Weekend Open Thread

| November 16, 2018

Yeah, I know Top Gun was (as far as accuracy goes) pretty much crap. But there’s one scene in the movie I absolutely love – because I’m convinced it’s based, somewhat loosely, on a real event.

My spouse and I saw the movie when it came out 30+ years ago. And I spent a lot of my youth as well as part of my early Army career around Army aviators – so I think I understand the aviator mindset fairly well.

One scene in the movie had me LMAO. Here’s a still:

As soon as I stopped laughing, my first thought was: “That has to be based on a real event.” But at the time I had no idea what that event was, and I wasn’t sure I’d ever find out any details of the real event that inspired it.

Fast forward 15+ years. I was reading a book; it was Ben Rich’s Skunk Works – his autobiography focusing on his years at Lockheed’s Advanced Development Projects Division (AKA the Lockheed “Skunk Works”). A couple of chapters in the book are devoted to accounts from or about U-2, SR-71, and F-117A pilots and missions (all three aircraft were Skunk Works products – as were the P-38, the P-80, the F-104 and several other aircraft).

One of those firsthand SR-71 accounts was attributed to a Lt. Col. William Burk, Jr., USAF. It recounts a mission over Lebanon in late 1982, after the Beirut Marine Barracks bombing. Burk was the pilot for the mission.

The flight originated at RAF Mildenhall. At the time, the French wouldn’t give the US clearance to overfly France, so the mission’s route was planned to go via the Straits of Gibraltar.

The outbound leg and overflight of Beirut went well, though not without a bit of high APF time (they were tracked by a Syrian SA-5 during the mission). However, while in the Western Mediterranean on the return leg Burk got a low oil pressure indication on one engine.

The engine appeared to be operating properly, but he shut it down anyway. As the pilot, since he was now flying on one engine Burk decided to take the short way home (e.g., to cross France) instead of going home the long way via Gibralter.

He and his Recon Systems Officer had nearly finished crossing France and were nearing the English Channel. At that point, they were intercepted by a French Mirage.

The French pilot came up on the radio and asked them for their diplomatic clearance number. Per Burk, the Mirage was about 10 feet off his left wing at the time.

Burk had no idea what the man was talking about. So he told the French pilot to hold fast, while he checked with his RSO.

He asked his RSO if he knew what the French pilot was talking about. His RSO’s reply: “Don’t worry about it, I just gave it to him.”

Burk’s RSO had given the French pilot the finger out of his side window. At that point, Burk’s account says he “lit the afterburners and left that Mirage standing still” – and was crossing the English Channel a couple of minutes later.

As soon as I read that, my thought was: “Bingo! That’s it!”

Burk’s account can be read here. (Regrettably, I can’t find that particular excerpt of Skunk Works online.) My recollection is that it appears to be a faithful transcript of Burk’s account from Ben Rich’s book. What appears to be same account also exists, in non-verbatim form, on several other websites.

Personally, I’m convinced the account is legit.

. . .

Now, I don’t know with absolute certainty that that is in fact the real-life incident that inspired the cockpit finger scene in Top Gun. But the timing fits; the incident occurred in late 1982, and Top Gun didn’t start filming for at least 2 years. And aviators tend to talk about stuff they did over a drink or two – particularly the outlandish or dangerous stuff they managed to survive. So I’m guessing that story, in sanitized and/or garbled form, had circulated throughout military aviation circles by then. And I’m also guessing the story had come to the attention of the film’s writing team.

The rest, as they say, is cinematic “history”.

Anyway, “That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.” (smile)

OK, enough Blackbird history for today. Enjoy the WOT, everyone – and the weekend.

Category: Historical, Open thread

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Awfully quiet in here…




my ass

Congrats SFC D.


Many thanks! I’d like to thank all those who made this possible, the posers, phonies and fakers, the non-flying lawers and parachuting clowns, and the miscreants of TAH, dickweeds and lionesses alike. I am humbled.


Wait… I forgot… this is not a time for humility!


5th/77th FA

Congrats SFC D, Lord it all over the slow on the f 5 key dickweeds. I had noticed the clock earlier and thought I was way yonder too late. Looks like you were over the finish line and enjoying a cold beverage before anyone noticed you were even there. May you reign be etched into the book of firsts.


Somewhere in the thick of things


Early post? I have 1217.


Turn your clock back one hour

2/17 Air Cav

Just turn your clock around and fahgettaboutit.


I like your approach to the problem.


Top 10?

Commissioner Wretched

Sixth … ?


Dennis Howard Chevalier

As of November 16, 2018 Dennis Howard Chevalier, a.k.a. Denny H Chevalier, phony Gulf War veteran, phony veteran, phony C-130 compass call pilot, phony SWAT veteran, phony retired USAF Lieutenant Colonel… That Dennis Howard Chevalier… Still was arrested on February 27, 2018, for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

He pointed a gun at his ex-wife and son, waved a loaded weapon around and pretended to shoot things, threatened an ex-fiancé with putting a round into her head, and then his arrest for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

One of these days, he’s going to point his gun at someone, like he has done before… And BHANG! They need to take this guy’s weapons away before he shoots someone.

Here is one link to one the details:


Just google “Dennis Chevalier arrested” to get additional details.

In other news, folks are waiting till 1 PM to start checking for the Weekend Open Thread. So, when this thread pops in early, the folk waiting to come back later to “be first” end up missing out.


Hey – you forgot that Heavy Chevy (callsign: Hollywood) loves to tell the world about his Phony PEE H DEE!


He’s still portraying himself as a “service-member”, a disabled one at that. 🙄

dennis - not chevy

Last weekend I was with a few fellow veterans telling lies and other war stories when a woman, old enough to know better, came up and asked what my rating was. I didn’t know what she was talking about. “Your disability rating”, she exclaimed as though she thought I was dumber than dirt.
Since when has it become proper or polite to walk up to someone strange to you and ask about disability? I would think it would equate to asking a young woman her cup size.


“asking a young woman her cup size”

The thrill is in guessing. Asking is just plain rude.


What an odd opening line. Would the correct response be, “Why would you even ask such an ignorant question?”

Although, come to think of it, that does seem to be the favorite topic of conversation among entirely too many folks. I always kinda thought that those who talk about such things tend to have a higher percentage of posers than the groups of vets I generally hang with.


Regarding cup size. As I heard once, “it’s never the question that’s indiscreet it’s always the answer.”


“…came up and asked what my rating was.”

Guess I’d have her all confused with my answer- AW.


Cup sizes mean three thing to me…1) a perfect mouthful 2) a perfect palmful. 3) any more is a waste


Well in the NEK we are on our second snow day of the school year. And winter hasn’t started yet.


Talked to Mrs. Sparky this morning.

A family friend works for the town and while plowing this morning has managed to slide off the road at least three times.

Not fun.

The Other Whitey

Feel free to send some my way. California could really use a real winter or ten.


What is this “weekend” of which you speak?


In a similar vein, at Miami Intl Airport a pair of L1011’s were taxing. The Captain of one announced to his passengers, that the magnificent aircraft along side, was the same as they were currently in.
Meanwhile, the Co-pilot, was giving the adjacent aircraft the INTERNATIONAL SIGN FOR YOU ARE NUMBER ONE……
Of course, they were different carriers (National, Continental, and Eastern all had L-1011 that frequented MIA), so the Captain of the other L1011 reciprocated the INTERNATIONAL SIGN FOR YOU ARE NUMBER ONE……right into the faces of all the passengers peering out at him……


In before top 20, cool. Have a nice weekend all. I don’t know how to say this, but one of my fur kids is in the veterinarian hospital. She’s super sick and lost a quarter of her weight before they got her stabilized. If your the praying kind can you keep her in your thoughts?


Will do.

Wilted Willy

Will do Aysel, prayers going out to your fur baby! I hope she gets better soon, they are like our children and I love them with all my heart! I wish you all the best!!


Prayers sent, Aysel.


I’ve been feeding the birds today as the snow piles up. I’ll keep your loved one in mind. Critters need love too.

5th/77th FA

Prayers for you and your furbaby Aysel. It was one year ago when I lost another one of mine. I have 2 senior canine rescues and 3 feline rescues now. For awhile there, the more I learned about people, the more I loved my furbabies.


Went through a similar problem with one of my pups a few months ago. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Hope the lil’ critter pulls through OK.


Prayers to both of you Aysel, I’ve got one in the hospital right now as well.. never a fun time.


Marvel Comics founder Stan Lee passed away recently at 95. He describes his time in the US Army at a comic con in this video. Not mentioned here is he also drew comic book style instructional pamphlets to inform soldiers about venereal disease. RIP.


VD comics you say? Is that where he came up with the idea for Spiderman? A guy who “swings” all over the city shooting white goo.

RIP Stan Lee, I’ll miss you. Loved your characters that brought me endless joy as a kid. His Hitchcock-esque cameos in all the Marvel films were the best.

cc senor

I was stationed in Germany when Marvel was getting cranked up and and spent an ungodly amount of my pay at the Stars And Stripes news stand on Stan’s comics, mostly Sgt Fury and Thor. Wish I had saved some of them. I’d check out the new titles as they came out, but none seemed to hook me like the first two. Then Viet Nam intervened and my comic book reading kind of faded away.

5th/77th FA

Remembered seeing those as a young troop. Between the pamphlets and the videos, I had very little problem keeping my junk in my trunks. SGT Fury and Thor were my heroes also. Good times.


Am a bit younger than both of you, but do remember in the 60s not only Marvel and DC comics being sold in the Stars & Stripes (Germany) news stands, but also the “Sad Sacks” comicbooks and MAD Magazine..

If memory serves me correctly, the comic books were 10 cents, with the Deluxe edition for 25 cents…or 50 cents..

Brings back great memories. Thank You for sharing.


They were 12 cents stateside in the 1960s. I was just a young lad, and on my way home from school I’d pick up the glass Coke bottles to turn in for the 2-cent deposit refund. I’d get 24 cents worth – but a 24 cent purchase incurred a penny sales tax.
So I would buy one comic, go out the door, turn right around and go in and buy the other comic – and dodge the tax.

Deplorable B Woodman

I started during the late 70s, I remember the PM (Preventive Maintenance) magazines, drawn by Will Eisner, with Connie, Bonnie, and MSGT Halftrack.


They’re still in PM, although Connie and Bonnie has some serious breast reduction. PM got all PC.


CC: I remember plunking down a dime with one cent tax in NC for my favorite comic in the 50s. I quit in the 60s when I had, uh, other interests. I think I usually bought 3-5 per week. When I joined the Navy in 68 I had boxes of comics and the baseball cards that came from the bubblegum packs. When I checked on them years later when home on leave, I learned that my brother had a yard sale and sold them for nearly nothing. He also stole and sold my sisters extensive record collection. I must have had maybe 500 comics and baseball cards. Had most of the Yankees from the 50s until early 60s. Nowadays comics are saved by the hundreds for each volume, painstakingly protected in plastic sleeves. Not much change any of them will be worth much down the road with so many people collecting each issue. Especially wish I had back my baseball cards. I dread thinking of those worth some real money that I put on my bicycle spokes or that were crooked and sold by my brother.


rest in peace Brother. Thank you for all you gave to my youth.


Colt’s back, stomping around in the BFTP posted in his honor on Wednesday. Stop by and say hello.


Isn’t he just adorable when he’s mad?


There is always one guy who sees a hornets’ nest as an irresistible challenge.

2/17 Air Cav

Nice one.


That dude is as sharp as a bowling ball.

You can bet he was “that NCO” in his unit. The guy who never did anything right, but had his face halfway up the CSM’s ass all of the time, but did not know he smelled like goat crap.

The Other Whitey

Very cool story! The SR-71 is an incredible plane. I remember reading somewhere that its top speed is dictated by airframe limitations, and that if firewalled, those ramjets would keep accelerating right into the light barrier after the rest of the aircraft was torn off. Between that kind of engine power and the fact that you had to wear a spacesuit to fly it, that has to be the ultimate aviation experience.

As for the hand signals, I always kind of assumed that exchanging obscene gestures was standard practice whenever US/NATO and Russian/Soviet/Combloc aircraft were in close proximity. Doing it to the French is funnier, though.


Not first…….but here.

Bit of a sad note.
Yesterday my Uncle of 99 years young, passed away.
He was a WWII vet having served in New Guinea with the 127th Infantry of the 32nd (Red Arrow) Division.

He was one of six boys born into a family of ten children on my Mom’s side.

All six served in combat during WWII in the Army, Marine Corps, Army Air Corps and Navy fighting both the Germans & Japanese.

With my Dad, that made seven out of seven that served in combat during the war.

With his passing, there are no more living WWII vets in the family.

They were one of the reasons that I enlisted and I’m very proud for their service to this Country.

Rest in peace Dad & Uncles…..will see you in Valhalla some day.

To all my fellow TAH’ers, have a safe and glorious weekend.


Commissioner Wretched

My condolences on the passing of your uncle, Skyjumper.


Thank you, Commissioner.

I forgot to add, that one of his sayings was:
“The first hundred years is the hardest”.

He was born 17 July 1919…..missed the second hundred by just a smidge. (smile)


That’s a good run. Just think, when he was a boy the Model T was state of the art and driving to another county was a day long trip.

Condolences. He’s in Valhalla with his brothers now.

Wilted Willy

May God rest his soul, he deserves his time in the great here after! My prayers go out to you and your family during this very sad time. There are not many of the Greatest Generation left among us. Hear their stories now while you still have the chance!



Condolences to you & your Family…and a Salute to your Uncle and Dad…

They will always Rest in Peace….


“They were one of the reasons that I enlisted”

Bless them and I am truly sorry for your loss. My dad and grand dad served WWII/WWI.
Gave me the courage to raise my hand.


Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, Sky.

And with anyone else who needs them…

5th/77th FA

God’s Peace and His continued Blessings on you and the Family Sky. It won’t be long now before the last of them are gone. Valhalla Awaits.
The tradition of military service in our DNA caused myself and another brother to raise our hands to volunteer.


My sympathies for the passing of your Uncle. May he rest in peace.

2/17 Air Cav

Wow. Six boys in service WW II. That’s something. Really something.

Combat Historian

Your uncle in the 32d Division may have been a participant in perhaps the bloodiest battle of the New Guinea Campaign, the Battle of the Driniumor River that occurred during Jul-Aug 1944.

After three weeks of tough relentless fighting, PERSECUTION Force (32d Inf Div (-) and 112th Cavalry RCT) prevented the Japanese 18th Army from crossing the Driniumor River and destroyed it as an effective fighting force, leaving 10,000 Japanese dead at a cost of over 3000 Allied casualties.

This battle is pretty much completely forgotten today, sandwiched as it was between the Normandy and Marianas Campaigns that was happening concurrently at the same time.

Condolences to you and your family…


A good run and a well deserved rest. Condolences, Skyjumper.


I pray that your family has peace in their grief, Sky.


Condolences on the passing of your uncle, Skyjumper.


Thank you one & all for your condolences, I will pass them on to my two cousins.

Am heading out soon for the services this morning.

Full military honors at the gravesite….hope I can keep it somewhat together during taps & gun salute….always hits me hard…even at age 70.

You all are among the best. (smile)

Commissioner Wretched

With the coveted “First” of the WOT going to SFC D, and my feeble attempt landing me sixth, I’m just going to leave this here. “This” is the week’s trivia/humor column, which I am very happy you enjoy reading. Give this one a go. DID YOU KNOW…? Did a jockey once win a horse race even though he was dead? By Commissioner Wretched We are now a couple of weeks away from Thanksgiving, and I hope you are making your plans for turkey dinner with family and friends. What puzzles me is why people keep advising me to find a good hiding place. Thanksgiving has such a prominent place in American history, though it’s hard to remember that it hasn’t always been a holiday, nor has it always been on the fourth Thursday in November. In fact, once the Pilgrims finished their feast with the Indians, the idea of giving thanks took something of a back seat until the 19th century, but it wasn’t until the early part of the 20th century that it became an official holiday. When I was a little boy, Thanksgiving was my favorite time of the year, because my mother was probably the best cook any of us will ever know. She had a recipe book of great American, German and Russian dishes that would make your mouth water so much they’d have to issue flood warnings. And brother, did we eat. This could explain a lot of things about the way I look today, now that I think about it. But I’d better get to the trivia, or else you’ll hear my tummy rumbling no matter where you are when you read this. An e-mail sent to me at didyouknowcolumn@gmail.com gets a quick response, especially if you’re sharing your holiday plans. So let’s serve up some trivia! Did you know … … Pringle’s Potato Chips aren’t really potato chips? Well, not in the United Kingdom, anyway. In 2008, lawyers for Proctor & Gamble, makers of the classic stackable snacks, were able to avoid a 17.5% tax on the product by arguing that a Pringle’s chip isn’t actually… Read more »


CW commented: “…helmets were not mandatory for football players until 1939? (Before that, they painted the team’s logo on the sides of their heads.)”

Ok…you got me started…

Went thru some “Howitzers” (West Point Yearbooks) pre-1939, looking at the Army/Navy game Football team pictures for those years…

And whadda know…the Army Players are wearing Helmets for the game… Go Army!

So, outta curiousity, researched “The Lucky Bag” (Naval Academy yearbooks) pre-1939 to find their Football Team’s Army/Navy game pictures…and whadda know…there are Goats painted on the Navy Player’s heads with the words “Kick Me”…

There. Got it outta my system. For this WOT, that is…

Until next time, Folks…Go Army! Beat Navy! 😎

Sincerely, The Fingernails On The Chalkboard Army Fan Who Also Roots For Alabama (Roll Tide!) and Never Saw “That Movie”


2/17 Air Cav

The game was deadly back then. Leather helmets tore the tackler’s face and gave little protection to the wearer. Face masks were not heard of and many a nose was broken and front teeth buried in the dirt. The players weren’t fancy. They were tough as nails.

cc senor

Back around ’49 or so, while my Dad was on occupation duty with the 1st Cav he took us to watch a football game at Sugamo Prison. I was about five then so it was the unusual about the event that stands out in my memory. Things like prisoners being used as waterboys, a PA announcement informing us that tackle had made the tackle, and a player who’s face looked as if everyone had marched across it with their cleats. I wasn’t so much shocked as surprised that someone with a face that looked like raw hamburger could sit on the bench with no indication of pain. And, yes, the helmets were leather.


That was a great story you shared, cc senior.

Had completely forgotten about Sugamo Prison in Japan until you mentioned it.

Thank You.


My experience with Japanese jail/prison involves 1969 or 1970 when I worked briefly in the psychiatry office of the 3rd MedBn, Hansen, Okinawa. Took a day trip there with the doc and Corpsmen. It was nothing like stateside lockups. Total silence. Prisoners kneeling on floor within their cell, staring straight ahead. Not a peep. Wonder if that was unique to that jail or a practice throughout Japan?

Commissioner Wretched

They really had their goats painted on their heads? I thought I made that up for the joke!


CW: You commented:

“They really had their goats painted on their heads? I thought I made that up for the joke!”

(Head hanging in shame…)

Feel like a dirtball, because I was trying to make a joke from your joke using the Army/Navy Game scenario. (Army Mule versus Navy Goat with Mules kicking the Goats with the ole “Kick Me!” signs that kids used to tape on the backs of other kids)….in other words, an Army/Navy Joke…

All is forgiven?


Commissioner Wretched

Of course, brother. We’re good.

Dwight Schwarz

CW, in my youth I didn’t know that there was any other type cooking except German no matter which relatives house we went to eat at. Was the one Aunt who made dressing with raisins in it that wasn’t all that great but eat it or starve. Always stuffed ones self and then wanted to at least fart so had room for more, those were the good old days.

Commissioner Wretched

Indeed … Mom’s been gone since 2016, but my sister inherited her recipe book (and a lot of her cooking talent as well). I might have to make a trip to Wisconsin to visit her some time this holiday season.

Dwight Schwarz

All the good German cooks I knew passed away many years ago. Oh well as I remember wasn’t very good for the waist line for my present age anyway.



Wilted Willy



Did DND get his promotion to CPO posthumously ???

NO !!!!!

Thus endeth the saga of DND and his never was, never ever was, and never will be a CPO !!!!


Even the creepy porn lawyer Michael Avenatti has managed to go longer without getting disbarred.

So far.


Friendly exchanges of the Hawaiian Good Luck Sign, aka “You’re Number One!” are pretty common on occasions like this. Some more antics would be, when we had a little buddy on our wing, the pilot would gradually reduce airspeed, and select maneuver flaps to reduce it some more. The jet would have to fall off and set up a racetrack to stay with us- they can go faster than a P-3, but not slower. *grin*
Another was called “pressed ham” and involved (usually) the Ordie stripping down and pressing his ass in the convex aft observer’s window as our new buddy closed- a truly horrifying sight that left no question of our opinion of the intercepting aircraft, its country and service branch. This was especially fun during NATO exercises.
Good times.


Anyone have a status update on Phildo? How about that “woman owned” business in search of a “black swan” event?


Have a great weekend Brothers and Sisters. May you have a very Happy Thanksgiving this coming week as well.


Same to you & your love ones as well, Sparks and for the TAH family….we have alot to be thankful..

Am trying to guess what reipe Ex-PH2 may post on the upcoming “Thursday is For Cooking” post…🍗🦃


Yes, AnotherPat, I and I hope all we, have much to be thankful for.


Here’s hoping the recipe will be for “Creole Lima Beans” as I see an acceptable substitute for diced bacon/ham is diced alligator tail./smile



Always wondered if others know the true meaning behind the Ham & M-F, I mean, Lima Beans, story…😉

Still trying to figure out why we called the chocolate bars “John Wayne” bars. Someone told me it was from one of his movies.


Out west for work. Flying home via Charlotte into Boston.

Then a shuttle bus ride home.

I’m seeing a replay of, “Planes, Trains, and Automobiles” in my head now.


Is there anyone else who CAN wait for the movie Topgun: Maverick to come out? Surely I’m not the only one. Although as queer and laughable as the original was, this one should be a comedy hoot. So it could be watchable for the laugh factor.

My money is on (and mind you I’m giving 25 to 1 odds here!) the surety that there will be the ubiquitous female pilot who has outflown everyone in the armed forces except for, her love interest Maverick.


Sparks: I may be the Lone Ranger on that, because I never saw the original “That Movie”.

The only thing I know from “That Movie” is the song…(which I won’t mention…)

5th/77th FA

Never saw that picture myself either. Did have several VHS copies of it and others he did in the Video Rental Dprt of our Electronics store. (what can I say, I am a Capitalist and teenie bopper money is green too) Liked (+_+) the unnamed song that came out before the motion picture. Upon reflection and remembering, I don’t recall watching any of that twerp’s movies.
Also have a tendency to holler Roll Tide when ever they are not playing my Dawgs.


We watched last weekends’ Georgia/ Auburn game, 5th/77th FA…

Guess what team we were rooting for…(hint…they won..)


I feel better now that you shared that you never saw “That Movie” as well. Folks don’t believe me when I tell them. Their response is “What? But you’re in the Army!” (Never could come up with reply)..

Have to admit, though, I DID watch “HotShots 1 & 2” with Lloyd Bridges and Charlie Sheen, so I think I know what “That Movie” is all about…

Amen on Teenie-Bopper money, because as you shared, green is green!

2/17 Air Cav

Some of these Action Jacksons are getting a little long in the tooth for this shit. I get a kick out of watching some of these clowns age. The make-up gets heavier, the lighting gets dimmer, and the long-distance shots get more numerous. There’s a lot of hide-the-mug going on.


You nailed it 100%, 2/17th Air Cav….

Stallone seems to fall into that category…also, Chuck Norris? The Arnold?

Who is missing?

2/17 Air Cav

Why Harrison Ford, of course.

2/17 Air Cav

Oh and that idiot, that stone-cold moron-who played in…dahell…Bourne. Forget his name.


Easy to forget uh, uh, what’s his name, of yea Matt Damon.

2/17 Air Cav

Yep! Thanks.


Val Kilmer

2/17 Air Cav

Who’s that frog? He’s now in a Doritos commercial? Kung Fooey type.


Tight Buns Van Damme

2/17 Air Cav

Yep. That’s him. Thanks.


Steven Seagull

2/17 Air Cav

My wife always dry heaved when a Segal/Seagall/Sagall movie came on the tube. I confess. I always liked his movies. Needless to say, peace is multiple TVs.

2/17 Air Cav

Tube? I just noticed that I wrote tube. Cripes. And if you didn’t say “The what?” then you, too, are old.

Combat Historian

The TV in our spare bedroom is still a Sony “tube”; it works great and will stay put as long as it stays working…


Even “CRT” will date us.

5th/77th FA

One of my training/sales/marketing trips was thru the Channel Master Picture tube plant in White Plains NY back when. Used to sell an ass load of new/rebuilt CRT stuff. Fascinating process, except for every now and again one of the tubes on the line would go all ‘splodey. First time thru myself and a coupla other guys got real horizontal real fast when that happened. One of the trivia tidbits was that the gas bill for that production line ran in excess of $12K large a
A special hat tip to AP….Go Anybody Else..Beat Auburn.


Mel Gibson.

5th/77th FA

Bruce Willis. Nick Cage getting there.


Naw, I’m thinking Maverick actually comes out as gay; and that hot female pilot will “marry” another female. Hollywierd can’t pass up an opportunity to further proglodyze the viewers with more LGBTQWERTY propaganda. Maybe they will show some really touching Brokeback Mtn. style “love” scenes. Although, to be fair there should be some non-cisgender lovemaking with some trannies.

Perry Gaskill

Dude, you should direct. Start with a remake of The Big Lebowski only have it be about Hillary and title it: The Big Buttinski


“The Big Buttinski: The Battle for Carpet Muncho Grande” would be my working title.


One of the characters will be called “The Dude” but he won’t really be a dude. I will try to pick most of my actors from the full LGBTQWERTY pallet. I am revising a touching love scene involving non-cisgender “furries” sporting strap-ons.

2/17 Air Cav

Trannies? You know that it’s Transgender Awareness Week don’t you? I shit you not. So, be aware. Always look for a choker or scarf. It may be hiding an Adam’s apple. Wrists are also a telltale sign. Then there’s the makeup. If it looks like a two dollar French whore, it’s not a two-dollar French whore. Fact is, the modern urban young woman tends to want to look unfeminine so, if it acts too girly, that’s another sign. Be very aware. Don’t eyeball that butt until you know for sure. And one last thing: if you were in the Navy or the Marines, forget everything I just wrote.

A Proud Infidel®™️

I SO MISS the Good Old Days when the phrase “Blowing a tranny” merely meant that someone had serious car troubles!


Yeah, I can wait. And then wait some more.

Was forced to watch most of the original movie because I was in a room hooked up to IV’s as it played on a TV for someone who was interested is seeing it. Yeah, video tapes were a thing those days. Had I been able to bend my arms, I might have done something about that movie.

Holden Magroin

Isn’t this the one in which Kelly Mcgillis and Tom Cruise finally come out to each other?



FYI, in case anyone missed this Army Times article:

“A Female Soldier Has Made It Through The Army’s Special Forces Selection”:



That’s quite a monkeys fist.

2/17 Air Cav

“USASOC declined to provide the soldier’s rank or her current military occupational specialty.” Shouldn’t be too tough to figure out. She’s the one sitting on the urinal.


“She’s the one sitting on the urinal.”

Wait, wait, please wait one moment, while I catch my breath from laughing my ass off. Just made the wife come into my TV room to see if I was okay or have had too many pain meds. Also, the cat came off the floor sans rotor, and ran right into the shit box to hide!

5th/77th FA

Guess we won’t see the “rest of the picture” until graduation?…I do wish her luck/skill/perseverance in her attempt.


Thanks, have that on the hopper.

2/17 Air Cav

Jebeebus. TAH comes in color? Who knew?


2/17th Air Cav commented “Jebeebus. TAH comes in color? Who knew?”

Am so glad you wrote that. Thought there was something wrong with my smartphone and my computer. Rebooted both of them because I thought I had a virus.

Ok, thebesig….how did you do that?



Like this.
Or this.

2/17 Air Cav

Just what we need around here: rainbow-flag lettering.


Go Army!


We could edit that into rainbow colors. 😀


Originally posted by 2/17 Air:

Jebeebus. TAH comes in color? Who knew?

In the Matrix, anything is possible. :mrgreen: 😈




NFA rules apply.
NBA not so much.


A Colt M-16? Is that correct? $50,000? Holy shit!


First, he likely overpaid. Second, it is a real select-fire Colt M-16, so it likely has collector value. Plus, the fact that it is a legally owned and transferrable Class III registered weapon substantially increases its value. And third, we have to wonder why he needs this weapon with a silencer. Is he a part-time hit man for the cartel?


If indeed a pristine full auto M16 or M16A1, given the extras, silencer, permitting, I can see $50000 from someone with more money than sense. Gun alone would draw $35k. Crazy world.


Really? I mean REALLY! This shit head was rolling in his Rolls Royce with an M-16, ammo, and suppressor. And they he paid $50 large for this combo. Well, whoever the seller was is laughing his ass off, still. I could have fixed him up with a top of the line AR15 a thousand rounds AND a suppressor for $10 grand and still made money. No one ever accused NBA members of being stellar students and college tutors need money too but for shit’s sake, fifty thousand bucks tell me several things.

1. He never passed bonehead math.
2. His circle of friends with firearms knowledge is zero.
3. His circle of friends who laugh behind his back is longer than the average NBA player’s rap sheet.
4. His accountant is overcharging him.
5. His agent is overcharging him.
6. His paperboy is overcharging him.
7. He has far too much money.

Meanwhile back at headquarters, “The Heat determined Whiteside didn’t break any team rules and he wasn’t disciplined for the incident.”

Since the weapon, etc. was found weeks later in North Miami in a stolen vehicle, it is nice to know that “responsible citizenship” is being emphasized by team management.

I guess it goes something like this, “okay guys let’s wrap up practice for today. Please turn in the balls and gear you didn’t bring and check with the Team armorer for your guns, knives, shivs or whatever you carry.”


8. His wife is overcharging him.
9. His girlfriends are overcharging him.


The diffrrence is that this was FULL AUTO. Makes a tiny $ difference.

5th/77th FA

Saddest/stupidest part is how long it took for home boy to realize his piece was gone. Before that tragic tornado/flood, I could tell you where each and everything I had was….always.

2/17 Air Cav

U.S. Army Specialist Nicholas “Nick” Caleb Jividen did not die saving lives or fighting an enemy. He will not receive a valor award or even a Purple Heart. He lost his life in a training accident at Fort Irwin earlier this month and his body arrived in West Virginia last evening. He enlisted at 18 and was a signal analyst with 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne). He is forever 21. If you’re inclined to do so, say a prayer for his Mom, a widow, and two sisters.


Interesting name.

“The Jividen family name was found in the USA between 1880 and 1920. The most Jividen families were found in the USA in 1880. In 1880 there were 57 Jividen families living in West Virginia. This was about 52% of all the recorded Jividen’s in the USA. West Virginia had the highest population of Jividen families in 1880”.


Prayers for his family, especially his wife…

Thank You, 2/17th Air Cav and 26Limabeans for sharing.


God rest him well. Praying for his family. “Training for war is as dangerous as war itself.”

5th/77th FA

God’s Peace be unto this Family. None of us know when our time will be called. We do know, tho, when we sign that blank check that we may have to cash it one day.
Fare Well and God Speed Specialist Nicholas Caleb Jividen. Your Country is grateful for your Service.


Prayers for his family.


I posted this story on this morning’s Friday “Feel Good Stories” (Sorry, AW1Ed, for doing that!) and want to repost because the accuser in the story has still not been arrested for providing false information to Texas LEOs (is there more to this story that is not being shared?):

Shades of Kavanaugh/Ford:

A 21 year old man from Texas was arrested and denied enlistment into the US Army based on serious allegations his Ex- Girlfriend told LEO about physical abuse and break in/robbery at her home by him. A selfie of he and his family taken the day of the “so called attack” at a hotel 70 miles from her home proved HE was innocent.

Story at the two links. You be the judge:

“The Army Rejected His Enlistment For a Violent Offense He Didn’t Commit. A Selfie Helped Clear His Name.”


“Selfie Saves Texas Man From Serving 99 Years In Prison”



Pat, you’re about the only one on todays FGS that I DIDN’T have an issue with. Between homecoming heros, geriatric rockers and Social Security, county music, and 26L getting shitfaced over his breakfast, I have only this to say.

Move over, 26L. Where’s the bottle opener?


I just could not do an IPA with breakfast! HOTD is what it is but make mine a Green Meanie aka Heineken.

To my limited experience, Heiny’s are of consistently good quality no matter where in the world I have enjoyed them.

There once was a time when Lowenbrau was a premium beer, as was Michelob.

Now, for a hearty breakfast, I’d recommend Guinness Stout. If there is no greater reason to carry a Swiss Army knife, it would be the bottle opener, can opener… or an occasional adjustable wrench.

Cheers, one and all!


It was cans. Peak Organic Brewing Company.
Portland Maine. 7.1 ABV. Great with bacon.


Thanks. Will post tomorrow.


So…thebesig’s comments are purple/blue/violet tonight…


2/17 Air Cav

Helluva football game tomorrow. Undefeated Colgate, 6th ranked in the FCS, plays Army (FBS) at noon. If Army beats Colgate, the Black Knights will crack the Top 25 list. They are right now at 26.

Navy and Tulsa should be a helluva game, too. Whoever loses gets sole possession of last place in the American Athletic Conference. Bwahahahahahaha. Gawd, I hate Navy.


2/17 Air Cav:

“If” Army beats Colgate?

Don’t jinx us!

The glass is always Half- FULL!

(You know the Punchline…)



Hey! Which one of you dickweeds drank my beer

2/17 Air Cav

Not me. I only took the ice from it to throw at someone.

5th/77th FA

Think it was, coulda been SP4 Idontno. I wasn’t there, I didn’t do it. I was just sitting there, minding my own damn bidness.

A Proud Infidel®™️

That or PFC Notme!


Beer? There was beer???


I ran out on Tuesday and haven’t made it back to the store.

2/17 Air Cav

“I ran out on Tuesday…” You’re a cad. Buy some flowers, put on a nice suit, and apologize to Tuesday.

2/17 Air Cav

I never assume the outcome for fear of jinxing it. Nearing halftime now. Army has the ball at its own 32. Score? 14-0 Army.

2/17 Air Cav

Two mins remaining in the game. Army just scored and is up 28-14…

2/17 Air Cav

Colgate…4th and 14….splat! Army Wins Again!

2/17 Air Cav

Army covered the spread. Not that anyone here would be interested in such a thing, I know.


2/17th Air Cav wrote:

“Army covered the spread. Not that anyone here would be interested in such a thing, I know.”

*Cough*Cough*Ahem*Clearing Throat:

Go Army! Beat Navy!

Roll Tide! (We beat Citadel)..sorry about that, sj…

Also, could not believe my ears what I heard on “The Tube” right now on the Navy-Tulsa game:

It’s That Song from “That Movie”…


2/17 Air Cav

Navy is partially up the stairway in its battle to leave Tulsa alone in the basement. 27-16 in the 3rd Q.


Terrain, Pull up, Pull up, Terrain, Terrain….



Ze plane, Ze plane….


Sorry to admit it but I actually liked that show.

Miami Vice was probably the favorite, followed by Louis Rukeyser!

FWIW, I turned off the TV during the Waco debacle and have not missed it, ever since.


Speaking of which, what’s the last thing that went through Bernath’s mind?

His asshole.



Wish the VA would focus more on the individual Veteran rather than on their Gender:

“Two House Lawmakers Launch New Effort To Make VA Motto Gender Inclusive”


5th/77th FA

It will never end. SMH. Some of this crap reminds me of the lawers who go around just looking for a rough parking lot or entrance ramp at any commercial place so they can sue them for not being in compliance of ADA. Just like in an IG Inspection, if you look long, hard, and deep enough, you will find something. If all the money that is spent on BS was spent on the Vet, all would be better off. Thant and get rid of all the wasted (waisted per Colt’s spelling) dead weight. A. Lincoln’s saying was to honor the 100s of thousands of men on both sides, that he knew would need help. I know several female Vets that have had no issues getting the treatment they needed. We’re doing a Memorial Service tomorrow to honor several hundred of the Blue and the Gray that became casualties at the Battle of Griswoldville.


There is a lawer in a wheelchair in Commiefornia. He is making quite a nice living using the ADA to sue businesses.


I read the article. The motto may be outdated, but if they change it, then it no longer quotes Lincoln’s address. THAT is what the difference is.

I’d suggest that instead of whining about this ridiculous business, they get busy and boot out bad employees and lousy facility directors, and get the VA health care system into a “better than civilian care” level. I have had no issues with the VA so far, so I don’t know what the complaint is, other than some people working at VA facilities are rude as hell and should be fired, and some women won’t stand up for themselves.

A Proud Infidel®™️

One hundred-something and still Honorary First once again.



In the top 200, First in the hearts and minds of my family.

Was substitute teaching today when the WOT hit – but it’s a lot more fun working with the kids. I’m not sure, but the History/Government teacher has what looks like a Gold Star flag in her room. I suspect for one of her family members.

The 11th graders & I got into a discussion on whether it should be a legal right to burn or disrespect the flag. I should hasten to point out that none of them think it is a good thing (this is a Christian private school and most of these kids have their heads on as straight as a teenager can). But there was some rather heated responses from some of the Absolutely Never group.
Got to point them to the Federalist Papers for the meanings and intentions of the Founding Fathers concerning the First Amendment, as well as what the Bible says about speech, the meaning of “freedom” and “right”…

When they get out of this school, they are quite ready to debate the mindless libtards they will encounter.

Not too bad a week at the GB Compound.


Happy Birthday to the NRA.
Founded in 1871, it is a “single issue” organization. That issue is preservation of the Second Amendment.
They take a lot of shit from the left and even portions of the right but they are still here fighting for your Second Amendment rights.
Just look at all the orginizations fighting AGAINST your rights.


Ever had to deal with a corporate weenie who is absolutely inflexible even when doing the opposite of corporate policy is the obvious right thing to do?

Of course you have. Happens to me often when dealing with the VA. This story involves a local car wash, Simonize car wash.

Got a wash this past Sunday, 11NOV. It rained, hard, the following three days. The car wash was closed. Go back Thursday, 15NOV for my free makeup wash. Nope, company policy only allows a freebie within 48 hours. I asked if they were open 12, 13, 15 NOV. No, but he can’t make an exception, even though they were closed and it was pouring rain for those three days.

I just look at the guy. I could and probably should have gone inside and do the typical thing I do when treated poorly by corporate weenies. No, I just break out my wallet and cough up the money.

Too inflexible to vary from corporate policy, even though policy in this case was obviously not the correct call. Great customer service.

Simonize Car Wash.

2/17 Air Cav

A deal whose terms are im,possible to fulfill is no deal at all. If their policy is 48 hrs, and there is no exclusion for days when they are closed, write a nice letter to corporate and let them know what happened and that you are confident there was a misinterpretation of the policy. You might also mention that you would appreciate any gesture on their part that would reward your being a faithful, if disappointed, customer.


HMC Ret:

You are indeed a better person than your local Simonize Car Wash.

Hopefully there are other places you can take your car that may be more flexible with their “rules”.

Thank You for sharing your story.


I sent a letter to Corporate weenies the night of 15NOV. Still waiting for the reply which will probably never come. Do they care about me, the individual patron? No, not at all. I did give them my home address in hopes they will cough up several full service ($16) coupons, but I’m not holding my breath. There is another wash even closer, but they suck. It’s called Zip’s and their reviews are all one of five stars. Daughter lost a hubcap there. They were nice enough to put it back on for her, but it was damaged and didn’t fit properly. It was damaged prior to it coming off in their wash.

GREAT story about that hubcap. Took her Corolla to dealership for oil change, filter check, tire rotation, etc. They lost the damaged hubcap. Guy who did her car was gone for the day and the hubcap could not be found by several others who looked for it. She ended up getting a new hubcap (THEIR price was $88!!!). She didn’t have to pay anything for it. So she got rid of her damaged (though functional) hubcap and got a new one.

Blessings to all and genuinely hope each of you has a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. We three are going to Cracker Barrel and consume mass quantities.


Any of you know about a Savage 29A .22 caliber rifle?
My dad has one he bought when he was a kid (upstate New York, 1940’s)? Needs some tune-up work, as he would like to shoot it again. Any information would be helpful. Thanks.

oh, yeah, ESAD, colt bulot.

fsckity fsck

John Giduck – the turd with a face!


…and his pal Dave Grossman who has falsely claimed that he ws nomintaed for a Pulitzer Prize.


—and then there is “church facilities manager turned self proclaimed hero and active shooter consultant” Carl Chinn who the facts seem to indicate that he hid like a coward but claimed to be “right there”.

It’s like the three stooges of police trainers but living off your tax dollars and church donations

fsckity fsck

Cori LeCinda Pierce – the turd who defrauds with a dog!

“They will eventually get it out of their systems”
She doesn’t know us very well.


May I vent a little?

At the risk of being called names, being (perhaps correctly) accused of being overly picky, and such things, there is one little, tiny thing which irritates me maybe a bit. Or somewhat more than a bit.

Count me among those who truly appreciate the Sunday posts Hondo does about recovered and identified service member remains as well as the follow up research several do to give us more information about those so identified. Remembering them has become an important part of my week.

But, one detail seems a bit odd about it all to me. Most of the remains Hondo showcases from World War II are identified remains which have been buried in Hawaii all this time. Most often they were simply not identified. Technically, they have been “home” all along. Sort of anyway. Some are moved to another cemetery somewhere closer to family. Most seem to go to a veterens cemetery, while some stay there in Hawaii.

It all boils down to one size does not fit all, so it seems just a tad disrespectful to welcome these gentlemen home when some already are home while others still have a long way to travel. I’m not sure that there is anything any of you could or should do about it. Maybe it’s just that my use of the language is archaic.



Here is some interesting information about Sailers who perished on the USS Oklahoma. Maybe it will give you a different perspective?


Alot of them could not be identified and sent “home”. i.e. the Mainland, to their families. (Am guessing the term “Mainland” was not used until 1959…same with the term “The Lower 48” for Alaska until 1959).

I respect what you wrote.


I understand your point. My only rejoinder to that is that there is great value in identifying the previously unidentified and, whenever possible, reuniting them with their family members, be they living or dead. Whether they were brought home from Hawaii, another island in the Pacific, or Europe, is not as important as that an unidentified servicemember is now identified.


No argument from me on that point, MrBill. I completely support the effort to identify the remains now that we have better ways of doing so, especially for those families who had no idea whatever became of their sons, uncles, nephews, or whoever. For them, no expense and effort is too much.

My quibble is with our own comments about them. I prefer to think that no disrespect is intended on our part, of course. For the most part, each of us has the utmost esteem for our fallen elders and their families. Just pointing out what may or may not be an indicator of perhaps a bit of laziness on our part, or something else entirely which I am failing to see/understand.


I posted Updated Info for a thread on Robert Henry Maxey that Jonn originally posted on 21 December 2017:


UPDATE as of 18 November 2018 on Robert Henry Maxey, a year after his death, who claimed Two (2) Distinguished Service Crosses, Twelve (12) Purple Hearts, Four (4) Silver Stars, Nine ( 9) Bronze Stars W/Valor while alive.

This time, Arlington National Cemetary did not get fooled:

Go to this Link:


Click on Find a Gravesite.

Type in Maxey (Last Name), Robert (First Name). Hit Search.

Click on his name.

And there it is…his Headstone…NO DSCs…No WWII…

Thanks goes out to Mary for getting his records that Jonn posted in December 2017. Maxey was featured on the old POWNETWORK when he was alive for his bogus claims…but that did not stop him or other news media nor his family to continue to believe his lies (the Family part is so sad).

He WAS a Korean War POW (found old newspaper articles about him), but nothing about being a POW in WWII.

Guess the Family found out the truth (even after one family member said we were “sanctamonous mf”. What is also sad is that the Army Chaplain who came to his Memorial was led to believe Maxey received 2 DSCs as well..(Video embedded in this link:


The truth always comes out…and the Families are the ones that have to pay the price..


A sad story out of Texas – a vintage P-51 Mustang crashed, killing the pilot and his 95-year-old World War II veteran passenger. http://www.fox7austin.com/news/local-news/pilot-from-deadly-vintage-airplane-crash-identified


7330-242-3506 and 8970-577-4513 go together like Peaches and Pound Cake.


5960-904-8836 is nice to have as a spare but
5960-467-0961 is twice as nice.


Roger. Comment #200 to have this WOT make to The Big Show.

The AN/PRC-77 w/Secure Voice is nice, but the tried and true KAL-55B Whiz Wheel is the best.





Too early! I’m still first for a few more hours, dammit!