Tucker Carlson Nails It
Tucker Carlson to Dems: Since ‘Diversity Is Our Strength’ Is Our New National Motto, Please Be Specific as You Explain It
I’m a fan of Tucker, and try to catch his nightly show at 2000L. Last Friday on Fox News Channel’s eponymous “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” he took it to the so-called Washington, D.C. resistance movement by questioning exactly what they supported in their capacity as the “resistance.”
Carlson also asked about the phrase “diversity is our strength” as a slogan and wanted to know how that was the case, and he takes both on, which is our subject at hand.
Partial transcript as follows:
CARLSON: They’ve talked a lot about norms, called a lot of people racist, and tried to make anyone who disagrees with them shut up. And, of course, they’ve lectured us endlessly about something called diversity as if that answers some relevant question.
OBAMA: Our diversity, our patchwork heritage, is not a weakness. It is still and always will be one of our greatest strengths.
BERNARD SANDERS, POLITICIAN, JUNIOR UNITED STATES SENATOR, VERMONT: Our diversity is one of our greatest strengths.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Our great strength lies in our diversity.
CARLSON: Well they all agree on that. It’s hard to know exactly what it means though other than stop talking or else. We won’t stop talking.
If the President’s going to be removed from office without a single vote from anybody outside Washington D.C., then we deserve to have some simple questions answered, and we mean answered for real, not just with a sneer and a ticket to the H.R. department for sensitivity training. So here it goes.
First, how is our current immigration system made America more stable and more prosperous? In your answer, please explain what happened to the State of California? Used to be called the Golden State. Had a thriving middle class. Had the country’s best schools.
Now the schools in California are a complete disaster. The middle class is vanishing, and the nation’s largest mass of impoverished people remains behind to serve a tiny pool of tech oligarchs. How exactly did that happen?
Next, how precisely is diversity our strength? Since you’ve made this our new national motto, please be specific as you explain it. Can you think, for example, of other institutions such as, I don’t know, marriage or military units in which the less people have in common, the more cohesive they are?
Do you get along better with your neighbors, your coworkers if you can’t understand each other or share no common values? Please be honest as you answer this question.
And if diversity is our strength, why is it OK for the rest of us to surrender one of our central rights, freedom of speech, to just a handful of tech monopolies? And by the way, if your ideas are so obviously true why does anyone who question them need to be shamed, silenced and fired?
How about this question? After spending two centuries overcoming our country’s painful history of racial discrimination and hatred, why is it once again acceptable, even encouraged, to attack people on the basis of their skin color?
And by the way, since we’re asking if it’s now possible to change your sex, is it possible to change your race too? If not, tell us why and be specific.
Damn fine questions, Tucker. He’s racist, of course, for even asking them, which is about the only answer he’ll get.
As a govvie, I get exposed to diversity-bots just about every day, and I’m heartily sick of it. I mean, if I was say Hispanic, and I received NAVAIR’s Hispanic Engineer of the Month, Quarter, or whatever, Award, I’d be insulted.
I’m not good enough to compete with engineers of other colors?
This smacks of a participation award. How about simply “Engineer of the Whatever, Award, and leave it at that. Tellingly, there is no “Caucasian Engineer of the -place time duration here- Award. If they come up with a Polish/German/Welsh/and God knows what else/, award, I’m in.
Another 16 months or so and I can ride into the sunset, as far from diversity as I can get. Then I can spend more time here, giving Dave headaches.
As for Tucker’s last question, ask Rachel Dolezal.
To view the article in its entirety, click on the link provided.
Category: Diversity
Serena Williams says you and Tucker are not only racist, but sexist!
Sweet, a two-fer!
Now add Mrs.AW1 to the mix, which brings in Swedish/Irish/Portuguese/Spanish, and these young men of mine have the best of both parents- mom’s good looks and dad’s brains.
Son #1 made Air Force Master Sergeant (surpassing the Old Man) and Son #2 is a Bosun in the Merchant Marine, and making eye-watering bank.
So yeah, us mongrels are racist, the argument of a loser.
These assholes crack me up with their diversity, as if some fucking 20 year old born in 1998 invented it. In the 1950s/60s, I grew up in one of the most diverse neighborhoods I have ever known. Of course, they wouldn’t see it that way cause we were ALL white…and ALL immigrants. The store on the corner of my block were the Italian grocers. Next to them was the bar run by the Greek guy and his family. Then came my Ireland born and raised parents and their delicatessen. In our building lived a Polish family. Next door to us was the German lady from Dresden who was like my grandmother. Love her to this day. In her building was the French Canadian family. And next to that building was the gift shop of the Polish Jew. Might I add, the luckiest Polish Jew in the world. He had been in the Polish army in September 1939 and after his capture he survived Auschwitz, and Dachau. And every single one of these people spoke FLUENT English and they would have guffawed, not laughed, guffawed at the idea that the United States would have to adjust to their linguistic preferences. (I do have to note that some of my friends would disagree about my Irish parents speaking English. They used to tell me that, after hello, they couldn’t understand a word they said!) Oh, and finally and most importantly, we were an ethnic soup, not this damn salad these douchenozzles keep talking about. And if I had gone and take the time to learn about and copy some of their customs, they would beamed with pride that I thought enough of their culture to do that. None of this cultural appropriation bullshit for them. Today’s liberals simply want to use diversity to separate us and conquer us and make us into zombies. I remember each and every one of those people from my neighborhood and love them to this day. But mostly I remember them as AMERICANS with great stories to tell. Keep up the great job, Tucker. Don’t let these… Read more »
In the absence of a “Like” button* I’ll just post a “Like” here instead.
Thanks, shipmate.
I was thinking about the “like” button yesterday. In retrospect I think it was a good idea. It allows someone who’s posted something one appreciates but has nothing to add to it. Maybe the idea hasn’t been totally shelved.
Here be a “LIKE”, yo.
Like ahh, I like your like, like I really like it. I like it so much I’ll be liking it for like a week of like’s if you can like that.
ok here be a “like” yo yo lol
And I have not seen this much ignorance and prejudice and stupid on display since the 1960s.
Preach it, brother!
Dayuuum MC! Did Mick or Chip NASA clear you to come in hot like that, expend all your ordnance on a TOT, cluttering up this AO with such a “diverse” amount of sploding libtard heads pieces and parts? Good shooting, come in low for another pass and a BDA. AMEN, ^this^^word^ and ditto. Wasn’t it Teddy Roosevelt that said every one was welcome to America and become AMERICANS? Think so, and it was about ’98…1898. Over the last few days, the lame stream media has talked about the “Resistance” in the WH. My opinion is we are the Resistance to the followers of the people who are trying their damndest to destroy this Country. Our little clan here is pretty damn diverse, we all hate those kind of folks in different ways. Oh BTW, we”ll spit shine the soap box and attach a refreshment stand for the next time.
Actually, it was on 12 October 1915. Here’s the pertinent quote:
Earlier in the same speech, TR makes the same point about religion.
The text of the speech is available here in PDF format.
Thanks Hondo, I knew I could count on you playing Paul Harvey and bring us the “Rest of the Story.” I was kinda referencing to a conversation Teddy had reputedly made when he was questioned about former “Confederates” being not only in the US Army, but some former Confederates holding up GO Rank. This was just before the assault on San Juan Hill in Cuba. You da man!
You’ve caused me to remember my childhood in the ‘60’s, Mustang, being raised in New Mexico. I went to about 10 different schools there but many of them were populated by Hispanics; as blacks and whites hung together for safety. More than once I got into fights I didn’t start and there were multiple attackers. I can’t tell you how many times I heard “Chicano Power!” as well as being called a “gringo”.
Theoretically, if I were a racist why would I end up marrying a Hispanic who I’ve been with now for over 39 years?
Ever since the left fooled us into accepting the notion that “all cultures have value, and America is made stronger through diversity,” there is no room in public discourse to criticize things like incestuous rape and clitorectomies. They’re just part of the wonderful quilt of America now.
Yes, indeed, that culture that MS-13 brought with them is so enlightening and uplifting. Much like the culture of the Latin Kings, the Crips and the Bloods, and all of their off-shoots. Not to mention, the cultures of the Sunni and Shite, Sufis, Baha’is and Ahmaddiyas. Nothing like 7th century ignoranuses* to enrich a nation.
* Not a misspelling.
We see what is happening in Europe and their acceptance of inferior cultures stuck in 7th century. Murder, rape, Sharia law, and it’s all for the sake of diversity.
What Europe has done, with the exception of Poland and maybe a couple of other countries, has built their own coffin. One could find themselves in jail for criticizing what is happening there. Many nations there were already on the population decline. Muslims have many, many children just as they have many wives. In less than 100 years that continent will be ruled by the Whabbists.
Norway is in currently evicting 1600 “migrants”, sending them back to Somalia. Apparently, they don’t know how to behave in a civilized nation.
Hell, they’ll slice your nose off if you shave your beard. They rape little boys and then throw them off the roof by claiming the child was a homosexual. They mutilate their women’s clitoris’. They murder others with ease as they claim to be commanded to by their Satanic religion started by a child rapist and murderer.
Yes, diversity. We must accept these things for fear of being called intolerant.
After doing two tours in the ME I am thoroughly convinced that some people CANNOT be civilized. My Mom used to do contract jobs as a Nurse Anesthetist and at one place she went to in Maine they babbled about how they needed more diversity and talked about importing Somalians. She said “Just wait a few years afterward and see what you get.” and lo and behold, the imported Somalians not only stuck to their third world ways, they took their tribal rivalries along with them and the crime rate skyrocketed, theft. stabbings, you name it.
Somalia truly is a third world shithole, and as you pointed out, with terribly few exceptions, “people’ from there cannot be civilized…
Yeh but obama liked them, thats why he imported about 20,000 of them!
Another thought on this; given many communities speak their own languages, are insular, and in some cases have their own laws, how does this make us stronger again?
True. We’ve all experienced a bit of this in our military training.
First thing they do is make us all look alike, remove any semblance of individuality, and teach us to speak the same “language.” Along the way we learn from our superiors about the others (those weird and strange swabbies and jarheads). All to make us operate as a team, as a unified culture.
Assimilation is strength.
Wait, they’re still allowed to do that?
Mind. Blown.
Tear apart the many, and build them into one.
Check out how this person defines “diversity is our strength” in an urban dictionary. Hilarious!:
“SJW: White people are racist, therefore to strengthen our racist countries we need to import more non-white people. Diversity is our strength.”
“Rational Person: If white people are so racist then why do so many non-whites want to come to the countries white people built? Why are white countries so well-built?”
EXACTLY! I’ve asked that question many times.
I’ve got a buddy from decades back whose girlfriend was beginning a degree program in “African-American Studies” at the University of California, Riverside. He showed me the syllabus. In the first class of the program one has to accept that only whites can be racist, no blacks can be racist, and all whites are racist. Once this is accepted only then can the higher “learning” begin.
That was in the late ‘80’s. We now see the ramifications of that type of racism disguised as education; as racism is kept alive and well. People like Dr. Cornel West and others go on TV and proclaims the idea that while they don’t like whites they’re not racist.
“Who’s more racist, white people or black people? Old. Black. Men.”
– Chris Rock.
My wife’s family came here legally from Mexico three generations ago. My mother-in-law still has a very thick accent (she lives with us and is more of a mother to me than my mother was). It is so funny to hear her with that thick accent say things like “Those phuckin’ wetbacks! Why don’t they go back to their country and take their chickens!”
People don’t realize that there are a lot more of people like her than they think.
There is no group that suffers more economic harm from illegals than the legitimate Hispanic community. It is their communities that illegals move into because that is where they are hardest to detect and it is their jobs that illegals go after. As a consequence illegals cause an ongoing suppression of wages by employers that holds down economic progress in the Hispanic community.
Illegals also exert downward pressure on the delivery of educational and healthcare services in Hispanic communities by utilizing such services by contributing minimally to the tax base. Money that should be paid in taxes is instead wired back to Mexico or some other country south of our border.
“services by” should be “services while.”
We sure could use the ability to ‘edit’ our posts here; as at times we get too excited to mash the button to post.
Yet we’re told illegal aliens spur our economy and tax base. Funny, when my wife and I managed an apartment complex in Fontana, CA I once added up all the tax payer’s monies given to the majority of our inhabitants of which many were here against the law. Once factoring welfare payments, food stamps, and Section-8 payments, it was over $1,000,000 annually.
That’s one million dollars to one apartment complex on one street in one city in one county.
Sure, they pay taxes. I’m from the moon of Ganymede.
My grandmother-in-law emigrated from Slovenia after WWII when she was 12. She’s still got a bit of an accent too. I always think it’s entertaining to hear her say “I wish they’d just go back to their own country.”
I’ve known a fair share of Mexicans that came here legally and ALL OF THEM are diehard anti-illegal immigration. As for the freeloading done by illegal aliens, just look at the number of Hospitals near our Southern Border that have gone out of business or always go in the red, the Emergency Rooms are clogged with illegal aliens that will go there for just a case of the sniffles because they know that it’s against the law for them to be refused service at an ER. IMHO every pro-illegal alien libtard, politician or otherwise should be forced to provide accommodations for at least two in their own homes!
It’s too bad the media doesn’t provide more legal immigrants with this opinion a voice to express their opinion.
Of course, if they did that, they’d be called racist, homophobic, etc etc., and they don’t want that anymore than they want lower ratings.
Why don’t the progressives push for diversity in the NBA?
They do. They complain all the time about how most of the coaches are white. ;P
OR for Conservatives in the Sociology Departments of major Universities?
If women and men are so equal, why is there an NBA and a WNBA?
Great question. And why not allow the handicapped (is that politically incorrect to say) to play? How about midgets (oops, I think I did it again)? How about our “aging” population? Seniors have rights too. We need a few retards as well (hmm, maybe I shouldn’t have said that one).
And what about giraffes? That would make the animal rights groups happy. How about plants? Wouldn’t that decrease the global warming by having palm trees and banana trees using more carbon dioxide than normal? Environmentalists would be pleased. Plus bananas are yellow giving us that much more diversity.
Given we’ve learned there are at least 42 sexes from the Progressives, should it not be mandated that a percentage of transsexuals and transvestites be included? It would make it more colorful and we may learn a few new apparel ideas. The cheerleaders should all be of various sizes, shapes, species, and choreographed talents.
I like your idea, Mr. Banana.
If I had a dollar for every gender out there I’d have $2 and a handful of counterfeits!
I watch Tucker every night. Love it when he shreds the libtards. Adam Schifferbrains won’t go on his show anymore, and that baby faced punk Swallowswell is too dumb to know when he’s been had. I loved it when Tucker had him actually rocking back and forth in his seat like a two year old. Still, there are times when it seems like he takes his foot off the gas, and I wish he wouldn’t.
I TVO him so I can watch it as well. I’m always amazed that he can get those Progressives onto his show. His simple, pointed questions rattle them as they attempt to prevaricate yet Tucker always brings them back on point; and still they won’t answer the obvious questions.
Wow, prevaricate?
In case someone else needed to look it up:
verb (used without object), pre·var·i·cat·ed, pre·var·i·cat·ing.
1. to speak falsely or misleadingly; deliberately misstate or create an incorrect impression; lie.
I’ve said this before and will continue to say it: racism is in the soul of the person who says ‘racist’. Period.
I live in a very mixed neighborhood, which is peaceful and quiet and we want to keep it that way. Anyone who is disruptive is not welcome here.
If we’re talking ancestry, mine is Scottish, Irish, Cornish/Welsh, French, German, Dutch and Sicilian. And anyone who knows anything about history knows that part of Sicily was occupied by Greeks and part by Moors, until Roger I persuaded the Moors by force to move to the western end of the island.
The only thing visible so far in this squawking about “diversity” is that it creates divisiveness, not unity. And the people who want that divisiveness will some day regret it.
Greetings PH, I’m Scottish and Irish as well; though I’ve never lived in a community that was such. I always thought my name was Scottish. After some research I found out it is German meaning “leader with a spear”. But I don’t own any spears. I have a bow and arrows, a Bush Master skin, and blowgun from Colombia, some Enfields from Afghanistan, weird shit from Central America, etc, but I still don’t have any spears.
I don’t know what my parents were thinking when they named me.
Ex, it has been intended to create divisiveness and instability since the Soviet Union and the Communist Party USA back in the 1920’s recognized blacks as a useful tool for creating social chaos in the capitalist US. Blacks in northern cities were the initial targets with Chicago, Detroit and NYC becoming strongholds for the black CPUSA. ML King had several CPUSA members in his inner circle according to the memoirs of one of them, Bayard Rustin.
I forgot to add that one reason there was so much involvement in the civil rights movement by northern Jews was not solely altruism as the liberals would have you believe but because so many of them were also CPUSA members. The communists played a far larger role in the civil rights movement than popular history would have you believe. That was the primary reason that so many civil rights organizations like the NAACP and their leaders were the targets of FBI undercover operations, not the racism of J. Edgar Hoover as the libs have managed to write into America’s history books.
“…like the NAACP…”
Hmmm, CP being “Colored People”. Try saying that on television. Your life will be ruined.
Maybe they should rename it “National Association for the Advancement of African Americans” and we then can refer to it as “NAAAA”!
Your parents were probably thinking ‘what can we name our kid that people can’t turn into a joke?’
My last name is spelled simply and means ‘mighty’, but when people look at it and ponder how to pronounce it, they make a salad out of it.
“My last name is spelled simply and means ‘mighty’, but when people look at it and ponder how to pronounce it”
Well hell, that makes you part of the ‘diversity’ crowd! Damn good job!
In my town. the local proggie politicos have started beating the “diversity is our strength” drum. So far as I can tell, all it means is more feral pavement critters (a PC safe descriptor) have moved into town and the adjacent suburbs, with the increasingly violent crime they commit.
I have true empathy for those who want to escape impoverishment. Like many of us here, I’ve seen true poverty around the globe. However, many come here to take what they can from citizens who pay taxes.
In the apartment complex the wife and I managed I once had a guy come to me asking to purchase one of my guns. I didn’t know this guy other than that he was married with five children, they were here illegally, and were saving their money so as to go back to Mexico to start a used auto parts store. I told him I’d have to think about that weapons transfer; which I knew I wouldn’t do.
In retrospect I came to find out why he wanted the weapon. He’d ripped off a drug dealer who at the time was in jail but soon to be released.
Despite his adversaries ankle bracelet the gunman showed up on the doorstep of my tenant and shot him five times in the chest in front of his wife and children.
That entire event bothered me enough that I wrote a song for the wife for which she has never heard; as she returned to Mexico with her children;
Sad Molina
Crying eyes…
a string of endless tears are hanging in suspended time…
Angel hair…
lies draped across her face, her strands are soaked in her despair…
…a string of broken beads
…across the floor
…the rosary she’ll hold
…never more…
Sad Molina…
Morning rain…
tears of heaven fall but can’t begin to ease the pain…
Curtain torn…
subtle rays of light bow at her feet as if to mourn…
…the candles of her prayers
…are cold and grey
…the hopes and dreams she had
…drift away…
Sad Molina…
She calls his name…
his lifeless body torn and mangled from revenges aim…
Oh, so cruel…
she holds her lover, the only one she’s ever knew…
…in this moment
…of eternity
…she has lost her faith
…all her dreams…
Sad Molina…sad Molina…*
I love Tucker. He uses facts and the Libs own words to shred them to pieces.
“Diversity” is another term the left has corrupted. It used to be a good thing. We used to draw from the strengths of all our ancestors’ cultures to create the fabric that is America. That did indeed contribute positively to our growth and stability.
Combining the talents of all those cultures made us great. Imagine, for instance, how the code talkers, with their unique language skills, helped us during WWII.
What the left has done for us is turn our ability to celebrate our strengths into a debilitating conflict by focusing on our relatively minor differences instead of commonalties.
Why do any opponents go on Tucker Carlson’s show?
He always turns their arguments around and they look like blithering idiots.
I love Tucker Carlson.
Tucker for president after Trumps second term!
Could you imagine Tucker Carlson as White House Press Secretary id Sarah Huckabee Sanders ever decided to call it quits?
Retired Navy 1991. My collateral BS duties kept me away from my primary NEC. One was Military Rights and Responsibilities. Another was Cultural Expression. What a crock. I had to tell adults (up to E-6) what their rights and responsibilities were. Really? People needed a warm fuzzy re their cultural expression? Those were only two of half a dozen. I only got stuck with two of the six. Retired VA 2009. It was a total feel good organization where one’s color and who they knew was of greater importance than their work ethic.
“Diversity is our strength”?
Just ask a metallurgist how adding random “diverse” elements such as sulfur strengthens steel.