Weekend Open Thread

| August 17, 2018

Frequent commenter GDContractor sends us a photo of his son participating in a Flag Ceremony. The youngster is a high school Junior.

Your son appears to be a fine young man, amigo. As they might have said where I grew up: “Looks like you raised him right.”

Enjoy this week’s WOT, everyone.

Hat-tip to Ex-PH2 for forwarding me the photo used above.

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Jeff LPH 3, 63-66


Wilted Willy

Congrats HMC, may you enjoy your week on the throne of the coveted book of firsts!

Have a great weekend Dickweeds!


Thanks Much, Wilted Willy.




Just wanted to drop this here if anyone remembers the mullet Marine recruit…


Sgt Fon



and a personal 1st for me placing in the top 3!




Too slow. Fourth.

Commissioner Wretched


Jon The Mechanic

First, I am having BBQ chicken tonight.

Second off, I am adding Italian potatoes to it.

Third, I would have corn on the cob, but the wife is still wearing braces, so she can’t eat it. If she can’t, I won’t. Not the right thing to do.

Commissioner Wretched

You, sir, are a true gentleman.

Jon The Mechanic

Wow, I can’t spell potatoes.

But hey, I am eating well tonight, so I do not care.


Remember when the media liked to make Republicans look stupid when a vice president made that same gaffe?

Glad we’ve matured since then and the media is more fair.


Vowel added. :mrgreen:


When are you doing your next edition of ‘what’s on with the climate’?


I’m bidding my time, waiting for something to “cook up” that contradicts mainstream climate reporting. :mrgreen: My next article is going to be related to one aspect of military life.

Veritas Omnia Vincit



It’s now officially Friday.


Happy “Venus Day” everybody. Tomorrow is “Saturn Day”. :mrgreen:


I’m number one. I’m number one.

Youse guys and gals have a safe weekend. Go buy a tiny horse or something.

I’m off to the Navy Hospital to fill some scripts and then to commissary.


With all due respect, you are first, Farva’s number one.


Contractor has a good looking son. Good for your son, GDContractor.


Thank you sir. I’m quite proud of him.

Thank you Hondo! Thank you EX-PH2!


You are quire welcome, GDC. He looks like he’ll grow up to be a thoughtful and mature adult.


That kid is going to make a hell of a Marine….if he can keep his nose clean in H.S,!

Commissioner Wretched

This being Friday and all, I thought I’d drop off this week’s trivia/humor nonsense for you to enjoy (or not, as the case may be). Here ’tis … DID YOU KNOW…? Was O.J. Simpson really considered for the title role in “The Terminator”? By Commissioner Wretched Where has the year gone? It seems like just the day before yesterday I was enjoying the chill of January and watching snow fall from the sky. Now, those flakes of snow and cool temperatures have been replaced by humidity and a swamp-like heat that keeps people like me indoors for the bulk of the day. Kind of like the fellow I know who breeds rabbits. He does it completely indoors; not a one of his rabbits have ever seen the outside. They’re ingrown hares. (Insert your rimshot here.) Back to my point, I hear a lot of people complaining about how hot and humid it is. Those were the same people who complained about how cold, snowy and icy January was. Doesn’t anything make these folks happy? After all, we’ll be back to the chilly weather before you know it. (A comforting thought on days when the temperature seems just this side of Venus.) But one thing never changes, and never fails to satisfy. Trivia, of course. Here’s your weekly dose. E-mail me at didyouknowcolumn@gmail.com if you’ve a mind to, and I’ll send an answer back posthaste. (Or by e-mail, whichever works best.) Let’s slip-side into some trivia! Did you know… … when a hermit crab smells the deceased remains of another hermit crab, it has a very … unusual … reaction? The crab will begin to salivate and become giddy. Smithsonian magazine says hermit crabs are actually cannibals. (Or maybe “crabibals” is the better word.) … there are more barrels of bourbon in Kentucky than there are people in Kentucky? (Make of that what you will, of course. My brother certainly would.) … the average person adds about 37 million bacteria to the air every hour? In case you’re wondering where they get the bacteria, consider … other people are adding bacteria too,… Read more »


Interesting about OJ. Arnold as Kyle Reese just wouldn’t work anyway.


The role didn’t “fit” so the director couldn’t commit? Learn something new every Friday. Thanks CW 11venty7nist? Kuddos on the Kiddo GDC. Young men like that give us old dickweeds hope for our future!

Just An Old Dog

Speaking of casting in Movies Arnold was in Jean Claude Van Damme was originally cast and starting filming as the Alien in “Predator” however he started comliaing that the heavy makeup was too much and it covered his face, so he would not get literal “facetime” on screen.
They fired him and used someone else.

BlueCord Dad

See, I always tell people I have to have at least 4 cups of coffee a day. Now I have scientific evidence to back up my addiction(full disclosure I drink waaay more than 4 cups)🙂


So if the caffeine is diluted by about a gallon of water when you make ice tea, does that still come out to the same four cups a day?


Ah a tea drinker after my own heart!!

Commissioner Wretched

I think you have to drink a lot more iced tea to make up for the four cups, Ex. I live in the deep South and iced tea is a staple down here … it’s actually considered one of the four major food groups.


You are friends with Dalton Coldiron, breeder of bunnies? Indeed, I did NOT know that! 😉


Damn perverts….EVERYWHERE;)

Commissioner Wretched

No, I don’t know Dalton Coldiron. It was basically a joke.


My comment was, too. Figured the sarcasm would be obvious. I guess not.


Here is some more trivia:

The root words for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, derived from northern god counterparts to Roman gods that the days are also named after.

In many Romance languages, the words for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, derived from the Latin words for “Mars Day, Mercury Day, and Jovial (Jupiter) Day, respectively.

Today is Venus Day. :mrgreen:

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Check out “Every day of the week” by the Students on Argo, 1958. Great 50’S kiddie sound.

Commissioner Wretched

That reminds me of an old Baron Munchhausen radio routine:

Baron: …and then, on Wed-nes-day, we …
Sharlie: Wait a minute, Baron. What day?
Baron: Wed-nes-day.
Sharlie: You mean Wednesday, Wednesday! Named after the god Woden!
Baron: No! (Laughs) Wed-nes-day was named after Tuesday.

Funny stuff!


Don’t really want to know the guys who studied either the crabs or the oysters to make their determinations about their behavior at or around the deaths of themselves or others of their species. Yuck.

Come to think of it, don’t want to know the guys who study toe sucking habits either. Are the folks with weird habits or the voyeurs who watch them more strange?

Commissioner Wretched

Or … could it be that the guys who report on things like that are the strangest of all?

Nah, couldn’t be that.


You know you’re in Texas when the weather forecaster says that there is a cold front coming in this weekend and we will be enjoying cooler temps in the 90’s…..
Have a great weekend my friends !!!


FIRST! Close enough for government work.



And because this never gets old, I give you…….


Here’s hoping for some fresh tears come this November. I feed off liberal tears and I’m hungry!

2/17 Air Cav

Never gets old. Always a crowd pleaser. The guy who scrunched his face early in the video just realized that, with all of the wailing, no way he was getting laid that night.


But…but…but it was so much… fun… you see, when those dumbstruck looks landed on the faces of the media mavens… and… and… and they still don’t believe whatshername lost…. and they never will.


Time to pour a large Cry Bully.
Chilled snowflake tears and a shot of Schadenfreude.

Make it a double.

Mmmmm, smoooth….


Nothing sweeter than liberal tears. Makes an excellent gun lube, as well.


At this age, I’ve seen a LOT of election cycles and had a LOT of my favored candidates win nothing. A LOT of my friends come from the very same experience. Not once have I or any of them considered having an emotional breakdown over an election. Until recently.

I actually know people who come unglued at the mention of Trump’s name. A couple of them I considered close friends. Maybe not so much now. If they recover, I will once again consider them close friends.

It really is beyond sad to watch people you care about succumb to such irrational hatred based upon lies and delusions.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Sweet, sweet Schadenfreude…


You’re “onetieth”. :mrgreen:

2/17 Air Cav

GDC. Your boy has “The Look.” No one can fake “The Look.” No one can be taught “The Look.” One either has “The Look” or he does not. And your son has “The Look.”


Thanks 2-17. He has 2 retired USMC Master Gunnery Sergeants grooming him for success. Every fucking day. 🙂


TOP 25.
AND 25TH OF 25.


Present, and some how not drunk yet.
Check out Chip’s vid share. Classic.
Have a GREAT weekend y’all!


Top 50. Getting better.
GDContractor: kudos on your son. I pray he continues to develop into a true man.

Happy weekend to all the TAHell-ions here.

All quiet on the GB homefront. Brought home some Shiner Bock to quaff this evening, life is good.


Thank you Graybeard. We’ve struggled at times but I am 100% confident he is in the right place and among the right role models.


If you never struggled, never wondered if you were doing the right thing, if you and the boy would ever see eye to eye – then you’ve never been a parent.

Hang in there.

Frankie Cee

Offering my weekly update, and Goooooooogle entry on the Prolific Poser, Kyle Christopher Barwan, I noticed on the Aug. 12 2018, his current release date is Nov. 22, 2018, and that he has gained 3 pounds since going to prison. I wonder if the weight gain is related to protein consumption?

Note to anyone finding this comment on google: Kyle Barwan, aka Kyle Reacher, aka Klutch Barwan, aka Klutch Reborn, aka Klutch Denton, aka Kyle Denton, aka Christoper Barwan, aka Klutch Christopher, this turd has falsely claimed the following and more, none of which is true:

* US Special Forces
* US Army Ranger
* US Army Officer
* US Army Paratrooper
* US CIA Operative
* Resident of England
* Having wealthy Parents
* Having an actual life

He is a certified Shit Head, and given the chance will take advantage of you. His father has stated: “Kyle has lied since he could talk, and he is too lazy to work, doing anything that he can to avoid work, watch out for him.”


FC, I copy:
“Kyle Barwan, aka Kyle Reacher, aka Klutch Barwan, aka Klutch Reborn, aka Klutch Denton, aka Kyle Denton, aka Christoper Barwan, aka Klutch Christopher, this turd has falsely claimed the following and more, none of which is true:

* US Special Forces
* US Army Ranger
* US Army Officer
* US Army Paratrooper
* US CIA Operative
* Resident of England
* Having wealthy Parents
* Having an actual life

He is a certified Shit Head, and given the chance will take advantage of you. His father has stated: “Kyle has lied since he could talk, and he is too lazy to work, doing anything that he can to avoid work, watch out for him.” ”


Frankie Cee

I hope that TSO can get some compensation from JiffyLube for them not properly installing the crankcase drain plug in his Bernathian Jeep. He was on a very worthy mission, and was let down, on an interstate, in the rain, far from home. That just is not right. His mission is one that all of us here can appreciate, and I hope that he knows that we are with him in spirit, if not in person. RIP Jonn.


It’s a Jeep, Frankie.

They just don’t make ’em like Kaiser-Willys did, you see. A real Jeep could operate with no crankcase plug.


I have a ’55 CJ-3B and an ’09 Wrangler. I fully expect the ’55 to outlive the ’09. And me.

Perry Gaskill

One of the cool things about the older CJs is that almost every single part down to the frame rails is likely available in the after-market. They are also good at holding value. I’d be very tempted to have one if I didn’t need the hauling/towing capacity of my 4X4 GMC pickup.

Still another issue in California is that Jerry Moonbeam and the eco-Nazi bund have made biannual smog tests mandatory on all vehicles built after 1973. Something which always turns out to be a pain in the ass.


Older CJ’s absolutely do not like ethanol in their gasoline either. Carburetor gaskets, seals, and O-rings have a short life.


All part of having old cars. Those are routine replacements, like hoses, belts, and flexible brake lines.


Routine replacements, yes. Ethanol fuel means replacing much sooner.

Perry Gaskill

The ethanol situation bites the big one. Around here, not only do the pumps not display the ethanol percentage, they don’t even display if the gas has any ethanol in it or not. Effectively meaning there’s no way to opt out. I was in Pismo Beach awhile back and remember asking a gas station clerk if their fuel had ethanol. She was pretty much deer in the headlights.

There was a long discussion on Hemmings a couple of years ago about this, and it turns out that ethanol isn’t just problematic for old cars. It’s also hard on newer small engines such as for chainsaws and mowers, particularly if the ethanol blend exceeds about 10 percent.


Ask anybody with a Harley Davidson what their bike runs like with Ethanol.


there are some original jeeps here, and several are in our veterans day parade…I drool when I see them, want one so bad I can taste it! Had a chance to get one that had been overhauled, original except for a blue paint job for $1200.00 and I didn’t buy it…cry, cry. 😉


Like the Mossy 500 12 gauge son #2 bought used. I had to replace the worn safety tang with an aftermarket, steel one. I expect no further problems with the shottie for the next century or so.


Dry crankcase = disaster = new engine.
Especially when there’s a lawer involved.


Used to work for a law firm that represented a guy that owned about six Jiffy Lubes. His nit wit employees screwed up oil changes on a regular basis. He bought quite a few new engines for his customers every year. Their fave malfunction move was to forget to put in the new oil.


Hire low-intellect employees for low-wages, and pay your customers.

Now that I am not gainfully employed, it is back to changing my own oil. At least I know it is done correctly.


In the early days of front wheel drive, my ex-girlfriend brought me her Saab 96, running like crap since her ‘mechanic’ boyfriend changed the oil. Turned out Mr. Gas Station Genius had carefully drained her transmission fluid and added 5 additional quarts to the engine.


Friday? Again?
Oh yeah, now I remember. I’m retired.

Sharp looking kid there with the rolled sleeves. I like the hat…eeerr cap…..no that’s not it….cover. It’s a cover.
And it’s Friday.


This just in….

Pentagon Announces Military Parade Will Be Postponed Until Next Year

Breitbart News Link

Eye-watering costs balloon.

The Pentagon on Thursday evening announced that the military parade planned for November will be postponed until next year.

“The Department of Defense and White House have been planning a parade to honor America’s military veterans and commemorate the centennial of World War I. We originally targeted November 10, 2018 for this event but have now agreed to explore opportunities in 2019,” said Department of Defense Spokesman Army Col. Rob Manning.

The announcement comes after CNBC reported that the estimated costs of the parade were as high as $92 million — more than $80 million over the original cost estimate. Other news outlets picked up the story, which continued to gain attention throughout the day.

Dodged that bullet for another year.


Good, now they can all wear their new uniforms. 😀

Cameron Kingsley

Honestly, I would like to see the parade done with all the services wearing the uniforms from different eras and marching in chronological order from the oldest to the newest so you can see how things have changed. Now that to me would be an awesome sight. Perhaps the 3rd Infantry Regiment should go first.


Remember the old line about marching Chinese four abreast past one point, and that the line would never end since they reproduced faster than the line could march? Seen a LOT of new uniforms over the years…


Their human wave attacks remind me of the movie “Zulu”.


NDTBF has parades, but can’t afford a hotel room. Go figure.


Just saw Sec Def Mattis saying he wouldn’t even dignify that cost estimate with a reply, and that the reason the person giving that estimate wanted to remain anonymous is that if they didn’t they’d be called an idiot…. I’m gonna go with Chaos being right on this..
Regardless of your opinion on the parade itself..

Perry Gaskill

Something that might be pointed out is November 11, 2018 is the centennial for the Armistice Day ending World War I. It seems to me pushing the date back to 2019 is lame to the level of why bother having the parade at all.

2/17 Air Cav

Technically speaking, Perry, the war did not end on 11 November 1918 but in 1919 with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. 11 November 1918 ended the warring, by an agreed-to armistice, but not the war.


Only the shooting stopped on 11/11/2018, not the war. Either side could have started it up; in the law of warfare, a state of war existed until the treaty was signed.

Perry Gaskill

Lighten up, legal beagles. November 11 is a common reference holiday because Armistice Day morphed into Veterans Day.

The Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28 which nobody remembers unless they’re an historian, or are maybe really desperate for an excuse to suck down a few at the local saloon…

A Proud Infidel®™️

46st and Honorary First once again.

2/17 Air Cav

What’s that work out to by the inch?

A 19-year old male was awarded 2.1 million in damages for being “molested” by a female teacher when he was 15 or 16. According to the story, they did it here, there, and everywhere–all over San Diego. She went to prison. He’s going to the bank.


So he got the pu$$y AND the money. This kid will go far in life.

Perry Gaskill

Send that cougar over to my house and I’ll make sure she’s disciplined in an appropriate fashion…


Heavy Chevy update. The other day I did a license search on the state of Texas website under the search term “Dennis Chevalier” (alt spelling Chevyliar). None of his licences in the security sector (including private investigator) were in an “active” status. Make of that what you will….

A Proud Infidel®™️

Is ‘ol “Blobfish” still in lockup?

Hack Stone

In other Heavy Chevy news, he was able to trace his ancestry back 3200 years.


2/17 Air Cav

Hack: This is too good to be true. Ready? A line from the NYT article reads, “The ancient cheese, which was sometimes included in the feasts buried alongside wealthy Egyptians, was probably similar in consistency to chevre….”


Last, until the next person posts.

Heading south tomorrow to pay my respects.


And, God bless you and whoever else can get there, for that. I wish that I could have, not to be.

Bill M

Lastest last!

I really have to set up some reminders around here.

2/17 Air Cav

Get this. The lefty loon mayor of Chicago is under attack by every other lefty loon in Chicago. Faced with murders, murders, and more murders, he actually suggested that maybe moral decay is playing a role in all of the killings and that faith (!) and family (Dad, not baby daddy) have a role to play in reducing the body count. No shit, but no lefty is ever supposed to say things like that.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Personal Responsibility? That’s a complete and total anathema to all liberals!


His days are number-red, as Gandalf might say.

He’s an idiot. Always has been. Whoever gets that job next had better be a tough cookie and start cracking down on the gangbangers, first and foremost.

2/17 Air Cav


2/17 Air Cav

You can’t beat lastiest. You just can’t. Any entries after that one, including this one, are premature entries in next week’s WOT–but don’t count for first.

2/17 Air Cav

In baseball news, there was a triple play made last night of the kind that hadn’t been made in 106 years. 1-0-6 Years. What was so special? The batter was never put out. All three outs came c/o the runners on base. To make matters even stranger, there was a “4th” out in that the force of the runner on 1st made a tag unnecessary but the tag was applied anyway. The rare play was made by the Rangers. Many were heard to ask, “Dahell just happened?”


“Many were heard to ask, “Dahell just happened?”

Including, Umpires, announcers, both Managers and benches.


In October, it will be 51 years since a bunch of hippies and draft dodgers decided to meet at the reflecting pool on the Mall in Washington, DC. After a bit, they all decided to stroll over to the Pentagon (mostly because no one was paying any attention to them at the Pool).

So they upped stakes and walked over there. It was a warm, if slightly hazy autumn afternoon and I was living at Quarters K, just up the hill from the Pentagon. It’s all expensive apartments now, but back then, it was a small base where people who worked at the Pentagon lived.
Someone said something was going on over at the Pentagon, so I went outside to watch. As I watched from the hill, this large, disorganized crowd gathered outside that big building and did mostly nothing. Some protest, eh?
Well, a few bold souls decided that they’d invade the Pentagon, the purpose being to get into the Selective Service files – or so I was told. So at least three guys, two dark haired and one fair-haired, got into the building and shortly thereafter were thrown out by the MPs. I saw at least three, but there might have been one I missed.
I have never been so bored as I was then, and I did wonder what made those idiots think they could find anything unless they knew their way around. But the crowd began to break up after a while, the crowd began to thin out and about an hour later, they were gone.
Nothing like the 1968 protests in the fall of that year in Chicago at the Democratic National Convention. That’s when Mayor John Daley gave his infamous ‘shoot to kill’ order to the CPD.
It was all on TV. Seems like it really wasn’t all that long ago, either.


Lefties do love to commemorate stuff, so they “recreated” that “march” in 2007. The month of March seemed to be more to their liking than waiting until October, so they did it then instead.

They seemed so surprised when they discovered a bunch of patriots waving US flags (displayed properly) and chanting “USA.” Oh, that was a fine morning.

Maybe a Gathering of Eagles was significant in us seeing no 50th anniversary last year.


Chuck Norris was born 6MAY1945

The Nazis surrendered 7MAY1945

A coincidence?

I don’t think so

Bill M

Well, that explains that, by golly. I don’t believe in coincidences!

Just An Old Dog

sounds good except Chuck was born March 10, 1940

A Proud Infidel®™️

The Sun rises in the East and sets in the West because CHUCK NORRIS TOLD IT TO!


Apparently lefties see having a security clearance as a status symbol. Is there any other explanation for why they are so upset at the prospect of no longer having one?

Can anyone explain why any folks should maintain a clearance after they leave the federal payroll? I just don’t get why this is even an issue.


They use it to prove to civilian employers how much trust and respect the US govt has for them. So they get bigger consultancy checks and such. It’s pure greed.

They could be given clearances back, even temporarily, to be read back in to old or new cases if their expertise or advice was needed.

Just An Old Dog

Guess what lowlife piece of dog-shit has a marker in Sarasota National Cemetery ?


‘Sir’ Crash-a-lot?

Just An Old Dog

The one and only. His marker has an eagle on it, PH2 US Navy, Vietnam, that he “lived life well” and Husband, Dad, Grandpa on it.

They left out Piece of shit, cocksucker, motherfucker, Psychopath, Liar, Thief, Asshole, Ball-wart, fraud, bung-aficionado, Taint-master, fuckface, rat-beard, pederast, and many others.


And child p0rn distributor.


This marker?

I love the “Lived Life Well” sentiment carved into the stone.



An interesting phenomena will occur today at 6:18pm. It will be 8-18, at 18:18, and you can even add the 18 seconds if you like – it still reads the same frontwards and backwards.


Bernath is still dead.