Secret Squirrel Code Talkers

| October 12, 2018

I have been fascinated by Secret Squirrel Code Talk for a long time. In fact, it is so fascinating that I wondered if it was even vaguely possible to develop a new Secret Squirrel Code to throw off the Bad Guys, whether they are Splodeydopes or 6-limbed critters with a third eye in the middle of their foreheads. (It’s for aiming the megalaser guns they stole from the Fleet factory on Dionysius 11B Central.)

So I worked on it for a while, and came up with a few things, and then realized that there are amazingly talented people in the TAH viewing audience who can quite easily create Secret Squirrel Code Talk in a heartbeat.

Here’s my contribution for starters.

Note to Chef d’Équipe:

We’re ordering 30 pounds of onions, 30 pounds of potatoes and 4 cartons of tabasco for dinner

Translation: we’re dropping 30 bumpers of conventional bombs and 15 MOABs plus 4 incendiary bombing runs

Is there any smell with those onions? Negative. We provide only the best materials when we have dinner guests.

Translation: are any of those bombs loaded with nerve gas or chemicals? Negative. All are non-chem and clean.


5 lb potatoes – all red, no russets – carpet bombing 5 runs

5 bottles of McIlhenny hot sauce – incendiary bombing 5 runs

Cooking spray – 6 cartons – 6 squads of fighter-bombers or for land forces, 6 brigades of heavy artillery-based infantry

Who’s jumping out of the cake at the end?  Yo mama! – Nuke mines are planted and primed. Get the hell out of that valley now.

= = = = =

Now it’s your turn, and it does not have to involve food. It could be beer or whiskey, volcanoes, fishing expeditions – you name it, it’s good.

I’m a strong believer in full, front participation in these War Games quizlets, so have a good time.

No, I don’t know where Waldo is, either, but if you take a hint, he might be up the street at Joe’s Bar & Grille. Remember, somebody might be listening! They may only look like the sparrows next door.

Category: Usual Suspects

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Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Love it. You have a Sbaros pizzaria next door??


Is that the Grumpier old men’s “ristarante”?

Doc Savage

I dont think I want seconds on ‘taters….can I arrange to have them sent to my ex-wife?

Doc Savage

Old addy…..she got everything, including the house.

And the mortgage. 🙂


(Call to Norm Abrahm (This Old House))

“Hey Norm!”

“Myself and four other helpers will be coming over to your project at 1:15 pm with the 5 pounds of nails, 4 blow torches and 2 bags of concrete that you ordered. Make sure that you all have your hardhats on.

If you need a clean-up crew, let me know.”

We will be sending five carpet bomb runs, followed by four napalm drops and finishing up with two MOABs.

Have your men keep their heads down and under cover, it’s going to be a blast!

If you need additional mop-up support, radio me.


To speak in code to a lefty all you have to do is say, “Trump is doing a great job.” At that point, the wailing and screaming begins and they won’t hear anything you say after that.


-that- is like playing Slim Whitman for Martians.


“I’m a strong believer in full, front participation” – there are so many here who are glad you are going full frontal.

Slow Joe

Oh, I get it.

Hahaha. Excellent.
Pictures pleez.


You crack me up Ex, thanks for the laugh.


I was not arty but listened to quite a bit of radio chatter concerning fire missions and ocassionally heard HE refered to as Ham and Eggs.

Slow Joe

I don’t like this type of code talk. It is not clear, concise and to the point, as required by military doctrine.

I see too major problems with it. It can be easily understood by the enemy, and easily misunderstood by friendlies.

I say we keep using frequency hop and cypher text over secure nets.


Back in the day, Navy fliers came up with the “Falcon Code” to express observations and comment on the numerous evolutions encountered while flying missions in military aircraft. I believe it predates the term “Blue Falcon” but the meaning is not lost in the code. The Brits picked up on the Falcon Code pretty quickly, and added their one stamp to the mix. Without further ado, The Falcon Code Usage: typically via voice radio or ICS, e.g. ‘Falcon one one five.’ Code Meaning 1 Sheeeeit! 10 Shit Hot! 100 If CAG saw that, he’d shit! 101 You’ve gotta be shitting me! 102 Get off my fucking back! 103 Beats the shit outta me 104 WTFO 105 It’s so fuckin’ bad, I can’t believe it! 106 I hate this fuckin’ place 107 This place sucks 108 Fuck you very much 109 That gawd damned SOB 110 Beautiful, just fuckin’ beautiful 111 Here comes another fuckin’ CAG brainstorm 112 BFD (Big Fuckin’ Deal) 113 Let me talk to that SOB 114 Get your shit together! 115 You bet your sweet ass 116 Fuck it 117 I love you so much I could just shit! 118 WETSU 119 Get this aircraft out of Delta; it has more fuckin’ down gripes than the USS Arizona. 120 That’s a no-no 121 That gawd damned O-Club 122 You piss me off! 123 Fuck off, mate 124 FUBAR 135 Adios, Motherfucker 136 If you ask me for a low pass one more time, you’re not gonna get launched for a week! 137 You may NOT have any fuckin’ fuel! 139 I have a prostate over-pressure light 140 COMEX, motherfucker 141 That motherfuckin’ CIC is dreaming again 142 The fuckin’ helos are all fucked up. 143 It’s the Air Boss’s fault 202 You may not like the fuckin’ staff, but the staff likes fuckin’ you! 221 Fuck you and the horse you rode in on! 223 Get your head out of your ass 224 You say ‘I don’t know’ one more time and I’m gonna shove a sonobuoy up your ass! 225 You must have shit for brains!… Read more »


“Due to the danger of the Germans intercepting our signals, an elaborate code had been devised. For instance, if Battery A telephoned headquarters and said, ‘Send up two packs of cigarettes’; it meant that Battery A had run out of smokes and was on the bum again.”

Charles MacArthur, “War Bugs”.