Friday morning feel good stories

| July 20, 2018

In South Fulton, Georgia;

The victim told police that her ex-boyfriend came to her home on Montilly Place and kicked down her front door. According to investigators, she repeatedly warned him that she was armed and that she would shoot him.

Police said the man continued into the house and the woman fired three shots, hitting him once in the chest.

The man was taken to Grady Memorial Hospital in unknown condition.

Bobo sends a link from some-damn-where in California – this new breed of journalists can’t be bothered with datelines anymore;

Sergio Hernandez Jr. and his father arrived home around noon Monday to discover a stranger standing in their back yard, he told KGTV.

The man claimed to be hiding from a dog, but he hopped a fence when Hernandez noticed the window to his father’s bedroom had been opened, he told the station.

Hernandez chased the man down and brought him back to talk to his father, Sergio Hernandez Sr., who said three rooms in their home had been ransacked and called police, reported The San Diego Union-Tribune.

When the man tried again to escape, Hernandez – a professional mixed martial arts fighter – threw him to the ground and put him in a triangle choke hold, he told the publication.

“It took at least five minutes for the cops to show up,” Hernandez told the Union-Tribune. “It may not seem like a long time, but when you’re holding a giant guy who’s trying not go to jail, it feels like forever.”

A video posted to Instagram shows Hernandez sitting calmly on the ground with his legs locked around the accused burglar’s throat.

From Houston, Texas;

Police in southeast Houston are investigating an alleged carjacking that led to an exchange of gunfire and a car crash early Thursday.

One of three suspects involved was killed while the other two got away, police say.

Police say a man was carjacked for his pickup in the parking lot of the complex, but when the three suspects went to speed away they went the wrong direction and became trapped. The victim caught up to them on foot and pulled out his gun. The suspects and the victim exchanged gunfire, and one of the suspects was shot.

The wounded suspect got out and ran to the tollway while the other two fled the scene.

The suspect collapsed in the roadway and caused an oncoming driver to swerve and crash into a nearby construction zone.

It happened around 2 a.m. at an apartment complex along Beltway 8 and Pearland Parkway.

The suspect died at the scene. There were no other injuries reported. Police searched by ground and air but the other two suspects were not located.

Oh, behave;

My cousin takes this pervert down for grabbing her ass. He is later arrested in front of his wife and 2 kids when the cops arrived. from r/JusticeServed

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Re: waitress—-Is it two points for a takedown?

(And he got arrested. Yeah for video cameras.)

Deplorable B Woodman

In the Kalifornia story, I’m envisioning the scene in Princess Bride where Cary Elwes takes down Andre the Giant.


When Sergio called and told us we said yeah right and LOAO until he sent the video. He could’ve broke the assholes neck…

John Seabee

You misspelled “should’ve”… 😉


She has a good looking butt 🙂


The somewhere-damn-California is actually near San Diego based on comment about being reported in a San Diego newspaper.


These videos are quite refreshing.

Doc Savage

Good for her…that jackass needs a mudhole stomped in his ass


How hard is it to keep your hands to yourself? How would he like someone grabbing his daughters butt? Good for the waitress, nice grab and throw miss.

Jon The Mechanic

Five minutes with a triangle choke and the guy is still fighting? He must have either not had it applied correctly or he was using it as a control hold to keep the guy from getting away. Either way, I call bad tactics.

I have seen people go to sleep in less 30 seconds when pressure is applied. Also, why the hell do you want to put your junk somewhere that someone can easily bite you and cause serious injury?


It is fair to say he wasn’t trying to choke him out. If he goes unconscious you have to check his airway and make sure he is still breathing. So you just keep him locked down.


That waitress was lucky. Attacking someone after they no longer posed a threat is a good way to get sent to jail. The guy is a douchebag, but that is not sufficient justification for the use of force.

The assault on her behind was criminal, certainly, and I certainly don’t shed tears for the guy getting body slammed. However, bringing the cops into it after delivering a smackdown is asking for trouble.


Omega….you just upchucked a bunch of CRAP! imo

Lewis Ray Rains

If everyone else refuses to call the Law on these kinds of people, I would think that it was a sign to others that they could try doing it & possiblely get by with it! Fear of reprisals at a later date is something to think about of course but, everyone should stand for turning these people & there like, in to the Law!! If something should happen after the fact, call the Law, but PROTECT YOURSELF IS THE PRIORITY!!!