Ron Wyden (D-OR) Wants to Stifle Free Speech
Democratic Senator Ron Wyden is trying to take online censorship to a new level by drafting a bill that will enforce “consequences” for platforms that refuse to remove people like Alex Jones.
In an interview with Recode, Wyden, the senior U.S. Senator from Oregon, said that platforms should be punished for hosting content that he deems to go against “common decency”.
N.B.: if you want to read the transcript of the podcast this is the link to Recode:
From the podcast:
“I think what the Alex Jones case shows, we’re gonna really be looking at what the consequences are for just leaving common decency in the dust,” said Wyden.
“What I’m gonna be trying to do in my legislation is to really lay out what the consequences are when somebody who is a bad actor, somebody who really doesn’t meet the decency principles that reflect our values, if that bad actor blows by the bounds of common decency, I think you gotta have a way to make sure that stuff is taken down,” he added.
Of course, Wyden’s definition of what is ‘indecent’ is wide open to interpretation and will obviously be skewed by political bias. – Infowars Article quote
First, let me make it clear that I’m not in any way a fan of Alex Jones. He is loud-mouthed, frequently a ridiculous blowhard, somewhat paranoid, and is repeatedly inaccurate as well as very, very wrong about the things he says. He makes stuff up, just like his leftist opponents do, because it draws a crowd and pays his bills.
That said, the US Constitution is clear on the subject of freedom of speech in Article the 3rd and also in the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution. If you haven’t read the Constitution or its Amendments in a while, take the time to review them. Just because something was banned in Boston by a committee of descendants of the Puritans, it does not mean it was in any way bad for you. Imagine, if you will, Ernest Hemingway’s ‘The Sun Also Rises’ and ‘A Farewell to Arms’ being banned. “A Farewell to Arms” is a war novel, relating his experiences in WWI written after he left the Army. There is nothing remotely indecent in them, but the Bostonians who made up the Boston Watch and Ward Society decided they should be banned in the 1930s.
Wyden can write up all the bills and legislation he wants to but if they violate the Law of the Land, he’s wasting his time. He ought to know that. What if someone decides that he doesn’t like Wyden’s speeches and platform and wants him off the air and shut out of the internet. Oh, well, then the shoe is decidedly on the other foot, isn’t it?
If Wyden is so very concerned about common decency, then why isn’t he concerned about the rampant abuse called kiddie porn on the internet? Why? Why is his focus on a loudmouthed dipstick like Alex Jones?
I have seen a lot of stuff on the internet that I find offensive and no, I don’t go back to it because it is spawned by deranged people who are so desperate for attention that they will do anything to get it. This is the curse of the internet.
The flipside of that is that no one is forcing you to watch it or read it or listen to it. Period.
Wyden and anyone else complaining along with him are missing the real point: you don’t have the right to tell Alex Jones or any of the other loud-mouthed, paranoid, delusional idiots – including you and your friends, Wyden – that they don’t have the right to say what they want to. If I don’t like what you say, Wyden, would you like it if I taped YOUR big, fat, stupid, greedy mouth shut? Naw, I didn’t think so.
If it’s put on me, then it must needs be likewise put on thee.
You want to get rid of these people whose ideas you don’t like, and don’t want to hear? Don’t send them money. Don’t buy their snake oil products that they sell online and on the air. Don’t tune to their channels. Shut them off if they annoy you. Forget where you found them the first time. It is that simple.
I repeat, and will do so ad infinitum: no one is forcing you to listen to those people.
What part of that is so difficult to understand? You want common decency back, Wyden? Then stop being a self-centered, attention whoring politician. Leave politics and live like the rest of us do, you self-important twit. Get a real job where you’re paying taxes into the tax pool like we do instead of sponging off taxpayers. Stop saying ‘gonna’ and ‘gotta’. Your sloppy speech habits are just that – sloppy. They don’t make you one of We, the People. Quit faking it. You’re a politician and politicians are drek – a dime a dozen. Oh, you don’t like that? Tough bananas, fella. Free speech.
Frankly, the only way to not have to listen to people whose idiotic notions conflict with your own idiotic notions is to hit the “OFF” switch. I do not, and never will, understand why that is so difficult for some people to do that – just shut it off.
I will close this with this quote from the 1962 hearing in Chicago regarding whether or not Henry Miller’s “Tropic of Cancer” was obscene and should be banned from US bookstores. The judge was Samuel B. Epstein.
“Let the parents control the reading matter of their children; let the tastes of the readers determine what they may or may not read; let each reader be his own censor; but let not the government or the courts dictate the reading matter of a free people. The constitutional right to freedom of speech and press should be jealously guarded by the courts.”
The italics are mine.
Judge Epstein endured condemnation for his decision, and the Illinois Supreme Court reversed it, but by then it mattered very little. Shortly after Judge Epstein’s decision, the US Supreme Court ruled in favor of the publisher.
Category: Liberals suck, Media
How come no one organizes a secret Phoenix Program that was used in Viet Nam to eliminate these peeps and using accidents instead of silenced Hi-Standard .22’s.
Because, sad to say, they have the same right to spew idiotic ideas as we do. “Who guards the guardians?”
Because, sad to say, they have the same right to spew idiotic ideas as we do. “Who guards the guardians?”
Your right Dave; I just saw red when I read the post and I engaged my mouth first instead of using the old brain matter.
How come there was phone tapping going on during the Viet Name war?
Everyone knew about it, and many people KNEW that their phones were being tapped.
I’m not sure which part of LBJ’s administration did that, but it was done to discredit war protesters, even if they were simply speaking out about the deaths of family members over in Viet Nam.
I too think we should stifle free speech, let’s start with dumocraps, liberals, antifa, communists,queers,leftists, socialists…ummm I think thats a good start! 😉
Some dumbass lady I went to grad school with once said, during a discussion on racism, that in our country, respect for constitutional ideals prevents us from ending racism by censoring it. She said this as if this were a bad thing.
Racist thoughts or words are less evil than government censorship.
Nutty conspiracy theories are less evil than government censorship.
Obnoxiousness and a lack of “common decency” (who defines decency here, Ron?) are less evil than government censorship.
This is not hard. The answer to free speech is more free speech. Don’t like an argument? Rebut it. Only a person with no ideas wouldn’t like this. And when you have weaker ideas than Alex Jones, that’s pretty sad.
Methinks that ol’ Ronny should read the constitution he swore to uphold, specifically Amendment 1.
“God must love idiot politicians, he made so many of them.” – Unknown
Make Orwell fiction again!!!
Ron Wyden obviously did not pay attention in 7th grade social studies.
Do you see that kids? That smoldering pile is the remnants of a once great Republic.
Hey Ron. You know how you were sworn to uphold and defend some parchment thing? It was scribed by a guy that also said this:
“for I have sworn upon the altar of god eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.” -Thomas Jefferson
Well, when the “new” generation in Viet Nam is protesting its government’s attempts to ramp up spying on its citizens (which I’m sure it got from China), then something is underway, something buried for a long time is coming to the surface.
I just hope it doesn’t do any real damage here. I live far enough from the city to not get hit right off the bat, but I do not take anything for granted any more.
I tried to read the transcript but the interviewer was gushing and fawning and Wyden was ruling the roost with his gobbledy-gook. Had me in dry heaves. So, Wyden–who is 100% in favor of abortion, 100% opposed to capital punishment, a guy who dumped his wife to cash-in with an heiress, a guy who pressed early-on for same-sex marriage and the Dream Act, both of which failed in Congress, wants us to partake of his values. Whether you share his view of those few issues or not, or maybe one or two of them, they are his values, ones that he calls “our values” and would like to promote. So, what to do? Call those values the line of decency and silence anyone who dares to cross it. Nice. Phuk him, his opinions, his views, and his 35 or so years in Congress. Gawd, I hate politicians.
Great post!
Thank you!
This may be an imperfect example of Wyden’s desire to nudge censorship but censorship itself was once mightily opposed by the liberals. There was a time when censorship boards existed to regulate what was displayed in word, print, and cinema. Community standards have long since disappeared from the American scene. So, what’s Wyden’s beef? I’m quite certain that he approved of the effective end of censorship. It’s that what he mischaracterizes as “our values” is really his desire to silence opposition. Did I say phuk him earlier? If not, phuk him.
Yes, you did say that, and I concur twice over.
In fact, I support your right to say it loudly and as often as it pleases you to do so.
It just amazes me that they call us conservatives Nazi’s but their machinations and policies they support are right out of the Adolph Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, Goering playbook.
Right out of the playbook…
Naturally the GOP won’t say a word about it, except for our great President Trump.
He’s got them still trying to figure out if they should shit or go blind…
Right on Thunderstixx!!!
Just trying to win a cheap political pop … anyone can claim to be “drafting a bill”
Great News! There won’t be a Dem left in DC and the out of control Progressive Moonbats will finally shut the fuck up.
1st prosecution:
Auntie Maxine
Excellent! I approve wholeheartedly…do we get to flog the bitch, hang her or ride her out of town on a rail 😉
No, desert, this is where you learn to understand that “hanging Maxine” is THE worst thing you can do
It is far, far better to let her hang herself with that Big Fat Mouth of hers. She’s already had a visit from the Feds about her attempts to incite people to stir up violent trouble aimed at Trump.
Let her hang herself. That’s your lesson for today.
I forgot to do one thing: credit the person who sent me the link to that story. It’s somewhere in my e-mail and I forgot to add that. My bad.
It’s one of you out there in the Outer Circles, so thank you very much for giving me an opportunity to run my own mouth on this kind of thing!
Welcome to the resistance! We have pie.
I’m in! What kind of pie???
Smodat pie. Whenever you have some all you can think of saying is “I want smodat!”
Peach cobbler or hot apple with vanilla bean ice cream. And yes F— that career politician. I may not agree or want to hear what some one says, but I will/and did defend their right to say it. Oh and BTW, excellent post; is this jerk one of the tyrants that needs to “help water” the tree of liberty?
5th/77thFA Try that vanilla bean ice cream on BLUE BERRY PIE ummm doggies! lol
If you make that ‘potential tyrants’, then yes – yes, he is. Everything he says in the interview in that podcast indicates that he thinks he’s one of The Upper Uppers.
I think he needs taking down a peg or two.
Whole apple baked en croute (completely encased in pie crust) served hot with a vanilla/cinnamon sauce and some vanilla bean ice cream – oooo la la la la!
Don’t toy with me Ex; Have spoon, Will Travel!
I am fucking moving in.
Good Lord that sounds delicious, with a scoop of hard ice cream on the side…
Ooooohhhhh YUM, YUM, YUUUUUMMMMMMMM !!!!!!!
LOL “have spoon will travel”! ha ha
Fair enough! You bring the pie. I’ll bring the roast chicken and potatoes.
Someone has to man the spit on the roasting pit, though.
No doubt this puspot wants to censor conservative rhetoric. Tell you what, bubba, you silence those who use profanity when speaking of our President, and I’ll give you Alex Jones. There has never been such hatred for a President. The liberals are happy with the concept of free speech for themselves but are opposed to conservative rhetoric.
BTW, I’m not placing Alex Jones on the conservative side of the equation. He’s in a group all by himself. I haven’t figured out what group that is. lol
The bastards have had free ride corruption for so long, they don’t know where the next ripoff is coming from, besides they are scared shytless of Prez Trump, he may cut off their gravy train….”we HOPE so”
My view is that, as long as we know exactly what they think, we’re ahead of their game.
It’s when they stop yapping that you have to really worry.
This obvious effort by Wyden to stir a pot that he’s making is something that needs to be widely exposed.
I am embarrassed by the third senator from New York who represents Oregon in the US Senate. What a maroon! So much for knowing and following the oath he swore, but that was 30 years ago when he did that as Oregon’s 1st congressional district.
thank you for bringing up that he lives in New York instead of Oregon, I keep trying to vote him out but my vote is only one.
I keep trying as well. I’m not which is smarter, a tree stump or Wyden. Right now, anecdotal evidence is showing the tree stump has it by a wide margin.
Wyden has always been a snowflake before snowflakes were snowflakes.
Fucking pussy boy…
With the recent murder of a beautiful young lady named Mollie Tibbetts by an illegal alien and now this moron, WussyWyden, the GOP and more importantly us conservatives, our upcoming election series will have an absolute plethora of pre written TV advertising clips.
Fauxcahantas warren said that it’s not important to the family of Mossie but more important to straighten out immigration instead of stopping illegals at the border with a….
These clowns literally make me sick to my stomach.
Awwww, Stixx, don’t get your undies in a bunch.
These things tend to work themselves out the way they’re supposed to go. If these wankers weren’t so obvious about their intentions, and didn’t seek so much attention, it could sneak up on us like a bad case of pneumonia, and we’d be dead in the water.
As it is, we know what we face in them, because otherwise, I wouldn’t bother defending Alex Jones and his big mouth.