McCain stopping medical treatments.
WASHINGTON (AP) — John McCain, the six-term Arizona senator and 2008 Republican presidential nominee, has chosen to discontinue medical treatment for his brain cancer, his family said Friday.
In a statement, the family said McCain had surpassed expectations for survival, but “the progress of disease and the inexorable advance of age render their verdict.” The family added, “With his usual strength of will, he has now chosen to discontinue medical treatment.”
The senator, who would be 82 next week, has been away from the Capitol since December. If he should resign his seat or die soon, Republican Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey would name a replacement through the 2020 election. The winner of that election would serve the remainder of McCain’s term through 2022.
The GOP currently holds a bare 51-49 Senate majority.
McCain has been a frequent target of criticism from President Donald Trump, especially for his vote against a Republican replacement for “Obamacare,” the health care law approved under President Barack Obama.
I hate what cancer does to people. We should have conquered this evil long ago. Maybe if we spend a little more time and money on cancer instead of all the Recreational Outrage over faux racism, sexism, and just about every other “ism” in the world, we can accomplish something worthwhile. I do not care for many of McCain’s positions in politics or his lack of accountability over the years. He is loved by many, certainly as a husband and father. Many respect what he went through as a prisoner of war.
I will not rejoice in his death, but my vision of the world will be slightly brighter. I will not miss him.
Category: Politics
Palin picked the wrong running mate.
And I think a lot of his actions as a Senator were personal; not with the interests of his constituents in particular and the American people in general. Smacks of elitism and arrogance.
That being said, much respect for his decision to discontinue treatment, a very difficult choice. While I’ll not mourn his passing, I do wish him an easy journey into the after-life, whatever that may be.
Palin didn’t pick, she got picked.
Honestly I think that’s the only reason McCain’s campaign got within arm’s reach of Obama.
I’ve said this elsewhere, but it’s time for McCain to resign. Use the time he has left to be with his family.
I agree with Dave Hardin, I do not like the man, I believe him a liar, corrupt and a traitor…that said, I WILL pray for a pain free trip into the next life, and pray that he finds Jesus before he goes…otherwise!
Cancer really, *really* sucks.
John McCain, well……
Must always wish comfort and peace to family members as they transition to life without their loved one. Of course, I wish the same for the family of John McCain.
Much respect for his service to the country, with some serious qualifications. Those really do not bear repeating at this time.
Not an American, so not my place to comment on his politics. Any of it.
Having this happen to an ex-POW sucks. Unfair.
Steve. Your free to say what you will. You just can’t vote for the clowns–yet.
Dammit. My pc is out of control. I forget the apostrophe in youre and it corrects to your. My pc is an idiot.
All pcs are idiots. They are just very fast idiots.
ALL PC’s are full of silicon chips!
While I personally dislike and have no respect for John McCain as a Politician, I hate seeing this happen to him. Cancer is a raging BITCH, I lost an Aunt to it when I was a Teenager and nearly lost my Mom and a Sister to it as well.
Sucks to see anyone have to give up the fight, and admit that cancer has won. That being said, there is a point where it’s the right decision to make, as continuing to fight just prolongs the agony. In the same light, McCain should make the right decision regarding the job he has not been doing for the last 9 months and resign, thereby not prolonging the agony for the rest of us, and the country.
I agree with everyone above. On the flip side, the SOB isn’t dead yet and when he is, the admonishment will be, “Don’t talk ill of the dead.” So…It’s nice to know that in his final months, he used his time to attack the president and to keep his Senate seat, even though he hasn’t voted since last year.
I’ve wanted McCain out of office for about 15 years. I didn’t want it this way. He should’ve retired and gone off to spend Cindy’s money. Isn’t that why you marry the boss’ daughter, after all?
I concur, he SHOULD have gone out to the proverbial pasture after he lost his Presidential bid.
Cmdr McCain has stayed to long at the fair.
I’ll never understand why someone wants to work themselves right into the grave. He should have packed it in long ago.
I respect his service, even his years of “service” as a senator, but won’t be sad to see his seat vacant.
Why? Often a sense of duty, of unfinished business. Sometimes it is a “never quit” or “born stubborn” attitude, and sometimes simple denial of the impending demise.
Or the conceited belief that you’re the “indispensable man.”
McCain’s mother, Roberta, is 106! Will probably outlive her almost 82 yr old Senator son…damn, that’s hard to wrap your mind around.
One of my dearest friends died at 100. Elen Belcher joined the Red Cross and spent most of WWII in Pearl Harbor patching up GI’s and sending them home.
Her brother was shot down on his first mission as a pilot over Germany. He spent most of the war as a POW. I was beside her when we buried him.
She lived the life of three people and I was humbled to be loved by her. She told me once that,”Everyone that knew me is dead, the children of everyone that knew me are dying…living this long has a price.”
I did not cry when she died…she would not have wanted me to. I do miss her smile, she could light up a room.
Funny how the people who bring you the most happiness end up causing you the most sadness.
I lost my grandfather to stomach cancer in 2002, my aunt to Lung cancer in 2009, my father to liver cancer at the beginning of June of this year, and on Christmas eve, I will be a 27 year cancer survivor.
Like I said in the WOT, I feel bad for his family, and wish them comfort in the upcoming days.
Yes cancer sucks big time. Lost numerous Family Members, Friends, Co-workers, Former Comrades-in-Arms. Mama was 51 never smoked never drank. Hers and three of her brothers had a brain type cancer, that the docs thought may have been caused by exposure to farm chemicals back in the 30’s & 40’s. One of my former customers was a major medical center’s bio-med engr dprt, giving me the chance to speak with many care givers. A lot of them stated that the cancer cures could & would be found, but right now, there is too much money being made on “research”. Go figure. On Sen McC., yes he shoulda went home years ago. Hate it for his family, knowing what they will go thru, but yes, Sarah should have picked a different vice president running mate, instead of 2nd fiddle to him. My $.02.
Lung Cancer killed my Aunt when I was 14, she was in her thirties and had never touched a cigarette.
My Grandmother was the same way. Didn’t smoke, my grandfather didn’t. She got lung cancer and died from it in the late 60s.
I am getting some cancer scraped of my face at the Boston V.A soon. I am more concerned with the traffic.
They always ask “have been in the sun a lot”?
Can’t believe cancer would sink so low as to select something as loathsome as a McCain. Nothing will so become him as his departure from this plane.
Needle in the paw.
McCain’s decision was a good one, it’s been the best decision in 5 decades.
The sad thing is…I don’t think McCain is smart enough or can put his narcissistic ego aside long enough to accept Jesus and go to Paradise! thats sad! I also think he was stupid for not retiring when he had “some” people thinking he was a decent human being, instead of waiting until he was on the bottom of the barrel and despised by so many…I would rather go out on top, but I am a nobody so thats not an issue!
-You- have -no- idea what is in his heart, or what he believes.
Do you?
Maybe you should be praying for him, instead? Isn’t that what we are called to do?
Jonn referred to cancer as ‘that bitch’. I think that is being kind. I would not wish it on any but the most horrible individual. Something happened to McCain and turned him into, at best, a RINO. I hope his passing is easy as he transitions to the other side.
Unlike some of you, I will not talk ill of a man dying as I have seen far to many do so.
Same here. Three family members.
That is why I said I feel bad for his family, and wish them comfort in the upcoming days.
Yeah, most of us here are old enough to have lost someone we cared about / loved to cancer, and can definitely sympathize with what his family is going through.
Well aren’t you special! Thanks for sharing.
Yeah, it is … Tim.
Politics (or opinions) do not belong in this particular discussion/thread on a man’s health.
While I do not agree with some of his (McCain’s) opinions and stances, he is a Hero.
If anyone disagrees, speak up and sound off.
I understand we are undergoing a change here at TAH, but lets be civil and use some common sense in separating personal, positional and professional.
Your opinion is that opinions don’t belong here. That’s funny.
Lol exactly!
Not really.
The man spent how many years as a POW?
Enough said.
On the other hand, some might say it’s hypocritical not to let your true opinion be known. If I cut-and-paste my comment(s) from a year or so ago would that be all right? Or should all previous comments unfavorable to McCain be deleted from this site, so as not to offend? Is it okay to speak ill of Hitler? How about another war hero, Benedict Arnold?
He is what he is (as are we all) and dying doesn’t change that.
You missed the point as you frequently do.
How many years did he spend as a POW?
So you love the free speech thing, huh? Well here you go. You can take your opinion and stick it up your ass. How do you like that? Free speech and my opinion. Cool stuff!
As I said, dumbass, I am not a huge fan of the man but how many years as a POW did he serve?
Curious as if you trash other POW’s as well.
GT. I suppose it is possible to separate McCain’s years of military service, his being a POW and all of the pain that entailed, from McCain the politician. If one is able to do that and does that, then who among us would say anything negative about him? I’ll venture that no one would. And there’s the rub–separating Captain McCain, US Navy (Ret) from Senator McCain. It ain’t easy, especially when the New Left is suddenly admiring him, not for his service but for his politics.
It is easy.
If a POW told me to carry him….I would.
To the gates of Hell if I had too. Honor for those that toughed it the fuck out.
As stated, I was not a huge fan of some of his political leanings/views, but I am a professional.
And as such, I can differentiate between my beliefs.
I used to work with a bunch of Officers and NCOs I could not stand. But they were competent and professional. I could deal with that. Get the job/mission over and then get split up and get away from each other.
And by the way, I could care less what the left thinks.
“Curious as if you trash other POW’s as well”
Of course. And Mother Teresa, too.
To reiterate, is it all right to call a war hero like Benedict Arnold a treasonous SOB?
A chickenshit by any other name is still the same.
I was proud to have voted for McCain for president and would do so again if I had to do it over. I hope his remaining days are as comfortable as possible. God bless you sir.
I voted for the RINO as well, but was actually voting for Sarah Palin! But as usual, we didn’t have a choice anyway…always a planned knothead in every election! I don’t even remember who he was running against, but am sure it wasn’t someone I wanted as prez!
I voted for him when he ran for President but maybe Jug-ears was the lesser evil because McCain might have been the proverbial death by a thousand cuts for the GOP given how he always seemed to side with the D-rats.
I voted for Palin. As it happened, that meant a vote for McCain too.
I didn’t steal that desert. It was true for both of us and, no doubt, many more voters.
“I will not rejoice in his death, but my vision of the world will be slightly brighter. I will not miss him.”
Me, too.
Me, three. As the son of an 88 year old Air Force retiree I feared McCain would succeed in his legislative quest to impose a monthly Tricare For Life (TFL) premium. My future looks slightly brighter too when I become eligible for TFL in seven years as an Army retiree.
I respect McCain’s military service as a naval aviator and POW. However, I’m less impressed with his long political career which toward the end seemed hell bent on eroding benefits for military retirees.
God’s speed to you CAPT McCain. Always have my respect as an American and a hero, when you inspired many who needed it in dark days. You beat facial malignant melanoma years ago but now the curtain draws with glioblastoma IV, the worst. A grateful nation says goodbye.
I have had three cancers in 8 years and if #4 is on the future menu..I plan to show similar bravery and optimism.
Thanks for your service Shipmate
CAPT Bones USN (ret)
While John McCain was a POW, his wife, Carol, was nearly killed in a car accident. She determined not to tell him even though, after dozens of surgeries, she was suffering and in a wheelchair. She didn’t tell him for his sake. When he was released and found Carol as she was, he did not stand by her but, instead, bedded a number of women. He subsequently admitted to this and called their divorce altogether his fault. That’s nice, but so what? It doesn’t erase what he did. The year after he retired from the Navy, he ran for the House and won. He served two terms before joining the Senate, where he remains to this day. That’s 36 years in office. Along the way, he has disappointed and pleased many people. He wants Trump not to attend his funeral and he wants Trump’s immediate predecessor in office to deliver a eulogy. I have no problem with that and who cares if I did? But I will not regard him as a saint, as others do now, or refrain political commentary regarding him while he himself continues to work politics. Ted Kennedy, the lady killer in more ways than one, was also a Veteran and, when he died, he was sanctified by many. Are we to keep respectful silence regarding his moonlight swim, his drunkenness, his womanizing and his uber-liberal politics because he’s dead? There’s a little voice inside us all when we don’t do right, something that says, “Don’t do it” or “You should not have done that.” My little voice is saying no such thing regarding John McCain. He is still alive, still a RINO, and still a Veteran who suffered greatly at the hands of his captors. His dying changes none of that.
What you said is all true, of course. I, for one, do not see his current and soon to be condition as having changed a thing. He is who he is, he did what he did, and he didn’t do a bunch of other things.
Some might agree with my position that now is the right time to give the family a bit of space to prepare and then to grieve. Then I will resume expressing my mostly negative opinion of the man. Between now and then it costs me nothing to curb the opinions. Being able to be respectful of his family doesn’t change my opinion an iota.
Oh, well. Others are free to express dissenting views. Those are also not likely to change my opinion or my behavior.
McCain has died at age 81. RIP.
I wish the family of Captain John McCain, US Navy (Ret.) well and know that they were as prepared as could be hoped for the loss. May he rest in peace.
So he knew it was not far off and stopped the treatment accordingly.
My sympathies to his family. Perhaps he will rest in peace now.