists, and the LSM would have actually given a shit that they were killed?

5th/77th FA

Because we have ZERO (0) shits, phuques, damns, ratz asses ect ad naseum left to give. Y’all noticed that L. Graham jumped on that band wagon?


They didn’t count with the corrupt msm/lsm because they were busy pushing 0’s fake news that the deaths of these brave Americans were caused by a video and islamophobia.


To bludgeon Trump, of course.


Hey! I responded to your blasted question! When you asked it the first time, but not the second time.

As it turns out, my answer wasn’t all that wrong. The left wants us to believe that their precious journalist, who consistently wrote bad things about his Prince, the one who is trying to bring his country into the 20th century, and maybe even eventually into the 21st century, is just an ordinary guy. Turns out that he’s really one of those radical guys instead.

What we don’t seem to be hearing is that he is part of the Muslim Brotherhood. Don’t they oppose the House of Saud? Does this look like a major set up? Purpose being to destroy the alliance, tenuous as it may be, between us an them. Silicone valley has already cancelled talks they were having to expand into Saudi Arabia. So, it seems to be working.

So, yes, we really should care about another in a continuing series of strange events being played out, all designed to bring down Trump. Weird stuff.

2/17 Air Cav

Sorry, I didn’t miss it but I did forget about it. I guess that still makes me bad, just for a different reason.

2/17 Air Cav

“[H]e was not just another Saudi, not just another brave journalist.”

So wrote some AP reporter about WhatsHisName, the Saudi. I can’t help but wonder how many brave US servicemen she wrote about over the years.


‘sOK. All this crap is pretty forgettable, except that the terrorists (make own guess who they might be) are so dangerous.


I agree that this is just another leftard media move to damage Trump and his administration. The now admittedly dead guy was a Muslim Botherhood Salafist. That and the fact that he wrote for the lying WP makes me not care one whit, as his death is just another propaganda tool for the proggies.


For perspective, how many Mexican journalists have been killed by the drug Cartels just last year?
Answer- lots.
MSM air time- who?


Beyond the journalism aspect, Khashoggi was a lawful permanent resident living in Virginia. I guess the “give-a-crap” meter rests with how one views the standing of US LPRs in correlation with citizens. So when a foreign dictator murders a legal US resident for political reasons (free speech is a fundamental American value), particularly inside an embassy compound, to me that’s different from typical dictator MO. This stuff also is becoming more brazen (see Russia using nerve agent on UK based former spy his daughter, and inadvertently murdering innocent British lady). So my view is how much of these shenanigans do we tolerate before we are forced to care?

2/17 Air Cav

I tend to believe that his being a journalist is the sole reason for the hubbub and that whatever Trump says or does regarding the case will be attacked. Meanwhile, I haven’t seen that any US news outlets have pulled their reporters from Saudi in protest. Perhaps I missed that. I’ll keep looking.

2/17 Air Cav

For anyone interested, here is the trade’s go-to site for facts and figures on journalist deaths and censorship.



Somewhere in the middle 30’s.




And the scamming’ continues: Your Navy Navy captain charged with steering defense contracts to her own company By: Geoff Ziezulewicz   19 hours ago 3.9K Capt. Heather Cole, then-commander of Strategic Communications Wing 1 and Task Force 124, listens in during a 2014 briefing at Tinker Air Force Base. (Navy) Once a key link between the White House and America’s secret nuclear strike force, a Navy captain now faces court-martial for allegedly steering defense contracts to a company she founded. Military authorities accuse Capt. Heather E. Cole of failing to disclose her active duty military status while negotiating nearly $635,000 worth of contracts for her Oklahoma-based manufacturing firm, Worksaver Material Handling Equipment Company, Inc., between 2002 and 2015, according to charge sheets released to Navy Times. She was ordered to a general court-martial on June 26. Cole, 53, of Shawnee, Oklahoma, has pleaded not guilty. Her criminal conspiracy charges are tied to five Marine Corps contracts, two Defense Logistics Agency deals and one Air Force order given to Worksaver between 2002 and 2013. Prosecutors also contend that Cole lied in 2012 to a Navy legal officer by claiming she was a non-participating partner in Worksaver, that her firm received a waiver to do business with the federal government and also never did business with the Navy, according to the legal filings. Other charges allege that she misused both “U.S. Government aircraft without proper authorization” in 2014 and 2015 and her military communication system and equipment in 2013. A Navy Times analysis of all federal transactions with Worksaver found 237 purchase orders, definitive contracts and modifications worth more than $6.2 million for equipment bought by the Navy, Army, Air Force, Defense Logistics Agency and the Defense Contract Management Agency between April 12, 2000 and June 11, 2018. But Cole’s charging documents reveal that Naval Criminal Investigative Service investigators focused largely on Worksaver orders negotiated while Cole served in a string of Navy units linked to U.S. Strategic Command at Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma, a 40-minute drive from Worksaver’s headquarters in Shawnee. She was fired as commander of the Navy’s… Read more »


$635,000 is even a rounding error in the military budget. She risked all she had achieved for chump change.


“When it comes to defrauding the U.S. Navy, go big or go home.”

– Fat Leonard

Mark Lauer

As a Marine I can always find the silver lining when someone sticks it to the Navy. But for God’s sake; at least go for SEVEN figures.


“Navy Times found that one 2005 construction equipment order for $3,850 involved “nuclear bombs,” according to a summary of the Defense Logistics Agency contract.”

Uh – what? “nuclear bombs”?? What???

What went on there?

Mark Lauer

If I remember right, “nuclear bombs” was the code name for “hookers”


Thanks Hondo, I figured that story would be interesting to you and the associated miscreant and dickweed community at large. Thanks also to my “Hondo relay”, you know who ya are.

Andy Rawson is a good dude and milvet. Perhaps he will check in.

I found this Singer 1911 yesterday and thought of Jonn.


However, an acquaintance and 1911 expert had this to say “Wrong barrel, wrong grips, refinished I have serious reservations on the left side roll marks. They just don’t exactly match known examples,,,,,good luck on buying this to appreciate in value like other Singers.”

If you dickweed want to peruse 4 pages of a bangstick auction, there’s some interesting stuff here…most of it military/vintage.



I did not know Singer serial numbers had a prefix.

My all original Colt is devalued due to a H.S. replacement barrel. Common.


There are old pilots, and there are bold pilots. There are no old, bold pilots. And the Brits make some gawd-awful looking aircraft.
raf fairey gannetRAF Fairey Gannet


Pilot to LSO (always sounding cool on the radio, of course):

“Tub Thumper 764, Gannet, ball, state one point four”

Concurrently, the two GIBs (Guys In Back) to the pilot on ICS:

“Fer gawd’s sake ye wanker, will ye stop muckin’ about and just land this bloody crate! We can’t see out, it’s hot, it reeks o’ fuel, hydraulic fluid, and stale piss, and we’re about heavin’ back in here! And don’t ye dare bolter!”


You forgot the cordite fumes from the sonobuoy launcher. Other than that, spot on!

I saw one on static display up in Nordholz. They’re even uglier in person. Warlike name, too. *rolls eyes*

RGR 4-78

“Warlike name, too.”

Gay sea bird?

You are correct, sir. 😉


Present, unaccountable, and late to the party again.

Despite a head cold, all is well in the GB Compound.

And remember, only vexatious litigants are allowed to fly below 0 angels.

The rest of you have a great weekend.


Has anybody seen/read about the vet, Alfred Pick in Texas that got busted with an M-14 that had a defaced serial number. He is claiming POW status (short duration) in Vietnam. I don’t know if he is legit on not.

2/17 Air Cav

Yeah, I read that and then checked with the US AG’s site and the ATF site for their news blurbs. Neither mentioned him–yet. Seven years for a cased M14 w/ an obliterated serial number. I suspect there’s more to the story b/c there were other ways of handling the matter than through prosecution and, if not, the seven years is a tad much, in my view.

2/17 Air Cav

He did receive the Silver Star. Here’s the citation: https://valor.militarytimes.com/hero/95811
Also, everything that was reported came not from him but from his atty. Enough said on that.

2/17 Air Cav

One other thing. The circumstance under which the M14 was made known to LE was not specified. I have to wonder who he pissed off that they ratted him out. I also read that marijuana was confiscated when the warrant was executed.

2/17 Air Cav

Another one other thing. His name foes not appear on any POW listing.


That’s were I have digging also.
I was thinking of story time at the VFW got out of hand for him.


2/17, likely he had a “friend” who was facing some hard time for one federal felony, or another. So, his “friend” gave him up to the BATFE.
And, the M-14 is a machine gun, by definition.


Unless it had the receiver mod to accept the selector switch, the M-14 is semi-auto only.


It was likely an M14E2, which is select fire, and which is the worst select-fire rifle ever adopted by the Army.


Alfred Pick’s daughter turned him in:


On his Linkedin page, he said he received an Air Medal in 1969 for over 100 combat missions…and that he was shot down. Perhaps that is where the “POW for a short time” story came in.

Looks as if he admiited to stealing that weapon from the Army instead of buying it..which could explain the scratched off serial numbers.

Ironically and sadly, the CBS Dallas/Fort Worth News Station that initially carried the story is the same station that reported Michael “Killer” Killam of Tarrant, Texas, as a Vietnam POW.

Pike is now a Number in the Texas prison system. There is a petition to the White House to have him pardon, because he was a “Hero.”

The other thing is on the day credited to his Silver Star, a SP4 did a bit more than Pike; the SP4 received a DSC because he sacrificed his life that day in 1968.

Don’t care Pick received a Silver Star. What he did to his daughter was disgusting. More disgusting than embellishing his time in Vietnam.

rgr769 can relate to this: Pike & Cayton. Both received SS in Vietnam. Both lied about being POWs.

2/17 Air Cav

Bingo. Thanks for the update. The initial news account was like the stink wafting from Pepe Le Pew. This story better explains it.


His daughter said Pick sexually abused her from age 4-17.
His own daughter.
With this news out, wonder how that White House petition is going.

Haywire Angel

Happy weekend everyone!!

Holden Magroin

So, Hawaii is now tracking down AirBnB owners that don’t pay lodging taxes.


Normally, I’d view this as a bad thing but, in this case….

…our favorite grifter act-a-like, stolen valor thief, balls worker, taint taster, and mother money stealing Alaska Elder Fraud settlement chump, Adam Appel of Pahoa, HI and Anchorage, AK, also apparently is a Hawaii AirBnB host. Hawaii online tax records indicate that the house is owned by Adam Appel and his *ahem* “beautiful” squaw.

https://airbnb.com/rooms/13863011?adults=1&children=0&infants=0 (note the comments about the owner, Adam, and his photo appears in the owner photos)

With 7 bedrooms close to the beach, running a street medic non-profit (registered to the same address) must be VERY lucrative. Of course there is always the possibility of all this being ill-gotten gains from a guy that has little education, no family money other than than that sued for by hi mother in Elder Fraud court, a flimsy job history, and an outdoor “bouncy house” rental business in the year round window of available climate in Anchorage, AK.

Such a stand-up guy means that, of course, he’s paying his lodging taxes on his AirBnB rental and claiming the business that he’s running out of the same property. I guess that only time will tell….

I wouldn’t be surprised if the tax authorities and IRS have already received a packet but what do I know



First in my heart!

Frankie Cee

In less than two weeks, Piece of Shit Poser, Kyle Christopher Barwan, dob 1/1/1990 will be out of prison, and most likely, back at his scamming on Social Media, game sites, dating sites, etc. We can help those who have the good sense to gooooooogle him before getting taken by him. If we would leave comments, mentioning his name, (once per comment is enough), then we will keep him fresh at Gooogle.
He is now down in South Florida at the Avon Park Work Camp, dodging pythons during the day, and “Black Snakes” during the night.

2/17 Air Cav

This is a scream. A women’s world cycling championship was recently won by a Canadian man and the bronze medalist, an American female, was upset. The man, a transgender, is also a college professor in Canadia. If you think it unfair that a man can compete in sports with women, you are, according to the confused professor, a transphobic bigot. Jebeebus.


Had he already had the operation, or was he just biking in drag?


Not sure on the surgery, Ex. But, I did read somewhere that he “identifies” as female, so es ist alles gut!!

Bill M

Finally present, somewhat presentable, totally irresponsible.

Bill M

And First on Saturday!!!!

fsckity fsck

John Giduck – the turd with a face!

fsckity fsck

Cori LeCinda Pierce – the turd who defrauds with a dog!

“They will eventually get it out of their systems”
She doesn’t know us very well.

Hack Stone

As long as the subject of turds is being addressed, has anyone heard anything new on Thomas “Turd” Bolling of Ambassador Worldwide Protection Agency? Hack Stone just entered the company name into Bing, and when you click on the link to the company website, it takes you to a page selling Viagra knockoffs. First, the link to a proud but humble woman owned business formerly located on Wilson Lane in Bethesda MD goes dead, and now AWPA. Makes Hack wonder when the All Points Logistics page will go poof.

Fsckity Fsck

Turds, all!

2/17 Air Cav

The football report: Army went to OT to get its win today. Navy is in the 2nd quarter and in a tight game.

2/17 Air Cav

Update: There’s about 3 1/2 mins remaining and if the Middies can hold ’em and score 24 pts, they will still lose.


And lose they did. Season so far:

Army 5-2

Navy 2-5


5th/77th FA

And the 8 December 2018 dates just keeps getting closer and closer. Go Army!! Beat Navy!!

2/17 Air Cav

Enjoy, fellas. It didn’t seem like Navy would ever lose. Too many years of winning…and then…2016…and then…2017. The goat lovers lost their mojo. Navy faces #3 Notre Dame next week. Put that in the loss column, followed by Cincinnati (6-1), which is most likely a loss, too. If you combine Air Force wins this year with Navy wins, they equal Army’s wins. No, for me it is not alone enough that Army takes the trophy again. I want those Middies hoping their bus breaks down on the way to the best damn football game in America: Army v. Navy.


Go Army! Beat Navy!


2/17 Air Cav


2/17 Air Cav

Gender sanity may be making a return to a gov’t office near you. The Trump administration is prepared to scrap the pick-a-gender, any gender policy of his immediate predecessor in office. The new standard will be science based. Well, the Left just loves them some science, so the Left must be in favor of this. Not. The new standard that sticks will be the gender of an individual at or before birth. Imagine that.