Weekend Open Thread

| September 14, 2018

Hurricane Florence from the ISS, taken OA 12 September 2018

Hurricane Florence is continuing inland after making landfall this morning on the North Carolina coast. If you’re of a religious bent, please remember all those in the affected area in your prayers.

If you’re in the affected area, don’t take needless chances. The short-term aftermath of a hurricane is often as dangerous as the storm itself. Post-hurricane flooding IMO is likely to be a serious problem after this storm. Keep yourself informed of local conditions regarding flooding – both current and projected.

Bottom line: as AW1Ed noted in an earlier article, things can be replaced; people can’t. Make sure your and your loved ones’ safety comes first.

Weekend open thread time, all. “Be careful out there.”

Category: Open thread

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Jon The Mechanic

First. EVERYONE has been losing their mind over Florence. Apparently, nobody has ever seen a Hurricane before.

Second. Dumb people reproduce faster than those with common sense and intelligence. The DRG is a prime example of that.

Third. I’m in NC, and I’m ready to begin channeling my inner LT Dan when Florence finally gets to me.


Just caught the edge of the storm here. Cat isn’t even in the undercouchbunker.

Lucked out. It turned away.

Wilted Willy

Congrats Jon! May you enjoy your week on the all powerfull WOT Throne! Happy Weekend to all my friends on TAH! I wish I could buy you all a cold beverage! Enjoy folks!!

Lurker Curt

I don’t know how Claw will rule, but it looks to me like Jon pulled off a Trifecta…


I think Willie was First last week, but yes, I believe this is at least 3 for Jon


Last week’s WOT Firster was NDHoosier.

Extracted from the Coveted Book of Firsts (2nd Edition) are the dates that Jon The Mechanic has posted a legitimate First:

16 Feb 18
27 Apr 18
04 May 18
18 May 18
22 Jun 18
27 Jul 18
10 Aug 18
14 Sep 18

Jon The Mechanic

I have eight First awards? Wow…

Lurker Curt

I was commenting on your Firstiness also containing “secon” and “third”, thereby looking like a Wise Ass Dickweed doing a win-place-show in a beautifully passive/aggressive way…I was moved, no shit!

A Proud Infidel®™

NOBODY has as many self-awarded Honorary Firsts as me, so *NYEEEEEAAAAAHHH!*.



Not first!


I -knew- that was too good to be true!

Jon The Mechanic

And in case you are worried about me really channeling my Inner LT Dan, my Scottish heritage wife has already told me that she would beat me with a shillelagh if I did do it.


Not first, not last.

Commissioner Wretched

Fourth, if I’m any judge of counting.

Commissioner Wretched

And since I’ve made my presence known, here’s this week’s trivia/humor extravaganza. I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it! DID YOU KNOW…? Did Bugs Bunny really save the life of voice actor Mel Blanc? By Commissioner Wretched There is a certain joy to the arrival of autumn. Yes, I know it’s not here yet; we still have a couple more weeks of summer to go. But even though the calendar hasn’t changed the season, the first hints of fall are already with us. Leaves are starting to change color. Our furry friends are beginning to shed their summer fur and grow in their thicker, warmer winter coats. Football games have started, from the Pee Wee leagues all the way up to the NFL. And, the best part … baseball is winding toward the division and league championships and the World Series. Since I write this column several weeks in advance, I have no real way of knowing how my beloved Chicago Cubs are doing in the standings, but I can tell you this – from 2015 to now has been a wild, enjoyable ride as the former “Loveable Losers” became formidable winners. And may they continue to be such! Just as you are all formidable winners, because you read my trivia! Which I am happy to once again bring to you. E-mail that is sent to didyouknowcolumn@gmail.com not only reaches me, it gets quick replies! So write, if you’ve a mind to do so. Here we go, on to the trivia! Did you know … … flies cannot eat solid food? (If you’re squeamish, you might want to skip to the next item.) What they do is, they vomit internal juices onto solid food, which dissolve the food, and they suck up the resulting mess. (Suddenly I don’t feel so bad about using fly swatters.) … humans are not the only animals that use formations to fight? Ants and crows do so as well. (I think we’re better at it, though. Your mileage may vary.) … Mel Blanc (1908-1989), the man behind the voices… Read more »


And as usual, you provide information that is odd but useful to have.

I did not know that birds would starve in zero gravity. I have been enlightened.

Thank you!


Use parking lots and choose a spot which allows you to pull through. I love watching people. Often while sitting in the car waiting for the Russian, I’ll watch people park. Why in the world would you pull into a space and park in that first space, when the next adjacent spot in front is open? Now, when leaving, one has to back out. It is so mush easier to simply pull through so you can pull out. But people, being people, …


Your not Canadian. I can tell.


If you can’t parallel park from either side, you shouldn’t be allowed to drive. It’s a basic awareness of where the boundaries of your vehicle is.

At the battle of Choisin Reservoir, I read that the temps dropped so much that they had to fire weapons every few hours to keep them warm enough to function. Lubricants got so thick it froze the weapons and men used Vitalis hair tonic as lube, it thickened up to something akin to 30W oil. For you younger kids, Vitalis was mostly alcohol.

Something I never knew from “Field of Dreams” – “Moonlight” Graham was real. One game in 1908, then finished out in the minors. The great part: The stories told of him were real stories told by real folks from Chisolm who drove down to the filming to tell of him. So ‘Doc’ Graham existed…. ain’t that great?


This has nothing to do with parallel parking. It has to do with parking in an open lot, such as a mall, where one can pull into a spot. My question is, if it is also possible to pull forward into the second spot, which is also open, why not do that, thus alleviating the necessity of backing out when exiting? Got it?


Actually parallel parking is easy if you know how to do it.
Our driver’s ed instructor told us how to do it and I still do it that way.
I can fit a huge vehicle into a small spot.
You pull up where your car’s rear end is by the rear end of the other car, then you crank your wheels and straighten them out when your rear window is at the rear end of the car. When your windshield pillar passes the rear end of the car you crank the wheel the other direction and slowly pull in.
I can get less than 6 inches to the curb every time.
In Iowa, you had to parallel park for your driver’s test.


BTW… one hundred and fifty twooth…


Got here before comments hit 10, I feel proud of myself ^_^


Must be a slow day here today. 12:17 and made it in the top 6-7.


Top 10 # 8? Damn where is every body. Thanks CW good post again! All my fellow dickweeds and weedeses be y’all safe around Flo. This time last year we were neck deep in 14 – 16 hour days fixing Irma stuff. Rest of ’em was in Texas for Harvey.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Twelfth, happy weekend folks


What? I’m in eighth place this time?

Who dozed off at the switch here?

If you’re in the Low Countries, be safe. That is one humdinger of a storm.


I guess I’m 9th, not 8th.


Just received this from a reliable source. Call number to verify and take advantage of this really great deal.

For all my east coast friends:
I just saw this on another page
******USAA members******
If your zone is evacuated (Mandatory Evacuation) and you have homeowners or renters insurance through USAA, call them and let them know they will pay for your gas, food and hotel to evacuate. It’s called prohibited usage for emergencies under renters/owners insurance. They will cover lodging for up to two weeks. 1-800-531-8722
Please share!


That’s good to know. Thanks, Chief.


Thanks for the info also, Chief.
I’m not anywheres near that area
(I’m in cheese-head land), but I do have USAA and wasn’t aware of that benefit.


Here dickweeds!!
I was down the hall in something they call a “meeting”. Jesus, eating into my TAH time.
How fucking inconsiderate.

Oh and I’ll jet leave this here.

(Disclaimer, yes I created the hat but someone else made the comment on the interwebs so, not mine.)



If that link doesn’t work, try this. (giggle)


“Productivity is down- let’s call a meeting to address the situation.”

This one got me the stink-eye from the Assistant Program Manager for Test and Evaluation (APMT&E).

Fuck him if he can’t take a joke, and I’m so senior that they can kill me, but they won’t eat me.


Maggot Attorney is Gravity Adverse


If the purpose of a meeting is other then to make a decision, could it not be better handled with a memo, email, or bulletin board post?


Not first, pffftt.


Countries hit most by tropical cyclones since beginning of modern global satellite surveillance in 1970. The US (plus Hawaii) ranks 5th.

Milo Mindbender

Not first, but my youngest son is stationed at Camp LeJeune, and sheltering in place at this time. Waiting to hear from him, but power is out, and interwebs are undone so we just have to trust and believe.


Probably just fine.
They’ve had about 18 inches of rain and winds are only about 40 mph



I was on the ground at Keesler after Katrina. If anyone is ready and able to weather a hurricane, it’s the US military.

The base, with some housing exceptions (and an infestation of large ceiling tile dwelling rats), came out a lot like the before. Off base it was like the hand of God had slapped down entire neighborhoods.

A Proud Infidel®™

25rd and Honorary First yet again!



And now, with some YouTube links for your entertainment please;

Some highlights of Jack Webb as “The D.I.”: https://youtu.be/YV8kJu4NDsQ

1966 Space Highlights – So much hope for the future. Shame now all we key up on is the negative:

What did we do with radioactive waste 60 years ago? Pack it in concrete and have the Coasties drop it in a deep trench at the bottom of the Atlantic. Imagine the outrage towards that today:

Finally, a comedy routine. Tucker vs. Creepy Porn Lawyer. This might be one of the funniest things I’ve seen in months:


For me, this is the funniest four minutes and fifty two seconds in the history of moviedom !!!
The Penguin !!!


Top 50, so doing pretty good for an old retired IT dude.

Next biopsy scheduled for 26SEPT, but the doc felt that there was no significant change in the prostate cancer.

Hot, humid, but 60% chance of rain in my neck of the woods.

Sighted in the .22 in preparation for squirrel season opening in October. 3/4″ groups at 50 yards, so if I can hold the darn thing still there should be some squirrel stew in my future.

While at the gun range I got a text from some commie running for state senator under an assumed Latino name asking me who I was voting for. I replied “we don’t vote for commies.” No response at this time.

Wilted Willy

Graybeard, if they end up having to remove your prostate, make sure you get a surgeon that uses the Davince robot. My brother had that and was out the next day! They did mine almost 20 years ago and they gutted me like a trout! I was in the hospital for over a week and never had anything hurt that much! Now, if I could just get rid of the bladder cancer, I would be very happy! Good luck my friend, if you have any questions, feel free to call me at (number redacted). I’ll be praying for you brother!!
Take care all.


Thx, WW. I’ll take all the prayers I can get.

I am thinking I will be one of the very very lucky ones and get to just get a biopsy every 6 months to watch it.

When they did the genetic testing on the first biopsy they reported that I have a 1.7% chance of having something problematic come up in the next 10 years, and should be manageable with a very conservative treatment. I’m also glad that they’ve made a lot of progress over the last 20 years with treatment.

I’m not sure you should be posting your phone number in the open here in case some nutjob gets it. Maybe Hondo or Ex can scrub it?

Praying for you as well and your battle with cancer.


Re: removing personal info like phone numbers: Hondo posted the WOT,so he has to do that.

You should ask the mods to forward your number or e-mail address for you instead.

2/17 Air Cav

If he does, he’s nuttier than a fruitcake. WW: Regulars would disregard your number but certain ASsHoLeS would like nothing better than to have the address, email, or phone number of a TAH regular.

Combat Historian

Beto O’Rourke’s younger brother?


Something like that. Hard to tell with their pants on. Don’t want to see it with its pants off.


Weekly Report-
Danny Boi remains -6’AGL and at ambient temperature.

That is all.


See above re MAGA.

Maggot Attorney is Gravity Adverse


Present. People keep expecting me to work in order to get paid. I didn’t think DA civilians had to do that. Dark Side owes me my cookies, too!


Congrats Jon! WOT firsting is a skill and you have ample!
Work done put-it-in an uncomfortable place today, 10 hours of truck recall work in 2 hours.
Gotta risk it to get the biscuit!
Thoughts are with those being effected by nature’s wrath. Best of luck.
Less than 50 comments for the WOT, how is everyone so quiet?!
Have a GREAT weekend y’all!!!
Off to find the bottom of a Miller High Life…


Congrats to Jon!
Have a GREAT weekend y’all!!!
(Don’t know if I fat fingered before, if there’s a double, oops)

Just An Old Dog

For those who remember the Piece of Shit John J Sixta, the asswipe Sgt Major made famous in HBO’s Generation Kill who was later sentenced to 45 years to life for Child Molestation there is an update.
He appealed his sentence and it was reduced to 30 years.
If you are the type to explode over this shit I don’t recommend googling his appeal.
It goes into pretty lurid details of the shit he did to his stepdaughters and another victim.
What really got me is the piece of shit was molesting his step-daughter in his office on base when he was in the same unit as me. Literally the next building over.
If there is a God Sixta will end up getting tortured and taken out by a prison gang.


Didn’t read the dirty details, but was curious how/why they reduced it. Turns out one of the three convictions (ea. with 15 year consecutive sentences) occured on a MCB, a federal jurisdiction. So it looks like the federal authorities need to charge him. Which they should have any way if you ask me.

I wonder if that’ll backfire on him when he gets convicted in federal court and sentenced to a longer term.

A Proud Infidel®™

Here’s hoping he gets prison justice at the hands of some Latin Kings or Lifers.


I’m happy to announce that the newest addition to the Twist family was born this morning at 0300. My daughter and SOL named him Yggdrasil (Norse for tree of life). I really wish they named him something else, but he is still a really handsome little fellow.


Congrats! Mister Mxyzptlk was too much of a mouthful for them?

I guess you can call him Iggy. Or Silly. 😉


Grandchildren… Gods reward to us for not killing our kids when they were teenagers. Congrats Twist, and Happy Spoiling there of.


Frank Zappa named on of his offspring Dweezil and his daughter’s name was Moon Unit.


Congratulations Twist!

Grandchildren are one of life’s greatest pleasures. May you have many years of getting to be a grandparent!


Yggdrasil? Seriously? Well, he can pick out a name that he wants people to use when they address him. And he can also find a way to get even with his parents by getting his name changed to Thor, the God of Thunder.


They named their next youngest child Dunkin Goku. Drives me nuts, but I still love the kiddos


Happy weekend all, woulda been here earlier, but an SUV tried to run a red light, and tangled with a semi hauling propane cylinders… popped the saddle tanks, made a mess, and we got to deal with rush-hour drivers… ooh boy!



Saw a propane/natural gas-powered semi on the interstate the other day and thought that when one of those gets in a tangle the consequences could be explosive. I don’t want to be around!

Cameron Kingsley

Does anybody know what happened to Guardian of Valor? Their site has gone completely offline. Was it shut down?


0730, 15SEP Posted yesterday but posting again in case missed. Call to verify if your insurance company offers this great deal. This is potentially worth thousands of dollars. Imagine other insurance companies offer similar deals.

HMC Ret says:
September 14, 2018 at 1:50 pm
Just received this from a reliable source. Call number to verify and take advantage of this really great deal.

For all my east coast friends:
I just saw this on another page
******USAA members******
If your zone is evacuated (Mandatory Evacuation) and you have homeowners or renters insurance through USAA, call them and let them know they will pay for your gas, food and hotel to evacuate. It’s called prohibited usage for emergencies under renters/owners insurance. They will cover lodging for up to two weeks. 1-800-531-8722
Please share!


Congratulations to the 4,000 + new Chief Petty Officers who were flat-hatted yesterday, 14SEP. Welcome to the Chief’s Mess, fellow CPOs.

A Proud Infidel®™

I read that Gary Sinise was made an Honorary CPO by the MCPON as well!

2/17 Air Cav

There is no doubt in many minds that news outlets love a good storm. Oh, they have such a grand time, what with exaggeration, hyperbole, and the-sky-is-falling newscasts. Of course, it’s all couched in terms of our safety, but I am sure that the extended coverages, wall-to-wall (or is that eye wall to eye wall?) useless drivel makes stations gleeful. Aside from a few geezers and nerds, who otherwise watches more than five minutes of the Weather Channel. Here’s a video that captures the bullshit. It’s a scream. As a weather guy pretends to balance himself by leaning hard into the deadly winds, two people stroll behind the bad actor w/o any extra effort.



Speed up the news, or the wind, on a slow news day. Wonder if this bullshit has found its way back to the corporate offices? How silly of me to think they really give a crap.


A bit of U.S. Navy History: AMERICAN HISTORY! Trivia: When was the last mutiny aboard a US Navy Ship and when was it?! TRIVIA: In 1842, the USS Somers. The USS Somers was an armed, two-masted brig that experienced the only Naval mutiny in US history to result in executions. While on voyage from Monrovia, Liberia to the Virgin Islands in the Caribbean, Commander Alexander Mackenzie was informed on 26 November by steward J.W. Wales that Midshipman Phillip Spencer, son of Secretary of War John Spencer, had told him the night before of a plan to mutiny, which had already been joined by some 20 crewmen, for the purpose of turning the ship to piracy. Commander Mackenzie did not initially consider the threat serious but told First Lieutenant Guert Gansevoort, first cousin of author Herman Melville, to watch Spencer closely. Other crewmen told 1LT Gansevoort that Spencer had been speaking in secret with Boatswain’s Mate Samuel Cromwell and Seaman Elisha Small, so Commander Mackenzie confronted Spencer with the allegations that evening. Spencer claimed the whole thing had been a joke, but this did not satisfy Commander Mackenzie, who had him clapped him in irons below decks. Spencer’s quarters were searched and a letter was found, written with Greek letters, apparently to disguise it contents. Unfortunately for Spencer, Midshipman Henry Rodgers also knew Greek and translated it: It was a list of officers and crew labeled “Certain,” “Doubtful,” and “Nolens Volens.” The last term means “unwilling/willing,” meaning those men who could swing either way. The letter read, in part, “Those doubtful marked (+) will probably be induced to join before the project is carried into execution. The remainder of the doubtful will probably join when the thing is done, if not, they must be forced. Commander Mackenzie made no more arrests until the next day, when a mast broke in half and brought down some of the sails. Cromwell, the largest man on the ship, was questioned about his meetings with Spencer and contended that he had not met with him, but that Small had. Small admitted his part, and both… Read more »

fsckity fsck

John Giduck – the turd with a face!

fsckity fsck

Cori LeCinda Pierce – the turd who defrauds with a dog!

“They will eventually get it out of their systems”
She doesn’t know us very well.

2/17 Air Cav

Unlike the NFL, college football can be fun. Check out this pretend fair catch. Kudos to the refs for paying attention and not blowing a whistle:

A Proud Infidel®™


Frankie Cee

On September 12th, (my birthday), the Florida Department of Corrections, updated the status of Sleazy Scammer of women of low self esteem, Phony, Faker, Non-military, Kyle Christopher Barwan, DOB 1/1/90 showing a new release date of November 12, 2018. He must be making everyone very, very happy in his cell block. I would project his actual release date to b e around November 1st, if he continues to be the crowd pleaser that he seems to be lately. I would also project that within hours of his release, he will be using some sort of social media, or standing in some city park, telling of his derring-do, and that the army has messed with his pay and he needs money to get buy. His pasty white prison pallor will be explained, saying that he had been on a mission above the arctic circle, fighting bad guys. Using his name once in each comment will help greatly to alert the public to this piece of shit.
Kyle Christoper Barwan is not, and has not been, any kind of special operations soldier, and has not ever been any sort of military officer, nor has he ever been associated in any way with the CIA or any other alphabet soup organization.

Frankie Cee

The official status of Kyle Christopher Barwan can be seen at this Florida Department of Corrections link:

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder if he’s already started trying to con women via pen pal letters?


At least he won’t be out there on Veterans Day according to his release date.

2/17 Air Cav

One thing leads to another. I heard that Troy State beat Nebraska in football yesterday and, in my googling, I searched Troy State. It’s in Alabama. So? So, this: https://www.troy.edu/confucius/

If, as I was, you’re curious about a place called The Confucius Institute, a propaganda platform paid for and selectively staffed by the People’s Republic of China, have at it. There were about 400 schools with these institutes in them some years ago, but the number is now down to 100. It’s not so much what they teach at these institutes. It’s more about what they don’t: the whole truth.