Kucinich Questions Bush’s Mental Health

| October 30, 2007

No, really, Dennis (the menace) Kucinich has, as stated in this Breitbart/AP story, questioned President Bush’s mental health. Why? Because the president said, earlier this month, that a nuclear armed Iran would lead to World War Three.

“I seriously believe we have to start asking questions about his mental health,” Kucinich, an Ohio congressman, said in an interview with The Philadelphia Inquirer’s editorial board on Tuesday. “There’s something wrong. He does not seem to understand his words have real impact.”

A short refresher on Kucinich’s own mental health might be in order. Dennis, like Jerry Springer is a former Ohio mayor. He is a proponent of The Peace Alliance a group so stupid they don’t understand the purpose of the Department of Defense and want to disband it in favor of a Department of Peace and Nonviolence. An advocate of Banning ALL civilian hand gun ownership, he, naturally, used to carry a concealed weapon (see Diane Fienstien) Congressman Kucinich wants to ratify both the ABM Treaty and the Kyoto Protocol. According to his “dear friend”, and noted loon, Shirley MacLaine, had a UFO “experience” in Washington state. As part of his “Space Preservation Act”, which has failed in congress FOUR TIMES he wanted to ban MIND CONTROL. Melvin G. Holli, in consultation with a panel of experts, placed Kucinich among the ten worst big-city mayors of all time for reasons of temperament and performance in the book, Best and Worst of the Big-City Leaders 1820–1993.
I submit, that if anyone’s mental health should be questioned, it is Kucinich’s.

Jonn added: A Kucinich quote borrowed from Sweetness and Light;

“The center has shifted in our politics. I’m really at the center. And all the other candidates are to the right of me.” – Mr. Kucinich, on “This Week with George Stephanopoulos,” ABC, August 12, 2007.

The Hatemonger’s Quarterly reassures the President;

So, take it easy, President Bush: Dennis Kucinich calling you nuts is about as good a sign of your clean bill of mental health as anyone can muster.

Category: Politics

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Oh, gawd. I’m ashamed to admit that Kucinich is from my hometown. Well, every village has to have an idiot…


Jonn wrote: Yeah, but every village doesn’t send their idiot to Congress.


Jonn wrote: Yeah, but every village doesn’t send their idiot to Congress.

I sure as hell didn’t vote for him. Too bad the ‘majority’ of the State of Ohio did. I’d like to know when other villages like Massachusetts and Pennsylvania will finally get fed up with Murtha and Kennedy. It’s hard to tell what goes through the minds of the morons who keep putting these dolts into office. Someone once said “Everyone gets the government they deserve”, but the addlebrained democratic constituents keep inflicting it on the rest of us.