This is in regard to the SJC hearings underway, among other things. From ‘The Atlantic’: https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/09/kavanaugh-fox-news-pushback/571201/
What was aggressive was Kavanaugh’s presence on Fox News in the heat of a nomination battle.
The most aggressive language he used was when he called one allegation against him “totally false and outrageous.” (He fully denied all accusations of sexual misconduct.) The most notable moments came when Kavanaugh acknowledged attending raucous parties as a teenager and said that he was a virgin for “many years after” the attempted sexual assault alleged by Christine Blasey Ford, who knew Kavanaugh in high school.
“Yes, there were parties. The drinking age was 18. Yes, the seniors were legal and had beer there. Yes, people might have had too many beers on occasion,” Kavanaugh said. “In high school, I think all of us have done things we look back on in high school and cringe a bit. That’s not what we are talking about. We are talking about an allegation of sexual assault.”
None of what Kavanaugh was saying was surprising per se. It was the fact that the nominee himself was saying it that was unusual. For a prospective justice to appear on cable news in such an interview is highly unusual—perhaps unheard of.
On Sunday, Kavanaugh took matters into his own hands with a strongly worded letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, insisting he would not allow what he called a “coordinated effort to destroy my good name” to force him to withdraw his nomination. (READ the letter, all of it.) – Atlantic article.
Fabricated evidence is bad enough. Snapping a bra strap or someone’s undies is vulgar and just plain bad manners in any setting, and apologies are due. They are not sexual assault. In the work place, they qualify as harassment. In high school, they are the acts of inebriated adolescents at parties.
If I’m expected to believe that someone who has changed her story since 2012 from four to “other” and can’t remember anyone except Kavanaugh and later on after the other man’s name came up, him, too, I’ve got news for you: I can write fiction that is more believable than that. At worst, it would be considered sexual harassment on the job if it had happened at work.
If you’re drinking at a party, why didn’t you report it to someone in authority? This reported act of assault does not include any indication of how much alcohol Ford had consumed. This alone casts doubt on her story.
No, I do not believe that Kavanaugh did any of the things he’s accused of doing. If this was so important, why was it not reported to the school administrator in the 1980s? Well, it was a party school and as the salvaged yearbooks have shown, the girls were the aggressors, not the guys. Teenagers do a lot of stupid stuff. I did and so did my brother. It is part of growing up. Disregarding whatever happened, the time limit has long since passed for Blazey-Ford to have reported it, and yet, there is another reported “incident” looming from someone else. It is bull shit. I want to see physical proof, not stories.
Being on the sidelines in all of this, without a TV available to watch this asinine circus under the direction of that ragged, dried-up harridan Feinstein, I’ve seen nothing come of this other than a desperate effort at character assassination. I realize that, in the course of all these hearings, the entire goal by both sides of the political fence is to smear the poor soul unfortunate enough to be today’s target.
That a decent human being should be smeared and publicly caned for an alleged teen-years incident is more than just character assassination. Not once has that heinous vulgarian Feinstein given a single thought to the consequences down the road.
Since the 1970s, when reports of rape and attempted rape finally were taken seriously, and women in the work force were encouraged to report unwanted physical contact with a supervisor or a co-worker to Personnel, there have been enough visually recorded incidents of women being physically attacked by strangers and co-workers to generate verification that it is not women bringing these attacks on themselves. The worst case ever was a drunken off-duty Chicago cop who beat up a female bartender one-fourth his size because she refused to serve him any more alcohol. The video plainly showed him not just hitting her, but knocking her down and stomping and kicking her. He is no longer a cop. She sued the City of Chicago and the CPD for what happened, not to get money but to put a stop to it. Sometimes, you do have to make the buggers pay.
Hollywood has a long, long history of misbehavior toward women who were stupid enough to put up with it in order to be stars, although I have my doubts that either Bette Davis or Joan Crawford or Lana Turner put up with it. It is a cesspit environment, but as plenty of actresses have said, you don’t meet a director or producer alone in a hotel room.
The mid-terms are coming up. Feinstein is determined to wield her club over these proceedings, with the idiotic sympathy train flowing along behind Blazey-Ford. Is Feinstein aware that she no longer has her party’s endorsement in LaLaLand? I’ve seen people on power trips. We all have. Destroying someone of good character and decency seems to be the only thing Feinstein is interested in, which can be a fatal mistake.
Unfortunately, the side effect of this, which may become long term, makes it entirely plausible that women whose claims of real sexual assault are valid will not be heard, not taken seriously, and shitcanned for complaining about some guy who is making a nuisance of himself at work. And for that matter, since women generally don’t like each other, there’s the lesbian angle on that, too. Everything now is taken out of context. Normal human behavior is being turned into something barbaric, as if a pat on the back for a job well done is an attempt to cop a feel.
Frankly, I am so fed up with this obsession about sex and everything related to it that I’d like to dump a bucket full of used EPT sticks on the heads of some of these idiots. This aggressive hateful attitude toward men will have real consequences in the future.
The underlying problem is not sex or anything related to it. It is that good manners and common decency, a sense of what is proper and what is not, have been thrown out the window and run over by the warthogs who are running things now.
Category: "Teh Stoopid", "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves"
Wow, to think he occasionally drank beer and tried to get laid in high school!! The horror of it all. From watching the proceedings, which have consumed maybe ten minutes of my life, a person would think the Dummycrats were in control of both Houses and the Presidency. Shame on me for thinking otherwise. The Dummycrats are bullies and damn near every RINO is a damn pussy. There is no reason he should not have been confirmed by this time. The stupid RINOs are almost comical. It’s amateur hour.
Drinking beer and getting laid WAS high school…..and auto shop class
We didn’t have auto shop. I wish we did. I took shop class and made a 3 (?) position long gun rack. It was absolutely beautiful and slick as glass. Only one problem … the thing was out of alignment and would not hold the guns properly. They had a tendency to slide off which kind of defeated the purpose of having a gun rack. Mom used it for hanging stuff. But oh, man, it was beautiful.
Auto shop was called TNT and the guys with the DA haircuts (greasers) took it. I was in wood shop and made a screw driver that I got a scar on my palm from draw filing the metal part. The wood handle was turned out on a wood lathe. I also made a jewelry/gadget chest out of wood. I think Pall Mall cig packs had coupons which if you saved enough could buy things which the shop teacher did then passed away from lung cancer years later. I still have the visible scar on the left side of my left palm.
IIRC Bel Air and Raleigh cigarettes had those.
Shop class (wood and metal) was where I learned that there was no way I was going to make a decent living as a carpenter, machinist, electrician, etc. I have always envied those who can turn a beautiful piece of maple or oak into anything other than kindling.
You are right HMC! The stinking dumocraps have gone too far in their panic to regain control and keep their corruption and destruction of America going….ANYONE that is a decent, Patriotic American, honest, and has integrity should RUN NOT WALK to get out of that corrupt lying party! No decent person would join or stay there imho!!
After the accuser of Roy Moore admitted to forging the signature in that year book for money … You have to have had seen this coming.
I am surprised to NOT have seen any public adds promising money for allegations. Still the press is vigorously searching for more.
I wounder how much each allegation is worth?
I think allegation hides, if tanned, are worth $10 on the market.
Pretty soon, just like the ads for paid protesters, we will see ads on Craigslist for paid accusers of sexual misconduct. Of course, the money will have come from the Soros orgs and the accusations will only be directed in one direction, politically speaking. We already have paid lefty trolls who infest the comments sections of various media websites. Why get a job when you can get paid to sit at a computer in Mom’s basement all day and post horseshit?
Academia is full of those who will go Forward! for the cause. They are feted, treated as heroes, and celebrated among their own kind, which is the kind that stands for the Internationale. Phuk Ford. Phuk the Lying Left. And phuk the Republicans, some of whom are assisting in Ford’s efforts, if in no other way than by their silence.
This is right, the Republicans on the judiciary committee need to sack the fuck up and either pull their boy or confirm him.
No need to torture the poor man over drunken, unproven allegations from over three decades ago.
I had a pair of Tony Llama boots made from allegation hide. They were the most comfortable thing I ever wore, and they lasted forever.
Yep. When the Republican Caucus chimed in on the BS accusations against Moore to keep someone from the wrong social class from taking a Senate seat, they did more than hand a vote to the Dems: they legitimized the “thirty year old unprovable accusation with no actual evidence is legitimate” tactic for later use.
Good job, guys. You kept your precious club intact.
BAM!!BOOM!!and SHACK!! That’s what I’m saying. Both sides are guilty as hell of doing nothing but trying to justify their phony baloney jobs. Drain the swamp. If they’ve been there more than 2 terms, it’s time to go. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM! All of you demoncans and republicrats. Go home, we the PEOPLE are sick of your shit.
For my guess, I would suggest the only money exchanged would be from wine stain (feinstein) to the bimbo Ford! imho
Yesterday, I saw a photo of the evil harridan clipped-haired butch lesbian femi-nazi on DiFi’s staff who was purportedly the first to leak this fake accusation to the press. Just to look at her is all one needs to know she is undoubtedly a classical progressive man-hater (not that there is anything wrong with that, as Jerry would say).
Thus far, Ford has not given her account under oath to anyone and I don’t know that she will appear Thursday if she is required to be sworn. I wish Kavanaugh would file a defamation complaint against her today. He can always withdraw it after he is sworn in as the newest justice. In the meantime, Ford’s concern about what she should and should not say if she actually appears on Thursday would be really fun to imagine.
Speaking of perjury, her letter could have been sworn-to by oath or affirmation and notarized. It wasn’t. I don’t wonder why.
It has been noted elsewhere (Breitbart, Conservstive Treehouse, Raconteur Report) that by sending her allegations to her House Representative, her statement itself is not under oath, as it would have been had she sent it to Feinstein directly.
Federal statue makes all statements or evidence submitted to a legislative committee which is addressed to a matter within that committees jurisdiction and ipon which that committee is holding a hearing is accepted as having been made under oath, with the associated penalties for perjury.
Note that Kavanaughs’ statement, and those of his witnesses were made directly to the committee, and are therefore under oath, while all statements made by his accusers are not.
I believe that the people involved in these things intend to destroy the very fabric of our nation and civilization, and in Adams words, have become “Those who are no longer our countrymen” and that they should be respected accordingly.
John in Indy
What’s up with Ford getting to choose when and if she appears before the Senate committee? My understanding is you’re supposed to show up when you’re told, or risk being held in contempt.
Ford seems to be pulling a “Sorry, I can’t be there on Thursday. They’re having a special on French nail manicures at the spa that day. The government is just going to have to wait.”
Or something…
She’s not under subpoena. Could she be subpoenaed? You bet, but then that would lend credence to the ridiculous proposition that whatever she has alleged actually impacts Kavanaugh’s nomination. It doesn’t. Both the Dems and Reps are playing games with this stupid shit. Phuk ’em. Trump won. It’s his nominee. Vote. Done. Pay at midterms.
You got that right, the lowlife bimbo is milking it for all the notoriety she can get and so is wine stain! Throw them both out, fire the Ford bitch, remove her retirement and the same with wine stain, no retirement, no health benefits, NOTHING, NADA, ZIP, ZELCH imho adn the same for obama the a.h.! said yesterday he was the only American President from Kenya, the dirty lying sob, where are all the idiots calling us “birthers” that didn’t believe the shythead was a citizen?
The only thing Ford could have said which would have added authenticity to her “story” is if it began with “and this is no shit,” or maybe “and there was this one time at band camp.” Ford’s “who, what, where, and when” seems to be limited to: Me and four others who say it didn’t happen; he grabbed me; at someone’s house which I can’t recall, sometime in 1982 or 1983.
I also love how her one purported corroborating witness, a female classmate and Dem, says she never met Judge K, let alone went to a party where he was one of only three males. Also of note is the fact that the concoction of this D-rat fairy tale started during the 2012 general election when Judge K was floated as a likely SCOTUS nominee for Mitt Romney. And lest we forget, one of Ford’s key legal “advisers” is the woman who led the Anita Hill op against Clarence Thomas’s nomination.
Since Ford was a drunken party girl all through high school and college and admits she had sex with dozens of partners throughout that period, I don’t doubt someone grabbed her ass a time or two when she wasn’t in the mood. I saw one pic online purportedly of her passed out on a picnic table littered with beer and liquor bottles. Though it may not be her in the photo, that type of behavior is merrily cheered in her high school year book which was recently scrubbed from the internet. Underage binge drinking appears to have been a school sport at her all-girl prep school.
No, that wasn’t her. Thong panties did not become a common part of women’s underwear until the very, very late 1990s and the 2000s began.
Funny, I learned the expression “flossing ass” for thongs at a particular employer with whom I parted ways in November 1989.
Japanese call them “T-Backs” … Quite descriptive.
Whale tails is another.
She is probably pissed because he wouldn’t touch the bitch with a ten foot pole! lol
“good manners and common decency…wart hogs running things” The only thing we have an excess of in these wart hogs is a lack of good manners and decency. Drain the swamp. Sick of them and of it. Just finished re-reading William Forstchen’s “The Final Day”. The Bluemont folk were content to destroy this Country to stay in power. Sound familiar?
Does not mean it WILL happen. But maybe it’s a warning.
I have never really been afraid of anything. Here lately, I am concerned for my Grand Children’s future. That whole, “Destroy you from within” thing.
Read this. Continue to be concerned, and alert to what is going on. Buy more ammo.
Thanks for the nightmares material Ex. Didn’t have nearly enough. It’s good to know that there are way yonder more people out there that have the same concerns that we do here. Guess I need to put a night lite on in the bedroom, might keep the monsters under the bed. Got fair amount of cartridges, looking at stocking up more c rat related supplies and a more secure source of water. It’s coming, sure as Josey Wales chewed and spit. The tree of liberty must be watered by the blood of tyrants and Patriots alike. Just wish I could get the children out of FL. Daughter is well ready to leave, but SnL is hard headed I can really relate to what Judge Kav is going thru, I’ve been falsely accused in the past myself, it’s no fun. I am still firmly of the opinion that the whole Washington Establishment; Media, Military Industrial Complex, whatever term you want to use, is sucking the life out of the average working person, and the life out of the country. Believe that’s why the Trumpster is having such a hard time of it. I just say my prayers, cross my fingers, and check my cell phone and vehicle closely each time the power goes out. Deo Vindice
Don’t panic over it. It’s an alert, and a warning. Like my high school history teacher always said “Don’t assume anything”.
Crossbows don’t require a gun owners’ license. Obviously, they’re just for hunting, right?
Coming soon to an area near you! Everyone better be registering and voting..this election and the mid term…if not, the lying bas-ards will move back in, raise the taxes again, rip off the taxpayers, corrupt the whole system even worse than it is now and turn us over to the NWO…count on it or VOTE …SUPPORT TRUMP!
As I recently told Miz Poe, I’m sure glad that the rest of my life wasn’t judged by my behavior in high school. My 1950’s ratpack pals and I had ducktail haircuts, wore black leather motorcycle jackets and boots, shot endless pool, frequented bootleggers then got drunk and drove like moonshiners, got into countless bloody fights, stole hubcaps (remember Old’s spinners–they were especially prized) conducted illegal drag races, felt up our dates trying to get in their pants and occasionally got lucky, toilet papered houses, schools and even businesses who pissed us off, painted graffiti on water towers, all of which led to frequent run-ins with our small-town police who fortunately only jailed us to sleep it off when we were too drunk to go home.
All that and yet I managed to become an exemplary Airborne NCO, a college graduate with honors, a moderately successful manager in corporate America, and most importantly, a good husband to the same woman for 51 years.
These despicable Democrats are showing America and the world just what a bunch of sleazebags they truly are with this charade.
This is why you’re not being considered for the Supreme Court, Poe. Stealing Oldsmobile hubcaps is way out of bounds…
Say what you want about Joan Didion, I always thought one of her more perceptive observations was when she said that when she was going through High School, the people she felt most comfortable being around were the kind of people who hung out in gas stations.
And, since I don’t expect The Donald to nom me to be a Supreme, I’ll confess that I might have groped a Miss Beverly circa ’58. But she was on top so that weakens her case.
LOL….”a legend in his own mind”! lol 😉 as for the despicable dumocraps you are right on!
Does not matter at this point. He is already going to have a hell of a time getting the votes.
Within the next 24 hours an accuser is going to come out that will essentially scuttle his nomination anyway.
At that point he likely won’t get the votes no matter what happens.
Only about 4-5 people in each generation are ever nominated to the bench. Out of tens of millions of Americans of each generation.
It is not a right it is one of the highest privileges in American society and one of the greatest trusts afforded to an individual by the American people. A lifetime appointment to one of the most powerful position in the United States.
It should go to an absolutely impeccable and qualified individual.
Kavanaugh is not the best of his generation.
There are hundreds of equally or more qualified people eligible for this nomination. There were at least 4 others on the short list.
Kavanugh was one of the least qualified and least supported among the short list nominees. Trump chose him because of Kavanaugh’s position on executive power.
Kavanaugh is underwater in polling. And while the American people don’t get to vote on the nominee it is not unreasonable to expect that whoever the senate confirms that the person have at least the plurality of support among the American people. That seems a minimum standard in a democracy.
It is time for the GoP to save itself the horrorshow of Thursday’s hearings. This is not the 1980s. The tactics used against Anita Hill will backfire today.
No matter what the outcome Kavanugh and the GoP will be worse off after Thursday.
It does not matter if he is innocent. He is not being denied his rights by not being given a lifetime appointment to the supreme court.
I think you relish in his character assassination.
Bullshit. It does matter if Kavanaugh is innocent. At least it does to those of us who consider ethics to be important. What you’re saying is the kind of comment that might be made by a half-ass cynic who thinks political spoils should go to whichever political party has the better liars.
Cunthulu is a true believer. Truth doesn’t matter to her. A man’s good name and reputation don’t matter to her. Fairness doesn’t matter to her. What matters to her is that Kavanaugh not take a seat on the Supreme Court. I’d prefer she and her ilk just come out and say so, rather than pretend that Ford’s 36 year-old tall tale actually matters to them.
“Kavanaugh is underwater [sic] in polling.” Here, Cuntholio, this is for you:
So this reinforces my question, as I thought I was just forgetting. What does Red State and Blue State mean? Is it Incumbent party is blue? The video showed Reagan and George H.W. Bush were both considered Blue State votes (which is what I remembered), when did the Republicans become Blue?
This is the latest update from Wall Street Journal, 9/24/2018:
“By Natalie Andrews and Kristina Peterson
Updated Sept. 24, 2018 9:33 p.m. ET
WASHINGTON—Republicans rallied around embattled Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, vowing Monday to push his confirmation through the Senate even as a new allegation of sexual misconduct emerged days before a hearing on an earlier assault claim.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) took to the Senate floor to call the allegations a “smear campaign” and promise a vote on the Senate floor to confirm the judge “in the near future.” President Trump, in New York for a United Nations meeting Monday, reiterated his support for his second Supreme Court pick, saying, “I am with him all the way.”
And this, in the same article:
‘A WSJ/NBC survey released last week found that 38% of registered voters oppose the Kavanaugh nomination, up from 29% in a Journal/NBC poll last month. Some 34% said they support his nomination, which is about the same as in last month’s poll. More than a quarter of voters say they don’t know enough to have an opinion.”
At least this is up to date, not left over from some fishwrap from Labor Day.
“It does not matter if he is innocent.”
You could have saved us all some time by just writing that. Of course we already knew it.
“it is not unreasonable to expect that whoever the senate confirms that the person have at least the plurality of support among the American people.”
You missed the whole point of the entire issue. The point is actually that whomever Trump puts forward will be pilloried without mercy. Why? Simple because they are a conservative Trump nominee and nothing more than this.
The only way Trump could successfully nominate someone with a chance of confirmation, under your stated condition, would be for the individual to be a Democrat and a known, lifelong liberal. Though they would not pass the Republican smell test, they would be hailed by the left as the “people’s choice for justice”. Additionally such a person could have a sexual past to make Bill Clinton blush and not one word, not a syllable of ill would be spoken by the leftist media or #metoo and their ilk. Any true victims of their misdeeds would in fact be vilified by the same press who are vilifying Kavanaugh now.
“It does not matter if he is innocent” That right there says it all. Liberals like you do not care if they destroy a person and their family as long as they get to score political points all the while proclaiming that they are taking the moral high ground.
At this point Trump could nominate Garland and you and your ilk will find something to complain about. I think it would be funny for Trump to nominate him just so we can see Schumer and Feinstein oppose him.
This tempest in a teapot has been created, despite the fact that Kavanaugh passed several bacground checks by the FBI, which would have brought this idiotic claim to light in the beginning.
See this article from American Spectator. We are being warned.
Sorry Sparks, that was not directed to you. It was meant for Cuntholio.
“There were at least 4 others on the short list” when it came to SCOTUS nominees. But, Kavanaugh was the only one who’s decision and statement on a case was cited and repeated in the case that went to SCOTUS. The other four weren’t cited by the Supremes, Kavanaiugh was. That says much about his legal knowledge, and ability. But, you be you, Cunthulu, and run your suck about how he was the “least qualified”, his experience and the esteem that he’s held in give the lie to your ignorant rant.
And the left had signs, etc., ready to go against any and all of them.
Face it, son–it doesn’t matter who gets nominated, it’s the fact that it’s a Republican (any Republican, not just Trump) doing it that has you clutching pearls and sucking your panties so far up your ass you’re gagging on them.
Son being cutholio.
Desperation is a stinky cologne, son.
BULLSHYT, people like you are so brainwashed by the lies and corruption, a couple of you might vote against him, but KAVANAUGH WILL BE CONFIRMED..thats what the shytheads are so scared of! WAKE UP!
This just gets thicker and thicker. Updated on Sept. 23:
UPDATE 3:30 PM Sept. 23: Brett Kavanaugh plans to contest Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations by using calendars from the summer of 1982. Kavanaugh’s calendars do not show a party consistent with Ford’s contentions, according to the New York Times, quoting an anonymous source working for his confirmation.
RelatedDonald Trump Attacks Brett Kavanaugh Accusers After Addressing UN: “Democratic Con Game”
The Kavanaugh defense will argue that the calendars provide no corroboration for Ford’s account. The calenders, the Times said, will show he was out of town much of the summer, either at the beach or away with his parents. While at home, the calendars list his basketball games, movie outings, football workouts and college interviews. While a few parties are mentioned, none those friends other than those identified by Ford.
There are several updates, one of which indicates that Ford planned to drive from California to WDC, saying it would take three days. I believe that’s an incorrect length of time. WDC requires two days by car from where I live and I am several hundred miles east of the Mississippi River.
Cannot imagine why she’d drive that distance instead of taking the train, if she dislikes flying. Something’s not quite right in this whole thing.
If she bails, well, then – But I’m waiting to see what happens.
Kavanaugh is listening to the counsel he hired. He stood silent for days while his good name was savaged. He isn’t fighting for a seat. He has a damn good job now and the votes are all political and out of his control. He’s fighting for his name, his reputation and his family. He cannot lose a thing doing this. Not. A. Thing.
You are very perceptive, AirCav.
Strange days underway here. Very strange.
The government authorizes you five days to drive from California to Washington DC. No more than 8 hours per day, with rest breaks every two hours. I did it four times and took three days each time.
GOOD show the country what scumbags the dumocraps and especially wine stain and this silly lying bitch Ford are! They are not capable of shame, but a shunning is very appropriate! imho
Brett Kavanaugh’s Yale University roommate has released a statement of support for the embattled Supreme Court nominee’s second accuser, former Yale classmate Deborah Ramirez. In a report published Sunday by The New Yorker, Ramirez, 53, alleged that Kavanaugh, also 53, exposed his penis, put it in her face, “caused her to touch it without her consent as she pushed him away” and laughed about it during a dorm-room party while they were freshmen in the 1983-84 school year. Kavanaugh denied the allegation to The New Yorker, saying, “This alleged event from 35 years ago did not happen.” More from People Over 1000 Female Yale Grads Sign Letter Supporting Brett Kavanaugh… #BelieveSurvivors Walkout Participants Show Support for Kavanaugh’s… As Senate Hearing Is Set for Brett Kavanaugh, a New Accuser Emerges Now, the judge’s freshman-year roommate, James Roche, has released a statement showing solidarity with Ramirez, while also detailing Kavanaugh’s alleged “notably heavy” drinking habits and troubling behavior. In a statement released to a handful of reporters Monday night, Roche writes that “although Brett was normally reserved, he was a notably heavy drinker, even by the standards of the time, and that he became belligerent and aggressive when he was very drunk.” Though Roche says he does not remember the alleged sexual assault Ramirez has described, he does remember Kavanaugh “frequently drinking excessively and becoming incoherently drunk.” Roche also described Ramirez as “exceptionally honest, with a trusting manner.” “Based on my time with Debbie, I believe her to be unusually honest and straightforward and I cannot imagine her making this up,” Roche writes. “Based on my time with Brett, I believe that he and his social circle were capable of the actions that Debbie described.” Roche said he has no political agenda, and concluded, “I have shared this information with a small number of reporters who reached out to me directly because Debbie has a right to be heard and I believe her.” Kavanaugh and his first accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, are both expected to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday. Ford, 51, has claimed that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her… Read more »
You might also include the part where Roche said he and Kavanaugh did not socialize so he has close to zero direct knowledge.
Some more lying bas-ards getting in the limelight,,,funny what a wad of money in the hand can create isn’t it? imho
Notice how the accusers won’t give a straight that is definitly the guy who sexualy assaulted me. If it is a false acusation, then they got trouble but if it is I’m not sure if it was him, then that puts the question in peoples minds if it was or wasn’t him but the bottom line is that the dems are using this to delay the confirmation hearings, hence the last minute Feinstein starting it off and using ms. Ford for political reasons to delay the whole shibang like I above mentioned. How come I always make a short story long?????
Jeff, you have a well-defined case of verbal diarrhea. It comes from hanging out in bars in Olongapo (or some similar place) and telling sea stories to the newbies who had never been there before.
“All Animals are Equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” – Animal Farm
Ironically or not, the Pigs added that second part.
Most of Congress needs to be turned into Bacon already. Long past due.
Please do not insult real pigs by putting Congress Critters in the same biological category with them. Pigs are fierce, honest, intelligent, omnivorous, and above all, independent of the opinions of people who want to pay them to perform.
In fact, any pig worth its brine and smokehouse time would just as soon munch up the Congress critters as look at them, never mind let them occupy the category of Pigs.
Now there’s an idea! Feed them to the pigs!
I don’t know how Ford can appear on Thursday. She has nothing but allegations which cannot withstand the most shallow probing. And the burden is on her. So, what if she doesn’t appear? Is there something in HER past that she fears might come out? Does she have a reputation in her community for lying? Has she ever sworn falsely? Has she ever been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude? Perjury? These are the kinds of things that could blow up a testifying witness. It’s called being impeached. Kablooie! The difference between what I just did and what she is doing to Kavanaugh is that I am alleging none of those things about her. It would be wrong for me to do so w/o evidence. But that doesn’t seem to bother Ford or Cunthulu or their Leftist comrades one whit.
You can shame proglodytes by exposing their lies. They are the political equivalent of Frank Gallagher in “Shameless.”
“can’t” not “can.”
She won’t, she is scared of being charge with a false report and false allegations and being sued for defamation of character, besides being held in contempt of congress and having to repay taxpayers for all the money that has been wasted in this lying fiasco..imo
Let’s NOT forget that all of her “witnesses” pretty much recanted while under oath!
I hope when Kav is confirmed he will stand up and say “Excuse me while I whip this out!”
I wonder who George Soros’s next useful idiot will be after Ford is used up and thrown away? The left is shit-their-pants desperate, let’s not forget they whipped out the Sexual Harassment Cart®™ on Justice Clarence Thomas and he still got confirmed.
Ford has a seat reserved right next to Cindy Sheehan and Bradley Manning. Her shelf life is nearly up.
Ford is going to be useful until the day after November’s election day. Whether there was impact or not, she’ll be long gone by then.
They already have one ….no limit to what money can buy!
Feinstein has asked Grassley to delay the Thursday session. Grassley has declined. Will he stick to it? Who the hell knows. So far, he has contorted himself to accommodate Accuser Ford so that he and the Republicans don’t come across as rape proponents or some such thing. It doesn’t matter what Grassley does. He and his family will be followed into a supermarket, restaurant, and place of worship and be screeched at. What a f’ed up gang of assholes the Left is.
Gee, he’s defying DiFi?
I may send his staff secretary the link to Instacart, so that his family can go grocery shopping without having to leave the house and put up with public nuisances named snowflakes and SJWs.
I’d do it as a ‘Thank you’, of course.
Here’s a link to an American Spectator article, giving us a fair warning about what may be to come if we just assume that everything is okay.
Either the Democrats are brought to their knees by this, or there may be more turmoil to come.
Vote is supposed to be on Friday.
Fucking well better be.
Absolutely. Unfortunately, the whining and assorted disgusting antics will continue.
Told you all the next allegation was going to end the nomination.
Feel outraged if you like but many people who knew him from his past, including his college roommate, already are on record saying he was lying about his past. His Fox news interview included several lies and he would likely end up lying tomorrow so both Kavanuagh and the GoP are going to decide to end the nomination before tomorrow morning.
More than a dozen former classmates have come forward saying he was a boozing partying alcoholic that acted aggressive and belligerent when drunk and the allegations are consistent with observed behaviors.
It says a lot that his buddy, Mark Judge, wont testify under oath, to congress, or give any statement where there is a criminal penalty for lying. And that he wrote an autobiography titled “Wasted: Tales of a Genx Drunk” where he described he and his friends, including Kavanaugh, behaving in ways consistent with the alcohol fueled partying and aggressive behavior toward girls behind the accusations. The book even includes them having their way with drunk and underage girls.
It also says a lot the the GoP could subpoena Mark Judge; THE ONLY WITNESS IN THE ROOM DURING ONE OF THE ALLEGED ASSAULTS, and make him to testify under oath but they refuse to do so.
Kavanaugh was not a good choice for the nomination. Trump nominated him due to his expressed legal stance against having a special counsel or special prosecutor, or any investigation of a sitting president.
Though many of you all seem to think this was a democratic conspiracy the fact is Kavanaugh was the least worst from the perspective of liberals. The others on the short list are even more hard core right wing than Kavanaugh.
It makes no sense to claim this was done to force a different nominee. The next is going to be a horrorshow for democrats. And likely won’t be able to be stopped.
Dude, you convinced me.
Excellent post.
Well written, well researched, well argued.
I am voting for Hitlary next election!
I really have stopped trying to convince anyone on here of anything.
Which is why I am not coming back and arguing my point as people respond other that to correct an inaccurate statement.
Without a few dissenting voices this place would be a deafening echo chamber.
You make no attempt to convince. You simply state “I know better than you”, and then repeat liberal talking points. I hope you don’t work in sales. You’d be better as a NG PSYOPS type, MAJ at least.
Sales? Hell no. Gov’t employee.
I am preparing your plate of crow.
Wow. What a load of incorrect information the squisshy thing has pulled together.
Our sources can’t possibly be right, right? I mean, they only come from non-liberal resources like the Wall Street Journal (imagine that) and stuff like that, so they can’t possibly be right, right?
I’m amazed that chunkythunkerclanker can actually walk upright with all that stuff it’s carrying around in h/er/is/its head.
No, please don’t provide links. We have enough viruses to deal with, since summer is coming to an end and we have the flu virus to think about!
I would be really surprised if the GoP stuck with this nomination despite what Chuck Grassley has said today.
I despise McConnell but his a an extremely brilliant political operative and he was against Kavanuagh in the first place.
He knows this hearing is going to harm the GoP’s chances in November.
However, withdrawing the nomination takes the issue off the table.
I am certain they have already prepped and vetted the next choice as a contingency.
Trump could officially nominate them early next week.
Grassey could hold the committee vote the week after.
And McConnell could force the vote on the nomination the week after that.
Any attempts by the dems to discredit this nominee will just look like the same old smear strategy and appear less credible.
It has the added advantage of preventing democratic senators from going back to their states to campaign for reelection. They will be force to be on record voting against whatever far right nominee gets put up next.
Since 26 democrat senators are up for reelection and only 9 republican senators forcing the senators to be in session and actually hold a vote this close the election harms democrats chances of taking the senate far more than it harms republican chances of keeping it.
McConnell knows that, and so do several key republicans.
Even if they do not complete the vote it still serves to keep the senators in DC and it encourages GoP turnout in November because GoP leaning voters are more likely to vote on SCoTUS as an issue than dem voters.
Cleanup on aisle three, someone’s had a vowel movement.
“I really have stopped trying to convince anyone on here of anything.
Which is why I am not coming back and arguing my point”
You lied
But you keep coming back, dimbelina!
You’re an addict!!!! You say you’ll quit and then you show up for your next fix!! Unfortunately, we aren’t your street dealers, so you’ll have to find your high some place else.
Meantime, since you have no mind of your own and are obviously being told what to post, tell the Commissar we all said ‘FOAD!!!’ He is still an idiot, and so are you. Enjoy your brief bout with Marxism.
What a maroon!!
Notice how you never actually substantively respond to what I write?
You just attack me personally with a bunch of non-sequitur ad hominems, or you ridicule and nitpick my spelling and grammar.
The gal in the cubicle in front of yours has a whole box of Kleenex. Help yourself.
The gal in the cubicle in front also has some coloring books for you. Enjoy!
You said you were leaving and not coming back. Now you make it clear that you were lying all along?
So this was nothing but an infantile tantrum to get more attention again?
Wow! You really are an ass! I realize that a good shrink will cost your insurer about $250/hour, but at least you’d be providing someone with some income if you kept your word.
Obviously, you are so desperate for attention that you have to keep coming back for more and more, like some mangy, roach-infested hobo in the alley off lower Wacker Drive, just to piss people off and make them give you money to go away.
Sorry, no money here for you. Be a good little Proglodyte and fuck off back to your spot in the tent city.
These are YOUR words, ddimbelleena: Which is why I am not coming back and arguing my point as people respond other that to correct an inaccurate statement.
YOU said YOU aren’t coming back, but YOU lied and came back. YOU are an addict.
Tell the Comissar he’s still an asshole.
I was actually surprised they didn’t nominate Amy Barrett because it would great for the Republicans to be able to show the Democrats once again trying to apply a religious test to a SCOTUS nominee…Durbin and Feinstein beclowned themselves more than usual during Barrett’s confirmation the the lower court…
She’s a solid conservative judge and would have been a great choice, unless Trump’s plan was to always use her after Kavanagh failed…
Amy Barrett was the tactically smart choice.
Force the dems to appear like they are attacking her for her religious beliefs.
She would have been insulated from the vortex of the “me too” movement.
She does not have the paper trail of being a partisan political operative like Kavanaugh does.
She is actually MORE reliably conservative than Kavanaugh.
She would have helped undermine the “year of the woman” anti-Trump/GoP ground swell.
She would have been a worse case scenario for the dems.
Although it is difficult to know how well she performed at the meetings that were held leading up to the nomination.
They may have thought she would perform poorly during the actual nomination. Perhaps be too honest about her positions because she is only one of two on the list that have been very clear and open about their position on several key legal questions.
Kavanaugh and most of the other members on the short list have the advantage of being able to mislead, obfuscate, and dodge any question relating to anything actually relevant to making a single legal decision about anything that might ever actually needed to be decided by the Supreme Court.
You seem to have a problem with understanding. Your argument is all about “winning”, defeating the Dems. This is not about winning, it’s about putting a well qualified jurist in a supreme court seat. You want to nominate someone that can “win” the seat. We want someone in the seat that can serve honorably, respect the constitution, and refrain from judicial legislation. It’s about qualification, not popularity.
That last sentence of yours is very revealing of your ignorance when it comes to Supreme Court nominations. All nominees talk in terms of respecting precedent and no nominee speaks to an issue that might come before the court. When asked about the decision in a particular case, a nominee nearly always launches into a dissertation on the legal framework involved and whether the scope of a particular decision was narrow or broad. In short, they speak to precisely what you say they don’t: process and precedent. What you and yours would like is for a nominee to say, ‘I will vote to hear a Roe v. Wade challenge and overturn that decision if the opportunity presents itself.’ Ain’t gonna happen, lady.
That is an artificial political standard that has only been adopted in our politically partisan era of politics and has no prior historical precedent.
The “Ginsburg Standard” became a political tactic after Dem Senator Patrick Leahy let Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburd gently dodge a question without pushback or follow up.
Once it happened the GoP nominees used it as an excuse to dodge questions as well.
It renders the nomination process meaningless with regard to anything relevant to their judgement in ruling on the law itself which is THE ENTIRE REASON THEY ARE BEING NOMINATED.
It is a ridiculous standard with no constitutional or historical basis beyond political partisanship.
What other job can the person going through the interview process decide not to answer any questions relevant to their judgement and expertise in actually doing the job they are being considered for?
So these nominations come down to issues that have nothing to do with their judgement with respect to the adjudicating the law itself and instead focus on the candidates outside the courtroom actions as the primary basis of discussion.
I seriously doubt the vote would in any way damage the republicans chances in any elections. From what I have seen less the socialist democrat/liberal ubersupporters and minions, most folks are showing a good deal of doubt as to the veracity of the fake accusers. That it is so transparent and shifting might actually offend the people it has been foisted upon. The dems are so freaking stupid that they just keep stepping on their genitalia daily. It ain’t even entertaining to watch any more.
On a lark I googled the twit’s screen name and one of the hits was for a bestiality website. I was totally unprepared for that. It gave me the dry heaves and ruined my day. That stuff is just sick and vile. I’m considering seeing a counselor about it. Visiting a bestiality website isn’t illegal in itself. Of course, I have no idea whether she uploaded or downloaded images from there, which would be an entirely different matter, legally speaking. Anyway, at this point, I’m not going to go to the police about it, but I might feel compelled to let her employer know about it. In my view, it is they who should investigate this. I did my part by bringing this out into the light of day. And please don’t ask me for the site’s URL. It’s not in my history cache. I do recall though that the site had a “current visitor” number and that the number was five, including me. I also recall seeing a woman and a horse in a barn and that there some steps leading up to a loft. That was enough. I got out of there quick. I was horrified. I was traumatized.
Some of you may expect me to produce evidence of what I just wrote. Well, that’s not my problem. If the twit wants to try to disprove my account, that’s her call. Hey, if it’s good enough for her when it comes to Judge Kavanaugh, it should be good enough for her.
Do you want a cookie and some hot cocoa and a quiet spot in the corner? A little soothing music?
No, I just want to be believed w/o anyone asking me too many questions or trying to put me under oath! Everyone should just believe me!
Which twit of whom do you speak, a Judge K accuser, or was it Cunthulu? Did the deviant sex involve large squids? Was there any tentacle porn? Just asking for a friend with an inquiring mind.
The rats better pray they kill off this nomination. They just created another Clarence Thomas. Revenge is a dish best served cold – so I hear.
I don’t know. Me? Yeah, I’d want blood, but Kavanaugh will do what he says, which is to respect precedent. He has great respect for the Constitution and is not about to do what the Left wants its fellow travelers to do when they reach the Supreme Court: legislate.
Yeah, he’ll be a great Justice, and no legislating from the bench.
The rogue’s gallery of liars trying to torpedo the Kavanaugh nomination is a laugh riot. Apparently, the strategy is to comb the back lots of strip joints and pron studios to acquire women willing to falsely claim the Kavanaugh did this, that, and the other thing. The plan is to stack ‘em up so that weak-minded souls will begin to say, “Gee, that’s smoke. There must be fire.” But there is no fire. It’s water vapor and mirrors. We all know about Ford. She changed her story. She has no corroboration. She has no witnesses. Hell, she doesn’t even know where her sexual assault occurred. (No shit. If she knew where, that could be checked out, and she doesn’t want that. She just wants an investigation into nothing to drag this shit out.) Then there’s the slut’s lawyer who says his client, on multiple weekend visits to a high school from college, witnessed regular gang rapes. Pa-lees. Like Ford, there is no corroboration. There are no witnesses. There are no police reports. Then there’s another chicklet who says…it doesn’t matter what the hell she said to the NYT. Again, bald allegation of serious wrongdoing with no corroboration whatsoever. No police reports. No witnesses. No nothing. Welcome to Soviet style justice, c/o the Democrat Party.
Kinda liked tonight how Trump told reporters what a bunch of con artists the Dems are. When he told the reporters they all went behind closed doors and laughed and laughed and laughed at all of us and all of THEM for buying into their bullshit I started cracking up…
God, I hope this explodes in the Dems faces… I have a sister and a lot of neighbors who think that the GoP is finished in November.
I have proposed moving them all to their very own island in the South Atlantic, somewhere near Antarctica. They could discuss how awful globullshit warming is, and wait anxiously for the next ship to arrive with food. Of course, it would be a self-directed ship, with no crew to accommodate them, and the hold would have only enough food for one year.
At some point, the penguins would probably kick them off the island.