Army Sergeant Michael Lindsey – No Purple Heart
The folks at Military Phony sent us their work on James Michael Lindsey. He prefers to go by Michael or Mike.
For some odd reason, a lot of people in Lindsey’s hometown of Haskell, Texas are under the impression that he has a Purple Heart from being wounded in Iraq. Many of them might think that because he was designated an “Everyday Hero” and it was printed in the Abilene News-Reporter.
In 2009, Lindsey, who lived in Haskell from age 5, was a medic in the U.S. Army when the Humvee in which he was riding struck an improvised explosive device, killing three of the soldiers and badly injuring Lindsey. For his actions, Lindsey received numerous medals, including the Purple Heart.
Lindsey even saved a life before he passed out.
“It was horrible,” said a friend, XXXX XXXXXX, of the incident. “He saved one soldier’s life with a tracheotomy but he couldn’t get to the others before he passed out himself.”
People that knew Lindsey well questioned his version of events. So, a quick examination of his military records show…
Well, there is no Purple Heart in his records but he was in Iraq.
As a side note, seven soldiers from Fort Carson CO were killed in Iraq in 2009 – five by a suicide truck bomb and two by non-hostile vehicle accidents. None match the incident that was described in the newspaper article.
The newspaper was contacted and so was Michael. Michael came clean but we believe that had something to do with the fact that he knew he was being investigated. We would not want people thinking that he just had some kind of spontaneous act of humble honesty.
Michael also promised he would contact the newspaper and set the record straight. We are still waiting to hear from the Abilene News-Reporter. They are not the first paper to be duped by a Stolen Valor Vulture, we hope they become one of the few that have the professional integrity to publish a meaningful correction.
Many of the people we expose like to move around the country. We have seen them set up shop again, sharpen their story and keep on telling lies. We hope this will not be the case with Mikey. It’s still a mystery as to who said what to whom and how it all ended up in the newspaper, but hopefully, it will all get sorted out and the good citizens that read that paper will eventually get the truth, as uncomfortable as it may be.
There’s a common expression in Hollywood when it comes to movies — “Don’t ever let the truth get in the way of a good story.” We just don’t think that should apply to newspaper articles. Michael Lindsey had a perfectly honorable military career and served during a time when most people would not. He had every reason to be proud of what he actually did do, his embellishments are disappointing.
Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures
And Facebook GONE!
The first casualty of conflict is the Facebook page.
But, Facebook is a resilient bastard. It WILL rise from the ashes like a Phoenix.
Bathroom selfie… legit!
From the position and angle, looks like it’s a toilet bowl shot. I think I see a turd reflected in his eyeglasses. Or is that behind his glasses?
A salute to the Military Phony investigative team for bringing this fledgling ordained “Christian Minister” to his first come to Jesus meeting. Mike has repented of his lying and has tried to make amends with his “brothers” in arms. He’s now ready to soldier with the God Squad as Pastor Mike, a defender of the faith.
The young preacher already has the topic of his first sermon: The Human Tongue. From James chapter 3: verse 5 “Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. 6 The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell. 8 but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.”
Now pass the collection plate and give until it hurts because Mike and family got to eat. AMEN!
It’s why the tongue is set in the mouth and covered with water lest that fire spread throughout the entire body and burn the soul to hell…
“It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison”
I thought that was the other utensil.
Today is Tuesday and so far no Seals.
James Michael Lindsey, who probably had honorable service in the US Army, apparently has lied and embellished the facts of his injury and his service experiences. Now he is possibly using his supposed religious work to scam and or flim flam some more. One of God’s Commandments is “Thou shalt not bear false witness”. If a person will lie about facts that are easily checked out, what else will they lie about? I have had many a TV, Radio, Newspaper, and Magazine interview over the last 40 years. Not once did the reporter interview a “friend” or “acquaintance” to get the “story”. God will get you for this Mikey, eventually if not sooner. When people start looking for your obituary info in the future, this Google hit will show up also. Ass Hole.
Bathroom selfie – check
Wifebeater t-shirt – check
BCD or Buddy Holly glasses – check
Service dog (out of frame) – check
Doo rag – Wha?
His leather vest is at the cleaners.
He has leather chaps on instead
If it’s the chaps with the ass-end out, I’ve heard of a few bars in San Francisco that he may like because those kind of chaps are popular there.
1] The Cockpit
2] The White Swallow
I wouldn’t be surprised if it turns out he pole dances at The Blue Oyster in pink patent leather chaps!
And a chapeau
Maybe he has a purple bunghole from being wounded in the shower.
OK, you got me,…..
He got hurt trying to stay in shape, as you say there’s no shame in that…could happen to anyone.
He didn’t have to tell his friend he slipped and fell in the weight room and the weights whacked his skull…all he needed to tell his friend was that he was injured in a non-combat accident and was retired medically.
But the lie has the appeal of some sort of heroic action, and most folks would rather be seen the hero than the clumsy fellow who injured himself….life being unfair the latter happens far more often than the former.
NBI’s happen. Its the nature of the beast.
Also, dudes in a unit can get pissed at each other (you name it) and that animosity can bubble over in time.
Cas in point: I caught a clown making up shit about a guy one time. I knew the guy and knew none of that happened as he was a straight shooter. So much so, that in his position several years past he hammered this turd for insubordination. I will say that most of the lies created to smear someone usually come from women. The very same women that these losers spread the lies to in the first place.
You always have to use caution. But then again, after about 5 or 6 questions, one should know the truth….
Y’know, I was about to say something like ‘well, at least he has admitted it and apologized…..’
The thing is though, as so often with these dudes, their apologies often seems to be suffixed with an excuse.
‘…..I lied and I’m sorry…….but you see, I was traumatized etc etc…’
‘…..I lied and I’m sorry…….but it’s not my fault because of xyz….’
‘…..I lied and I’m sorry…….but I behaved poorly because of….’
Always an excuse and a qualifier. I’ll respect an unqualified apology. Own your actions.
Shit on honorable service. Not everyone can be in the high speed Signal Corps like me…….
Signal! First to go, last to know!
These local hero pieces are all the rage it seems and, one day, I hope to read one in which the featured hero or the reporter didn’t lie like hell. Some of them are funny and, until very recently, I was emailing the local writer of this type of piece pointing out shit that was in obvious error and obvious bullshit. For some reason, my emails now kickback as undeliverable. Bwahahahaha.
He played the suicide ideation and nuthouse cards in the same hand.
Not to brag BUT…I use 145 lbs to warm up (3 sets often 3 min apart) when I bench. I am 70 years old next month. On my birthday my twin brother and I are going to each bench 250 lbs several times ( several = 1-2) for our wives and hope neither of us lose bladder or bowel control doing it, as it will be filmed for the grandchildren. A “bucket list” thing.
Been weight lifting for 42 yrs, never let a weighted bar fall on me. But it can be dangerous, be careful.
Too bad this fellow took good proud service in OIF
and besmerched. Glad he fessed up. Maybe he can pastor to tattooed chronic windbags wearing bling.
CAPT Bones USN (ret)
That’s nothing, I pickup 250 lbs everytime I get out of a chair LOL 😉
“…In 2009, Lindsey, who lived in Haskell from age 5, was a medic in the U.S. Army when the Humvee in which he was riding struck an improvised explosive device, killing three of the soldiers and badly injuring Lindsey. For his actions, Lindsey received numerous medals, including the Purple Heart…”
Please just spare me the bullshit, asswipe; just spare me…
“For his actions, Lindsey received numerous medals, including the Purple Heart…””
I thought the PH was awarded for getting wounded or killed. Are those considered “actions”?
Or am I no comphrehendo.
It’s more than likely that this reporter has no idea what the criterion for receiving the Purple Heart even is. Reporters today are pretty ignorant…
Yes, and there is no excuse for it what with Al Gore’s great invention. I recently read that a local hero won an oak cluster. I kid you not. Another guy claimed that he was one of the last Marines out of Saigon and that his picture (in a crowd where faces could not be discerned) appeared in Time or Newsweek. No matter that by his own time line and his unit, his being there was impossible. I think they “dump” these hero stories on interns. I’d hate to think that anyone is pulling a paycheck to write that stuff.
The news media/reporter lies are nothing new. In 1971 I read a by-lined article in Time magazine about a combat action involving a company in my battalion. The reporter had claimed to have spent three days in the bush with the company just after a major firefight. In fact, the reporter, per the company commander, had spent about six hours with his company, and the subject firefight involved another company in another part of our AO. Moreover, the article was littered with direct quotes from the CO and his men that were never uttered by them.
Go sit in a corner, facing the wall. Don’t come out until someone calls you.
There I was — knee deep in spring clip barbell collers and 5 lb plates…
Suddenly, a corporal handed me a leather hernia belt and said “Wear this.”
As he walked away I shouted “Spot me, bee-yotch.”
He snapped back “For the amout of weight you’re lifting, go spot yourself.”
With a bruised ego, I swallowed hard, determined to knock out the reps myself.
Well, at least he has no fake service tats and hasn’t claimed Ranger or Special Forces, so he has that going for him. Unlike most of our POSers, he has a believable motivation for his embellishment, embarrassment over a stupid accident with dumb or bar bells taking him out of action. I had a terrible accident myself with a bar bell my first week on active duty. I walked into the little “O” club at Olsen Hall with my hat on. The bartender rang the bell and I had to buy drinks for about 20 patrons. Considering I only had about $90.00 to my name and three weeks till my first payday, it was a devastating financial injury.
Okay, he confessed, that’s one thing a lot don’t do, but if he’s the Preacher he claims to be then he’ll REPENT.
It’s pretty clear to me 5hat we was counseling his friend and inadvertently adopted his persona. It could happen to anybody.
*that he was
Well, he had a half decent career. It’s unfortunate he will now be little more than an asterisk or a Google entry about what not to do.